Survevmo: Cloud Forest - Official Thread

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Let's ******* go Mono!

oh thank god!

Awesome job guys! I knew we had it!!

Tribal will be posted shortly.

Oh yay. Good job team!

Oh yay. Good job team!

Alright lovelies, enjoy a night off. We’re a bit ahead of schedule. Rules for Challenge 3 will be posted tomorrow night around 8-9pm EST.

Alright lovelies, enjoy a night off. We're a bit ahead of schedule. Rules for Challenge 3 will be posted tomorrow night around 8-9pm EST.

Good cause a******* **** is broken rn

In the meantime, y’all decide on a leader for your tribe and submit it in your Tribe PM’s you created for the first challenge.

In the meantime, y’all decide on a leader for your tribe and submit it in your Tribe PM’s you created for the first challenge.

shouldnt we create a new one? Since we’ve lost some folks 

KlounV3 wrote:

In the meantime, y’all decide on a leader for your tribe and submit it in your Tribe PM’s you created for the first challenge.

shouldnt we create a new one? Since we’ve lost some folks 

thats fine

Is tonight live? 

Is tonight live? 

no. I’ll give a warning a day out at the least for the live mission.

gamer73 wrote:

Is tonight live? 

no. I’ll give a warning a day out at the least for the live mission.

Omg thx, such a good host ❤️

KlounV3 wrote:

gamer73 wrote:Is tonight live? 

no. I’ll give a warning a day out at the least for the live mission.

Omg thx, such a good host ❤️

Mono I still need a captain/leader for the challenge.




I’m here

Is the challenge tonight?

Is the challenge tonight?

I don't think so, Jeff must be shacked up with a local

My apologies, I’m on vacation and fell asleep. There’s a longer deadline for this one anyway.

Challenge 3

16 Castaways remain

For today’s challenge, you will be going head to head with another competitor. Both Castaways will race down a slippery path to retrieve a ball hanging overhead. Once you get the ball, you must race down the path and toss the ball into a basket. First person to net the ball will earn a point for their tribe. First tribe to 5 points wins today’s challenge and earns Tribal Immunity and reward. The losing tribe gets a date with me at Tribal Council, where someone will be the third person voted out of this game.

Today’s reward: Comfort. Blankets, a hammock, pillows, a tarp, etc.

Here’s How It Works

1. Each castaway still remaining in the game needs to complete this on their own, in their official PM.

2. On my go, I will give you a numbered ball.

3. You must race down the slip n slide by posting “[Your name] slides down to ball [#]”

4. Then, retrieve the ball by posting “[Your Name] retrieves ball [#]”

5. After you retrieve the ball, post “[Your Name] races to the end and starts tossing”

6. Once you get those posts completed, I will send you a clue to a survivor season. Example: “First Season of Survivor to feature someone winning the game”

7. All you have to do to net the ball is identify the correct season of Survivor. Ex: “Borneo”

8. The selected Captains have to send me an “order” for your tribe. Number your players 1-8. The people in spots 1 will have their times compared, and the fastest time wins the point. Same for the people in spots 2, and so on.

9. Captains, when making your order, the people in spots 1 and 2 have to go twice, so think about this when making the order.

10. The deadline will be Sunday, May 19th at 10pm EST.

Questions? Survivor’s Ready? GO!

Thank you for that deadline 

Thank you for that deadline 

yw. But since I owe y'all since my ******* fell asleep, it's a looser deadline. We still want to make sure the game is moving forward, so just be communicating with me, please.

loose like ********* ****

I love playing with slippery balls ❤️

I can get another couple people off rn

whoever goes out this round, could have the same Survivor Resume as the current Champ, so really Rana, you should be throwing this challenge to try and earn that honor. 

Kloun on?

dont you guys hate it when you go to **** and shit comes out instead
