Survevmo: Cloud Forest - Tribal Council

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3 votes Slay, 2 votes KVM

3 votes Slay, 3 votes KVM, 1 vote left

Oh dear god please don’t let our fate be decided by a rock

Second person voted out of Survevmo: Cloud Forest...












KVM that’s 4, tonight that’s enough. Please bring me your torch.

KVM, the Tribe has spoken.

Um flyguy. Slay said nothing to me I messaged you on my own. 

And RLK can chat with anyone she wants it’s a free country 

Fam, is the other tribe, currently at our tribal. Ahhhhh

It's all good guys.   Have fun!   May the best person win!  Now I just have to figure out which one of you lied for the next game lol

Tribal Council #3 - Rana Tribe

Eligible to vote/be voted outDScottFlyguyGamer73InterfanMalikonFleekMorrisSlayviaSKB504

Rana, back again. I doubt anyone expected the Monos to be dominating. In a season about Redemption, the Monos sure have have come to claim theirs.

DScott- How does it feel to lose two straight challenges? I don’t think you’re used to this.

Flyguy- I doubt anyone expected this tribe to see two Tribal Council’s so early in the game. People were calling this the “All-Stars” Tribe. What is happening back at camp that’s causing you guys to lose?

Gamer73- Is there still animosity back at camp, and is this what’s causing the losses?

Interfan- Ther Altar Immunity Idol is still out there. Are there any whispers around camp about it?

MalikonFleek- After the crazy tribal you guys had last week, what can we expect tonight?

Morris- What does this tribe need to do in order to be successful?

Slayvia- You came pretty close to being the second person voted out last week. What have you done to ensure you aren’t the third?

SKB504- Is there a solid weak-link on your tribe? How should the tribe vote this week to ensure a win in the next challenge?

Votes are due by 9pm EST, Tomorrow May 20th!!!

Morris- What does this tribe need to do in order to be successful?


Good question. I mean, we came into the season looking good and so the first immunity challenge but we’ve kinda stalled out after that. I honestly don’t think we’re doing anything wrong, I think Mono is just getting lucky. We’ll be fine, I have faith in this tribe and I hate coming to tribal but I know I’ve more than carried my weight so I’m hopign I’ll be safe tonight and I’m hoping we start sending Mono here instead.

 Is there a solid weak-link on your tribe? How should the tribe vote this week to ensure a win in the next challenge?

I don’t think so at all, everyone has their strengths. I’m not sure how we can guarantee a win. I thought today’s mission was a guarantee win for us. This will definitely be a difficult decision for everyone. 

Flyguy- I doubt anyone expected this tribe to see two Tribal Council’s so early in the game. People were calling this the “All-Stars” Tribe. What is happening back at camp that’s causing you guys to lose?

Lies & Deceit

Slayvia- You came pretty close to being the second person voted out last week. What have you done to ensure you aren’t the third?

well first I actually competed this week and had one of the better times of the whole tribe so I think it shows what I can do. So yea Smile

Slayvia- You came pretty close to being the second person voted out last week. What have you done to ensure you aren’t the third?well first I actually competed this week and had one of the better times of the whole tribe so I think it shows what I can do. So yea Smile

So you think you’ve done enough to stay this week?

How does it feel to lose two straight challenges? I don’t think you’re used to this.

It’s trash haha. However, I’m not upset at all, everyone showed up and tried. I thought we were going to win, but you just gotta pick yourself up and prepare yourself for the next challenge. I know we have the capacity to win and I look forward to feeling that again. 

How does it feel to lose two straight challenges? I don’t think you’re used to this.It’s trash haha. However, I’m not upset at all, everyone showed up and tried. I thought we were going to win, but you just gotta pick yourself up and prepare yourself for the next challenge. I know we have the capacity to win and I look forward to feeling that again. 

And what can this tribe do tonight to make sure they are ready for next challenge?

DScott wrote:

How does it feel to lose two straight challenges? I don’t think you’re used to this.It’s trash haha. However, I’m not upset at all, everyone showed up and tried. I thought we were going to win, but you just gotta pick yourself up and prepare yourself for the next challenge. I know we have the capacity to win and I look forward to feeling that again. 

And what can this tribe do tonight to make sure they are ready for next challenge?

Not get down on ourselves. Yeah we lost twice, but these are lessons. First time we just didn't message fast enough, this time everyone partook. We just weren't good enough, which happens sometimes. We aren't going to win everything, but we will win the next challenge. We have to before we start looking like Ulong part 2.

And with that, it is time to vote. SKB, you’re up first.

I have 4/8 votes currently. Deadline is at 9pm EST tonight.

Interfan- Ther Altar Immunity Idol is still out there. Are there any whispers around camp about it?

Yeah i think we all have our assumptions on who stole it. I think it will very likely to be used this time based off my own assumptions on who has it/is the target.

I think some of us should remove the sheeps clothing we are wearing.

I think some of us should remove the sheeps clothing we are wearing.

Lets explore that statement a little more. What do you mean?

flyguy wrote:

I think some of us should remove the sheeps clothing we are wearing.

Lets explore that statement a little more. What do you mean?

I just think people wanna act all innocent and pure to gain numbers. This a dirty game yall

So be cautious when a little mousey or two is approaching you with lies

So be cautious when a little mousey or two is approaching you with lies

Can you be more specific? What kind of lies are being tossed around?

flyguy wrote:

So be cautious when a little mousey or two is approaching you with lies

Can you be more specific? What kind of lies are being tossed around?

We have our first Live Tribal of the season.

I have 6/8 votes. Deadline is in one hour, 9pm EST.

We have our first Live Tribal of the season.I have 6/8 votes. Deadline is in one hour, 9pm EST.

whew the plot thickens 

MalikonFleek- After the crazy tribal you guys had last week, what can we expect tonight?

Well .....certain people made certain points 

Votes are in.

