The Challenge: Burn Book (Spoilers)

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Jenn started off really cool honestly. Her first 3 challenges she was alright. Focused on the competition, was a bit of party girl, hooked up etc. Just did the regular challenge shit. But then Fresh Meat 2 happened and her entitlement veteran syndrome kicked in full force. This ***** had the ******* NERVE to tell Mandi "you're a rookie follow your partner!" first of all ***** just because you(and every other ******* who's on every ******* show) decided to make these shows your job does not mean that every newbie that comes on here has to follow and cowtow to your dusty ***. People are allowed to play their own game and make up their own minds you ****** *** *****. Oh and for the record Mandi was confused and thought she was on her and Wes's side OF COURSE she's going to question you. Don't catch ******* attitude because you think she's beaneath you. *****.(Correct me if I'm wrong on that please. haven't seen that sesason in awhile). Like how she was this season made me glad she and Emily lost Cutthroat.

Then on Rivals 1...ugh. Look, I hate Cara Maria as much as anyone but Jenn was just plain unecessary and extra to her. Why the **** are you putting hands on her and throwng shit at her for? She **** your man or something? Then she ****** Adam and then proceeds to be a ***** about it because she was embarr***ed. And after all season of her acting like a awful ***** she craped on on the final..LOLOLOLOLOL! For someone who loved to come for people as if they should be up her *** she sure can't compete. Sit down hoe.

She always seemed to pick at people who were either rookies or people she knew she could try..that seems to be a thing with alot of people on this show and it's just one thing that I can't stand in general: ************ wanna be "that dude/*****" to someone who's meek and will take it but will NEVER try that shit with someone who'll destroy them in every way they can think of. You so bad? Step to real *************. Not scrubs who'll take your shit.

With her last few challenges she rubbed me the wrong way..and in the way that I NEVER want to see the ***** back on the show again. I don't even care if she's strong now. **** her. Glad she's gone.


This *****...

In my mind Laurel has the same problem as Evelyn: She comes off as a joyless, sour ***** and it's really just no fun to watch. She comes for people for no reason at times(See: Cutthroat) and while that can be fun to watch it can be just like...***** shut up. You look like a ******* man, Fix that please. I mean On Cutthroat she came for Eric(Fresh Meat 1) and really raged on CM. Like she and Sarah really made her the scapegoat and acted like she w***havoun and Casey. Granted at that point Cara wasn't all that as a competitor she never outrighted sucked ***. I guess maybe she was mad that she was ******* Abram and noone wanted to tap her WWE Chyna looking ***. ***** Bye.

Then she was horrid on Free Agents too. Especially when she got with Jordan. 

But with all of her shit there was one thing that I will forever give her credit for. And that is this little moment...

And that moment is the ONLY time I ever rooted for her. Paula needed to shut the **** up and laruel did just that.

Other than that **** her.

I'm a fan of Laurel. booooooooo. Jk. 

Loved that entry on Jenn. She really was one of my favorites her first few shows but like every other JEK sheep, once she became a follower, her likability dropped as well.  She was especially horrid on Rivals. 

I have a love hate feeling for Laurel. I mean I love how she's one of the few elite female competitors and she's not up Johnnys *** all the time and plays her own game.

But she also is a horrible person sometimes and I can't stand that laugh of hers. 

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

Im fine with laurel. her grilling follower paula was great to see


I know I already did an entry on this but I went back and read it and thought that it wasn't all that and I felt like I could do better so I'm gonna do better!

So I've said that there were alot of things that ****** up this show but I think the ones that takes the cake is the very people that handle this show...MTV and BMP. They really are the ones that turned this show from a fun-friendly competition chock full of various RW/RR's that we already know and love to a show that just exists to showcase one of the most entitled, hypocritical, egotistical, whiney pieces of shit to ever grace television.

One of the things that really irritates me about production is the way they cast this show. They don't do the very ******* obvious thing when it comes to this show and tha obvious thing is to GET THE BEST ******* CAST POSSIBLE! For some unknown and unforseen reason they just refuse to do this. They fill this show with people who are ******* useless, boring, and/or unlikable and the show in turn suffers for it. For Example....they ******* LOVE Jenna and cast her every season despite her having no personality, no Soul and no ******* brain either. Yet someone like Violetta who is guaranteed drama, and someone who you know for a FACT will turn up and someone who is willing to do the show..stays at home? You got Ceejai, someone who is strong and is not afraid to whoop *** and don't seem to get along with other girls due to her complidisses and such and looks like someone who would be good competitively and is the ONLY reason that last season got any real attention outside of the MTV faithful and is the reason for the Bad Blood cast...gets left at home yet Cheyenne, someone who is useless in every sense of the word is being considered for another season? Bish Whet? ******* Bullshit if you ask me. Let's also talk about them p***ing up Ivory(Road Rules:Viewer's Revenge) but yet bringing that fat ***** Camilla just out of nowhere for her to just...drink alot and throw shit around? The ****? Not to mention they didn't even bother to ask Ashley(DC) for the very same season that beluga whale debuted on, or any other season she could've done.  If you have people that have proven to have what it takes the make the show good ******* CAST THEM! Don't just let them go to waste because you "don't like them" or they're "Too Old" or They don fit in the teens of today that have a ******* wandering eye when it comes to enterainment. If you have a RW castmember that got the show a good amout of media attention why don't you ******* capitalize on that and get them on the challenges ASAP? Why do you continue to leave Trey at home every time Yet Leroy, someone whom does a whole lotta nothing gets to come on and hide in Backpack's ******* until he forces him out because he has to do eliminations? Not to mention that you got people like Jason(Skeletons)/Mitch/Jlll/ Anthony(Bloodlines)ready and willing to come on and blow shit up yet you pick weak *** ******* like Nate? Backpack's shitty Cousing Vinny? The **** are either of these clowns gonna do for these shows? It's like instead of utilizing the people they got they'd rather keep looking every other which way for they're next dumb ***** they wanna ***** out, the next drunken idiot who's boring ***hit, and some new servants for Backapack...So ******* sad.

It's not just about who they don't bring's also about who they bring on this show but don't use properly. Take Issac for example..he's ACTUALLY halarious and very strange to boot and doesn't take this show seriously and none of it is an act: That's how he is. He could be legit comic relief or just be that odd ************ who's just crazy shit and it'll be fun to watch..but no...They just cast him on Two challenges and don't give them hardly any screentime or storylines. They'd rather not push someone who is actually funny and interesting. Instead they'd rather push hard for stupid *******s like JEK whom are not interesting or funny at all, or dumb, ***** made ************s like Zach. Not to mentiong they bascially Buried The Hollywood and DC casts. Both of whom could do so much for this show.

Oh and just because it has to be said..they don't listen to their ******* fans either. They continue to cast ******* AYTO despite the fact that noone wants them on the show. 

And there's Backpack..Oh Backpack. The ******* moster that MTV/BMP created to terrorize us each and every ******* challenge. They ALWAYS cast him on this show. They let him have so much power and control that it's rediculous. They bend and stretch for him, they wash his hands of any wrongdoing via Aftershows when he's seen doing something shitty. They cast people specifically to kiss his *** and get him followers, they don't EVER seem to along anyone other than Wes/Cara Maria to go after him. They made him the FACE of a show that's not supposed to have a face. They give him good partner after good partner, they put in twists to the game to make sure his *** will be safe. All of this protecting and covering up, and *** kissing because of ONE ******* season didn't do well? Really? That makes NO ******* sense to me. Okay..I know Seasons 2 didn't do well but that's only because they focused on JEK and their ******* friends for so long and forgot to get the audience aquainted with the newer RW seasons coming in so the audience got attached to those shitty regulars. Guess who's ******* fault that was? MTV'S. And for the record when a season of a show gets bad ratings the answer to that is NOT forcing this show into a corner by putting it on the backs of 2/3 people and just having everyone else be disposable. A show like this was not designed to be like that. You know what should've happened? Vets vs Rookies. It made the most sense to do at that point. Because you would've had an ***load of Newbies vs Seasons 2 and RW Portland, then you'd have the vets. An all out ******* showdown to see who was better. It would've done so well because EVERYONE wanted to see that shit but what did we get? Rivals 2. Another example of MTV/BMP ******* up.

And whose Idea was it to have regualrs? A show like this is supposed to have a different cast every season. We're supposed to see different people every ******* show. Not the same 20 *******s over and over again. Peep the first 4 seasons of this show...the cast were different every time. They need to start that again.

Oh and one last thing...these extreme crossfit shit is rediculous and needs to stop. Because 1. These people are just simple Reality TV folk. Not athletes not Navy Seals, and not Olympians and 2 It's not fun to watch. They seem to be going back into a middle ground with the missions and such and that's good to see.

So yeah...Production has ****** up this show. Shape up Please.




It's a ******* shame really. It's a shame that someone so ******* hot can be such a piece of shit. I liked Bruno at first on RW. He seemed cool and a bit fun. His little wolfpack with Nicole and Jason was cute and all..But then somewhere down the line he just became one of the biggest ***** in recent memory. It seemed like he just hated his time there and isolated himself from everyone else in the house. He fliped the **** out over stupid someone eating his burgers(which I can kinda understand..I mean shit I'd be pissed if someon ate up my shit) gets mad at Carla for PAYING FOR THE ******* DATE THEY WENT ON!!! Really ************? Really? that's money in your pocket you don't have to spend! Appreciate that damnit! Then he would just lash the **** out at his roomates for no reason. I mean the one time his brother was there he almost hit Sylvia, got in Tony's face, left the van. Then his brother gases him up and he ends up trying to fight Tony and Shane in the damn what the ****? I'll tell you one thing..He can't keep stepping to people like that because in the REAL world that can get you ****** up or killed. I hope he's learned to manage that.

Then at the end he just left without saying goodbye to anyone. It's like I get you hate them but least say bye. Shit.

I'm not too keen on Bruno. But I would love to see him on the challenge though...

Production somewhat stepped their game up with the casting this season but they're still a bunch of *********.

Like why is it okay for them to continuously snub Darrell yet they bring in ***** *** Nate two challenges in a row. That rat should have been sent home the moment he refused to fly out the helicopter. 

Like Bloodlines and Rivals 3 were such failures of seasons because the cast sucked from the start. 

Not to mention they choose such odd seasons to have their themes. You mentioned Rivals 2 but why did we need Rivals 3 again after having two straight pairs challenges and not having enough guy/girl rivalries to actually make teams? MTV is so ******* lazy when it comes to the challenges 

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

i think production stepped up for the females. it certainly hasnt for the all. No is that shit for real. Its ******* garbage. 


I'm sure someone already wrote an entry on him, but just goes to show how awful of a person he is. I went back and watched Free Agents and Exes 2, back to back, and I must say they are both really good seasons considering the two trash seasons that followed them, but shit Zach was awful.

I think on Free Agents he was fine for the most part, until the finale. And that moment he started breaking down and Laurel told him to******* up. And instead of taking his L like a man, he proceeds to say to the cameras that Laurel is dumb and shouldn't be getting mad at him. Like really, Zach? You gave Sam all that shit but when it's you that's looking weak, you find another excuse to take the blame off of you. 

Now, Exes 2. I seriously think Zach is the biggest ******* from that season and when you already have Johnny, Jordan, and Wes in the same challenge, you really have to be a special piece of shit to overshadow them. Okay, I'm not gonna say Jonna was a great partner and I can see Zach's frustration with her in some challenges, but his shitty attitude and lack of confidence in her is what made her worse than she actually is. Of course it was worse when he was to blame for some losses, but he would always say "well Jonna didn't do this..." Dude, get over yourself. And admit you suck sometimes. Like this guy refuses to acknowledge himself when he shits the bed. I really felt for Jonna because you know she wasn't confident enough to stand up to him and he's probably the reason why she's never coming back on the show. 

Now he's being casted on the next challenge and I hope that if it's another pairs challenge, he gets the shitty end of the deal and gets a weaker partner than Jonna. I would rather see Johnny get win #7 than Zach making a final and winning. I haven't even mentioned his first two challenge appearances which he was a horrid presence in both. Like damn, he's a terrible partner to have. 

It's pretty much becoming known that Nia isn't banned, but who knows if she'll be on this next one. I don't like how it seems certain people seem to get punished for whatever they do yet their "stars" and production favorites (John, Vince, Tony, etc.) get passes after passes.

Despite what the Challenge 29 cast MIGHT shape up to be, production is still extremely stupid & still IMO don't care. Plank needs to be at home; Violetta should be making her debut. If Jill wants to come back; let her come back. I like Chey but after Rivals 3 she shouldn't be anything more than an alternate. **** this whole "fan favorite" bullshit....if that's the case more people **** with CeeJai anyway so why is Chey being asked again?

i think production stepped up for the females. it certainly hasnt for the all. No is that shit for real. Its ******* garbage. 

AT ALL. Dario & Nate need to be at home. Who actually says "OMG I'm so excited that Dario/Nate (insert either one) is on the next Challenge!!1"?

Didn't know Chey was a fan favorite. Devin was the real star of that team and she was only relevant because of him and Cory for a bit.

Didn't know Chey was a fan favorite. Devin was the real star of that team and she was only relevant because of him and Cory for a bit.

From what i've seen on social media it's basically due to the whole dynamic with her & Devin + how she got picked on by John/Vince. I mean she's gorgeous eye candy but she is just not fit for this show, in any way. Give me Nia/CeeJai/LaToya/Simone over Chey all day. I know none of those 4 would be sitting there crying over John/Vince picking on them, that's for sure....they'll be giving it right back & going toe-to-toe.

It's pretty much becoming known that Nia isn't banned, but who knows if she'll be on this next one. I don't like how it seems certain people seem to get punished for whatever they do yet their "stars" and production favorites (John, Vince, Tony, etc.) get p***es after p***es.Despite what the Challenge 29 cast MIGHT shape up to be, production is still extremely stupid & still IMO don't care. Plank needs to be at home; Violetta should be making her debut. If Jill wants to come back; let her come back. I like Chey but after Rivals 3 she shouldn't be anything more than an alternate. **** this whole "fan favorite" bullshit....if that's the case more people **** with CeeJai anyway so why is Chey being asked again?

I bet you it's because "they like her"...Same reason why Leroy and Jenna's dumb *** keeps coming back.

rwportland2 wrote:

Didn't know Chey was a fan favorite. Devin was the real star of that team and she was only relevant because of him and Cory for a bit.

From what i've seen on social media it's basically due to the whole dynamic with her & Devin + how she got picked on by John/Vince. I mean she's gorgeous eye candy but she is just not fit for this show, in any way. Give me Nia/CeeJai/LaToya/Simone over Chey all day. I know none of those 4 would be sitting there crying over John/Vince picking on them, that's for sure....they'll be giving it right back & going toe-to-toe.

..And you Know Backpack and Vince wouldn't have tried Darrell the same way they tried Devin too. They would've sat their ***** down and been like "whatever"....Unless they wanted to get what Brad got on The Ruins..a Black swoled-shut eye.

They also casted Xtina on two straight challenges and go figure, she was boring and irrelevant on both. Like these producers must be on something if they think we want to keep seeing these awful people they cast.

I really don't understand the Darrell snub. Like did he secretly **** off production all these years that they don't bother with him? Especially when the show needs more competitive males. Oh but it's okay for Johnny/Vince/Zach to bully the women in the house so let's keep bringing them on.

I really don't understand the Darrell snub. Like did he secretly **** off production all these years that they don't bother with him? Especially when the show needs more competitive males. Oh but it's okay for Johnny/Vince/Zach to bully the women in the house so let's keep bringing them on.

I think they just think he's "Too Old" for the show now.


rwportland2 wrote:

I really don't understand the Darrell snub. Like did he secretly **** off production all these years that they don't bother with him? Especially when the show needs more competitive males. Oh but it's okay for Johnny/Vince/Zach to bully the women in the house so let's keep bringing them on.

I think they just think he's "Too Old" for the show now. 

That's funny especially with the current crop of male competitors on the show. Jordan, Marlon, and Frank have all moved on it seems. Same with CT. Like the male side is getting worse and worse. Nate can work out all he wants, it isn't going to change that he's very weak mentally. 

rwportland2 wrote:

I really don't understand the Darrell snub. Like did he secretly **** off production all these years that they don't bother with him? Especially when the show needs more competitive males. Oh but it's okay for Johnny/Vince/Zach to bully the women in the house so let's keep bringing them on.

I think they just think he's "Too Old" for the show now. 

I think they simply want to keep this narrative that John is "the greatest" going & Darrell would be his biggest oppostition that could easily overturn that, being that he already has 4 wins and would've had 5 (keep in mind that would've been 5 consecutive wins, something John will never be able to do) if Brad wasn't Brad. Look how long it took John just to catch up to that, plus he had to have production help him out to get a couple of them. It's also why I believe they wouldn't have Landon back even if he wanted to return.

Darrell & CT are around the same age so they can't use that "too old" bullshit.

Debut Album wrote:

rwportland2 wrote:I really don't understand the Darrell snub. Like did he secretly **** off production all these years that they don't bother with him? Especially when the show needs more competitive males. Oh but it's okay for Johnny/Vince/Zach to bully the women in the house so let's keep bringing them on.

I think they just think he's "Too Old" for the show now. 

That's funny especially with the current crop of male competitors on the show. Jordan, Marlon, and Frank have all moved on it seems. Same with CT. Like the male side is getting worse and worse. Nate can work out all he wants, it isn't going to change that he's very weak mentally. 

Eh. I still think they can itch out a good male cast. But they might have to call up some of the people they don't like or deem "boring"...

Debut Album wrote:

rwportland2 wrote:I really don't understand the Darrell snub. Like did he secretly **** off production all these years that they don't bother with him? Especially when the show needs more competitive males. Oh but it's okay for Johnny/Vince/Zach to bully the women in the house so let's keep bringing them on.

I think they just think he's "Too Old" for the show now. 

I think they simply want to keep this narrative that John is "the greatest" going & Darrell would be his biggest oppostition that could easily overturn that, being that he already has 4 wins and would've had 5 (keep in mind that would've been 5 consecutive wins, something John will never be able to do) if Brad wasn't Brad. Look how long it took John just to catch up to that, plus he had to have production help him out to get a couple of them. It's also why I believe they wouldn't have Landon back even if he wanted to return.Darrell & CT are around the same age so they can't use that "too old" bullshit.

I think Landon was asked for Free Agents..the season that Backpack won..but then again that was before AYTO and Bloodlines so at this point you're right.

Well you know CT is the fan favorite so the age shit don't apply to him. Same with Backpack who's probably older than both of them(or at least looks it).

rwportland2 wrote:

Debut Album wrote:

rwportland2 wrote:I really don't understand the Darrell snub. Like did he secretly **** off production all these years that they don't bother with him? Especially when the show needs more competitive males. Oh but it's okay for Johnny/Vince/Zach to bully the women in the house so let's keep bringing them on.

I think they just think he's "Too Old" for the show now. 

That's funny especially with the current crop of male competitors on the show. Jordan, Marlon, and Frank have all moved on it seems. Same with CT. Like the male side is getting worse and worse. Nate can work out all he wants, it isn't going to change that he's very weak mentally. 

Eh. I still think they can itch out a good male cast. But they might have to call up some of the people they don't like or deem "boring"...

That exactly. They just refuse to call the right people and you know they will continue to. They'll keep wasting time with these repetitive AYTO males (minus Devin). 

Graphik wrote:

Debut Album wrote:

rwportland2 wrote:I really don't understand the Darrell snub. Like did he secretly **** off production all these years that they don't bother with him? Especially when the show needs more competitive males. Oh but it's okay for Johnny/Vince/Zach to bully the women in the house so let's keep bringing them on.

I think they just think he's "Too Old" for the show now. 

I think they simply want to keep this narrative that John is "the greatest" going & Darrell would be his biggest oppostition that could easily overturn that, being that he already has 4 wins and would've had 5 (keep in mind that would've been 5 consecutive wins, something John will never be able to do) if Brad wasn't Brad. Look how long it took John just to catch up to that, plus he had to have production help him out to get a couple of them. It's also why I believe they wouldn't have Landon back even if he wanted to return.Darrell & CT are around the same age so they can't use that "too old" bullshit.

I think Landon was asked for Free Agents..the season that Backpack won..but then again that was before AYTO and Bloodlines so at this point you're right.Well you know CT is the fan favorite so the age shit don't apply to him. Same with Backpack who's probably older than both of them(or at least looks it).

That too.....Darrell might be in his mid 30's yet he still looks younger than John, Vince, CT, Tony, hell even Kellyanne & Ashley M. lmao he can blend in with the newer crowd.

They might've asked Landon but I don't even think they would have any intentions on using him. Same shit they do with Ruthie.

Debut Album wrote:

rwportland2 wrote:

Debut Album wrote:
rwportland2 wrote:I really don't understand the Darrell snub. Like did he secretly **** off production all these years that they don't bother with him? Especially when the show needs more competitive males. Oh but it's okay for Johnny/Vince/Zach to bully the women in the house so let's keep bringing them on.

I think they just think he's "Too Old" for the show now. 

That's funny especially with the current crop of male competitors on the show. Jordan, Marlon, and Frank have all moved on it seems. Same with CT. Like the male side is getting worse and worse. Nate can work out all he wants, it isn't going to change that he's very weak mentally. 

Eh. I still think they can itch out a good male cast. But they might have to call up some of the people they don't like or deem "boring"...

That exactly. They just refuse to call the right people and you know they will continue to. They'll keep wasting time with these repetitive AYTO males (minus Devin). 

I think there is a couple of AYTO males that could do some good on the show. I think this Layton dude seems jacked, Neslon was a good competitor, Asaf and Gio from Seasons 4 seem like they would be characters moreso but I feel like both would be solid competitors. Adam(Season 1) was decent enough so he might show something the second time around.

Debut Album wrote:

Graphik wrote:

Debut Album wrote:
rwportland2 wrote:I really don't understand the Darrell snub. Like did he secretly **** off production all these years that they don't bother with him? Especially when the show needs more competitive males. Oh but it's okay for Johnny/Vince/Zach to bully the women in the house so let's keep bringing them on.

I think they just think he's "Too Old" for the show now. 

I think they simply want to keep this narrative that John is "the greatest" going & Darrell would be his biggest oppostition that could easily overturn that, being that he already has 4 wins and would've had 5 (keep in mind that would've been 5 consecutive wins, something John will never be able to do) if Brad wasn't Brad. Look how long it took John just to catch up to that, plus he had to have production help him out to get a couple of them. It's also why I believe they wouldn't have Landon back even if he wanted to return.Darrell & CT are around the same age so they can't use that "too old" bullshit.

I think Landon was asked for Free Agents..the season that Backpack won..but then again that was before AYTO and Bloodlines so at this point you're right.Well you know CT is the fan favorite so the age shit don't apply to him. Same with Backpack who's probably older than both of them(or at least looks it).

That too.....Darrell might be in his mid 30's yet he still looks younger than John, Vince, CT, Tony, hell even Kellyanne & Ashley M. lmao he can blend in with the newer crowd.They might've asked Landon but I don't even think they would have any intentions on using him. Same shit they do with Ruthie.

Speaking of Ruthie...They need to get that girl back on. it would be refreshing as hell and it would be interesting to see how she would handle the atmosphere of the shows today.

Graphik wrote:

Debut Album wrote:

Graphik wrote:
Debut Album wrote:
rwportland2 wrote:I really don't understand the Darrell snub. Like did he secretly **** off production all these years that they don't bother with him? Especially when the show needs more competitive males. Oh but it's okay for Johnny/Vince/Zach to bully the women in the house so let's keep bringing them on.

I think they just think he's "Too Old" for the show now. 

I think they simply want to keep this narrative that John is "the greatest" going & Darrell would be his biggest oppostition that could easily overturn that, being that he already has 4 wins and would've had 5 (keep in mind that would've been 5 consecutive wins, something John will never be able to do) if Brad wasn't Brad. Look how long it took John just to catch up to that, plus he had to have production help him out to get a couple of them. It's also why I believe they wouldn't have Landon back even if he wanted to return.Darrell & CT are around the same age so they can't use that "too old" bullshit.

I think Landon was asked for Free Agents..the season that Backpack won..but then again that was before AYTO and Bloodlines so at this point you're right.Well you know CT is the fan favorite so the age shit don't apply to him. Same with Backpack who's probably older than both of them(or at least looks it).

That too.....Darrell might be in his mid 30's yet he still looks younger than John, Vince, CT, Tony, hell even Kellyanne & Ashley M. lmao he can blend in with the newer crowd.They might've asked Landon but I don't even think they would have any intentions on using him. Same shit they do with Ruthie.

Speaking of Ruthie...They need to get that girl back on. it would be refreshing as hell and it would be interesting to see how she would handle the atmosphere of the shows today.

You would think with her being such an iconic figure for the shows in general (people who don't even watch the shows anymore STILL talk about Ruthie when discussing both RW & The Challenge) that she would've been doing as many Challenges as she wanted. I wouldn't consider her boring; at least she's not anymore boring than too many of their "regulars"....she actually tends to always be involved in some type of storyline, usually having to do with the competition.

It's been so many turning points with this show; yet they've all been for the worse.

Debut Album wrote:

Graphik wrote:

Debut Album wrote:
Graphik wrote:
Debut Album wrote:
rwportland2 wrote:I really don't understand the Darrell snub. Like did he secretly **** off production all these years that they don't bother with him? Especially when the show needs more competitive males. Oh but it's okay for Johnny/Vince/Zach to bully the women in the house so let's keep bringing them on.

I think they just think he's "Too Old" for the show now. 

I think they simply want to keep this narrative that John is "the greatest" going & Darrell would be his biggest oppostition that could easily overturn that, being that he already has 4 wins and would've had 5 (keep in mind that would've been 5 consecutive wins, something John will never be able to do) if Brad wasn't Brad. Look how long it took John just to catch up to that, plus he had to have production help him out to get a couple of them. It's also why I believe they wouldn't have Landon back even if he wanted to return.Darrell & CT are around the same age so they can't use that "too old" bullshit.

I think Landon was asked for Free Agents..the season that Backpack won..but then again that was before AYTO and Bloodlines so at this point you're right.Well you know CT is the fan favorite so the age shit don't apply to him. Same with Backpack who's probably older than both of them(or at least looks it).

That too.....Darrell might be in his mid 30's yet he still looks younger than John, Vince, CT, Tony, hell even Kellyanne & Ashley M. lmao he can blend in with the newer crowd.They might've asked Landon but I don't even think they would have any intentions on using him. Same shit they do with Ruthie.

Speaking of Ruthie...They need to get that girl back on. it would be refreshing as hell and it would be interesting to see how she would handle the atmosphere of the shows today.

You would think with her being such an iconic figure for the shows in general (people who don't even watch the shows anymore STILL talk about Ruthie when discussing both RW & The Challenge) that she would've been doing as many Challenges as she wanted. I wouldn't consider her boring; at least she's not anymore boring than too many of their "regulars"....she actually tends to always be involved in some type of storyline, usually having to do with the competition.It's been so many turning points with this show; yet they've all been for the worse.


Really? People still remember Ruthie? Well it makes sense given that on her season she was pretty much a walking cautionary tale of booze. Glad she made it through that. That made her doing so well on Sexes 1 so much better to see. A good example of how a castmembers RW past enhances their challenge appearences. Wish that would happen more often.

I wouldn't say all...Battle of the Seasons 1 was an amazing turning point and a transitional season for the show( You could also say the same thing about Challenge 98 given how RR All Stars was).

But other than that yeah...From the Fresh Meat to the over the top extreme missions/finals to AYTO....This show has always seemed to change for the worst. Seasons 2 could've changed all that had it done well. I still think that had that season done well in ratings we would now be in a new goldend age of the show. They would've focused more on the new kids instread of the tired, old ************* that plagued the show. There would've been new drama, rivalries etc..oh what could've been.

Graphik wrote:

Debut Album wrote:

Graphik wrote:
Debut Album wrote:
Graphik wrote:
Debut Album wrote:
rwportland2 wrote:I really don't understand the Darrell snub. Like did he secretly **** off production all these years that they don't bother with him? Especially when the show needs more competitive males. Oh but it's okay for Johnny/Vince/Zach to bully the women in the house so let's keep bringing them on.

I think they just think he's "Too Old" for the show now. 

I think they simply want to keep this narrative that John is "the greatest" going & Darrell would be his biggest oppostition that could easily overturn that, being that he already has 4 wins and would've had 5 (keep in mind that would've been 5 consecutive wins, something John will never be able to do) if Brad wasn't Brad. Look how long it took John just to catch up to that, plus he had to have production help him out to get a couple of them. It's also why I believe they wouldn't have Landon back even if he wanted to return.Darrell & CT are around the same age so they can't use that "too old" bullshit.

I think Landon was asked for Free Agents..the season that Backpack won..but then again that was before AYTO and Bloodlines so at this point you're right.Well you know CT is the fan favorite so the age shit don't apply to him. Same with Backpack who's probably older than both of them(or at least looks it).

That too.....Darrell might be in his mid 30's yet he still looks younger than John, Vince, CT, Tony, hell even Kellyanne & Ashley M. lmao he can blend in with the newer crowd.They might've asked Landon but I don't even think they would have any intentions on using him. Same shit they do with Ruthie.

Speaking of Ruthie...They need to get that girl back on. it would be refreshing as hell and it would be interesting to see how she would handle the atmosphere of the shows today.

You would think with her being such an iconic figure for the shows in general (people who don't even watch the shows anymore STILL talk about Ruthie when discussing both RW & The Challenge) that she would've been doing as many Challenges as she wanted. I wouldn't consider her boring; at least she's not anymore boring than too many of their "regulars"....she actually tends to always be involved in some type of storyline, usually having to do with the competition.It's been so many turning points with this show; yet they've all been for the worse.

 Really? People still remember Ruthie? Well it makes sense given that on her season she was pretty much a walking cautionary tale of booze. Glad she made it through that. That made her doing so well on Sexes 1 so much better to see. A good example of how a castmembers RW past enhances their challenge appearences. Wish that would happen more often.I wouldn't say all...Battle of the Seasons 1 was an amazing turning point and a transitional season for the show( You could also say the same thing about Challenge 98 given how RR All Stars was).But other than that yeah...From the Fresh Meat to the over the top extreme missions/finals to AYTO....This show has always seemed to change for the worst. Seasons 2 could've changed all that had it done well. I still think that had that season done well in ratings we would now be in a new goldend age of the show. They would've focused more on the new kids instread of the tired, old ************* that plagued the show. There would've been new drama, rivalries etc..oh what could've been.

Yeah any transitional periods that happened in the Golden Era don't count becuase Mary Ellis-Bunim still had control lol but from Fresh Meat 1 onward? Complete mess.
