The Challenge: What Ifs

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The Challenge: What Ifs

I think we talk a lot about how things would have changed in the game if someone had gone left instead of right at a point and I figured I'd start this thread for people to map out how they think things would've changed if different decisions had been made. I didn't really intend this to be for tiny things (i.e. if CT hadn't ripped the flag he would've won the Duel), but more complicated changes. Here are a couple I've thought about (Mods, I thought this was different enough from the generic thread but if not I understand if it needs to be moved) Challenge: The Island What If: Johnny hadn't taken Evelyn's key back after the face-off with Cohutta and Derrick Why: It would've kept Evelyn out of the next face-offs and kept Johnny's key out of jeopardy for the rest of the game What should've happened: Johnny should've taken Kellyanne's key How things would've changed: I think strategically this would've been a brilliant move. Eventually, there's going to be a final face-off where the person won't be able to get their key back. If you're Johnny, you WANT Evelyn to have a key at that point because then you get one of your people to win, grab the key, and she's gone. So if he had taken Kellyanne's key here's what would've happened: The next face-off would've been the same. Ryan/Johanna/Colie with Ryan winning. Ryan likely would've been adamant about not taking Evelyn or Jenn's keys so the next option would've been Robin. After Ryan takes Robin's key, the final face-off is Kellyanne, Dan (both of whom were terrible at it), Robin, and Johanna (who almost beat Evelyn at it). I'd bet money on Johanna in that face-off. Johanna gets to take the last key, which would've been Evelyn's. The final boats at that point would've been Kenny, Derrick, Johnny and Dunbar, vs. Johanna, Paula, Ryan, and Jenn. Evelyn doesn't win the Island, Paula wouldn't have freaked out because there was no "backstabbing" after Dunbar left, and Dunbar would've won his first challenge with JKD eliminating his Johnny Bananas animosity. Evelyn probably doesn't walk into the Ruins willing to play nice with JEK, and Dunbar isn't on the Challengers team. I think things worked out for TV purposes, but the smarter/safer move was to take Kellyanne's key.

What if Team Sydney, Team Key West (Johnny, Tyler, Paula, ?) and a real team Freshmeat (Kenny, Brandon, Evelyn, Laurel) competed in BOTS2?
Ive been waiting for a thread like this In Rivals 2, What if Jordan and Marlon voted for Diem and Aneesa to go in against Camila and Jemmye; lets say Camila and Jem won what do you guys think would of happened after ? I would say the finals will be like : 1st- Emily and Paula / CT and Wes 2nd- Nany and Jonna / Leroy and Ty 3rd- Camila and Jemmye / Jordan and Marlon
The Challenge: Cutthroat What If: Camila had picked Johnny first rather than Dunbar? (as Johnny suggested in his BOTE interview) Why: The Red team would've been stacked to the point of hilarity What Would've Happened: (Some of these picks are leaps on my part but bear with me) Round 1 Red: Johnny Grey: Vinny (Shauvon made this pick with the whole pool available...I'm assuming she'd still make it) Blue: Brad (this is the only real leap I'm going to make, she could easily pick Derrick or Abe here but let's roll with it) Red: Laurel (Johnny's best friend was her partner on FM2 and probably talked her up, easy pick here) Grey: Sarah (Vinny said he was in Shauvon's ear about who to pick and was trying to stack the team with people who wouldn't vote him in) Blue: Tori (obviously) Round 2: Red: Derrick (obvious) Grey: Abram (Shauvon wanted this pick, so I assume she'd make it still) Blue: Dunbar (like Vinny, Brad and Tori were trying to stack the team with their friends) Red: Jenn (Johnny made this pick when all the girls left were still available to him so it stands) Grey: Emily (leap here, but I'm gonna guess it would happen) Blue: Paula (see Dunbar) Round 3: Red: Tyler (I think Johnny knows what Tyler can do, so I'd bet on this pick) Grey: Dan (made this same pick here with everyone still available, so they'd make it again) Blue: Chet (see Dunbar) Red: Theresa (Laurel and Jenn are both good friends with her, I'd guess on them pushing for this pick) Grey: Ayiiia (see Dan) Blue: Melinda (see Dunbar) Round 4: Red: Ty (Johnny wanted him) Grey: Luke (see Dan) Blue: Derek (Emilee pushed Blue to pick him up the first time, probably same situation here) Red: Cara Maria (Laurel wouldn't have wanted Mandi and no way they'd take Katie) Grey: Mandi (only option) Blue: Katie (only option) Round 5: Red: Brandon Grey: JD Blue: Easy Final Teams: Red: Johnny Derrick Tyler Ty Brandon Camila Laurel Jenn Theresa Cara Maria Grey: Vinny Abram Luke Dan JD Emily Mandi Shauvon Ayiiia Sarah Blue: Brad Dunbar Chet Derek Easy Katie Tori Paula Melinda Emilee Basically, the old Blue team traded Emily, Easy, Katie, Derek, and Emilee for Laurel, Camila, Cara Maria, Brandon and Tyler and would've been head and shoulders the best team there.
[QUOTE=JL81790;399526]The Challenge: Cutthroat What If: Camila had picked Johnny first rather than Dunbar? (as Johnny suggested in his BOTE interview) Why: The Red team would've been stacked to the point of hilarity What Would've Happened: (Some of these picks are leaps on my part but bear with me) Round 1 Red: Johnny Grey: Vinny (Shauvon made this pick with the whole pool available...I'm assuming she'd still make it) Blue: Brad (this is the only real leap I'm going to make, she could easily pick Derrick or Abe here but let's roll with it) Red: Laurel ([B]Johnny's best friend was her partner on FM2 and probably talked her up, easy pick here[/B]) Grey: Sarah (Vinny said he was in Shauvon's ear about who to pick and was trying to stack the team with people who wouldn't vote him in) Blue: Tori (obviously) Round 2: Red: Derrick (obvious) Grey: Abram (Shauvon wanted this pick, so I assume she'd make it still) Blue: Dunbar (like Vinny, Brad and Tori were trying to stack the team with their friends) Red: Jenn (Johnny made this pick when all the girls left were still available to him so it stands) Grey: Emily (leap here, but I'm gonna guess it would happen) Blue: Paula (see Dunbar) Round 3: Red: Tyler (I think Johnny knows what Tyler can do, so I'd bet on this pick) Grey: Dan (made this same pick here with everyone still available, so they'd make it again) Blue: Chet (see Dunbar) Red: Theresa (Laurel and Jenn are both good friends with her, I'd guess on them pushing for this pick) Grey: Ayiiia (see Dan) Blue: Melinda (see Dunbar) Round 4: Red: Ty (Johnny wanted him) Grey: Luke (see Dan) Blue: Derek (Emilee pushed Blue to pick him up the first time, probably same situation here) Red: Cara Maria (Laurel wouldn't have wanted Mandi and no way they'd take Katie) Grey: Mandi (only option) Blue: Katie (only option) Round 5: Red: Brandon Grey: JD Blue: Easy Final Teams: Red: Johnny Derrick Tyler Ty Brandon Camila Laurel Jenn Theresa Cara Maria Grey: Vinny Abram Luke Dan JD Emily Mandi Shauvon Ayiiia Sarah Blue: Brad Dunbar Chet Derek Easy Katie Tori Paula Melinda Emilee Basically, the old Blue team traded Emily, Easy, Katie, Derek, and Emilee for Laurel, Camila, Cara Maria, Brandon and Tyler and would've been head and shoulders the best team there.[/QUOTE] Johnny wasn't on FM2
[QUOTE=DarkFights;399527]Johnny wasn't on FM2[/QUOTE] It says "Johnny's best friend was her partner" in Kenny. I'm sure Kenny told him how good Laurel is before Cutthroat.
The biggest What If boils down to if they don't give Wes the head start on The Duel That or if Brad's chain wasn't jammed on Duel 2 and he beats Evan. In that scenario, does The Ruins even happen?
As you eluded to, but didn't mention. Johnny doesn't win his first challenge on the Island (which also could have been taken away during the 2nd vote where Abe asked for out). On the Ruins, he doesn't win since he's on the depleted challenger team. He still could have been a 2 time winner in Rivals and Exes, but this makes his resume look a lot more unimpressive.
I always wonder if on the Brad vs. Landon elimination on the Duel 2, brad would have been DQed for swinging the ring. Landon would have made the final and probably win. This would mean that Evan would have been on the challengers team on The Ruins.
[QUOTE=nevidcm;399534]I always wonder if on the Brad vs. Landon elimination on the Duel 2, brad would have been DQed for swinging the ring. Landon would have made the final and probably win. This would mean that Evan would have been on the challengers team on The Ruins.[/QUOTE] And because of the JEK alliance, Evan might not have even seen an elimination as long as the challengers lost.
[QUOTE=nevidcm;399534]I always wonder if on the Brad vs. Landon elimination on the Duel 2, brad would have been DQed for swinging the ring. Landon would have made the final and probably win. This would mean that Evan would have been on the challengers team on The Ruins.[/QUOTE] Yep--this would have been huge and made The Ruins that much better because without Evan I'm not sure Kenny & Johnny run that side especially considering Susie's hatred of Johnny
If they sent Cooke home with Naomi and had Cara as Trishelle's replacement
[QUOTE=Challenge 17;399567]If they sent Cooke home with Naomi and had Cara as Trishelle's replacement[/QUOTE] What would be the point of that? They started to only replaced people before the first elimination on Rivals Case before the first elimination of their gender. Felt bad for sarah , but oh well.
True but back on the gauntlet 3 they replaced Tyrie in the forth episode
[QUOTE=Challenge 17;399574]True but back on the gauntlet 3 they replaced Tyrie in the forth episode[/QUOTE] True, but things change since gaunlet 3. Back then you were not allowed to hit someone and stayed on the shows even if it was an open hand. Now they are allowed. If not sarah and Heather would have got partners on exes/Rivals 2.
[QUOTE=PinkRose;399569]What would be the point of that? They started to only replaced people before the first elimination on Rivals Case before the first elimination of their gender. Felt bad for sarah , but oh well.[/QUOTE] They either shouldn't replace or should replace regardless of when it happens after filming begins IMO
What if Abe didn't ask to be sent home on the Island? What if Ev didn't throw the Ruins elimination? What if Adam never punched Ty? What if Darrell had picked Laurel as his FM2 partner? What if the original Vegas 2 team of Leroy, Cooke, Dustin, and Nany had made it on Seasons 2? What if Easy hadn't quit Seasons 2? So many what ifs actually....
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;399579]What if Abe didn't ask to be sent home on the Island? What if Ev didn't throw the Ruins elimination? What if Adam never punched Ty? What if Darrell had picked Laurel as his FM2 partner? What if the original Vegas 2 team of Leroy, Cooke, Dustin, and Nany had made it on Seasons 2? What if Easy hadn't quit Seasons 2? So many what ifs actually....[/QUOTE] Well those are all good. When I made the thread I figured people would play them out a little bit. What do you think would have happened had those things happened/not happened?
[QUOTE=nevidcm;399534]I always wonder if on the Brad vs. Landon elimination on the Duel 2, brad would have been DQed for swinging the ring. Landon would have made the final and probably win. This would mean that Evan would have been on the challengers team on The Ruins.[/QUOTE] Yeah but you can also look at it as Landon could have gotten completely DQ'd for German Suplexing Brad in the first round and knocking him loopy instead of just losing that round
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;399591]Yeah but you can also look at it as Landon could have gotten completely DQ'd for German Suplexing Brad in the first round and knocking him loopy instead of just losing that round[/QUOTE] That doesn't make any sense nor is that a change
[QUOTE=kvm1977;399592]That doesn't make any sense nor is that a change[/QUOTE] I meant in terms of saying "X could have gotten DQ'd" there's also a worse version of the DQ that did happen, so I consider it a wash of a what if
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;399594]I meant in terms of saying "X could have gotten DQ'd" there's also a worse version of the DQ that did happen, so I consider it a wash of a what if[/QUOTE] You're still not making sense. This isn't an argument over whether or not Brad should have been DQ'd just a "what if" scenario
[QUOTE=kvm1977;399596]You're still not making sense. This isn't an argument over whether or not Brad should have been DQ'd just a "what if" scenario[/QUOTE] Yes I know, again I was saying you could also do a what if that eliminates that 3rd round completely too which puts us back in the same spot. Not important though
What if Paula was on free agents? What if Inferno 2 Bad *** had Puck , Melissa and Coral on it as originally planned?
[QUOTE=challenge13;399607]What if Paula was on free agents? What if Inferno 2 Bad *** had Puck , Melissa and Coral on it as originally planned?[/QUOTE] Well we don't know how free agents turn out, so we'll have to wait. Inferno 2 ******** would still lose. Probably way worse than they originally did. It would be way more entertaining season, which is nuts because I2 was already entertaining.
[QUOTE=challenge13;399607]What if Inferno 2 Bad *** had Puck , Melissa and Coral on it as originally planned?[/QUOTE] The question is...who replaced them?
[QUOTE=JL81790;399589]Well those are all good. When I made the thread I figured people would play them out a little bit. What do you think would have happened had those things happened/not happened?[/QUOTE] Most of those are a bit to difficult for me to even get into right now, but I think Vegas 2 would have been the team to beat that season and would have likely made at least the final. If anything, it would have been better seeing as how Leroy and Cooke could have even calmed the other two hotheads down a bit. I doubt we get an actual Ruins final if Ev stays, seeing as she'd take out every girl left.
I got one. What if the Fresh Meat never came in and Ruined the challenges? The challenges would've been much more enjoyable and entertaining.
[QUOTE=Debut Album;399773]I got one. What if the Fresh Meat never came in and Ruined the challenges? The challenges would've been much more enjoyable and entertaining.[/QUOTE] boooo
What if Adam R./Nany hadn't been dropped from Battle of the Exes right before the cast departed for the Dominican Republic. There would have been 3 teams from Vegas 2011, so it would have been interesting to see if they all would have worked together or simply done their own thing. I can only wonder if Ty and Adam would have continued their feud from Rivals. I gotta assume there still would have been some bad blood between them. It also would have been funny to observe whether Adam could have made it through a show without prematurely getting himself kicked off LOL. The other big what if I have is from BOTS (2012). The Fresh Meat/Spring Break team was brought in as a last second replacement for Sydney. What would have happened if the Road Rules team they considered using (Derrick/Darrell/Rachel/Katie) had been the replacement team instead. The rest of the field would have had a legitimate threat to worry about rather than a pushover team that served as nothing more than a perennial punching bag. It has been awhile since we have seen most of those that would have been on the Road Rules team. Would they all still be the beasts we remember them to be or would any of them possibly pulled an Alton and shown themselves to be nothing more than a shell of their former selves? It also would have been very interesting to see if all the first time rookies would have had the same hate and disrespect for the road rulers as they had for every other veteran team that was on that season.
[QUOTE=challenge13;399607]What if Paula was on free agents? QUOTE] My head would probably explode.
