Survevmo: Cloud Forest - Official Thread

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Survevmo: Cloud Forest - Official Thread


A forest amongst the clouds. Lush greens and exotic wildlife.


The Monteverde Cloud Forest has been an adventure seeker's shrine for decades. Untouched land lies, waiting for those who seek to conquer.


Once settled by the Aztecs, then the Spanish Conquistadors, this Incredible Forest is where 18 former Vevmo Games players arrive, each seeking something different.

Every single one of our castaways has something to prove, is seeking revenge, or will stop at nothing to gain redemption.

If they wish to earn what they seek, they will have to learn to adapt and survive along the Bosque river. In the end, only one person will Outplay, Outwit, and Outlast all 17 others to claim the Million Dollar Prize.

39 Days! (give or take) 18 people! (probably) ONE SURVEVMO!

^cast reveal

This thread is where all the season’s challenges will take place.

Initial Tribe Selections


Challenge 1 - Challenge 2 - Challenge 3 - Challenge 4 - Challenge 5.

Tribal Councils

Tribal Council 1 - Tribal Council 2 - Tribal Council 3 - Tribal Council 4 - Tribal Council 5 - Tribal Council 6.

Tribe Swap


Challenge 6 - Challenge 7 - Challenge 8

Tribal Councils

Tribal Council 7 - Tribal Council 8 - Tribal Council 9 - Tribal Council 10



Challenge 9

Tribal Councils


1. MalikonFleek

2. Daddy Daf

3. Flyguy

4. White Skull

5. RLK2014

6. Slayvia2370


Official Thread

Pajaro Tribe

Rana Tribe

Mono Tribe

Tribal Council

Viewer's Thread

Come on in guys! Let me get a roll call before we get started.

I just wanna say... that I’m back.

Velocithot! It’s been quite a while since we’ve seen you. What do you hope to bring to this season?

Velocithot! It's been quite a while since we've seen you. What do you hope to bring to this season?

A reminder to these ***** that Vevmo died when the legend left. And I'm still the one.

KlounV3 wrote:

Velocithot! It's been quite a while since we've seen you. What do you hope to bring to this season?

A reminder to these ***** that Vevmo died when the legend left. And I'm still the one.

and when you say ‘legend’ you mean?

Velocithot wrote:

KlounV3 wrote:Velocithot! It's been quite a while since we've seen you. What do you hope to bring to this season?

A reminder to these ***** that Vevmo died when the legend left. And I'm still the one.

and when you say ‘legend’ you mean?

Guess we’ll just have to find out. Stay out the HOV lane. Me and my multiple personalities finna make a left.

Omg I always loved velocithot. Hi Smile

Omg I always loved velocithot. Hi Smile

Omg starting off the season with a fan! Hey boo! ❤️

Slayvia! Welcome. How have you been since the last game? Looking around, do you see any big threats?

Slayvia! Welcome. How have you been since the last game? Looking around, do you see any big threats?

im doing great Smile just got a promotion and raise at work so they gave me time off to come play. And of course PR AND gamer are always threats but luckily friends of mine. Dscott is always good at these games. My girls are here so I’m happy tho. And I see an old ally Interfan. Should be fun!!

Ok Slay! Thanks for the answer. Do you think you can overcome to gain the redemption you’re looking for?

Lurker's evil twin sister is here? Im shook

I just wanna say... that I’m back.

who the beep are you? 

Ok Slay! Thanks for the answer. Do you think you can overcome to gain the redemption you’re looking for?

we will see. Lol lord only knows

Lurker's evil twin sister is here? Im shook

Interfan, anything to say to your fellow castaways?

RLK, why did you decide to make a comeback?

Ugh KVM is here, he ****** me last time 

Let's see how I do this time around

Lurker's evil twin sister is here? Im shook

I thought Lurker was the evil one

Whew Pink Rose! Welcome. It’s been quite some time since we’ve seen you. What do you think is gonna be your biggest challenge in this game?

RLK, why did you decide to make a comeback?

i need to win a real game and need to show people how it is done. 

Interfan, anything to say to your fellow castaways?

Hello. Im now a strict carnivore so i would appreciate some help with hunting some chickens. Thx

InterFan wrote:

Lurker's evil twin sister is here? Im shook

I thought Lurker was the evil one

One dead baby joke doesnt make someone evil Biggrin

Whew Pink Rose! Welcome. It’s been quite some time since we’ve seen you. What do you think is gonna be your biggest challenge in this game?

Hiii!! My biggest challenge would be not breaking down under pressure and quitting for a 3rd time.

Outstanding everyone.

Welcome to Survevmo: Cloud Forest! This year, you’re living among the clouds. So you’ll have to take your game to new heights if you want to find yourself in the Final Tribal Council.

There are NO hidden immunity idols this season. This is not to say there will not be tools to aid you in your quest for redemption. But we’ll get to that a little later on.

How about we figure out the tribe separations?

Velocithot wrote:

InterFan wrote:Lurker's evil twin sister is here? Im shook

I thought Lurker was the evil one

One dead baby joke doesnt make someone evil Biggrin

What about joking about Paulie’s dead girlfriend?


sorry I’m late I asked my alpaca to make a pit stop.

good luck everyone!  

Omg I always loved velocithot. Hi Smile

