The Challenge: Season 40 - Early Pointless Speculation

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The cast is 40 people for season 40. Stop arguing when its confirmed.

Agreed Flop. If they got to 36, it's moronic not to give yourself a built in sequel to Dirty Thirty and just add 4 more.

The cast is 40 people for season 40. Stop arguing when its confirmed.

*it's. And no it's not bestie. 

There's so many no's I wonder who's on this lol 

I don't think it's a cast of 36 or 40 and there's a still of possibilities still

Gamer confirmed a "Big" cast yesterday. I would say 34 is the low limit of a big cast.

Big to me is 32+ but you're probably correct.   When is the last time we had more than 34?   Sexes 2?

I would love love loveee a 40 person cast. You'd think that I wouldn't want that since it's more competition for my girl... but NOBODY is competition for her Smile

Amanda's friends aren't gonna be there and three months is a long time, it was obvious she was nothing coming.

If the appearance check is worth it I'd just popup for a quick check and dip.

Amanda replaced Averey's spot on Rivals 3. Never the two shall meet.

Big to me is 32+ but you're probably correct.   When is the last time we had more than 34?   Sexes 2?

SLA had 36, but that was with the alternates. The original cast was 34 


There's so many no's I wonder who's on this lol 

I don't think it's a cast of 36 or 40 and there's a still of possibilities still

Gamer confirmed a "Big" cast yesterday. I would say 34 is the low limit of a big cast.

Big to me is 32+ but you're probably correct.   When is the last time we had more than 34?   Sexes 2?

Spies Lies and Ride or Dies, but that's adding in the late comers.

I think 28 would be considered small. 30 pretty average and anything more than 32 would be large imo

So ready for Trisha and Parisa to debut.

Spies Lies and Ride or Dies, but that's adding in the late comers.

Ride or Dies had 34 

No Ashley and now no Amanda?

The cast is 40 people for season 40. Stop arguing when its confirmed.

not confirmed 

Just imagine the stupid tagline:

"For SEASON FORTY, we brought back the biggest, baddest THIRTY SIX players we could find..."



amanda should just come, cause drama for a few days and volunteer for the first elim and throw it. Why do a lot of these dummies think they actually will stay the entire 3 months.

This, a lot of the people complaining about the long fliming schedule don't have to worry about it lol

I could see a 36 person cast: 9 old school men, 9 new school men, 9 old school women, 9 new school women 

amanda has a full time job and a kid .. remember on SLA she had to tell everyone to vote her in because her job only allowed her to be gone for a certain amount of time

With so many people dropping and being ignored, they'd have to bring someone like Logan back to reach 40.

Rather they keep a tighter ship than have random *** picks on to meet a large cast quota.

I could see a 36 person cast: 9 old school men, 9 new school men, 9 old school women, 9 new school women 

I'd be good with that.  I do think one of the biggest mistakes was Cutthroat being 30 instead of 36.   I'd love a Cutthroat 2 with 3 teams of 12 this year.  Old, New and Middle

amanda has a full time job and a kid .. remember on SLA she had to tell everyone to vote her in because her job only allowed her to be gone for a certain amount of time

No one expects her to be here for months. Pull a USA2. Just be the funnest, evilest for four to six episodes then bounce!

With so many people dropping and being ignored, they'd have to bring someone like Logan back to reach 40.

Rather they keep a tighter ship than have random *** picks on to meet a large cast quota.

Okay I take back my Ashli comment--there was someone named Logan?

amanda has a full time job and a kid .. remember on SLA she had to tell everyone to vote her in because her job only allowed her to be gone for a certain amount of time

I think it's funny people believe that


amanda has a full time job and a kid .. remember on SLA she had to tell everyone to vote her in because her job only allowed her to be gone for a certain amount of time

No one expects her to be here for months. Pull a USA2. Just be the funnest, evilest for four to six episodes then bounce!

that's lame 


amanda has a full time job and a kid .. remember on SLA she had to tell everyone to vote her in because her job only allowed her to be gone for a certain amount of time

I think it's funny people believe that

it's not hard to believe why would any job let someone be gone for 3 months 

Just imagine the stupid tagline:

"For SEASON FORTY, we brought back the biggest, baddest THIRTY SIX players we could find..."



Why would the number need to match?



amanda has a full time job and a kid .. remember on SLA she had to tell everyone to vote her in because her job only allowed her to be gone for a certain amount of time

No one expects her to be here for months. Pull a USA2. Just be the funnest, evilest for four to six episodes then bounce!

that's lame 

I mean, honestly, six episodes would be good for Amanda if we're expecting double eliminations. Come on for two-three filming weeks. No one really expects her to make a final.


Just imagine the stupid tagline:

"For SEASON FORTY, we brought back the biggest, baddest THIRTY SIX players we could find..."



Why would the number need to match?

Symmetry? A literal built-in sequel to Season 30? A nice round hype number to celebrate the last flagship milestone? We know the show ain't making it to 50.

amanda has a full time job and a kid .. remember on SLA she had to tell everyone to vote her in because her job only allowed her to be gone for a certain amount of time

I think it's funny people believe that

it's not hard to believe why would any job let someone be gone for 3 months 

She went, didn't she?  She had a few days left.  She even took a vacation after that.   Is she even at that job?


amanda has a full time job and a kid .. remember on SLA she had to tell everyone to vote her in because her job only allowed her to be gone for a certain amount of time

I think it's funny people believe that

it's not hard to believe why would any job let someone be gone for 3 months 

She went, didn't she?  She had a few days left.  She even took a vacation after that.   Is she even at that job?

she went but they had an unexpected 2 week quarantine at the beginning which is why her time had to be cut short ! these are amanda's words and i don't think she's a liar.

Amanda was on USA2 for 17-18 filming days and she made a fun impact. That's all we need from her.

I just want a clear cut theme, preferably 2-3 teams

No redemption house, no switching of partners, no hopping to another team.


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