Big Brother 15: Spoilers

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[QUOTE=RMD1;357665]Helen has flipped. She has now joined Elissa and Jessie to get Amanda out. They are trying to get the final vote. They first tried to get Andy's vote and he was really pissed about it. They will be working on Judd soon.[/QUOTE] Helen will probably flip back before midnight. Judd won't make a bold move.
Now Helen is saying not until next week. She has ended her game off of this move alone. She can thank Elissa for becoming the first or second member of jury.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;357670]Helen will probably flip back before midnight. Judd won't make a bold move.[/QUOTE] The damage has already been done. That's the most important thing here. Andy now knows they are going after her next week. I'm sure he will tell Amanda everything.
[QUOTE=RMD1;357675]The damage has already been done. That's the most important thing here. Andy now knows they are going after her next week. I'm sure he will tell Amanda everything.[/QUOTE] He will then GM puts up Elissa instead of Spencer
Helen seemingly already changed her mind
So is Amanda getting blindsided or is Candice still going?
[QUOTE=kvm1977;357680]He will then GM puts up Elissa instead of Spencer[/QUOTE] And you really think Spencer wont flip? They need 1 vote anyway you cut it.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;357695]So is Amanda getting blindsided or is Candice still going?[/QUOTE] Helen and Andy are currently explaining to Jessie that they are not doing it this week--so Candice
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;357695]So is Amanda getting blindsided or is Candice still going?[/QUOTE] As of right now Candice is going, but its very much a possibility Amanda leaves Thursday.
[QUOTE=RMD1;357698]And you really think Spencer wont flip? They need 1 vote anyway you cut it.[/QUOTE] ARe you listening right now? Helen nor Andy are on board. And Spencer won't get rid of Amanda as she's the only one that would even consider helping him for any length of time
Andy telling Aaryn everything
Andy's game is pretty much on par with Ragan's game thus far. Both had the trust of pretty much everyone--Andy will just be in trouble when it gets down to 6 or so.
Now Gina Marie is debating putting up Andy or Judd...just put up Elissa and call it a day
Now everyone is getting sloppy...tonight should be used as a video given to new potential players about how NOT to play the game.
Andy is playing the game well. He managed to diffuse the whole vote Amanda out situation before telling Amanda. She would have freaked out and put a bigger target on herself.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;357747]Andy is playing the game well. He managed to diffuse the whole vote Amanda out situation before telling Amanda. She would have freaked out and put a bigger target on herself.[/QUOTE] Except now Gina Marie wants to put him up because she trust Judd one handled this whole thing well starting with Jessie, Helen and Elissa and it just snowballed from there
[QUOTE=kvm1977;357748]Accept now Gina Marie wants to put him up because she trust Judd one handled this whole thing well starting with Jessie, Helen and Elissa and it just snowballed from there[/QUOTE] Andy being put up wouldn't impact his game at all. I don't think he would get paranoid as he would know everyone has his back.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;357749]Andy being put up wouldn't impact his game at all. I don't think he would get paranoid as he would know everyone has his back.[/QUOTE] True but it starts to paint a picture that he's working with everyone...
Gina Marie has gone drunk with her HoH power. She has absolutely no concept of strategy and is just doing everything for personal reasons. Aaryn now wants to get rid of her soon.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;357745]Now everyone is getting sloppy...tonight should be used as a video given to new potential players about how NOT to play the game.[/QUOTE] Haha that bad dude??!
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;357751]Gina Marie has gone drunk with her HoH power. She has absolutely no concept of strategy and is just doing everything for personal reasons. Aaryn now wants to get rid of her soon.[/QUOTE] It's not even that she's drunk with power, she's just ******* stupid.
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;357752]Haha that bad dude??![/QUOTE] There aren't even words to describe how poor everyone is playing right now. Gina Marie has lost her damn mind.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;357754]There aren't even words to describe how poor everyone is playing right now. Gina Marie has lost her damn mind.[/QUOTE] She never had a mind to begin with. She has 0 idea how to play this game. I really like her personality, but she may just be the worst gameplayer ever.
[QUOTE=RMD1;357755]She never had a mind to begin with. She has 0 idea how to play this game. I really like her personality, but she may just be the worst gameplayer ever.[/QUOTE] Nah Lawon has that title locked down. Its annoying everyone's playing so sloppily right now
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;357756]Nah Lawon has that title locked down. Its annoying everyone's playing so sloppily right now[/QUOTE] Very true!! Lol Not everyone, just most. Ahahha
I really think Judd is going to flip along with Helen. Ughhhhh. There are still so many days left.
[ATTACH]2427[/ATTACH] This is how Jessie is trying to get Judd to vote out Amanda. I hope he isn't that dumb. I really don't think he is, but I'm getting worried.
As of now Judd is not flipping. He just made a final 2 deal with Spencer (which is a fantastic move)
[QUOTE=RMD1;357783]As of now Judd is not flipping. He just made a final 2 deal with Spencer (which is a fantastic move)[/QUOTE] Judd will change his mind at least 10 times between now and Thursday's eviction. It will be interesting to see what happens when they tell him Amanda thinks he is the MVP and has been talking about backdooring him.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;357790]Judd will change his mind at least 10 times between now and Thursday's eviction. It will be interesting to see what happens when they tell him Amanda thinks he is the MVP and has been talking about backdooring him.[/QUOTE] Already happened. He didn't care. I no longer think he will flip.
