The Challenge: Burn Book (Spoilers)

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Great Post Ashton. I always thought that having regualrs on a show like this defeats the purpose of it. This show is supposed to be about different Real World/Road Rules people getting together for some competition each season. Not the same 30 people doing the same rehashed shit over and over again. It's one of the biggest critisims of this show and I agree with it.

I mean look at the early seasons of this show...all of the seasons had completly different casts and therefore had different dynamics. THAT'S how this show should be done. Especially nowadays now that they have a decent pool of castmember real and non to choose from.

It also defeates the purpose of The Real World too..I mean why keep casting young, fresh, entertaining people only to cast the same people for the challenges?

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

I think they should adopt a policy where you must take off a challenge after appearing on two consecutive seasons. 

I don't even think they should do that. I just think they need to just not cast returning people every single season and have it get the the point to where the show depends on them for ratings. Kinda like Aneesa. She's been doing this show for years now but the show can survive without her. Why? because she's not on every show and we get a break from her. That's why I think she doesn't get as much flak as some of the others who do every show under the sun(that and she at least does something on every show she's on so she's not just useless like a lot of regulars are).

I don't agree with the five challenges and you never hear from production again, but ultimately, I understand. 

I don't even think they should do that. I just think they need to just not cast returning people every single season and have it get the the point to where the show depends on them for ratings. Kinda like Aneesa. She's been doing this show for years now but the show can survive without her. Why? because she's not on every show and we get a break from her. That's why I think she doesn't get as much flak as some of the others who do every show under the sun(that and she at least does something on every show she's on so she's not just useless like a lot of regulars are).


This. Something tells me they might finally listen with this but time will tell.

They just need to get rid of John period though.

Debut Album wrote:

I don't even think they should do that. I just think they need to just not cast returning people every single season and have it get the the point to where the show depends on them for ratings. Kinda like Aneesa. She's been doing this show for years now but the show can survive without her. Why? because she's not on every show and we get a break from her. That's why I think she doesn't get as much flak as some of the others who do every show under the sun(that and she at least does something on every show she's on so she's not just useless like a lot of regulars are).

.This. Something tells me they might finally listen with this but time will tell.They just need to get rid of John period though.

So True. I think we all have seen enough of him to last a lifetime. He needs to go and MTV then needs to rebrand this show. He's one of the many things that hold this show back from what it could be.

Yeah the regulars of the JEK era were all awful and I got tired of seeing all of them.

Remember Miz, Coral, Tina, Veronica, Abram, Katie and Darrell were challenge regulars for a time but the difference was they were all interesting and didn't need to rely on one storyline (Camilanator, Cara Maria the outcast, Backpack the villain etc.) to be relevant. They didn't have to play up anything for the cameras (Miz maybe but he was able to get a WWE spot from it).

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

Miz would but he wasnt a piece of shit unlike backpack

Yeah the regulars of the JEK era were all awful and I got tired of seeing all of them.Remember Miz, Coral, Tina, Veronica, Abram, Katie and Darrell were challenge regulars for a time but the difference was they were all interesting and didn't need to rely on one storyline (Camilanator, Cara Maria the outcast, Backpack the villain etc.) to be relevant. They didn't have to play up anything for the cameras (Miz maybe but he was able to get a WWE spot from it).

I think some of them did play shit up for cameras but the difference was that it was actually entertaining when they did it unlike people like Simone and Amanda.

Yeah the regulars of the JEK era were all awful and I got tired of seeing all of them.Remember Miz, Coral, Tina, Veronica, Abram, Katie and Darrell were challenge regulars for a time but the difference was they were all interesting and didn't need to rely on one storyline (Camilanator, Cara Maria the outcast, Backpack the villain etc.) to be relevant. They didn't have to play up anything for the cameras (Miz maybe but he was able to get a WWE spot from it).

rwportland2 wrote:

Yeah the regulars of the JEK era were all awful and I got tired of seeing all of them.Remember Miz, Coral, Tina, Veronica, Abram, Katie and Darrell were challenge regulars for a time but the difference was they were all interesting and didn't need to rely on one storyline (Camilanator, Cara Maria the outcast, Backpack the villain etc.) to be relevant. They didn't have to play up anything for the cameras (Miz maybe but he was able to get a WWE spot from it).

I think some of them did play shit up for cameras but the difference was that it was actually entertaining when they did it unlike people like Simone and Amanda.

True I think Tina and Coral also played stuff up for the cameras but at the same time they were genuine. Like Coral saying goodbye to Abe on Battle of the Sexes 2 was a nice vulnerable moment for her. That actually was the last time we saw those two on the challenge together.

Those were the days when Veronica had the most consecutive challenge appearances and doing 3 in a row was considered too much. 

Even still, Veronica brought something different every single time & was always entertaining.

Someone needs to give Jenn a good dragging on here still. I hated her entire strategy on Fresh Meat 2 because it's when she went full on as a JEK sheep

Even still, Veronica brought something different every single time & was always entertaining.

Yeah..and that was the difference with the regulars back then. They were on the show alot but they contributed to each show they were on whether it be drama or competition or both. Nowadays alot of the regulars either are useless, rehash the same shit, or just there because production wants to **** them and they have a bunch of delusional stans as fans. It's sad really.

Someone needs to give Jenn a good dragging on here still. I hated her entire strategy on Fresh Meat 2 because it's when she went full on as a JEK sheep

I think someone already did her.

"Exes" storylines 

I'm referring to Abram/Cara Maria, CT/Diem, and Zach/Jenna. The relationship storylines  that production puts a lot of focus on in multiple seasons. CT and Diem's relationship was nice but I was really annoyed with it in Rivals 2. Then there was Abram and Cara Maria on Bloodlines. Like I really was excited to see Abe back but they showed a lot of his relationship with Cara Maria and I didn't care for that storyline on Bloodlines too.

Now, Zach and Jenna. Sounds like they will both be on challenge 29 and I already can tell production is gonna milk that "will they/won't they" shit with them too. I'm fine with relationships on the show but one season of it is enough before it gets tiring to watch. 


The tentative fighting rules on the real world/challenge

This ain't challenge related but I always hated how on Portland when Nia and Avery went at it they didn't get sent home or even showed production telling them anything and on skeletons when the jumpahoes went after Madison they still didn't send them home but production told them to rewatch what happened and on GBOGH they send ceejai and Jenna home. And on the sending home note on rivals 3 they should've sent bananas and Vince home with Camila and tony.  Just like GBOGH they sent Jenna home for escalating the fight (she clearly didn't hit back and just took the punches) so why the **** didn't they send those 2 home for also escalating Camila and Tony's fight. That CLEARLY shows how far they are up bananas *** or they're just inconsistent and tentative with their rules. 

Still don't understand why Camila was included as part of Fresh Meat. But yeah clearly there were better options to fill up the Fresh Meat team. This would have been a good chance to bring Noor and/or Pete back but no, let's bring back the human anchor Eric. And Camila who has nothing to do with Fresh Meat.

Although, I would have loved to see Bae(Pete) and Noor back on my TV screen again, I liked the Eric was there. With his help, Austin was out first, and FM was out second. Gave more room for the new kids to shine.

[color=red]The tentative fighting rules on the real world/challengeThis ain't challenge related but I always hated how on Portland when Nia and Avery went at it they didn't get sent home or even showed production telling them anything and on skeletons when the jumpahoes went after Madison they still didn't send them home but production told them to rewatch what happened and on GBOGH they send ceejai and Jenna home. And on the sending home note on rivals 3 they should've sent bananas and Vince home with Camila and tony.  Just like GBOGH they sent Jenna home for escalating the fight (she clearly didn't hit back and just took the punches) so why the **** didn't they send those 2 home for also escalating Camila and Tony's fight. That CLEARLY shows how far they are up bananas *** or they're just inconsistent and tentative with their rules. 

In my opinion, I don't think Tony and Camila should've been DQ'ed in the first place. Yea Tony was way out of line cornering Camila like that, but it didn't escalate. Kind of ridiculous creepy Uncle Vince gets a p*** with Thomas though and they DQ Tony and Camila when no actual physical contact took place. But at that point they kind of had their hands tied with Bananas/Vince with 4 teams quitting/DQing, if they had 2 more, the show might as well have just ended. 

Tbone123 wrote:

[color=red]The tentative fighting rules on the real world/challengeThis ain't challenge related but I always hated how on Portland when Nia and Avery went at it they didn't get sent home or even showed production telling them anything and on skeletons when the jumpahoes went after Madison they still didn't send them home but production told them to rewatch what happened and on GBOGH they send ceejai and Jenna home. And on the sending home note on rivals 3 they should've sent bananas and Vince home with Camila and tony.  Just like GBOGH they sent Jenna home for escalating the fight (she clearly didn't hit back and just took the punches) so why the **** didn't they send those 2 home for also escalating Camila and Tony's fight. That CLEARLY shows how far they are up bananas *** or they're just inconsistent and tentative with their rules. 

In my opinion, I don't think Tony and Camila should've been DQ'ed in the first place. Yea Tony was way out of line cornering Camila like that, but it didn't escalate. Kind of ridiculous creepy Uncle Vince gets a p*** with Thomas though and they DQ Tony and Camila when no actual physical contact took place. But at that point they kind of had their hands tied with Bananas/Vince with 4 teams quitting/DQing, if they had 2 more, the show might as well have just ended. 

That would've been the lesser of the evils.

That would've been the lesser of the evils.

Lmaooo true that

I think it was I big waste getting rid of Tony & Camila I would've loved to see how they worked together for the rest of the challenge

deeper wrote:

Tbone123 wrote:[color=red]The tentative fighting rules on the real world/challengeThis ain't challenge related but I always hated how on Portland when Nia and Avery went at it they didn't get sent home or even showed production telling them anything and on skeletons when the jumpahoes went after Madison they still didn't send them home but production told them to rewatch what happened and on GBOGH they send ceejai and Jenna home. And on the sending home note on rivals 3 they should've sent bananas and Vince home with Camila and tony.  Just like GBOGH they sent Jenna home for escalating the fight (she clearly didn't hit back and just took the punches) so why the **** didn't they send those 2 home for also escalating Camila and Tony's fight. That CLEARLY shows how far they are up bananas *** or they're just inconsistent and tentative with their rules. 

In my opinion, I don't think Tony and Camila should've been DQ'ed in the first place. Yea Tony was way out of line cornering Camila like that, but it didn't escalate. Kind of ridiculous creepy Uncle Vince gets a p*** with Thomas though and they DQ Tony and Camila when no actual physical contact took place. But at that point they kind of had their hands tied with Bananas/Vince with 4 teams quitting/DQing, if they had 2 more, the show might as well have just ended. 

That would've been the lesser of the evils.

So true. I mean it's not like that season was any good....

I think it was I big waste getting rid of Tony & Camila I would've loved to see how they worked together for the rest of the challenge

Agreed. I personally think they could've made it to the end and been contenders for the season win.

AshtonMartin wrote:

I think it was I big waste getting rid of Tony & Camila I would've loved to see how they worked together for the rest of the challenge

Agreed. I personally think they could've made it to the end and been contenders for the season win.

Contenders for 2nd place*

Doubt they would have beat bananss and Sarah on that final.

Debut Album wrote:

AshtonMartin wrote:I think it was I big waste getting rid of Tony & Camila I would've loved to see how they worked together for the rest of the challenge

Agreed. I personally think they could've made it to the end and been contenders for the season win.

Contenders for 2nd place*Doubt they would have beat bananss and Sarah on that final.

Well, I mean, Vince and Jenna almost did by like 8 minutes. When she wants to, Camila can compete, and Tony’s no slouch either.


What the **** was this season even? I mean this entire season was a ******* mess and this honestly was one of the worst ways to close out one of the best reality shows ever created.

I mean it started out with 6 Road Rules Vets and then a Pit crew whom had to though and elimination round to even get on the bish whet? Last time I checked Road Rules didn't have elimination rounds. That's the challenge and it should've been kept that way. The ******* LEAST they could've done is scrap the 6 Vets and just pick 6 of the Pit crew to be the original Roadies but we couldn't even get that.

-The Locations were lame..There was nothing new or exotic about where they went. They just rode around California eating ******* Wendy's all the damn time. The ****?

-In addition to the Pit Crew it brought in 3 more people for no ******* reason. 

-The Host Sucked.


-The Finale is garbage as hell too.

I know that sucked but there's not a whole lot I remember about this season. But I do rememeber it sucking *** and I felt really pissed off when it was all over. They took a good show and bastardized it and if this is what they were gonna do with it then I hope to god this show never gets back on the air.

Dan was like the only good thing that came out of this season. 

**** You MTV for this bullshit season. And **** you for not letting Ivory on The Challenges


^^^ That should've been the official cast smh they already had the picture to boot. All of them should've had Challenge eligibility but especially Ivory. 

So much wasted potential with ALL of these damn shows smh


^^^ That should've been the official cast smh they already had the picture to boot. All of them should've had Challenge eligibility but especially Ivory. So much wasted potential with ALL of these damn shows smh 

..and with no good reason and nothing good to show for it too smh.
