The Challenge: Season 40 - Early Pointless Speculation

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hopefully paulie is the first boot again and drags down tori with him.


he's one of the only people who won't be a Tori-minion, will bring at least SOME sort of messiness, and will be a much-needed ally to Cara, so I feel like there's way bigger fish to fry as a Cara fan than wanting Paulie of all people out first 

Tori is too protected to really leave early so she and Cara will dance around each other all season and either settle it at the end or the final.

Unless, one of them fumbles , but I'm sure production will do their best to keep one of the major beefs going most of the season.

Prayer circle for the Laurel/Cara/Averey/Nia/Kellyanne/Jodi/Nurys/Zara alliance to beat down the Tori/Michele/Kaycee/Olivia/Aneesa/Emily alliance.

Prayer circle for the Laurel/Cara/Averey/Nia/Kellyanne/Jodi/Nurys/Zara alliance to beat down the Tori/Michele/Kaycee/Olivia/Aneesa/Emily alliance.


hopefully paulie is the first boot again and drags down tori with him.

You're a Cara fan and you want this? You're disgusting! Agreed on the part about Tori, though 


hopefully paulie is the first boot again and drags down tori with him.


he's one of the only people who won't be a Tori-minion, will bring at least SOME sort of messiness, and will be a much-needed ally to Cara, so I feel like there's way bigger fish to fry as a Cara fan than wanting Paulie of all people out first 

paulie sucks though.... in a group of men he's average while cara is elite against her women cast. He's just going to make it worse for her somehow like he always does. 

Prayer circle for the Laurel/Cara/Averey/Nia/Kellyanne/Jodi/Nurys/Zara alliance to beat down the Tori/Michele/Kaycee/Olivia/Aneesa/Emily alliance.

Paulie/Cara eliminated by Adam/Averey in Basement ****

We're just not gagging at Paulie anymore. Especially after his showing on USA 2. 

as long as kaycee or tori don't win we are good. So emily will be a win if she wins! Smile

I will take literally anyone winning over Kaycee. A nightmare



I think Jonna is definitely on based on her instagram stories today! Queen!

Great someone who will put playing for John and Vicky over her own family. But she also put MJ over them so no shock.

When did she do this?

She hasn't. He's just mad she likes Tori

Prayer circle for the Laurel/Cara/Averey/Nia/Kellyanne/Jodi/Nurys/Zara alliance to beat down the Tori/Michele/Kaycee/Olivia/Aneesa/Emily alliance.

Darrell eliminated by Cory in absolutely nothing because of Millie's Minions insurance policy (V, Aviv, Jodi, Rachel, Laurel & Cara)

The rumored female cast is stacked... besides jasmine we don't have to worry this season about whori and snoozecee winning no? :)

Jasmine eliminated by Angela Babicz in Balls In (or literally any kind of elimination)

all the invasion girls aren't coming omg </3 

The rumored female cast is stacked... besides jasmine we don't have to worry this season about whori and snoozecee winning no? :)

Right! Jasmine is such a non-factor. I'm not worried about that girl Smile

paulie sucks though.... in a group of men he's average while cara is elite against her women cast. He's just going to make it worse for her somehow like he always does. 

Paulie is a FANTASTIC competitor!!! 

we need desi, chanelle, cassidy, michaela, sarah lacina and angela rummans all added tho Smile


paulie sucks though.... in a group of men he's average while cara is elite against her women cast. He's just going to make it worse for her somehow like he always does. 

Paulie is a FANTASTIC competitor!!! 

cara beats him in pole wrestle.... maybe even hall brawl too *giggles*

The rumored female cast is stacked... besides jasmine we don't have to worry this season about whori and snoozecee winning no? :)

idk I think Kayzzz still makes it to the end off of friendships, reliability and skill alone. sad dayz ahead

We're just not gagging at Paulie anymore. Especially after his showing on USA 2. 

Paulie had 3 iconic seasons and you're throwing him to the curb because he had one simply good season (where he didn't have much of a chance to do anything because he went out early)??? You're disgusting just like Flopnanas! 

@killakashhh @Flopnanas Paulie and Jasmine are about to have you 2 so mad, and I can't ******* wait Smile


We're just not gagging at Paulie anymore. Especially after his showing on USA 2. 

Paulie had 3 iconic seasons and you're throwing him to the curb because he had one simply good season (where he didn't have much of a chance to do anything because he went out early)??? You're disgusting just like Flopnanas! 

I only remember Paulie flopping

@killakashhh @Flopnanas Paulie and Jasmine are about to have you 2 so mad, and I can't ******* wait

How can two cast members have us mad if they aren't in the game long enough to do so? *giggles* Smile

I only remember Paulie flopping

Well of course you would because your old *** has dementia. And he didn't flop. Flopping is your wife having embarr***ing losses to Sylvia, Tori, and Aneesa. 


The rumored female cast is stacked... besides jasmine we don't have to worry this season about whori and snoozecee winning no? :)

idk I think Kayzzz still makes it to the end off of friendships, reliability and skill alone. sad dayz ahead

true they never really target the boring *****! But I would like to think she's not really that deadly in a final like tori is.... except if she has an amazing partner.

I'm fine with Paulie. He's cringe but he's a number against Tori. Also thirst. Hahah.

Laurel basically confirmed on the challenge podcast that Cara vs. Tori will be the main thing going into 40

Won't be "main thing" if one or the other is booted early 


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