Survevmo: Cloud Forest - Tribal Council

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I just think it’s weird to go to rocks for Morris who is known for telling stories and throwing his ally (SKB) under the bus :/

Keep reaching for this lol. I didn’t throw SKB under the bus at all, I chose a name on my side and a name on yours so you wouldn’t catch the hint that we were voting for you. The difference between you and I, everyone knows I have zero allies coming into these games, and I’d lay my game down for the three on my side tonight.


gamer73 wrote:

I just think it’s weird to go to rocks for Morris who is known for telling stories and throwing his ally (SKB) under the bus :/

Because youve been an innocent, ethical, non lying player in your 12 years of vevmo games Blum 3

& they don’t call you cochroach for nothing :/ 

gamer73 wrote:

I just think it’s weird to go to rocks for Morris who is known for telling stories and throwing his ally (SKB) under the bus :/

Keep reaching for this lol. I didn’t throw SKB under the bus at all, I chose a name on my side and a name on yours so you wouldn’t catch the hint that we were voting for you. The difference between you and I, everyone knows I have zero allies coming into these games, and I’d lay my game down for the three on my side tonight.

I mean, to me, it seems like SKB is playing both sides. 

flyguy wrote:

gamer73 wrote:I just think it’s weird to go to rocks for Morris who is known for telling stories and throwing his ally (SKB) under the bus :/

Because youve been an innocent, ethical, non lying player in your 12 years of vevmo games Blum 3

& they don’t call you cochroach for nothing :/ 

I stole my car jody.

Morris1721 wrote:

gamer73 wrote:I just think it’s weird to go to rocks for Morris who is known for telling stories and throwing his ally (SKB) under the bus :/

Keep reaching for this lol. I didn’t throw SKB under the bus at all, I chose a name on my side and a name on yours so you wouldn’t catch the hint that we were voting for you. The difference between you and I, everyone knows I have zero allies coming into these games, and I’d lay my game down for the three on my side tonight.

I mean, to me, it seems like SKB is playing both sides. 

Playing both sides but voted with me tonight soooo find with me tonight lol. My only point is, and I mean no offense to you, but you have the connections to screw IF, Malik, and Slay over.. I don’t. I don’t talk to anybody except for SKB, Don, and David.

& y'all can get the **** up out of my face first of all

& y'all can get the **** up out of my face first of all

you seem agitated /:

gamer73 wrote:

Morris1721 wrote:

gamer73 wrote:I just think it’s weird to go to rocks for Morris who is known for telling stories and throwing his ally (SKB) under the bus :/

Keep reaching for this lol. I didn’t throw SKB under the bus at all, I chose a name on my side and a name on yours so you wouldn’t catch the hint that we were voting for you. The difference between you and I, everyone knows I have zero allies coming into these games, and I’d lay my game down for the three on my side tonight.

I mean, to me, it seems like SKB is playing both sides. 

Playing both sides but voted with me tonight soooo find with me tonight lol. My only point is, and I mean no offense to you, but you have the connections to screw IF, Malik, and Slay over.. I don’t. I don’t talk to anybody except for SKB, Don, and David.

Voted with y’all for the first vote last week, then voted with our side, voted with y’all this week but continuing to play both sides. After this week the game has been peeped though. I just figured I should point it out to the people of the Mono tribe who may be listening from the trees. 

Morris1721 wrote:

gamer73 wrote:

Morris1721 wrote:
gamer73 wrote:I just think it’s weird to go to rocks for Morris who is known for telling stories and throwing his ally (SKB) under the bus :/

Keep reaching for this lol. I didn’t throw SKB under the bus at all, I chose a name on my side and a name on yours so you wouldn’t catch the hint that we were voting for you. The difference between you and I, everyone knows I have zero allies coming into these games, and I’d lay my game down for the three on my side tonight.

I mean, to me, it seems like SKB is playing both sides. 

Playing both sides but voted with me tonight soooo find with me tonight lol. My only point is, and I mean no offense to you, but you have the connections to screw IF, Malik, and Slay over.. I don’t. I don’t talk to anybody except for SKB, Don, and David.

Voted with y’all for the first vote last week, then voted with our side, voted with y’all this week but continuing to play both sides. After this week the game has been peeped though. I just figured I should point it out to the people of the Mono tribe who may be listening from the trees. 

Im just trying to survive this tribal, I’m not concerned with what Mono is thinking. But those are your allies over there, not mine Smile

I was unaware that there were “sides” seeing as no one has even mentioned who else they talk to, are cool with, or are working with In our tribe. One or two send a blank “so what are you thinking”

and then that’s it.

zero talk of alliances and let’s work together on this with xyz 

last time I was in an alliance it was pretty clear who was part of it and we all talked and worked together cohesively. 

The 6 messages I’ve gotten this game to ask who I’m voting for don’t exactly constitute sides or alliances to me. I voted a certain way this round based on future competition during this game. And that’s all there’s is to it. 

Morris I do applaud you though. You’ve been making some moves and building an impressive resume. Congrats boo, it’s about time. 

I asked earlier, and I’m sure the other tribe is curious too. Who exactly are my pals on the other side? I’d assume they’re already targets of yours?? 

Morris I do applaud you though. You’ve been making some moves and building an impressive resume. Congrats boo, it’s about time. 

Building my resume three tribals into the season? Far too early to be doing that, I’m just trying to survive here buddy. I’m competing in the challenges and when I hear my name, I’m fighting to stay in the game. That’s the point and I’m proving to the people who I do want to play with that I’m here to play and I’m willing to put myself on the line for them, something I don’t think you’re willing to do. 

Girl you out here manipulating people into playing idols for the wrong person through your connections to multiple people in the tribe. I’m applauding you so why are you upset? 

Girl you out here manipulating people into playing idols for the wrong person through your connections to multiple people in the tribe. I’m applauding you so why are you upset? 

Im not upset lol, I’m actually proud of myself for that.. But I’m not thinking too far ahead, to resumes, to who on the other tribe to target, I’m just trying to get through tonight Smile I told others, and I told you, I like playing these games and don’t always do well, but I’m actually trying to play and enjoy this season.

You’re just trying to get through tonight but already mapped out the merge and who I apparently have on my side? You’re definitely playing a solid long term game, which is why I felt it was necessary to vote you over everyone else on the tribe. 

Lol why would IF or Malik willingly work with Slay or you when yall have a billion friends on the other tribe unlike us. 

Who are Slay’s billion friends since y’all can’t tell me mine? I’m truly curious because I didn’t know. 

You’re just trying to get through tonight but already mapped out the merge and who I apparently have on my side? You’re definitely playing a solid long term game, which is why I felt it was necessary to vote you over everyone else on the tribe. 

Nothing is mapped out, especially the merge. I just know you have a lot of connections in this game. You can’t deny that. That’s all I have to say. I know I can trust the three who voted with me tonight because they know that I’d owe my game to them from here on out. And I think it would 100% benefit Slay to switch the vote to you because once a swap happens, I’d hate to see any regret. Everyone knows I don’t have connections. With that, my fate is in the hands of the tribe. 

gamer73 wrote:

You’re just trying to get through tonight but already mapped out the merge and who I apparently have on my side? You’re definitely playing a solid long term game, which is why I felt it was necessary to vote you over everyone else on the tribe. 

Nothing is mapped out, especially the merge. I just know you have a lot of connections in this game. You can’t deny that.

I mean I am going to deny that because clearly I do not. If I did, I wouldn’t be in this position right now. 

The votes are in and the decision is final. Person voted out will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately.

I’ll read the votes.

First vote...

Thats 1 vote Morris.

1 vote Morris, 1 vote Gamer.

2 votes Morris, 1 vote Gamer

2 votes Morris, 2 votes Gamer.

Thats 3 votes Gamer, 2 votes Morris, 1 vote left.

Last vote...

We have another tie. We are going to rocks.

Morris and Gamer are safe, yay god job guys. Malik too

Morris and Gamer are safe, yay god job guys. Malik too


Here’s how it’ll work. The rocks are numbered 1-5. Interfan, SKB, DScott, Slayvia, and Flyguy will each pick a rock that hasn’t been chosen. First come, first serve.

Gamer, Morris, and Malik are safe from elimination.

The rocks were predetermined and a mod has the list.

You choose the rocks in this thread. Please start a list. You have until noon EST tomorrow, but if we can get it done tonight, let’s please do so.

The person who draws the White Rock will be the third person voted out of this game.

Good Luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor.
