The Challenge: What Ifs

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What if Zach & Jonna win Exiles on Exes 2? 

What if Zach & Jonna win Exiles on Exes 2? 

Probably nothing changes--they couldn't work together because Zach was crazy

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What if Zach & Jonna win Exiles on Exes 2? 

I legit though that said Zach & Jenna and I was so confused

What if nany never took a break and was in invasion,dirty 30, vendettas. Does she make a final?

What if nany never took a break and was in invasion,dirty 30, vendettas. Does she make a final?

No. she would've flopped like she always does. She also would've been a full blown ***** as she was starting to get entitled and have a stank *** attitude when she stopped doing the show.

What if nany never took a break and was in invasion,dirty 30, vendettas. Does she make a final?

She wouldn't have made it onto Oasis in Invasion. She flops in eliminations.

Nany is just sooo good at flopping I can't see her make a final ever again.


What if nany never took a break and was in invasion,dirty 30, vendettas. Does she make a final?

She wouldn't have made it onto Oasis in Invasion. She flops in eliminations.

Nany is just sooo good at flopping I can't see her make a final ever again.

Nany easily could have won a mission to make it. Plus every elimination other than the first one could have been rigged for her to win. When things are timed we never know the truth. 



What if nany never took a break and was in invasion,dirty 30, vendettas. Does she make a final?

She wouldn't have made it onto Oasis in Invasion. She flops in eliminations.

Nany is just sooo good at flopping I can't see her make a final ever again.

Nany easily could have won a mission to make it. Plus every elimination other than the first one could have been rigged for her to win. When things are timed we never know the truth. 

Hmmm... wasn't the LaToya's and Sylvia's elimination a footrace? I can see Nany beating LaToya, but the only constant for Nany is losing.


What if nany never took a break and was in invasion,dirty 30, vendettas. Does she make a final?

She wouldn't have made it onto Oasis in Invasion. She flops in eliminations.

Nany is just sooo good at flopping I can't see her make a final ever again.

Nany easily could have won a mission to make it. Plus every elimination other than the first one could have been rigged for her to win. When things are timed we never know the truth. 

Hmmm... wasn't the LaToya's and Sylvia's elimination a footrace? I can see Nany beating LaToya, but the only constant for Nany is losing.

They raced up a hill and then back down--they started at separate times.   Production can claim either won.  But, yes, essentially a footrace.



jesus CHRIST!! so I guess I should stop waiting for him to show up on The Challenge then *****.

god, Dirty 30 is what could have been. I remember reading that Cody and Makani from Stranded were called from it, and some people from RW Bad Blood (Anna, Tyara). Of course Coral as well. Averey. And hold up, "When CT's passport was denied, Dylan Moore was flown to Columbia as a replacement in case CT couldn't get there. CT did arrive, Dylan got sent home without competing."

WHAT?! he was screwed two seasons in a row ?!?

I can't be too mad at CT making Dirty Thirty because that was the last season he truly competed.  Although it would have been interesting to have Dylan on there. Maybe replace Derrick from AYTO for Dylan. 

dario was a waste of a spot that season. His only contribution was to be the butt of Jemmye's real world joke montage lol

dirty 30 truly did have some missed opportunities for casting. Beth not being asked at all and her saying she would do it is still a travesty in my book, among other alums. 

Yep either Dario or Derrick from AYTO would have been fine. 

What if KellyAnne was used over Britni/Nicole R on Vendettas, does she make the final?

What if KellyAnne was used over Britni/Nicole R on Vendettas, does she make the final?

Politically I don't see her being in that good of a spot, so she probably gets sent into multiple eliminations. KA is kind of hard to assess because competitively, she was past her prime at that point. However, based on the female eliminations and who went into them, she might skate pretty far. I could see her losing to Laurel in the second mercenary challenge since that's where Britini left. So making the final is entirely possible for her assuming she gets sent into the right eliminations. I actually see her doing well against either party in a few (Crazy 8 mercs, Pole Position, Basket Case).

What if nany never took a break and was in invasion,dirty 30, vendettas. Does she make a final?

She was already falling off competitively during  Bloodlines so her performances would be consistently lackluster.

Assuming she's where she is now, I think she could under most formats.

She's capable of winning the last challenge in Invasion and, those last two eliminations pre-Oasis she could proabably win (timed). I forget how the voting went down but, she should probably skate past any eliminations. I see her losing in the Rookie Purge elimination.

I think she should be in a very good spot during D30. She'd have friends in multiple places: Cara&Camila / Jenna & Kailah; I think she'd be on good terms with Jemmeye and Marie. And, she should have the support of Bananas' group of guys. Her downfall would be she's associated with too many people and if she gets sent in she's dust. Anything could happen with the purges and with her luck that's probably where she ends up getting eliminated.

Vendettas she could skate towards the end again. And, due to the set up of the format, she probably doesn't get sent in at all. The only season I could see her pulling off a final appearance, don't think she'd win.

What if Jenny and Brian had done exes 2? That would have been interesting 

What if Evelyn did the right thing and stole Bananas key on The Island instead of Dunbar's.. so the key holders would be Kenny, Dunbar, Ev, Paula, Ryan, Jenn, Derrick, and Robin.. what would the teams be and who would have won??

What if Evelyn did the right thing and stole Bananas key on The Island instead of Dunbar's.. so the key holders would be Kenny, Dunbar, Ev, Paula, Ryan, Jenn, Derrick, and Robin.. what would the teams be and who would have won??

Kenny, Dunbar, Paula, and Derrick and they win (gross)

What if Evelyn did the right thing and stole Bananas key on The Island instead of Dunbar's.. so the key holders would be Kenny, Dunbar, Ev, Paula, Ryan, Jenn, Derrick, and Robin.. what would the teams be and who would have won??

Kenny, Dunbar, Paula, and Derrick and they win (gross)

But then Duel 2 and The Ruins would be more exciting I think.

I think Evelyn would've been on Duel 2 if she hadn't won The Island. same with Johnny.

I think Evelyn would've been on Duel 2 if she hadn't won The Island. same with Johnny.

Yep and Dunbar and Paula (who were main storylines) would not have been.. at least I think that was the season they didn't contact the winners from the previous season.

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What if Leroy was on Battle of the Seasons instead of Dustin? How does Vegas do and how does this change everything since Dustin was a huge part of the season?

I still think they make it to the finals and finish 2nd. But Leroy wouldn't have brought the drama as much as Dustin did. Dustin had no patience dealing with Trishelle and I think Lee would have been more level headed with her.

I still think they make it to the finals and finish 2nd. But Leroy wouldn't have brought the drama as much as Dustin did. Dustin had no patience dealing with Trishelle and I think Lee would have been more level headed with her.

You think Lee would be able to calm Alton down and stop him from quitting?

I still think they make it to the finals and finish 2nd. But Leroy wouldn't have brought the drama as much as Dustin did. Dustin had no patience dealing with Trishelle and I think Lee would have been more level headed with her.

You think Lee would be able to calm Alton down and stop him from quitting?

I think he'll do better with Trishelle and Nany plus I don't think the other teams would be going at the Vegas team as hard with him on the cast instead of Dustin.

Agreed, Leroy probably keeps Vegas closer to San Diego and does what he can to prevent any Alton drama.

Agreed, Leroy probably keeps Vegas closer to San Diego and does what he can to prevent any Alton drama.

So Brooklyn might be ****** - since besides winning those two eliminations and winning the next too challenges, they practically flew under the radar as the main alliances turned on Las Vegas.

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What if Knight was on Free Agents instead of Isaac like he was supposed to and Frank was never sick? How would those two things change the season?

What if Knight was on Free Agents instead of Isaac like he was supposed to and Frank was never sick? How would those two things change the season?

Frank never being sick means Frank could have won

Knight replacing Isaac doesn't mean anything.  Knight might be weaker than Isaac

I still think they make it to the finals and finish 2nd. But Leroy wouldn't have brought the drama as much as Dustin did. Dustin had no patience dealing with Trishelle and I think Lee would have been more level headed with her.

They would have epically failed in that sink or swim mission where they have to dive under water. 


What if Knight was on Free Agents instead of Isaac like he was supposed to and Frank was never sick? How would those two things change the season?

Frank never being sick means Frank could have won

Knight replacing Isaac doesn't mean anything.  Knight might be weaker than Isaac

As long as Frank never gets into any of the Free Agent eliminations against Zach, CT, Leroy, or Bananas he's set for the Final. 

What if the Fresh Meat team on BoTS was Pete, Brandon,Cara,Mandi? How does that change things?
