Survevmo: Cloud Forest - Official Thread

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KlounV3 wrote:

Mono y’all still have a blue blanket, a red blanket, a hammock,  a blue pillow, and a second tarp. Who is carrying what? (First come, first serve!)

I'll carry the rest (unless i can only take one item).

yes sorry, one per person

I’ll carry second tarp

Mono y’all still have a blue blanket,  a hammock,  and a blue pillow. Who is carrying what? (First come, first serve! One item per person!)

Blue pillow

I'll take the hammock.

Blue blanket

Challenge 4

15 Castaways Remain

Come on in guys! Mono getting their first look at the new Rana Tribe. Interfan voted out at the last Tribal Council. Ready to get to today’s challenge?

Today is an Immunity and Reward Challenge all at once. However, BOTH tribes have a date with me at Tribal Council tonight. Each tribe will go separately, where someone will be the fourth and fifth person voted out of this game. But like I said, Immunity is involved today. Wanna see what your playing for?

One person per tribe will win Individual Immunity where they will be safe at their Tribe’s Tribal Council. In addition, reward in the form of a deluxe fishing kit. Flippers, a spear, fishing line, goggles, hooks, bait, the works.

For today’s challenge you will be responsible for getting each member of your tribe across a long balance beam over the water. Each spot in the order has a different reward or advantage, with the last person to make it across gaining Individual Immunity. The tribe who completes the challenge first, wins reward. Mono, you have one extra person, who’s sitting out? They will be incapable of winning Immunity, but will still be eligible to be voted out. Let’s get in place and get started.

Here’s How It Works

1. The challenge must be completed by your tribe in one sitting, in your official tribe PM. (Rana will have to make a new one since IF is gone)

2. Have an order established in this thread before completing the challenge.

3. On my “GO!” One at a time you will begin racing across the beam by posting “[Your Name] steps onto the balance beam”

4. Get to the other side of the balance beam by posting “[Your Name] races to the other side”

5. Finally, finish by posting “[Your Name] steps off and claims prize [#]” (the number will be the spot you claimed)

6. To keep things interesting, only Prize 7 (Immunity) will be revealed.

7. The Tribe to complete this in the fastest time from person 1 to person 7 wins reward and will have their Tribal Council after the other tribe.

8. Deadline for this Challenge is Wednesday, May 22nd at 10pm EST.


Does the whole team need to agree on an order?

Person number 7 is guaranteed safe?

Huh, I really like this challenge

Does the whole team need to agree on an order?Person number 7 is guaranteed safe?

Im leaving it open to the tribe deciding for itself. If y’all can’t come to a consensus before deadline then no immunity for you!

Changing my mind. The challenge will take place in this thread, as opposed to tribe PMs

*stretches out hamstrings*

1. Pink

2. Daf

3. WS

4. Nat

5. Rlk

6. CB

7. CF

Ok lemme see 7 “ready” and we’ll get to it Mono.


I’m assuming by “CF” y’all mean Challenge13? C13?

I’m assuming by “CF” y’all mean Challenge13? C13?




ready :) 



And Velocithot is sitting out?

And Velocithot is sitting out?





Ok here it comes!

I think we all said here... recount

i count 7 kloun

Survivor’s Ready? GO!
