Survevmo: Cloud Forest - Official Thread

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[slayvia2370] races to the other side

[slayvia2370] steps off and claims prize number [5]


I’m going to bed so there’s my stuff


**** off


Rana is DQ’d. Cute. Sorry y’all wasted your time, Mono. I’m more sorry you have to go to Tribal. Sorry to SKB and DScott for showing up and being ready but still having to go to Tribal. 

Daddy DAF wrote:


**** off

why you mad like lol

Rana is DQ’d. Cute. Sorry y’all wasted your time, Mono. I’m more sorry you have to go to Tribal. Sorry to SKB and DScott for showing up and being ready but still having to go to Tribal. 

bch rdy

A mess.

Ok that’s too perfect 

Are people talking shit cuz I was waiting to compete? Okay

no1s even talking shit put the bottle down

no1s even talking **** put the bottle down

okay bro

Are people talking **** cuz I was waiting to compete? Okay

slay the rules say we have to go in order from slot 1 - 7

so by just going, instead of waiting for kloun to say go, and then not waiting for it to get to slot 5, you DQ’d us 

Are people talking **** cuz I was waiting to compete? Okay

wat planet r u on trishelle

Mono wins reward! Congrats to Challenge13 for winning Individual a Immunity! Mono, you’ve won reward as well. Who is carrying which item (one per person, first come first serve)

1. Fishing line

2. Spear

3. Box of bait

4. Box of hooks

5. Goggles

6. Flippers


In addition, Mono each won a prize for their placements. They are as follows:

1. Pink Rose- NOTHING!

2. Daddy DAF- NOTHING!

3. White Skull- You cannot vote at Tribal

4. Natfan - Secret Advantage to be opened in private

5. RLK- You must change your profile pic to Philip Shepherd wearing his pink underwear until after your tribe’s Tribal Council.

6. Chicken_Breast- an offer to Mutiny. You have the opportunity to switch to the other tribe(lol). Right here, right now. Choose. You can extend this offer to one other person on your tribe.

7. Challenge13, of course you have individual immunity and cannot be voted out at your Tribal Council.

wheres my refund

Well only three of us were here so k


Are people talking **** cuz I was waiting to compete? Okay

tbh you done pissed me off because I’ve gotten exactly zero communication from Rana minus a couple people and then you just showed up here like you ran shit. Cute, but y’all are DQ’d. Mono been here and communicating when half of them told me their time would be limited before the game even started. I’m here for a mess but don’t disrespect me and the other 14 people here.

I aint switching lmao. If anyone wants to take it you can have it.

Slayvia2370 wrote:

Are people talking **** cuz I was waiting to compete? Okay

slay the rules say we have to go in order from slot 1 - 7so by just going, instead of waiting for kloun to say go, and then not waiting for it to get to slot 5, you DQ’d us 

seriously vote me out

I'll grab the box of bait. 

Rana is up first for Tribal as well.

Slayvia2370 wrote:

Are people talking **** cuz I was waiting to compete? Okay

tbh you done ****** me off because I've gotten exactly zero communication from Rana minus a couple people and then you just showed up here like you ran ****. Cute, but y'all are DQ'd. Mono been here and communicating when half of them told me their time would be limited before the game even started. I'm here for a mess but don't disrespect me and the other 14 people here.

drag her porsha

I am also carrying the spear

*poses heroic like with the spear*

Slayvia2370 wrote:

Are people talking **** cuz I was waiting to compete? Okay

tbh you done ****** me off because I've gotten exactly zero communication from Rana minus a couple people and then you just showed up here like you ran ****. Cute, but y'all are DQ'd. Mono been here and communicating when half of them told me their time would be limited before the game even started. I'm here for a mess but don't disrespect me and the other 14 people here.

um first off I never disrespected you. I was waiting to compete and no one showed the **** up so I went and put my shit in cuz I was trying to go to bed. So excuse tf out of me for wanting to actually compete when no one else besides skb and savory were here. 

I aint switching lmao. If anyone wants to take it you can have it.

lmao cb like oh nah
