Big Brother 15: Spoilers

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Big Brother 15: Spoilers
[ATTACH=CONFIG]2246[/ATTACH] If it has not aired, it belongs here.
Jessie is one of the nominees.
Have-Nots are: Helen, Judd, Howard, Elissa The have-not room is set up like an airplane and they sleep on seats.
[QUOTE=gamer73;350797]Jessie is one of the nominees.[/QUOTE] Candice is the other.
[QUOTE=RMD1;350800]Candice is the other.[/QUOTE] Bummer, two of my favorites this far. Any reason why?
Just turned on BBAD. No idea. I hate that they are bleeping curse words and stuff.
Jermey and David are going to be huge tools. I already can't stand them.
The girls are being super *****y already. Rachel 2.0 already got in a few fights.
Gina Marie is classy, like we've expected.
There is an alliance of all men in the house. - Nick - Howard - Mcrae - Spencer - Jeremy
Another alliance: - Aaryn + David (showmance) - Kaitlin - GinaMarie
[QUOTE=RMD1;350806]There is an alliance of all men in the house. - Nick - Howard - Mcrae - Spencer - Jeremy[/QUOTE] I believe GinaMarie is in that alliance also.
Kaitlin (I believe) said something about how everyone wants Candice out then says Mcrae wants to back door Elissa.
[QUOTE=gamer73;350809]Kaitlin (I believe) said something about how everyone wants Candice out then says Mcrae wants to back door Elissa.[/QUOTE] Everything is going to change with the MVP twist. I love it.
The feeds are up and running. Great job CBS. The sound is loud and the picture is clear and not lagging.
We have The Moving Company abd allgirl alliances I hear. Who was wearing blue shirt last night? Starting to find her cute
Elissa is the MVP.
Elissa is way worse of a social game player then Rachel. EVERYONE in the house hates her. She is the number one target to leave this week of the veto is used, but we know CBS wouldn't allow that.
Everyone is playing the game HARD. It looks like the twist worked for once.
[QUOTE=RMD1;350860]Elissa is the MVP.[/QUOTE] Proves that production does whatever they want IMO
Andy is also have-not.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;350868]Proves that production does whatever they want IMO[/QUOTE] I agree with you, but I really think America voted for her to get it. Rachel has a lot of fans.
It seems like Candice got heated during the HHN competition and told someone to "shut the **** up" and that is why she is nommed.
[ATTACH]2250[/ATTACH] Here is a picture of the Have not room.
Who was the one that said she wanted an all female alliance? I actually thought that was a pretty good idea
[QUOTE=YvanEhtNioj;350874]Who was the one that said she wanted an all female alliance? I actually thought that was a pretty good idea[/QUOTE] That was Elissa, I think. Everyone has since turned on her.
[QUOTE=gamer73;350872]It seems like Candice got heated during the HHN competition and told someone to "shut the **** up" and that is why she is nommed.[/QUOTE]
Elissa nominated David, Jeremy and Elissa got into an argument.
June 27th recap -Everyone thinks Elissa is the MVP (She is) -The only person who knows for sure is McCrae - Elissa and McCrae are in a secret alliance. -If the third nominee comes off with the veto, then the MVP will get to pick the replacement. -All of the girls keep talking crap on Elissa. (I would feel bad if she wasn't Rachel's sister) -Everyone knows that Elissa is Rachel's sister -Helen cried because she thinks Elissa used her and she feels stupid - Amanda is going through the house telling why Helen is crying. They are really making Elissa out to be a monster -Amanda called out Candice for having an attitude during the competition and explained to her that's why she is a pawn. You can tell Candice is getting mad, but not reacting. -POV players: McCrae, Jessie, Candice, Elissa, David, Howard -POV host: Gina Marie -Aaryn is screaming at David, because he spoke to Elissa. -Aaryn and David are apparently in a showmance. -Helen spoke to McCrae are the only ones in the house trying to keep Elissa, but they are keeping it quiet for now -The power of Veto is happening right now.
Are they assuming she's MVP JUST because she's Rachel's sister? Or has she done anything to lead them to believe that? IDK, it all seems stupid. If I found out she was Rachel's sister, my first instinct would be "Okay, she must have some insight on how to play the game. I'm going to roll with her" and try to form some type of alliance.
