The Challenge: Burn Book (Spoilers)

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Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

Yeah I agree with you Debut and was about to say that about The Miz. He was a superstar but he was voted out early on Battle of the Sexes II. Derrick K was a regular, but it took until Gauntlet 2 I'd say that he became a force to be reckoned with. Not to mention, the regulars weren't on every ******* season. You wouldn't see Darrell on 9 out of 10 seasons...

Yeah I agree with you Debut and was about to say that about The Miz. He was a superstar but he was voted out early on Battle of the Sexes II. Derrick K was a regular, but it took until Gauntlet 2 I'd say that he became a force to be reckoned with. Not to mention, the regulars weren't on every ******* season. You wouldn't see Darrell on 9 out of 10 seasons...

You I just realized something about the golden era he only did 3 shows. Felt like he did more in that time for some reason.

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

Diamonds are Forever wrote:

Yeah I agree with you Debut and was about to say that about The Miz. He was a superstar but he was voted out early on Battle of the Sexes II. Derrick K was a regular, but it took until Gauntlet 2 I'd say that he became a force to be reckoned with. Not to mention, the regulars weren't on every ******* season. You wouldn't see Darrell on 9 out of 10 seasons...

You I just realized something about the golden era he only did 3 shows. Felt like he did more in that time for some reason.

And won all 3 and then comes for fresh meat and wins yet again. Dude was a beast and he wouldve been 5 for 5 if it werent for drunk *** brad. FMII I haerd he originally picked Laurel wonder how true that is. 

Debut Album wrote:

Diamonds are Forever wrote:Yeah I agree with you Debut and was about to say that about The Miz. He was a superstar but he was voted out early on Battle of the Sexes II. Derrick K was a regular, but it took until Gauntlet 2 I'd say that he became a force to be reckoned with. Not to mention, the regulars weren't on every ******* season. You wouldn't see Darrell on 9 out of 10 seasons...

You I just realized something about the golden era he only did 3 shows. Felt like he did more in that time for some reason.

And won all 3 and then comes for fresh meat and wins yet again. Dude was a beast and he wouldve been 5 for 5 if it werent for drunk *** brad. FMII I haerd he originally picked Laurel wonder how true that is. 

Yeah...He would've been 5/5 LONG before Backpack got to that point and he wouldn't be touted as the best...that would've went to Darrell. Oh what could've been.

I remember when Veronica did 7 straight challenges and that was unheard of for its time. Now it's pretty much the norm. Johnny/Camila/Cara Maria/Sarah/Leroy/Nany all wore out their welcome to me after like their 4th appearance. 

Interesting to note that Laurel has only done 4 challenges since she premiered. I thought it was much more. I guess that's why I have a little more appreciation for her and tolerate her more. 

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

Darrell I still think of the best because I think the quality of his wins are better than backpacks. The only win I was like, alright man you got me, was his free agents one. If he retired after FA, I wouldve been had a positive view of him.


am pretty sure laurel has made it to the finals on every season she has been on.

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I remember when Veronica did 7 straight challenges and that was unheard of for its time. Now it's pretty much the norm. Johnny/Camila/Cara Maria/Sarah/Leroy/Nany all wore out their welcome to me after like their 4th appearance. 

Yeah..they all got old to me too. That's why I wish they would not cast these people as much as they do. I mean give some other people a shot and give us new faces and old favorites. They rely too much on the same people and that's bad for this show IMO. CT is a prime example of this. He's one of the most popular people this show has produced yet due to Diem's passing it's unknown if he'll even be back. Now you see nany has moved on and It'll be a matter of time before all the other regualrs bite the dust too. What happens then?

I wish Darell had done and won a duel tbh. It'd probably put him above Landon in terms of GOAT imo.

Interesting to note that Laurel has only done 4 challenges since she premiered. I thought it was much more. I guess that's why I have a little more appreciation for her and tolerate her more. 

Yeah..I thought it was more too lol.  

Lots of the top competitors like Theo Von, Alton, Darrell, Timmy, Abram, and Miz never got to compete in an individual challenge. Instead of Fresh Meat, we should have had the Duel after the Gauntlet 2. Would have been cool to see who came out on top among those guys. 


I really hate that so far Ayiiia has only done one challenge because she can do so much for this show IMO. I would love to see her return but it's probably unlikely.

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

what was so good about ayiia?

Ayiiia was boring on Cutthroat, but she really didn't get a chance to shine. Based on her RW season alone, she would have been great drama though. There's a long list of one timers that should have come back (Brianna Taylor, Cooke, Marlon, Ayiiia, McKenzie, Pete, Noor etc.). Besides, I would have rather seen Ayiiia than 2 seasons of Emilee, 3 seasons of Derek, and 5 straight of Jasmine.


He was bad on Key West and he wasn't awful on the challenges he wasn't any better. First he arrives on The Duel where he finds himself in eliminations and picks *********** Backpack. Then on Gauntlet 3 he for some reason acts like he was the only one that needed the money. Rightfully he got eliminated. Wasn't too bad on Cutthroat but then on Rivals he proceeds to be a **** to Leroy because He and his **** buddy partner Backpack have to go in elimination. During the argument he makes some really ****** up imitations or remarks(Can't remember) But shit. Even before that the whole Paula/Laruel situation he comes running to Paula's rescue right after Laurel drags her. Like ************ where were you when Paula was picking on CM? If it's not okay to Pick at Paula for her past then it shouldn't be okay for her to laugh at someone for getting coke thown on them while wearing a white T-Shirt that exposes her tits and shit. ******.

Will he return? Not sure but I hope he doesn't. Not a fan and I don't think we need him back.

Tyler was awesome on Cutthroat and I thought he was the only one who deserved the win that challenge. But yeah he was pretty whiny and entitled on his other appearances. At least he didn't show up on 10+ challenges though like his two other castmates. I'm glad Svetlana and Janelle are done with the shows, I would have hated a Johnny/Paula/Tyler/Svetlana or Janelle team on a Seasons challenge and they may have had a solid chance of winning and I didn't want to see that lol. That was probably the big reason why Key West was snubbed on Seasons 2.

Tyler was awesome on Cutthroat and I thought he was the only one who deserved the win that challenge. But yeah he was pretty whiny and entitled on his other appearances. At least he didn't show up on 10+ challenges though like his two other castmates. I'm glad Svetlana and Janelle are done with the shows, I would have hated a Johnny/Paula/Tyler/Svetlana or Janelle team on a Seasons challenge and they may have had a solid chance of winning and I didn't want to see that lol. That was probably the big reason why Key West was snubbed on Seasons 2.

Janelle was someone I wanted to see a bit more of. Would've been interesting to see how she hanedled JEK given that she has ties to the J in that group.

The Inferno 3

I didn't hate this challenge, it was just meh. Disappointing season considering it was a follow up to two very strong seasons in the Inferno series and it brought back my favorite format (Good Guys vs Bad *****). The cast just wasn't all that interesting as a group and a major focus was on Susie, which is always horrid tv to me. The only notable moments about it was CT punching Davis, Timmy's sendoff and Derrick finally getting his first win. It doesn't help that this season is unavailable online so no one can really rewatch it, but I remember not liking it much then and doubt I would enjoy it as much as the first 2 Inferno seasons now.

You Know I rewatched that season not too long ago and it was decent. Not the best seasoy by any means but it was much more tolerable then the bullshit that came after it.

Also my boy Ace made the final this season. It was nice seeing him go out on a Final Run.

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

I think Inferno II was the best sesaon of the show (personal opinion). Inferno 3 I dont remember it really. I remember Timmy being there when I was watching it the first time wondering who the hell this old man was. (My first challenge was the duel.) Great guy, one of those genuine guys that I miss on these shows. I liked Cara, didnt like Susie. Colie who lol....Ace is the MAN. Alton was great, and Rachel was insufferable but seeing her run off crying...LMAO. Best moment of the season.

The Gauntlet 3 

This season was a disaster. It had so many problems. First, the rookie team was so pathetic. They really didn't have more than 2 or 3 good competitors on their team and everyone else was deadweight or just average players. Second, the veteran team were just filled with awful personalities especially Evan/Kenny/CT/Ev and they set the tone for the bullying and miserable environment the challenges have now. Frank and Jillian and the finale were the only bright spots of the entire challenge, but I bet that "all players must finish" twist happened just because the Veterans were a sure win and production had to make it interesting. It worked out for them, but still doesn't take away how awful that season was. Oh and Katie and Coral owned the reunion so that also made up some. 

I think Inferno II was the best sesaon of the show (personal opinion). Inferno 3 I dont remember it really. I remember Timmy being there when I was watching it the first time wondering who the hell this old man was. (My first challenge was the duel.) Great guy, one of those genuine guys that I miss on these shows. I liked Cara, didnt like Susie. Colie who lol....Ace is the MAN. Alton was great, and Rachel was insufferable but seeing her run off crying...LMAO. Best moment of the season.

Same. Battle of the Sexes may be the most well made challenge of all time, but Inferno 2 has my personal favorite challengers ever all in one and it was the season where I really started loving the show.

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

I dont even understand how evan and kenny were on the vets team...******* dumb.

Inferno 3 was such a "whatever" Challenge. I remember them not really advertising it much & the cast was just odd. It wasn't bad but it was the epitome of a "filler" season.

The fact that Queen Coral never got to rule the Bad *** team on either season though....

I dont even understand how evan and kenny were on the vets team...******* dumb.

Fresh Meat shouldn't have counted as a challenge appearance for their debut. But Kenny also did 2 more challenges after Fresh Meat so I can understand him being a Vet. Evan/Ev/Eric/Casey/Diem should have all been rookies though and the Rookies team already would have been a little stronger. 

I don't even want to talk about Gauntlet 3. I did like the elimination games that season though.

Diamonds are Forever wrote:

I dont even understand how evan and kenny were on the vets team...******* dumb.

Fresh Meat shouldn't have counted as a challenge appearance for their debut. But Kenny also did 2 more challenges after Fresh Meat so I can understand him being a Vet. Evan/Ev/Eric/Casey/Diem should have all been rookies though and the Rookies team already would have been a little stronger. 

I agree. I remember alot of people talking about that when that season first aired. I didn't understand that shit either honestly.

One thing I did like about Gauntlet 3 was Frank had a big role in it. I never would've expected him to be a major player on any challenge so that was cool to see.

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

i guess if you did 2 challenges or more, you were a vet

One thing I did like about Gauntlet 3 was Frank had a big role in it. I never would've expected him to be a major player on any challenge so that was cool to see.

Yeah Frank was great, especially when he called out his team on their dumb shit. And his rivalry with Tori was one of the best.
