The Challenge: Burn Book (Spoilers)

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Mitch and mike are liked by you is the difference. Vince would bring way more than they would since they are more nicer and let people walk all over them. But point blank you like them so of course you'd say they'd bring something when in reality they would not just their presence on the show would satisfy you enough to think they'd actually bring something. Smh

Mitch and mike are liked by you is the difference. Vince would bring way more than they would since they are more nicer and let people walk all over them. But point blank you like them so of course you'd say they'd bring something when in reality they would not just their presence on the show would satisfy you enough to think they'd actually bring something. Smh

You just said something he brings to the show didn't you? Don't know what you see in Mike and Mitch they are what you call useless but okay to each their own. 

No I didn't. I don't know what you see in Vince. He pointless and he wouldn't be on this show had he not been Backpack's cousing and I bet money on that shit.

Mitch and mike are liked by you is the difference. Vince would bring way more than they would since they are more nicer and let people walk all over them. But point blank you like them so of course you'd say they'd bring something when in reality they would not just their presence on the show would satisfy you enough to think they'd actually bring something. Smh

Okay then you better explain to me what Vince is going to do exactly? What the **** is he gonna  do aside from Giving Backpack another ally? I wanna hear it.

And T-Bone you honestly need to fall back because you're only defending Vince because YOU like him so you doing the same shit you claim I'm doing. 

And for the record I wouldn't mind Brianna and Shane Back and I don't care for either one of them so this argument of "you want them on because you like them" is straight bullshit. You just don't like that I have different opinion as usual.

Mitch is someone who is a good competitor and is different from most guys on the show. Mike is a good competitor and I can tell has a bit of Abram in him so he'll be great addition in my eyes. All Vince is is just another Backpack Lackey who acts the way he does because Backpack is on his side. He wouldn't be saying shit if he wasn't there and that's what y'all fail to realize and you can't tell me otherwise. He can't stand on his own While Mike and Mitch can.

And when did Mike or Mitch let anyone walk all over them?

The Hypocrisy on this site kills me sometimes.

Diamonds are Forever wrote:

Tbone123 wrote:Why did bots do bad rating wise anyways? I mean I never cared to watch it but always wondered why 

cause it was a lot of new kids and i think a lot of people didnt get into the newer people. like some here love frank but i found him beyond obnoxious. i remember that season i stopped watching cause i couldnt stand him. 

This! A lot of my friends stopped watching the challenge after this season. While looking back i appreciate Frank a little bit and Jordan I found them very annoying and hard to like. Honestly on the BOTS cast there wasn't anyone with potential to be a fanfavorite.  You had two jerks(Zach and Frank) running the show, CJ who was cool but never shown anything, Dustin (who was maybe the one with potential) Knight,Preston, Thomas,Trey who never really sticked out has fan favorites. Maybe on the female side you had more options but on the male side it was really lackluster.Unfortunately Alton was absent for too long and people didn't connect with this Alton 2.0 , Wes went home too soon, Big Easy was ******* horrible as always, Brandon was stuck with a shitty team and Danny was powerless without Wes. Chet and JD are wallpaper as well.IMO that season was good but i think that they really needed at least one more vet team to get the viewers to stay (maybe replace team Freshmeat for a vet team from the golden era or JEK era or have a better FM team)

Team Road Rules like it was supposed to be.

That's exactly what I mean fym DA! And Vince atleast starts mess even tho he can be a complete ****. Mitch and mike are just... I already fell asleep mid sentence 

I don't see how Chet was wallpaper on Seasons 2...

That's exactly what I mean fym DA! And Vince atleast starts mess even tho he can be a complete ****. Mitch and mike are just... I already fell asleep mid sentence 

But him starting shit doesn't make him interesting! Jenna had one fight with Brianna on Bloodlines does that maker her interesting and means that she'll "bring something"? Come on now..

I don't consider starting pointless *** fights as "bringing something to the table" well...unless they're funny. 

Tbone123 wrote:

That's exactly what I mean fym DA! And Vince atleast starts mess even tho he can be a complete ****. Mitch and mike are just... I already fell asleep mid sentence 

But him starting shit doesn't make him interesting! Jenna had one fight with Brianna on Bloodlines does that maker her interesting and means that she'll "bring something"? Come on now..I don't consider starting pointless *** fights as "bringing something to the table" well...unless they're funny. 

well if that don't work for you Vince is atleast a daddy. Meanwhile we got mitches nasty troubled rebellious midway puberty teenage look. And mike is good. He's like the oldest role model sibling

Debut Album wrote:

Tbone123 wrote:That's exactly what I mean fym DA! And Vince atleast starts mess even tho he can be a complete ****. Mitch and mike are just... I already fell asleep mid sentence 

But him starting shit doesn't make him interesting! Jenna had one fight with Brianna on Bloodlines does that maker her interesting and means that she'll "bring something"? Come on now..I don't consider starting pointless *** fights as "bringing something to the table" well...unless they're funny. 

well if that don't work for you Vince is atleast a daddy. Meanwhile we got mitches nasty troubled rebellious midway puberty teenage look. And mike is good. He's like the oldest role model sibling

Vince ain't that cute to me. So many other guys on this show look better than him IMO.

Tbone123 wrote:

That's exactly what I mean fym DA! And Vince atleast starts mess even tho he can be a complete ****. Mitch and mike are just... I already fell asleep mid sentence 

But him starting shit doesn't make him interesting! Jenna had one fight with Brianna on Bloodlines does that maker her interesting and means that she'll "bring something"? Come on now..I don't consider starting pointless *** fights as "bringing something to the table" well...unless they're funny. 

Whether you like it or not it is SOMETHING he does on these shows. You say he brings nothing to the show then say he does bring things but it's just things you don't like (pointless fights). I'd rather see an instigator and pointless fights then a show filled with Mitch and Mike where crickets will get more confessional time and cameramen get more airtime. Also Vince isn't that bad of a competitor he did solid on that Rivals final. 


BOTS2 came after a ****** RW season and since MTV doesn't promote outside their network it didnt help with the ratings. I had no idea BOTS2 was on when it aired, never saw commercials or anything. I just finally saw BOTS2 like a year ago.

Debut Album wrote:

Tbone123 wrote:That's exactly what I mean fym DA! And Vince atleast starts mess even tho he can be a complete ****. Mitch and mike are just... I already fell asleep mid sentence 

But him starting shit doesn't make him interesting! Jenna had one fight with Brianna on Bloodlines does that maker her interesting and means that she'll "bring something"? Come on now..I don't consider starting pointless *** fights as "bringing something to the table" well...unless they're funny. 

Whether you like it or not it is SOMETHING he does on these shows. You say he brings nothing to the show then say he does bring things but it's just things you don't like (pointless fights). I'd rather see an instigator and pointless fights then a show filled with Mitch and Mike where crickets will get more confessional time and cameramen get more airtime. Also Vince isn't that bad of a competitor he did solid on that Rivals final.  

Well you and me are going to have to agree to disagree because I'd rather see someone like Mitch and Mike than some creepy ******* who starts shit because his family is there. Just because someone does SOMETHING doesn't mean they should be brought back. If that's the case then then Briana(AYTO) should be brought back because she argued with Christina once. do you know that Mitch and Mike are gonna be boring if they get on again? They could be central characters next time for all you know. There have been people who didn't do shit their 1st season then became better characters and more involved in the show later down the road. So you can't say they'll 100% be boring next season.

KChallenge10 wrote:

Debut Album wrote:

Tbone123 wrote:That's exactly what I mean fym DA! And Vince atleast starts mess even tho he can be a complete ****. Mitch and mike are just... I already fell asleep mid sentence 

But him starting shit doesn't make him interesting! Jenna had one fight with Brianna on Bloodlines does that maker her interesting and means that she'll "bring something"? Come on now..I don't consider starting pointless *** fights as "bringing something to the table" well...unless they're funny. 

Whether you like it or not it is SOMETHING he does on these shows. You say he brings nothing to the show then say he does bring things but it's just things you don't like (pointless fights). I'd rather see an instigator and pointless fights then a show filled with Mitch and Mike where crickets will get more confessional time and cameramen get more airtime. Also Vince isn't that bad of a competitor he did solid on that Rivals final.  

Well you and me are going to have to agree to disagree because I'd rather see someone like Mitch and Mike than some creepy ******* who starts shit because his family is there. Just because someone does SOMETHING doesn't mean they should be brought back. If that's the case then then Briana(AYTO) should be brought back because she argued with Christina once. do you know that Mitch and Mike are gonna be boring if they get on again? They could be central characters next time for all you know. There have been people who didn't do shit their 1st season then became better characters and more involved in the show later down the road. So you can't say they'll 100% be boring next season.

Wouldn't mind Brianna back honestly but yea agree to disagree. I'm sure they are cool in real life just don't think they fit on reality tv which is meant to be messy/trashy. But if you are all for that and all the sole competition they bring then so be it. 

Crazy how Rianna was on the show until pretty much the finale but she was as memorable as Christina's bloodlines. 

Mitch and Mike are so much better characters than Vince. I know they're kind of boring but in all honesty I'd rather watch those two be boring than ever see that cheating muskrat on my TV again.

Baby you can kindly exit to the left and don't let the door hit ya hating ***. 

Yall ***uming I'm sure Vince didn't cheat *eyeroll* 

Baby you can kindly exit to the left and don't let the door hit ya hating ***. Yall ***uming I'm sure Vince didn't cheat *eyeroll* 

Video footage at 4AM in a dark shower is really something 

And he and Backpack were probably tag teaming Camilla too...ew.

Burn book entry coming soon stay woke I'm coming for a favorite

Burn book entry coming soon stay woke I'm coming for a favorite


Tbone123 wrote:

Baby you can kindly exit to the left and don't let the door hit ya hating ***. Yall ***uming I'm sure Vince didn't cheat *eyeroll* 

Video footage at 4AM in a dark shower is really something 


Burn book entry coming soon stay woke I'm coming for a favorite

YOU WOULDNT. HE DOESNT NEED TO BE IN THIS THREAD . Let's not unpurify him please.

HonestTea101 wrote:

Burn book entry coming soon stay woke I'm coming for a favorite


HonestTea101 wrote:

Burn book entry coming soon stay woke I'm coming for a favorite

YOU WOULDNT. HE DOESNT NEED TO BE IN THIS THREAD . Let's not unpurify him please.

Sweetie I'm not talking about that low life dont worry. Everyone knows I dont like him why write it out? I've got another fool in mind who people dont know I hate.

Girl low life?oh.  Let's talk about the true low life's Kimberly irrelevant snoresville *** and Marie's disgrace ***. I should make entries.

And he and Backpack were probably tag teaming Camilla too...ew.

I dont see an issue with this camilla is cute.
