Big Brother 15: Spoilers

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[QUOTE=V1man;358910]For me, floating is a [B]strategy which requires great interpersonal skills and razor-sharp intelligence.[/B] It is amazing to watch when masterfully employed. Jessie a floater? Well, she gets about a 2% from me for matching anything in my floater definition.[/QUOTE] That's when you float correctly. I never said she was a good floater, just a floater lol.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;358852]It wasn't. He wasn't a threat whatsoever. Definitely not a "great" game move.[/QUOTE] If you're playing a game with so someone and they want you out and tried to do so 3 different time, they are a threat to your game. This was a great move for Amanda. If Howard was still in that house do you really think Amanda would be?
[QUOTE=RMD1;358995]If you're playing a game with so someone and they want you out and tried to do so 3 different time, they are a threat to your game. This was a great move for Amanda. If Howard was still in that house do you really think Amanda would be?[/QUOTE] Yes, he had no pull with the house whatsoever.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;359014]Yes, he had no pull with the house whatsoever.[/QUOTE] It doesn't matter. If he wins a HOH, which can happen, he would have out up Amanda and Helen. He said it multiple times. He had Candice and Spencer. That was about 20% of the house at the time.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;359014]Yes, he had no pull with the house whatsoever.[/QUOTE] Which is completely irrelevant. If he got power by winning an HOH she was in trouble
[QUOTE=RMD1;358994]That's when you float correctly. I never said she was a good floater, just a floater lol.[/QUOTE] I don't think she's trying to float though. See the fact she was on board with taking out Amanda when it was presented to her by Howard. A floater doesn't do that--see how Andy reacted. Jun went with the house every single time...floaters don't try to make a power move against the HOH wishes--especially not with 12 people still left in the house.
Yes, because there wouldn't have been a third nominee or anything. It still wasn't a great move.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;359024]Yes, because there wouldn't have been a third nominee or anything. It still wasn't a great move.[/QUOTE] The MVP really made HOH irrelevant early on.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;359019]I don't think she's trying to float though. See the fact she was on board with taking out Amanda when it was presented to her by Howard. A floater doesn't do that--see how Andy reacted. Jun went with the house every single time...floaters don't try to make a power move against the HOH wishes--especially not with 12 people still left in the house.[/QUOTE] I see what you're saying, but at the same time, how did she vote at the end of the week? With the house. Plus she tried her best to make up with Amanda right away. Nobody has any idea what she is thinking, because she goes in and out of alliances and she has scared everyone that if she wins HOH that she will put them up. That's why she will be leaving come Thursday. Maybe Gina Marie said it best. She's a "flip flopper." Which has a lot of the same traits, if not all, as a floater.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;359024]Yes, because there wouldn't have been a third nominee or anything. It still wasn't a great move.[/QUOTE] You seriously have to just be messing with me at this point. If Howard wins HOH, Amanda and Helen go up. The third nominee is pointless. You are going to take one of those 2 out. Amanda almost went home when she was on the block. Plus the MVP ended a week after Howard was evicted so your argument is pointless at this point. You are grasping at straws.
Given this spineless cast, the third nominee would probably go home. She wasn't though, because the essential votes weren't going to make that move yet. LMAO, you're the one said Amanda should be on an All-Stars cast. She'd get sent home real quick with a cast that had brains.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;359041]Given this spineless cast, the third nominee would probably go home. She wasn't though, because the essential votes weren't going to make that move yet. LMAO, you're the one said Amanda should be on an All-Stars cast. [B]She'd get sent home real quick with a cast that had brains[/B].[/QUOTE] Because she is a good player. Thanks for proving my point.
[QUOTE=RMD1;359044]Because she is a good player. Thanks for proving my point.[/QUOTE] Yep, that's totally why....
[QUOTE=RMD1;359044]Because she is a good player. Thanks for proving my point.[/QUOTE] She would actually last for a while because she is horrible at competitions. People would just keep her around because they know they could beat her in any competition.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;359053]She would actually last for a while because she is horrible at competitions. People would just keep her around because they know they could beat her in any competition.[/QUOTE] She does suck at comps lol. She's at strategy though.
[QUOTE=RMD1;359055]She does suck at comps lol. She's at strategy though.[/QUOTE] With all the "she's" referenced above, I'd need to back a page to figure out who you are are talking about. Unfortunately, I just didn't care enough to do it...
[QUOTE=V1man;359062]With all the "she's" referenced above, I'd need to back a page to figure out who you are are talking about. Unfortunately, I just didn't care enough to do it...[/QUOTE] Damn iPhone!!! Ughhhhh. I am talking about Amanda.
Massive drama last night. Aaryn said something to Jessie that made her realize Andy sold her out, and then eavsedropped on the HOH room where she heard the people in power bashing her and scamming her. Jessie goes to tell GM and Spencer that they're being scammed behind their backs as well. GM called a house meeting.
You're kinda right. Everyone was talking in the color room and Jessie was listening behind the door. Arryn was talking about how Jessie was going to leave and that they all have to lie. Jessie now is basically trying to ruin other people games because she knows Shenis leaving. She told Gina Marie that Aaryn talks **** behind her back. A totally sane and not over dramatic GM then woke everyone up and called a house meeting. The only people who went up to HOH for the meeting were Mccrea, Amanda and a jessie. spencer, Aaryn and Gina Marie were already up there talking. Nothing relevant happened. It was just Jessie trying to make Aaron's game bad before she left.
As of now, Jessie is just turning everyone in the house against one another and it is going to be hilarious to watch over the next couple of days. I don't understand why they all lied to her and told her she was safe, it is as if none of them wanted her jury vote. I am surprised no one pulled her aside and told her about it so that they could be in her good graces when she goes to jury.
Amanda had another freakout after losing a competition. Elissa also apparently had a small fight before the HOH competition with Aaryn + GM about them sitting next to her.
Arryn told McCrae that she is going to out up Helen and Elissa and tell Helen that Elissa is the target when it's really Helen. She is going to make it sound like its a positive thing so Helen doesn't get blood on her hands for getting Elissa out. I think this will change.
[QUOTE=RMD1;360072]Arryn told McCrae that she is going to out up Helen and Elissa and tell Helen that Elissa is the target when it's really Helen. She is going to make it sound like its a positive thing so Helen doesn't get blood on her hands for getting Elissa out. I think this will change.[/QUOTE] That could work
[QUOTE=kvm1977;360073]That could work[/QUOTE] No way. Helen isn't that stupid, despite what she has shown this week. She needs to be put up as a replacement.
[QUOTE=RMD1;360074]No way. Helen isn't that stupid, despite what she has shown this week. She needs to be put up as a replacement.[/QUOTE] I think putting her up as a replacement is the better bet but Helen could be convinced by Andy, McCrae and Amanda that this is a great move for them since Spencer and Gina Maria are useless--then they convince Helen that they can all target Aaryn next week. It "could" work
[QUOTE=kvm1977;360076]I think putting her up as a replacement is the better bet but Helen could be convinced by Andy, McCrae and Amanda that this is a great move for them since Spencer and Gina Maria are useless--then they convince Helen that they can all target Aaryn next week. It "could" work[/QUOTE] I think it would work with anyone besides Helen. She's very smart.
[QUOTE=RMD1;360077]I think it would work with anyone besides Helen. She's very smart.[/QUOTE] Ideally you vote out Helen and it doesn't matter (aside from the twist) but if Elissa was gone what choice would she have but to still try to work with with Spencer and Gina Maria?
[QUOTE=kvm1977;360080]Ideally you vote out Helen and it doesn't matter (aside from the twist) but if Elissa was gone what choice would she have but to still try to work with with Spencer and Gina Maria?[/QUOTE] It's not about that. Her target goes from Amanda to Aaryn. Plus why not try to back door her? If you don't put her up there is a chance she won't play at all. A small chance, but still a chance.
I dont know how she did it, but Aaryn got me to like her. Elissa said to some people that she is "above" GM and Arryn. Who does she thinks she is? She didn't mean it dealing with race issues from what I understand. She was just talking in general.
Rumors are going around that we are going to have a final 3 this year. I will be so pissed if they try to do this.
