Survevmo: Cloud Forest - Official Thread

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that boy needed medical before boarding the plane

RLK2014 wrote:

Fun fact: I such st posting and had to do the most postingp

This post proves your point lmao

Dead lol.

This challenge is taking too long, who’s tryna get a prostate pummeling?

*remembers when velociraptor voted me out on season 1*

that boy needed medical before boarding the plane

What do you mean lmao.

Rana picking up steam! They clearly do want it!

Rana with a comeback! Can it be our first Redemption of the season?

i mean prob

*remembers when velociraptor voted me out on season 1*

Me and Hurricaneniafan did THAT! Hurted so good too 

i cant wait for the real cast reveal

can i request a rainbow colored torch this season

They finished all portions in like 20 mins

can i request a rainbow colored torch this season

stop making everything about you and make it about me

They finished all portions in like 20 mins

Pinkrose with the spoilers Smile

Daddy DAF wrote:

can i request a rainbow colored torch this season

stop making everything about you and make it about me

how u livin

PinkRose wrote:

They finished all portions in like 20 mins

Pinkrose with the spoilers Smile

PinkRose wrote:

They finished all portions in like 20 mins

Pinkrose with the spoilers Smile

lol PR is all-knowing

PinkRose wrote:

They finished all portions in like 20 mins

Pinkrose with the spoilers Smile


Challenge 1 - Results

Survivor’s Ready? GO!

Mono gets an early lead as DAF zips past all other competitors in the water. Rana is struggling to get to shore. DAF leads his band of Monos to build the staircase quickly.

Mono moves to Part 2 at 1:37

Mono quickly gets two keys, as Rana barely makes it to shore. As Mono struggles with Key 2, Rana gets their stairs complete.

Rana moves to Part 2 at 2:47

RLK from Mono gets the last key in as Flyguy from Rana struggles to remember what locks look like.

Mono moves to part 3 after 3:55

 Lurker makes quick work of the first few lines of the puzzle, but SKB from Rana is quickly gaining speed. Lurker and Mono getting frustrated at the puzzle. It could be a close one. And here’s SKB saving the day for Rana!

Rana moves onto Part 3 after 5:06

It’s a close battle, DScott thinks he has it! No! Challenge13 from Mono calls for a check, sorry C13 not it!







Interfan wins immunity for Rana!

puzzle: Mono = 29:53

Rana = 4:00 

Totals - Mono: 35:25, Rana: 11:53


Alright Rana! You win Tribal Immunity and are safe from tonight’s Tribal Council. You also win Fire in the form of Flint! First come, first serve: who’s carrying the flint?

As for Mono,got nothing for you. I will see you tonight at Tribal Council where one of you WILL be the first person voted out of this game. Grab your stuff head back to camp.

*i will open the tribe camps and explain the rules now. Then post Tribal. Tribal is 24 hours deadline.*

ill carry the flint lmao

so we got bent over

Yikes...we got massacred on that slide puzzle. 

InterFan--thank you!!!!!   Great job all!

ill carry the flint lmao

It's heavy, i'll help

InterFan--thank you!!!!!   Great job all!

Some people ran into trouble with screenshots in this challenge:

the pic must be a JPG. If you have an iPhone, just take a screenshot and it works just fine.

if you still have trouble- linking to an image uploader such as imgur is acceptable for all screenshots.

Now that the game is officially underway, I want to personally thank Kloun for not only including me in the game, but also for creating a seriously bad *** cast, and what looks to be an awesome game!

Lets Go Rana!

Challenge 2 coming up.

Challenge 2

17 Castaways Remaining

For today’s Challenge, you will have to connect a pillar of liquid to a container using tubing and pillars in between. The first tribe to successfully fill their container with all the liquid will win today’s challenge and earn Tribal Immunity from the next Tribal Council, plus reward. 

Today’s Reward: a Tarp for your shelter.

Worth Playing for? Survivor’s Ready? GO! (Not really)

Here’s How It Works

1. You each have to connect two Wikipedia pages by ONLY using pages linked from the page itself.

2. I will give you a starting point, and you will have to use a page which is hyperlinked from this page to get to the next.

3. Keep using pages hyperlinked on the next page until you can find a route to the final page.

4. Once you have your route, send it to me in text form in your official Survevmo PM. EX: start is The Challenge: Final Reckoning, finish at Big Brother 18:

     a. Example list would look like: “The Challenge: Final Reckoning > Paulie Calafiore > Big Brother 18”

     b. See how each page would be hyperlinked on the previous page?

5. Once ALL tribe members have sent me their list, your scores will be added up. 1 point for each number of steps.

6. If you don’t send me a route, your score is the highest PLUS 10.

7. The Tribe with the LOWEST score will win the Challenge.

8. Today’s puzzle is: Survivor: Game Changers to Ivan Pavlov.

9. The deadline for today’s challenge is Tuesday, May 14th at 9:30pm EST.


10. If there is a tie, the team to have all 8 submissions in first will win.

11. Rana, you have one extra member, you need to sit someone out. Let me know who is sitting out in this thread, ASAP.

Questions? Survivor’s Ready? GO!

So we all have the same puzzle 
