There are so many alliances, sub-alliance, and faux-alliances that it is hard to keep track of them all. There are so many of them that people are scared to make a big move. Elissa and Jessie are really the only people trying to make a big move at this point in the game, but Helen keeps shooting them down because of her trust in Andy.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;357908]There are so many alliances, sub-alliance, and faux-alliances that it is hard to keep track of them all. There are so many of them that people are scared to make a big move. Elissa and Jessie are really the only people trying to make a big move at this point in the game, but Helen keeps shooting them down because of her trust in Andy.[/QUOTE]
Last night Elissa came to te raralizaton that Jessie and Candice are just using her (which they are) they were throwing out instance at which they would do an they basically admitted going after Helen. Candice is even going to call out Elissa, Helen, Mccrea, and Amadna during her eviction speech. Well she said she is at least. Very poor game play and a sucky friend.
Jessie is once again trying to get the votes to evict Amanda. Helen still insisting that she won't vote Amanda out unless Judd & Andy agree to it. Helen's problem is that she doesn't realize she is in the middle and will be picked off eventually unless a move is made.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;357986]A nine-person jury announced.[/QUOTE]
Big change. A lot of them were focusing on which 2 players to get out before jury. They will be pissed that Candice is on the jury.
[QUOTE=RMD1;357990]They should've been given notice from the start of the game. It plays into strategy.[/QUOTE]
But they have never been told when jury starts in any other season, all the players simply assumed since jury is always 7 it was going to be the same again. This is Big Brother, expect the unexpected.
[QUOTE=RMD1;357990]They should've been given notice from the start of the game. It plays into strategy.[/QUOTE]
It is a TV show first and a game second. It makes the TV show more interesting to have surprise twists that the house guests aren't aware of.
[QUOTE=RMD1;358657]McCrae and Andy are crying over Judd leaving. Actually crying.[/QUOTE]
It is difficult to separate how you feel about someone personally and how you feel about someone in the game the later it gets. They felt that they couldn't get rid of him unless it was a double eviction because if he had 4 days of campaigning, they wouldn't have been able to go through with it.
[QUOTE=RMD1;358675]Basically if he were to put up anyone besides Gina Marie as the replacement.[/QUOTE]
Yeah I'd like to see this, but Andy won't dare... This is Amanda's HOH, not his. He's the main HG claiming that everything is "too soon" etc...
He'll be in the F3 and vote to evict himself because it's too soon for Amanda/MC
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;358680]Yeah I'd like to see this, but Andy won't dare... This is Amanda's HOH, not his. He's the main HG claiming that everything is "too soon" etc...
He'll be in the F3 and vote to evict himself because it's too soon for Amanda/MC[/QUOTE]
Ahahhahahhahha. I think Amanda and Mccrea should push for Helen. I could also see Aaryn going up.
[QUOTE=RMD1;358658]If we vote, I really hope Judd comes back over Candice. Everyone got to see the real Candice tonight. She's not a nice person.[/QUOTE]
LMAO, seriously? In that exchange, she was a hero.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;358686]LMAO, seriously? In that exchange, she was a hero.[/QUOTE]
Not at all. She was the one who started with the low blows. She talked the most **** on anyone. She also said racist remarks at points.
After various low blows were dished to her. I only recall calling Andy a *****, as far as bigotry comments go. Even then, Aaryn, GM, Amanda all talked more **** about anyone, definitely not Candice.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;358693]After various low blows were dished to her. I only recall calling Andy a *****, as far as bigotry comments go. Even then, Aaryn, GM, Amanda all talked more **** about anyone, definitely not Candice.[/QUOTE]
A majority of it was behind her back to be honest. Gina Maria called her a "rat" which she was (in the game). That's not a low blow. Gina Marie was wrong as well, but Candice started it.
Do you watch the live feeds? And no, not clips on the Internet when things are taken out of contact and put into clips to make someone look bad. Or do youwatchthe edited version of a show? Candice said very low things about a majority of people on that house.
[QUOTE=RMD1;358702]A majority of it was behind her back to be honest. Gina Maria called her a "rat" which she was (in the game). That's not a low blow. Gina Marie was wrong as well, but Candice started it.
Do you watch the live feeds? And no, not clips on the Internet when things are taken out of contact and put into clips to make someone look bad. Or do youwatchthe edited version of a show? Candice said very low things about a majority of people on that house.[/QUOTE]
I follow tweets/read about live feeds from other forums.
GM started this, by being racist in the first place. I didn't mean the "rat" comment was how GM started it. She had it coming.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;358705]I follow tweets/read about live feeds from other forums.
GM started this, by being racist in the first place. I didn't mean the "rat" comment was how GM started it. She had it coming.[/QUOTE]
Your initial post stated "in that exchange."
Which is it?