The Challenge: Burn Book (Spoilers)

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Debut Album wrote:

Graphik wrote:

Debut Album wrote:
Graphik wrote:
Debut Album wrote:
Graphik wrote:
Debut Album wrote:
rwportland2 wrote:I really don't understand the Darrell snub. Like did he secretly **** off production all these years that they don't bother with him? Especially when the show needs more competitive males. Oh but it's okay for Johnny/Vince/Zach to bully the women in the house so let's keep bringing them on.

I think they just think he's "Too Old" for the show now. 

I think they simply want to keep this narrative that John is "the greatest" going & Darrell would be his biggest oppostition that could easily overturn that, being that he already has 4 wins and would've had 5 (keep in mind that would've been 5 consecutive wins, something John will never be able to do) if Brad wasn't Brad. Look how long it took John just to catch up to that, plus he had to have production help him out to get a couple of them. It's also why I believe they wouldn't have Landon back even if he wanted to return.Darrell & CT are around the same age so they can't use that "too old" bullshit.

I think Landon was asked for Free Agents..the season that Backpack won..but then again that was before AYTO and Bloodlines so at this point you're right.Well you know CT is the fan favorite so the age shit don't apply to him. Same with Backpack who's probably older than both of them(or at least looks it).

That too.....Darrell might be in his mid 30's yet he still looks younger than John, Vince, CT, Tony, hell even Kellyanne & Ashley M. lmao he can blend in with the newer crowd.They might've asked Landon but I don't even think they would have any intentions on using him. Same shit they do with Ruthie.

Speaking of Ruthie...They need to get that girl back on. it would be refreshing as hell and it would be interesting to see how she would handle the atmosphere of the shows today.

You would think with her being such an iconic figure for the shows in general (people who don't even watch the shows anymore STILL talk about Ruthie when discussing both RW & The Challenge) that she would've been doing as many Challenges as she wanted. I wouldn't consider her boring; at least she's not anymore boring than too many of their "regulars"....she actually tends to always be involved in some type of storyline, usually having to do with the competition.It's been so many turning points with this show; yet they've all been for the worse.

 Really? People still remember Ruthie? Well it makes sense given that on her season she was pretty much a walking cautionary tale of booze. Glad she made it through that. That made her doing so well on Sexes 1 so much better to see. A good example of how a castmembers RW past enhances their challenge appearences. Wish that would happen more often.I wouldn't say all...Battle of the Seasons 1 was an amazing turning point and a transitional season for the show( You could also say the same thing about Challenge 98 given how RR All Stars was).But other than that yeah...From the Fresh Meat to the over the top extreme missions/finals to AYTO....This show has always seemed to change for the worst. Seasons 2 could've changed all that had it done well. I still think that had that season done well in ratings we would now be in a new goldend age of the show. They would've focused more on the new kids instread of the tired, old ************* that plagued the show. There would've been new drama, rivalries etc..oh what could've been.

Yeah any transitional periods that happened in the Golden Era don't count becuase Mary Ellis-Bunim still had control lol but from Fresh Meat 1 onward? Complete mess.

Oh yeah...When Fresh Meat 1 hit the show really started to decline and any changes to the show would make it worse. The only change I was fine with was the cast in Seasons 2. Other than that everything else was garbage.

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

So you thought Cutthroat was garbage? Free Agents was garbage? Maybe I am misunderstadning your point, but since Fresh Meat 1, there have been good seasons. 


ah you mean changes...not seasons. my fault.

LAURELThis *****...In my mind Laurel has the same problem as Evelyn: She comes off as a joyless, sour ***** and it's really just no fun to watch. She comes for people for no reason at times(See: Cutthroat) and while that can be fun to watch it can be just like...***** shut up. You look like a ******* man, Fix that please. I mean On Cutthroat she came for Eric(Fresh Meat 1) and really raged on CM. Like she and Sarah really made her the scapegoat and acted like she w***havoun and Casey. Granted at that point Cara wasn't all that as a competitor she never outrighted sucked ***. I guess maybe she was mad that she was ******* Abram and noone wanted to tap her WWE Chyna looking ***. ***** Bye.Then she was horrid on Free Agents too. Especially when she got with Jordan. But with all of her shit there was one thing that I will forever give her credit for. And that is this little moment...

And that moment is the ONLY time I ever rooted for her. Paula needed to shut the **** up and laruel did just that.Other than that **** her.

I cried of laughter loooooooool but yeah that Paula moment is life.


Now I know what you're thinking...I hate this season because this is the one where it spawned the group of people I despised the most in reality TV. But nope..there's more to in than that.

This season wasn't horrible and shitty like The Ruins or Island. And it's solid honestly. But it's very...basic. Like very little of it was remarkable or memorable. It kinda felt like "just another challenge season". I mean look at the cast for instance. Aside from The Austin cast making their debut the alumni cast was comprised of the usual regulars of the time..Coral/Darrell/Tonya/Derrick/Tina/Theo etc. We've all seen these people many times before and we all know what they can do and bring to the show so to me it was kinda old seeing all of them again for the umptenth time. And even though I wasn't the biggest fan of the Austin cast I wasn't a fan of them getting targeted just because they were new..that whole "initiation" bullshit. Bleh.

Wes was a ******* ******* this season. Look, I get that Casey sucks but you ******* picked her so you gotta deal with her. Being a ******* to her is not going to help you or her. 

Then The Fresh Meat...Wasn't impressed with any of them. Outside of Kenny voting for himself(which was about the only funny thing he's ever been involved in in this show) None of them impressed me as characters. Some of them were good competitors though. 

The only things that really interested me was the voting system and the exiles. But that's it.

But yeah..Not a bad season but not extrodanary either.

I haven't been in in a while (and I'm sure some people are happy about that, so not to worry, I shan't stay long) but I logged in just to say a few things.

1. I like the idea of this thread, and I love it more because my two favorite challengers haven't gotten dragged. (At least not as individuals) CT might be the only one in my top 5 to get dragged.

2. DA, for the love of *********** Christ, it's B-A-R-E-L-Y. Barley goes in beer. I made it a quarter of the way through the thread and I stopped counting how many times you spelled it incorrectly. Even after another poster (the dude with Darrell as his avatar) used it correctly.


If I wasn't so lazy I'd drag the spelling in this thread. Even in the post above me you put "extrodanary" instead of extraordinary. Please don't vote in the upcoming election.

I haven't been in in a while (and I'm sure some people are happy about that, so not to worry, I shan't stay long) but I logged in just to say a few things.1. I like the idea of this thread, and I love it more because my two favorite challengers haven't gotten dragged. (At least not as individuals) CT might be the only one in my top 5 to get dragged.2. DA, for the love of *********** Christ, it's B-A-R-E-L-Y. Barley goes in beer. I made it a quarter of the way through the thread and I stopped counting how many times you spelled it incorrectly. Even after another poster (the dude with Darrell as his avatar) used it correctly. If I wasn't so lazy I'd drag the spelling in this thread. Even in the post above me you put "extrodanary" instead of extraordinary. Please don't vote in the upcoming election.


I haven't been in in a while (and I'm sure some people are happy about that, so not to worry, I shan't stay long) but I logged in just to say a few things.1. I like the idea of this thread, and I love it more because my two favorite challengers haven't gotten dragged. (At least not as individuals) CT might be the only one in my top 5 to get dragged.2. DA, for the love of *********** Christ, it's B-A-R-E-L-Y. Barley goes in beer. I made it a quarter of the way through the thread and I stopped counting how many times you spelled it incorrectly. Even after another poster (the dude with Darrell as his avatar) used it correctly. If I wasn't so lazy I'd drag the spelling in this thread. Even in the post above me you put "extrodanary" instead of extraordinary. Please don't vote in the upcoming election.

I'm weak 

I haven't been in in a while (and I'm sure some people are happy about that, so not to worry, I shan't stay long) but I logged in just to say a few things.1. I like the idea of this thread, and I love it more because my two favorite challengers haven't gotten dragged. (At least not as individuals) CT might be the only one in my top 5 to get dragged.2. DA, for the love of *********** Christ, it's B-A-R-E-L-Y. Barley goes in beer. I made it a quarter of the way through the thread and I stopped counting how many times you spelled it incorrectly. Even after another poster (the dude with Darrell as his avatar) used it correctly. If I wasn't so lazy I'd drag the spelling in this thread. Even in the post above me you put "extrodanary" instead of extraordinary. Please don't vote in the upcoming election.

Thanks Grammar Police. And don't worry. I'm not voting. 

FRESH MEAT 1.Now I know what you're thinking...I hate this season because this is the one where it spawned the group of people I despised the most in reality TV. But nope..there's more to in than that.This season wasn't horrible and shitty like The Ruins or Island. And it's solid honestly. But it's very...basic. Like very little of it was remarkable or memorable. It kinda felt like "just another challenge season". I mean look at the cast for instance. Aside from The Austin cast making their debut the alumni cast was comprised of the usual regulars of the time..Coral/Darrell/Tonya/Derrick/Tina/Theo etc. We've all seen these people many times before and we all know what they can do and bring to the show so to me it was kinda old seeing all of them again for the umptenth time. And even though I wasn't the biggest fan of the Austin cast I wasn't a fan of them getting targeted just because they were new..that whole "initiation" bullshit. Bleh.Wes was a ******* ******* this season. Look, I get that Casey sucks but you ******* picked her so you gotta deal with her. Being a ******* to her is not going to help you or her. Then The Fresh Meat...Wasn't impressed with any of them. Outside of Kenny voting for himself(which was about the only funny thing he's ever been involved in in this show) None of them impressed me as characters. Some of them were good competitors though. The only things that really interested me was the voting system and the exiles. But that's it.But yeah..Not a bad season but not extrodanary either.

I have been here for almost 2 years if not 2 years and i know how u feel about FM but yeah FM1 was not memorable at all. I feel as if the whole challenge was a transitional season. I felt really confused when i first saw FM1 because i had no idea who these fresh meat were and Wes was acting so cocky like he was a vet and i thought he was a vet for some reason and that i probably missed him on previous seasons that i hadn't seen yet and the way the whole cast targeted him just made me think he was really a threat. But i do liked the missions tho, specially "Swimming with sharks" that looked dangerous and scary af. I still remember Johnny (Tonya's partner) performing god-like on a mission with 2 ropes over the water and while everybody was crossing it with arms and legs this guy just goes full beast mode and uses just his arms to get across the rope. The Exiles were unfair tho because it relied on people's baggage so no wonder that Wes and Casey outperformed everyone.

Still glad that Darrell won the season and Aviv needed to do at least one more challenge before JEK took over. I find it interesting that both female winners of FM1/2 never returned lol

I wish Fresh Meat Johnny came back. Maybe he wasn't interested in returning but I thought he would have been a solid competitor on future shows

Oh and Darrell and Aviv were my team that season and I'm glad they won. 

One person that I'm surprised hasn't gotten dragged (probably due to how young most of you are) is Emily (the original Emily from Road Rules Second Adventure) who might be the single worst person in challenge history. I mean she was a Mean Girl way before Veronica was. In fact, she screwed Veronica over before Veronica screwed over anyone else.

The first challenge I watched as it happened was the original Battle of the Sexes, so I missed Emily being somewhat noble by not wanting to participate in Holly's plan to send home the 4th place team (Veronica/Yes) and then send home the 4th place team the next week (Chadwick/Piggy) just to get back at Holly. But what took place at the original Battle of the Sexes was unforgivable.

To set the scene, people got a certain number of points for wherever they finished in each challenge. Then there was a huge board that listed the point totals for each player and had them ranked (which I don't think has returned since then as it would make it too easy to catch bullshit). The top 3 people for each team were considered the Inner Circle and they directly voted to send a team home. No elimination. This could only be prevented if the person on the team who won the mission (earning a Lifesaver) gave it to the player who was going to be eliminated.

In this particular episode, Rachel was 4th from the bottom. (She had a problem with DQ's) The three people below her were Christina (RR-Australia), Tonya, and Aneesa. The three in the inner circle were Ruthie, Ellen, and Emily. Ruthie is friends with Aneesa, Ellen is friends with Tonya, and Emily is friends with Christina, so they all vote to send home Rachel. (The guys just send home who is on the bottom, no questions asked)

In another episode, later in the game, Veronica is in around the same position as Rachel was, and Emily (having tried and failed to send Veronica home earlier) hijacks the inner circle discussion and convinces Ruthie and Ellen that Veronica is toxic and ruining team morale. Emily is pissed because Veronica supposedly slept with her challenge boyfriend (James from RR-Maximum Velocity Tour) and Emily is out for revenge. They send Veronica home in one of the most controversial voteoffs in challenge history. The guys (still pissed about Rachel) were vehemently pissed. Jamie (RW-New Orleans) tried to use his lifesaver to save Veronica, but Jonny Moseley said that the lifesaver decision had to be made before the voteoff, and nobody had predicted the girls would **** up that badly. In the lasertag mission, Shane shot Emily in the back to represent her stabbing Rachel and Veronica in the back.

What puts the nail in the coffin is that in one episode, Shane and James were tied at the bottom. Antoine had to make the decision and ultimately decided to send James home. Because of this, Emily (despite being in the inner circle and having a clear shot at the final) decided to quit.

HONORABLE MENTION: All of the girls in the original Battle of the Sexes who refused to participate in the strip trivia mission. You only lost clothing if you got a question wrong. Anne (RR-Northern Trail), Christina, Emily and some others sat the mission out. That group is full of some of the ugliest, useless, stank face *** *********** that have ever been on challenge television.

FRESH MEAT 1.Now I know what you're thinking...I hate this season because this is the one where it spawned the group of people I despised the most in reality TV. But nope..there's more to in than that.This season wasn't horrible and shitty like The Ruins or Island. And it's solid honestly. But it's very...basic. Like very little of it was remarkable or memorable. It kinda felt like "just another challenge season". I mean look at the cast for instance. Aside from The Austin cast making their debut the alumni cast was comprised of the usual regulars of the time..Coral/Darrell/Tonya/Derrick/Tina/Theo etc. We've all seen these people many times before and we all know what they can do and bring to the show so to me it was kinda old seeing all of them again for the umptenth time. And even though I wasn't the biggest fan of the Austin cast I wasn't a fan of them getting targeted just because they were new..that whole "initiation" bullshit. Bleh.Wes was a ******* ******* this season. Look, I get that Casey sucks but you ******* picked her so you gotta deal with her. Being a ******* to her is not going to help you or her. Then The Fresh Meat...Wasn't impressed with any of them. Outside of Kenny voting for himself(which was about the only funny thing he's ever been involved in in this show) None of them impressed me as characters. Some of them were good competitors though. The only things that really interested me was the voting system and the exiles. But that's it.But yeah..Not a bad season but not extrodanary either.

that's my feeling for Inferno 3. 

window.post_1474906823550_25 = function(win,msg){
window.post_1474906824964_61 = function(win,msg){

this isn't any improtant shit or rocket scientist. 

i really don't think grammar should amtter that mcuh. 

so yeah i have no idea how Debut's grammar/spelling would bother you. lol

this isn't any improtant shit or rocket scientist. i really don't think grammar should amtter that mcuh. so yeah i have no idea how Debut's grammar/spelling would bother you. lol

I think that says more about you than it does about me.

mickeyflo24 wrote:

this isn't any improtant shit or rocket scientist. i really don't think grammar should amtter that mcuh. so yeah i have no idea how Debut's grammar/spelling would bother you. lol

I think that says more about you than it does about me.

i was trolling btw with the intent misspelling. 

Online grammar ***** <<<<<<<

As long as you know what the **** they meant, it really isn't anything to even comment on smfh people do the absolute most for no damn reason.

This isn't English composition cl*** why does spelling really matter? Get your bothered *** on somewhere loool

This isn't English composition cl*** why does spelling really matter? Get your bothered *** on somewhere loool

Online grammar ***** <<<<<<<As long as you know what the **** they meant, it really isn't anything to even comment on smfh people do the absolute most for no damn reason.

That's pretty much how I see it.


I watched this season not too long ago and it doesn't hold up well to me. I mean it had some great, classic moments but honestly it wasn't spectacular like I used to think. The cast annoyed me a bit..mainly the Fresh Meat, The missions were kinda boring to watch, and I didn't like how they had boy/girl days, Didn't care for the CT/Diem thing, Brad not winning etc. There was just a bunch of shit I didn't like about this one.

So yeah..Not a horrible challenge but not as good as I remember it to be.;

Wes had an amazing showing on that season. He deserved that win in my opinion!

Wes had an amazing showing on that season. He deserved that win in my opinion!

While I do agree I'd have liked Brad to win that season.

The Duel 1 has never been one of my favorites particularly because of the cast. I remember only liking Wes/Nehemiah/Beth/Aneesa. Svetlana was cool too but her whining got old fast.

The drama mafia<<<<<

"Regulars"On a show that is supposed to bring different cast members together to compete the term 'regular' should have never became a thing. The fact that some people have done 8+ challenges while other people didn't get their time shine is sad. They should've had an unspoken limit, like after your 5th challenge your done and production just doesn't call you again.I think when they cast for a new show only >25% of the cast should have been on the former season. But it seems like it's the other way around and we get 75% used up people and 25% fresh faces.They killed themselves during the JEK Era when they went from making it a show about 26-32 people and making it a show about 3 people with others getting guest appearances. The time JEK dominated took away from the Real Worlds that premiered. Like Hollywood and D.C.  The themes also didn't help. They shouldn't have don't the Ruins. Period. I didn't see a point and it wasnt an interesting concept, like there is 1 team filled with winners and another filled with losers, gosh I wonder who will win. Then there was the bad timing with Fresh Meat 2 because there were a lot of new real worlders to compete we didn't need a Fresh Meat. And finally the casting choices for Cutthroat. I loved the format for Cutthroat, and the cast was pretty decent giving us a good mix of old and new, but after the previous 2 challenges Cutthroat should have been dominated by rookies (similar to BOTS 2) This would've been the season for Hollywood, Brooklyn, Cancun, D.C., and New Orleans to get majority of the spots instead they gave them to overused players like Bananas, Brad, and Paula. And they should've chosen Pete & Noor over Vinny & Luke.That's why at this point if you've done hella challenges you can stay home.

have to bump this excellent post again since Challenge 29 could be in jeopardy bringing back their same tired regulars like Sarah, Johnny, and Camila.

I think one other difference between the old school regulars like Miz, Coral, Abram, Veronica and these new regulars is that you can tell the old school ones could tolerate each other and even enjoy each other's company. so it doesn't make for such predictable tv unlike the current crop of regulars who all have one, played out role they have to bring every season. 


I think one other difference between the old school regulars like Miz, Coral, Abram, Veronica and these new regulars is that you can tell the old school ones could tolerate each other and even enjoy each other's company. so it doesn't make for such predictable tv unlike the current crop of regulars who all have one, played out role they have to bring every season. 

Yep. And they thier roles(or more accuratley situations) actually changed from one season to another. Like with Miz for example. On Battle of the Seasons he was this egar young dude who really wanted to do well and took the competiton seriously. Then on The Gauntlet and Inferno he was more or less the leader of his teams then on Sexes 2 he wasn't the top dog and actually got voted out there. It wasn't just the same role and the same circumstances over and over like it is now. Everyone is always trying to get backpack out, CM is always the victim, Camilla is always the drunken ***** etc. It's just another thing to appreciate about the old challenges.

I’m glad Brad didn’t win The Duel because he only got to that final on a technicality. If it weren’t for that stupid flag, CT would’ve been in the final instead.

And Landon should have made the final over him on the Duel 2
