[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;352929]Amanda is probably my favorite after she destroyed Aaryn. It's always amusing to see how confrontational she is with Candice compared to how submissive she is with Amanda.[/QUOTE]
Because Amanda could kill her with her ***** alone.
[QUOTE=RMD1;352938]It troubles me that Arryn can't see how racist she is.[/QUOTE]
It's ignorance--that's a good thing in the grand scheme of things--it means she can change.
Spencer is FAR worse than Aaryn--it isn't even close
From the looks of it, Helen will be putting up Aaryn as nominee and either Spencer or Howard as the other. She is leaning towards putting up Howard though just to scare him since he was the one who voted for Nick to stay. Helen's plan is for MVP to put up Kaitlin as a pawn. If any of the three win POV, she will back door Jeremy. If Jeremy plays POV and wins, he will then have to choose to save either Aaryn or Kaitlin. Whatever happens with POV, either Aaryn, Jeremy, or Kaitlin will be going home this week. Sounds like a flawless plan and really impressive on Helen's part.
I think the best players this season are Helen, Amanda, Candice, Elissa, and McCrae. I see them as the F5. And I'm okay with this. This is really the best season since season 8.
[QUOTE=Klounsnax2.0;352996]I think the best players this season are Helen, Amanda, Candice, Elissa, and McCrae. I see them as the F5. And I'm okay with this. This is really the best season since season 8.[/QUOTE]
Replace Elissa with Spencer and I agree.
[QUOTE=Klounsnax2.0;352996]I think the best players this season are Helen, Amanda, Candice, Elissa, and McCrae. I see them as the F5. And I'm okay with this. This is really the best season since season 8.[/QUOTE]
I'd replace McCrae with Jessie, I think that girl is kind of a sleeper and will definitely Natalie her way to at least the final 5. Also, the Girl Power this season is solid...
Agreed this Season is up there with BB8 so far, but I don't think it'll surpass S10, mayyyybe S11 for me. I'd love to be proven wrong though...
And Helen, my sweet, sweet Helen... If she makes the above happen I'd be really impressed
[QUOTE=Klounsnax2.0;352996]I think the best players this season are Helen, Amanda, Candice, Elissa, and McCrae. I see them as the F5. And I'm okay with this. This is really the best season since season 8.[/QUOTE]
I don't think we're watching the same season
[QUOTE=Klounsnax2.0;352996]I think the best players this season are Helen, Amanda, Candice, Elissa, and McCrae. I see them as the F5. And I'm okay with this. This is really the best season since season 8.[/QUOTE]
I say Judd is playing the best game, he is with everyone and not a huge threat to anyone. Amanda and Helen are playing way too hard too early, McCrae is simply a puppet, and Elissa does absolutely nothing in the house.
I can't believe I'm just now making this connection...I don't know if it was the New Jersey "whatchu gon' do 'bout it" fight with Candice or the excessive crying. But it finally clicked.
PS Aaryn and Kaitlin are nominated...shocker
[QUOTE=molds13;353009]I can't believe I'm just now making this connection...I don't know if it was the New Jersey "whatchu gon' do 'bout it" fight with Candice or the excessive crying. But it finally clicked.
PS Aaryn and Kaitlin are nominated...shocker[/QUOTE]
The attachments aren't working for me.
[QUOTE=Esquire;353008]I say Judd is playing the best game, he is with everyone and not a huge threat to anyone. Amanda and Helen are playing way too hard too early, McCrae is simply a puppet, and Elissa does absolutely nothing in the house.[/QUOTE]
Crap! I knew I forgot someone, of the guys, Judd's my favorite/pick to make it farthest since Nick's gone
I think Helen & Amanda have a good pace going, The MC are more guilty of playing too fast
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;353020]Crap! I knew I forgot someone, of the guys, Judd's my favorite/pick to make it farthest since Nick's gone
I think Helen & Amanda have a good pace going, The MC are more guilty of playing too fast[/QUOTE]
My problem with Helen and Amanda's game is they are relying on the MVP lasting the entire time, but really it's only going to last maybe two more weeks then all the alliances and side deals they have made will screw them over.
[QUOTE=molds13;353009]I can't believe I'm just now making this connection...I don't know if it was the New Jersey "whatchu gon' do 'bout it" fight with Candice or the excessive crying. But it finally clicked.
PS Aaryn and Kaitlin are nominated...shocker[/QUOTE]
Once you see it you can never unsee it.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;353035]Elissa gets MVP again.[/QUOTE]
The MVP better be gone after next week, because there is no way they can continue to pretend Elissa is planning everyone's strategy.
Spencer is nominated by Elissa and Helen, Aaryn, Kaitlin, Spencer, GinaMarie, and Candice are playing for the POV. It's looking like Jeremy will be backdoored and leaving the house this week.
I know this is completely off the wall, but I can see Amanda being back doored this week. She needs to sit back this week and worry about Howard next week. She is playing to hard.
Helen is surprising me with her game play. She is buying everything Howard and spencer are selling.
Amanda is surprising me as well. She is basically already setting up next week. This weeks POV still isn't over yet. Thought she was smarter than this. Thankfully Mccrae is there to shut her up.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;352989]It's ignorance--that's a good thing in the grand scheme of things--it means she can change.
Spencer is FAR worse than Aaryn--it isn't even close[/QUOTE]
It is in fact ignorance. She is so blind. I think what gets to me the most is that she is a [B][I][U]22[/U][/I][/B] year old college educated woman. She should know better.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;353090]The problem with keeping Elissa, as Amanda found out, is that you can't control someone that doesn't understand the game.[/QUOTE]
Exactly, but Ellen should know better.