The Challenge: Burn Book (Spoilers)

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I have never seen a bigger missed opportunity on this show than not having a Frank vs Bananas feud. BMP also shot themselves in the foot for kicking Frank off FA because now he'll never come back.

Good riddace him and his no b*** in his voice lacking ***.

What was the viral infection Frank had? Wasn't it something pretty serious like meningitis? I mean what choice do they have....



You're kidding

The Brad vs Darrell fight on the Ruins

I was always a big fan of these two, although Brad was becoming less likeable the more he gave his balls to Tori. So it was rough seeing these two fight and neither of them looked good coming out of it (Brad, literally). Plus Darrell lost out on his guaranteed 5/5 challenge victory and the money he got from beating Cohutta just ended up being split among JEK + Susie in the finale. Glad Brad and Darrell made up though in the end.

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

cant blame brad thats what happens when you are on a team with sarah. you look for anyway to get the **** out

Brad and Darrell as a Rivals pair needed to happen. Too late for that now. 

cant blame brad thats what happens when you are on a team with sarah. you look for anyway to get the **** out

Casey was the biggest anchor on their team.

cant blame brad thats what happens when you are on a team with sarah. you look for anyway to get the **** out

I don't know why but I laughed so hard when I read this.

Diamonds are Forever wrote:

cant blame brad thats what happens when you are on a team with sarah. you look for anyway to get the **** out

Casey was the biggest anchor on their team.

he was joking.... or rather trashing sarah on purpose. everyone who watched the ruins knew casey was bad

Tbone123 wrote:

Their time is up. Like maybe 4 or less but we have new fresh people which now it's their turn. Moving on

dont mind that at all if production actually brought in people worth a damn. That's why the old challenges were better because we got to see real personalities instead of people that mostly just play shit up for the cameras or are just completely useless. 

A lot of it are the current crop of Real World/AYTO? cast members. Most are aspiring models, actors, or anything inbetween the industry, so they're going to exaggerate themselves to get into the shows.

Diamonds are Forever wrote:

backpack was literally like...kennys caddie. basically carried kennys golf clubs around and was his water boy. was it nehemiah who said that backpack was the fakest one on the show because he said something along the lines how does a california kid all of a sudden become a jersey boy

So you're telling me that the guy that basically runs this show is just Kenny's little lap dog and the third wheel of the alliance?Damn...that right there just tells you how badly this show fell off.

I don't know that he was Kenny's LAPDOG. They were and are still legitimately friends. In fact if I remember correctly Kenny said Johnny was his first real friend on the show (shockingly, Kenny and Evan didn't really like each other much on Fresh Meat 1 and didn't become close until after Duel 1). I think if Johnny was the lapdog Kenny wouldn't have felt so obligated to help him on the Island, which he said was to make up for not fighting harder to keep Johnny around on Gauntlet. 

But he was definitely the third, possibly fourth, wheel on the Ruins. I think the majority of the champions, Derrick and Evan included, were not always thrilled with Johnny...but they, and Darrell, Johanna, Susie, etc., dealt with it for the most part because Kenny vouched for him and they all liked Kenny. 

Unrelated, but I also don't see why a Darrell/Johnny rivalry would happen. They seem to get along pretty well. Johnny said on Simmons podcast that Darrell gave him a call out of the blue because he wanted to hear what happened on Rivals 3 and it seemed like they were pretty friendly. If anything, I could see Darrell working with Johnny untili the end for political purposes and then beating him in the final because he probably knows that he can. Johnny's good at finals now but he's still not in that elite group at them with Darrell, Landon and Kenny.  

ThatCoralLover2 wrote:

Graphik wrote:

HonestTea101 wrote:I have never seen a bigger missed opportunity on this show than not having a Frank vs Bananas feud. BMP also shot themselves in the foot for kicking Frank off FA because now he'll never come back.

They continuously shoot themselves in the foot. Rivals 2 should've been the Co-ed season honestly; that way they could've gotten Frank/Nany, Jordan/Nia, Zach or Trey/Marie, Swift/LaToya, etc.

Bananas/Paula would've won

Darrell/Kellyanne, Wes/Laurel & CT/Cara Maria could've taken them out.

cara dragged cooke down in that final. ct def wouldn't of gotten his win with her. & he deserved one so im glad it wasnt co-ed

ThatCoralLover2 wrote:

Graphik wrote:

HonestTea101 wrote:I have never seen a bigger missed opportunity on this show than not having a Frank vs Bananas feud. BMP also shot themselves in the foot for kicking Frank off FA because now he'll never come back.

They continuously shoot themselves in the foot. Rivals 2 should've been the Co-ed season honestly; that way they could've gotten Frank/Nany, Jordan/Nia, Zach or Trey/Marie, Swift/LaToya, etc.

Bananas/Paula would've won

Darrell/Kellyanne, Wes/Laurel & CT/Cara Maria could've taken them out.

Darrell/KA would be epic, I think they could've won. Should be Wes/Cara Maria. Blanking on a good female rival for CT.

Graphik wrote:

ThatCoralLover2 wrote:

Graphik wrote:
HonestTea101 wrote:I have never seen a bigger missed opportunity on this show than not having a Frank vs Bananas feud. BMP also shot themselves in the foot for kicking Frank off FA because now he'll never come back.

They continuously shoot themselves in the foot. Rivals 2 should've been the Co-ed season honestly; that way they could've gotten Frank/Nany, Jordan/Nia, Zach or Trey/Marie, Swift/LaToya, etc.

Bananas/Paula would've won

Darrell/Kellyanne, Wes/Laurel & CT/Cara Maria could've taken them out.

Darrell/KA would be epic, I think they could've won. Should be Wes/Cara Maria. Blanking on a good female rival for CT.



This season w***o disapointing for so many reasons. After the breath of fresh air that was Battle of the Seasons 2 we go back to the shitty *** status quo and I hated that so much. There w***o much I didn't like about this season it's crazy. 

The CT/Diem bullshit which I have never given a **** about.

Backpack and Paula's Dusty, unlikable *****

Camilla's dusty *** freaking out over nothing yet again.

CT being the main ******* focus for like the first 3 episodes straight(and they wonder why Seasons 2 failed)

The shitty voting method which pretty much ensured that CT/Wes and Backpack/Frank were never going to see a Jungle.

Wes being there for a whole season yet again

Cara Maria prefoming like shit and costing Cooke the win(******* weak *****)

Paul/Emily dominating.

Jasmine's hair.

Production not doing the final in a city.

And a bunch of other shit too that I'm forgetting but I'll leave it here.

All of the Seasons 2 kids, Jordan/Marlon, and Cooke were the only good things about this season and some of the drama was on fleek too but other than that it sucked.

The Rivals 2 pairings were ridiculous as well. Most of them stemmed from one single fight or one person saying they hate the other.  I just hate the Rivals format in general. It was something that sounded cool but it fell on its face when production can't even get the rivals that would make the season. 

I posted this in the generic thread but imagine if they did the Rookies vs Veterans theme after Seasons 2. The teams would have looked like this.

Rookies - Frank, Jordan, Marlon, Zach, Knight, Trey, Robb, Preston (or Reilly), Cooke, Jemmye, Nany, Averey, Nia, Devyn, Marie, Ayiiia 

Veterans - CT, Wes, Johnny, Leroy, Ty, Dustin, Dunbar, Abram, Paula, Emily, Camila, Trishelle, Sarah, Jonna, Aneesa, Diem

I replaced and dropped a couple of players but I used most of the Rivals 2 cast. Would have been much better this way.

The Rivals 2 pairings were ridiculous as well. Most of them stemmed from one single fight or one person saying they hate the other.  I just hate the Rivals format in general. It was something that sounded cool but it fell on its face when production can't even get the rivals that would make the season. I posted this in the generic thread but imagine if they did the Rookies vs Veterans theme after Seasons 2. The teams would have looked like this.Rookies - Frank, Jordan, Marlon, Zach, Knight, Trey, Robb, Preston (or Reilly), Cooke, Jemmye, Nany, Averey, Nia, Devyn, Marie, Ayiiia Veterans - CT, Wes, Johnny, Leroy, Ty, Dustin, Dunbar, Abram, Paula, Emily, Camila, Trishelle, Sarah, Jonna, Aneesa, DiemI replaced and dropped a couple of players but I used most of the Rivals 2 cast. Would have been much better this way.

That's another thing I forgot to mention..What the **** was some of the pairings? The one that blew me the most was Backpack/Frank. They didn't even ******* know each other. It was just over ******* Twitter...Twitter...******* TWITTER! Like what the **** is that? Now I don't mind stretches but that was just rediculous. Frank should've been with either Wes or Dustin. Backpack...well he could've sat that one out. Same with CT.

LMAO @ mentioning Jasmine’s weave.

Who remembers that Cara threw a ***** fit when she wasnt originally cast LMAO

Who remembers that Cara threw a ***** fit when she wasnt originally cast LMAO

I'm not surprised. It's a little pathetic how whiny the regulars get when MTV decides to sit them out one season. Backpack being another example.

HonestTea101 wrote:

Who remembers that Cara threw a ***** fit when she wasnt originally cast LMAO

I'm not surprised. It's a little pathetic how whiny the regulars get when MTV decides to sit them out one season. Backpack being another example.

It really is. It just shows how entitled they are when it comes to this show. I really wish MTV would toughen up and let them know that they can be replaced.

I mean, Rivals 1 probably had the best pairings but even some of those were stretching it as well. Hopefully MTV is done with the Rivals format. It's been disappointing the whole time imo.

"I want to be the ***** of the challenge!"

I mean, Rivals 1 probably had the best pairings but even some of those were stretching it as well. Hopefully MTV is done with the Rivals format. It's been disappointing the whole time imo.

I agree. It has never produced a good season and they were never able to get the rivalries they needed to make the concept worth a damn(Save for a few instances). MTV needs to let it die and find another format to cash in on.

"I want to be the ***** of the challenge!"



This is the lame alter ego of Camila that we are guaranteed to see every season she's on. Basically, she gets super drunk and starts picking fights with people that leads to her crying and going crazy. It's an ongoing trend on these shows that she even nicknames herself "Camilanator" like wtf kind of nickname is that. I never thought it sounded clever. It's just dumb just like her fights with everyone. And we will probably see that same worn out act on the next challenge after she claimed she was going to retire. The only Camila I want to see again is the one from Cutthroat that came to the house to win. Not this extra stuff we see from her now. 

At this point I just want someone to beat her *** for that shit. I bet you she'll stop that shit when she gets properly touched for acting like a dumb drunk *****.

rwportland2 wrote:

The Rivals 2 pairings were ridiculous as well. Most of them stemmed from one single fight or one person saying they hate the other.  I just hate the Rivals format in general. It was something that sounded cool but it fell on its face when production can't even get the rivals that would make the season. I posted this in the generic thread but imagine if they did the Rookies vs Veterans theme after Seasons 2. The teams would have looked like this.Rookies - Frank, Jordan, Marlon, Zach, Knight, Trey, Robb, Preston (or Reilly), Cooke, Jemmye, Nany, Averey, Nia, Devyn, Marie, Ayiiia Veterans - CT, Wes, Johnny, Leroy, Ty, Dustin, Dunbar, Abram, Paula, Emily, Camila, Trishelle, Sarah, Jonna, Aneesa, DiemI replaced and dropped a couple of players but I used most of the Rivals 2 cast. Would have been much better this way.

That's another thing I forgot to mention..What the **** was some of the pairings? The one that blew me the most was Backpack/Frank. They didn't even ******* know each other. It was just over ******* Twitter...Twitter...******* TWITTER! Like what the **** is that? Now I don't mind stretches but that was just rediculous. Frank should've been with either Wes or Dustin. Backpack...well he could've sat that one out. Same with CT.

Twitter is serious though, have you been in Twitter feuds before? They can get EPIC. Bananas is one of the big stars, so I see why MTV would want him, fans love him and CT. Johnny Bananas is probably gonna be the face of the challenges until the show ends. 


Seriously. Why did they not go the ATL with this cast? It would've gotten so many people interested in this season as shows set in Atlanta are hot right now(Love and Hip Hop and Real Housewives to name a few) I mean ******* Bad Girls Club went to Atlanta so why not get Real World there? Missed Opprotunity IMO.
