The Challenge: Burn Book (Spoilers)

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I didn't like this one bit. The fact that they would allow someone the chance to take all he money away from their partner despie the fact that their partner had a hand in getting them there is shitty. Both parties couldn't have done it without each other so they needed to do what they always do..split thre prize money with both people on the winning team. I personally believe production did this shit because they knew this was one of the most predictable finals ever so they gotta do something to make it interesting(and I know I'm not alone in thinking that) so they ended up doing this. If they wanted to make this shit interesting they should've just not cast Backpack/Sarah, redo the cast and I bet you we would've had not only a better final but a better season. Oh and LOL @ producion apparently thinking Backpack wouldn't take he money. That's bullshit and they know it. If they knew that noone was gonna keep the money all to themselves then why do it in the first place?

This twist was garbage and should never be done again. **** it, **** it dead.

I completely agree, the twist was super shitty. I know a lot of people on here don't like Sarah, and she is annoying, but I've never really disliked her (certain things about her, yes) and so I definitely felt for her. I think the number of people I wouldn't have felt bad for that happening to would be REALLY small.


I'm actually shocked that we don't have an Atlanta season in 32 seasons yet.

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

Rivals 3 final twist was the shittiest ending to a bottom 3 season.

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love her or hate her, NOBODY including sarah deserved what Johnny did to her. Production was awful for doing that do her after shes delievered 9 seasons for them.

Rivals 3 was shit from the start. You know this season was doomed when they had to bring in so many AYTO unknowns and having only one of them pan out. It wasn't the least entertaining season, but Rivals 3 will always be in my bottom 3 of challenge seasons.

Rivals 3 was shit from the start. You know this season was doomed when they had to bring in so many AYTO unknowns and having only one of them pan out. It wasn't the least entertaining season, but Rivals 3 will always be in my bottom 3 of challenge seasons.

And the way they hyped up all those replacements like they were returning vets or some kind of shit and then we get AYTO/rookies coming like we all know them lmao. It was so shitty that so many teams had to DQ/leave and then the replacements didn't do any justice.


What the **** was the point of this? I mean there was no real rhyme or reason for these two to just radomly show up. I mean it was bad enough that Jamie and Mike(Both of whome did well in the challenge earlier that round) were in the elimination but they don't even get to face each other. I was interested to see who would win in that so I was mad that they pulled this bullshit. Not to mention we just saw CT in his Diem tribute. And the ****** up thing about it all is that unlike last time it eliminated Two people I liked. Had This been done and CT got to body Backpack again then it'd be fine but we don't get that. Litterally NOTHING came of this and there was no reason for this to happen for an ordinary elimination.


The only good thing about that bullshit heavy hitter elimination is that Zach looked ******* mad sexy with that freshly shorn head.    

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

really sucked seeing mike and abram go. 

really sucked seeing mike and abram go. 

It did. Why couldn't it have been Backpack/Vince?

I think the heavy hitters twist as a whole is bullshit. They both aren't equally as strong, so it makes things unfair, and if they do it how they did it on cutthroat instead, of course the second person that goes will have the advantage cause the heavy hitter will be tired already. Idk it just seems like a very unnecessary twist. 


I really hate that this season did bad in ratings wise. Had it done well I think the show would've went into another golden age because it would've showed that they didn't need those ***** regulars to get people to watch and the show would went on with the new kids in tow. I also think they would take a chance on some older people that weren't regualrs too. I blame MTV/BMP for that shit too. Because prior to this season they focused on JEK and their minions and pretty much buried the newer RW seasons coming in. So newer seasons like DC and New Orleans weren't being properly pushed and focused on so when they got on Seasons 2 noone knew them. Same goes for every season that was represented on this season(for the most part. There were exceptions).

But yeah..Had this season gotten good ratings this show would be in a better place I feel like.


**** MTV/BMP for bringing these ******** in to replace Sydney team. They were boring, useless, and did nothing but in-fight and whine. THey also had that vet entitlement shit too. Like Brandon and CM though they shouldn't go in The Arena because they're vets/already proved themselves...Bish Whet? There are only 4 of you and 2 of you gotta go in the arena. No room for that stupid shit. I'm so glad Eric was on this team because he's useless and sucks so bad that he'd drag them down and make them lose(Which is exactly what he did). And worst of all..they had to include that pathetic  ***** Camilla who ain't SHIT. Like the ***** won last season...why the **** was she on this season when y'all had Carley? I'd rather see her than that dusty *****.

So yeah..they shoud've left it to 7 teams honestly.

Still don't understand why Camila was included as part of Fresh Meat. But yeah clearly there were better options to fill up the Fresh Meat team. This would have been a good chance to bring Noor and/or Pete back but no, let's bring back the human anchor Eric. And Camila who has nothing to do with Fresh Meat.

Knowing MTV's track record for casting the right people, you know half of the teams on a potential Seasons 3 would be made up of AYTO people

Knowing MTV's track record for casting the right people, you know half of the teams on a potential Seasons 3 would be made up of AYTO people

That would be a ******* Nightmare.

Speaking on Rivals 3, even that reunion was trash. Because it was another opportunity for Backpack to spew his nonsense and justify his move. 

And aside from Devin, all the supposed anti Backpack crew didn't say anything and even said he did the right move. 

I still don't see how it's the same situation like she did to him on Exes 2. But it's okay for him to screw over other people like Paula. 

The shittiest thing about all this is now we have to see more of this rotten banana storyline in later seasons because of all the press it got on social media. 

The best thing about the reunion was Sarah running off the stage like she was on an episode of Maury

The best thing about the reunion was Sarah running off the stage like she was on an episode of Maury

Montana (RW: Boston, RW/RR Challenge, The Gauntlet 1 & 2)

Kind of a random entry from me of all people & especially being that she was from the Golden Era. Nevertheless, I don't **** with her lol. She is one of the very (I mean veryyyy) few from the Golden Era that I just couldn't find anything really likable about her at all. I haven't seen her actual RW season, but from what I've heard she was also annoying on there. I'll get around to it eventually just to see King Syrus being the OG player, Queen Kameelah tell them all about themselves & the infamous argument between Montana & boyfriend Vaj (his parents clearly hated him lmao).

RW/RR Challenge - It's been a while since I watched this season, but I know I didn't like her. She just has this very....entitled/condescending vibe about her (much like Tori, Jenn, Sarah, Susie, etc.) like everything has to go her way or she throws a fit. I wanna say she literally argued with Beth about who should go first during a mission....except Beth was injured & had an actual reason to sit out. Montana was just too chicken-shit and somehow got everything turned around on Beth (this would happen again years later).

The Gauntlet -  She basically convinced herself that she was out of the loop despite there being a handful of others from older seasons on the cast & then threw a fit when her "prophecy" came true and they threw her *** in. For whatever reason she also convinced herself that she was this huge ***et to the team and that they were making a big who the **** are you again? Entitled, like I said earlier.....for no real reason. It seemed to me as if she didn't really try to talk to or get to know her teammates other than her old roomie Elka so she basically did it to herself.

The Gauntlet 2 - You would swear she wanted to eat Beth out until the cows come home the way she kept her name in her mouth. Her ENTIRE storyline this season was about Beth. Basically Beth was chilling & staying out of drama up until the Rickshaw Races mission, where she logically suggested that she sit out ***he was the heaviest girl on the team. Montana just couldn't have this so she starts this whole argument about nothing, trying to stop Beth from getting the immunity she would have from sitting out. Even IF Beth just wanted the immunity, for that particular mission it was the smart thing to do; who wanted to run around a track with Beth's big ***? The Veterans team sided with Montana & chose her to sit out (useless as hell), only for Beth to do excellent in the mission. When the time for nominations came about, Beth rightfully called her out as one of the weaker players. But because everybody hated Beth, she w***ent in & dominated the Gauntlet against Ruthie. Montana, now likely scared shitless, comes and gives a fake congrats to Beth, I'm guessing wanting to smooth things over so Beth wouldn't call her in. This backfired as Beth called her into the very next female Gauntlet & kicked her ***. This was her last Challenge & she devoted 99.9% of her time and energy to Beth, who righteously sent Montana on her way.

She later appeared on the RW Awards Bash with the same haughty, uppity attitude she always had. This would be her last appearance on MTV; she got the hint and finally kicked rocks.

Love it, Graphik. It's great when people bring up old school players.

And yeah Montana sucked. Like Beth was the only reason she was relevant on Gauntlet 2 because she would never shut up about her. But man it made for great tv

Another great dragging. Amazing Graphik. One of my fondest memories of Montana is her getting into it with that playboy bunny on Challenge 99. She was about to whoop Montana's *** too because she got slick out the mouth for no reason.

But yeah..Beth definetly got the better of Montana and I'm glad she did.

That moment where Montana gave her half hearted, fake apology to Beth and then Beth turns to the camera and does the gag gesture is one of the best Beth moments ever.

Another great dragging. Amazing Graphik. One of my fondest memories of Montana is her getting into it with that playboy bunny on Challenge 99. She was about to whoop Montana's *** too because she got slick out the mouth for no reason.But yeah..Beth definetly got the better of Montana and I'm glad she did.

See I should've went back & watched that one again before I made the post lmao I forgot all about that.


I don't hate this guy like I do others but I'm not a fan of him. He just comes off as a huge manchild and a bit of a odd *******. Peep Road Rules All-stars where he got real pissy because he wanted to stay and do the Zorbing mission one more time and everyone else was ready and wanting to go. Then he and Cynthia got into it too as well(Forgot what it was about but it was something hypocritical he said and Cynthia called him on it). Then on Sexes 2 he brings that stupid jumprope and treats it like some god or something, He also butted heads with Coral because he didn't like how he treated people on her team and while he kinda had a point on that it's none of his buisness really.

One thing I can say about him is that he has an amazing body and he apparently shot water out of his ******* during sexes 1 and that's a thumbs up for me. Speaking of Sexes 1 he was fine there.

But yeah..not a fan.

**** Hannah Montana's stank *** 


On a show that is supposed to bring different cast members together to compete the term 'regular' should have never became a thing. The fact that some people have done 8+ challenges while other people didn't get their time shine is sad. They should've had an unspoken limit, like after your 5th challenge your done and production just doesn't call you again.

I think when they cast for a new show only >25% of the cast should have been on the former season. But it seems like it's the other way around and we get 75% used up people and 25% fresh faces.

They killed themselves during the JEK Era when they went from making it a show about 26-32 people and making it a show about 3 people with others getting guest appearances. The time JEK dominated took away from the Real Worlds that premiered. Like Hollywood and D.C.  

The themes also didn't help. They shouldn't have don't the Ruins. Period. I didn't see a point and it wasnt an interesting concept, like there is 1 team filled with winners and another filled with losers, gosh I wonder who will win. Then there was the bad timing with Fresh Meat 2 because there were a lot of new real worlders to compete we didn't need a Fresh Meat. And finally the casting choices for Cutthroat. I loved the format for Cutthroat, and the cast was pretty decent giving us a good mix of old and new, but after the previous 2 challenges Cutthroat should have been dominated by rookies (similar to BOTS 2) This would've been the season for Hollywood, Brooklyn, Cancun, D.C., and New Orleans to get majority of the spots instead they gave them to overused players like Bananas, Brad, and Paula. And they should've chosen Pete & Noor over Vinny & Luke.

That's why at this point if you've done hella challenges you can stay home.

Excellent post.

Personally I think its never too late for those seasons to get some more time; particularly Hollywood & D.C.

Excellent post.Personally I think its never too late for those seasons to get some more time; particularly Hollywood & D.C.

I agree. But sadly MTV doesn't see it the same way. Wish they did.
