[QUOTE=molds13;360713]Has there been any talk as to who the replacement nom will be?[/QUOTE]
Spencer--Spencer appears to be in on everything with 3 am
As soon as Elissa won he was joking with Andy that he thought he'd have a free week but will be the pawn again
Looks like someone realizes they are going to the jury house.[/QUOTE]
She thinks she has Andy but is worried about McCrae
She believes Gina Marie and Amanda are voting her out. I think she'll be shocked when it is 4-1
[QUOTE=kvm1977;360989]She thinks she has Andy but is worried about McCrae
She believes Gina Marie and Amanda are voting her out. I think she'll be shocked when it is 4-1[/QUOTE]
No way this will be a blindside come Thursday. She's smarter than that. I really hope she comes back in. I think she expects Andy to keep his hands clean. She knows the game he's playing. I don't think she will even hold it against him.
[QUOTE=RMD1;360990]No way this will be a blindside come Thursday. She's smarter than that. I really hope she comes back in. I think she expects Andy to keep his hands clean. She knows the game he's playing. I don't think she will even hold it against him.[/QUOTE]
I think she'll know she's leaving but she'll be shocked that it is 4-1
Even if she comes back in it is moot unless her or Elissa win HOH and I wouldn't bet on that happening
Elissa has been EXPELLED from the game. She tried to drown Aaryn in the hotub after she said yoga isn't really exercise.
Just kidding. How awesome would that be though?
Aaryn is really considering putting up Amanda at this point in time after getting into a fight with her. She thinks that she can use GM/Elissa/Spencer to evict her.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;361006]Aaryn is really considering putting up Amanda at this point in time after getting into a fight with her. She thinks that she can use GM/Elissa/Spencer to evict her.[/QUOTE]
When one watches the feeds or reads updates, it's often impossible to know when conversations (or fights) are just for show.
Re your comment above, here is what went down later from the ongoing transcript.
3:44 AM Amanda/McCrae now leaving the HOH room they turn off the light for Aaryn as they leave so Aaryn can go to sleep. NT
3:42 AM Andy left HOH room and went to bed.[SIZE=5] Aaryn/McC/Amanda laughing about the Amanda/Aaryn fight[/SIZE]. NT
3:36 AM HOH talking about how Helen threatens people all the time. NT
3:35 AM Andy wondering what he should say in his goodbye video to Helen since he doesn't know if Helen might come back in the game. NT
3:31 AM Amanda joined Aaryn/Andy/McC and are having a 3AM alliance meeting. NT [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=V1man;361020]When one watches the feeds or reads updates, it's often impossible to know when conversations (or fights) are just for show.
Re your comment above, here is what went down later from the ongoing transcript.[/QUOTE]
That was later, but there was a point in time when Aaryn was really considering putting up Amanda. Aaryn was the one who brought it up to Helen (she brought it up to Andy/GM before talking to Helen) and even told her that Andy was working with Amanda/McCrae all along.
[QUOTE=V1man;361020]When one watches the feeds or reads updates, it's often impossible to know when conversations (or fights) are just for show.
Re your comment above, here is what went down later from the ongoing transcript.[/QUOTE]
The fight wasn't for show at all. Aaryn was literally going to put Amanda up and even tried to get Andy. She told Helen that Andy has MCranda over Helen.
Amanda is just really good at damage control. She was able to flip Aaryn back and she agreed not to put her up.
[QUOTE=RMD1;361111]Did you watch it?[/QUOTE]
yep on flashback--not a big deal at all in the grand scheme of things. The suggestion that it really ****ed up her game is laughable.
Not laughable at all.
You can tell Andy is starting not to trust Aaryn. Mccrea already doesn't. As soon as Amanda finds out the truth, which will happen, she won't trust her either. It depends on who comes back, but don't be surprised if Aaryn gets back doored next week.
[QUOTE=RMD1;361113]Not laughable at all.
You can tell Andy is starting not to trust Aaryn. Mccrea already doesn't. As soon as Amanda finds out the truth, which will happen, she won't trust her either. It depends on who comes back, but don't be surprised if Aaryn gets back doored next week.[/QUOTE]
Aaryn was always in jeopardy of being backed door next week because she wins comps but you're making this into something it isn't. Andy & McCrae understand this game far better than you're giving them credit for if you believe they'll end their alliance with the person that can single-handedly get both of them to the F5. Aaryn was always going to get cut first unless Helen won an HOH--that hasn't changed. If Judd comes back that could screw her but that was the case regardless
[QUOTE=kvm1977;361115]Aaryn was always in jeopardy of being backed door next week because she wins comps but you're making this into something it isn't. Andy & McCrae understand this game far better than you're giving them credit for if you believe they'll end their alliance with the person that can single-handedly get both of them to the F5. Aaryn was always going to get cut first unless Helen won an HOH--that hasn't changed. If Judd comes back that could screw her but that was the case regardless[/QUOTE]
My point is because of what went on, they will no longer believe that she will take them to the final 5. I'm not making it into anything other than what it is, Aaryn tried to screw over Amanda. If Andy said yes, she would've went with it. Did you hear Aaryn tell Helen that Andy is lying to her? And has been? He's going to figure it out. They can no longer trust Aaryn. If Elissa wins HOH she won't go after Aaryn.
None of this matters without knowing who will be back in Thursday.
[QUOTE=RMD1;361118][B]My point is because of what went on, they will no longer believe that she will take them to the final 5. [/B]I'm not making it into anything other than what it is, Aaryn tried to screw over Amanda. If Andy said yes, she would've went with it. Did you hear Aaryn tell Helen that Andy is lying to her? And has been? He's going to figure it out. They can no longer trust Aaryn. If Elissa wins HOH she won't go after Aaryn.
None of this matters without knowing who will be back in Thursday.[/QUOTE]
Yes, they will because she will. If every alliance ended over a fight like this we would have never seen a true alliance in the history of Big Brother. Aaryn telling Helen that Andy was lying to her doesn't matter...at all.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;361120]Yes, they will because she will. If every alliance ended over a fight like this we would have never seen a true alliance in the history of Big Brother. Aaryn telling Helen that Andy was lying to her doesn't matter...at all.[/QUOTE]
Sure it does. He was getting so pissed earlier that he was being questioned. Once he finds out the truth, you don't think that matters? She's throwing her own alliance under the bus on the rare chance that Elissa wins HOH. She's already on rocky grounds with 3am. All they need is a chance and they will take it.
[QUOTE=RMD1;361122]Sure it does. He was getting so pissed earlier that he was being questioned. Once he finds out the truth, you don't think that matters? She's throwing her own alliance under the bus on the rare chance that Elissa wins HOH. She's already on rocky grounds with 3am. All they need is a chance and they will take it.[/QUOTE]
I can't even continue to debate this because you just want to see happen what you want to see happen.
This is standard in every BB season--alliances trash each other then makeup because, in the end, they realize they need each other. With 8 left you can't dump someone in an alliance of 4. If they do, they're idiots. Andy isn't that stupid--at all. He still wants to sit next to Aaryn at the end because that's his best chance to win and he knows it.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;361126]I can't even continue to debate this because you just want to see happen what you want to see happen.
This is standard in every BB season--alliances trash each other then makeup because, in the end, they realize they need each other. With 8 left you can't dump someone in an alliance of 4. If they do, they're idiots. Andy isn't that stupid--at all. He still wants to sit next to Aaryn at the end because that's his best chance to win and he knows it.[/QUOTE]
If you don't want to continue it, the stop responding lol. Getting Aaryn out next isn't what I WANT to see happen. It's what I thinks going to happen. Are you forgetting about spencer? I can very easily see Andy trying to get spencer to the finals instead of Aaryn. Who wants to bring someone with all of the comp wins? She only has 1 person in jury who really hates her. Helen might even be able to convince Elissa to vote for her. Especially if Andy evicted Helen.
Relax. have some wine, a beer, maybe both.
Elissa has convinced Aaryn that Amanda is manipulating her. Aaryn is believing her, but at the same time still saying how mean she is. They are going to try to flip Andy. Once again. This is going to do nothing other than expose Aaryn to 3 am. So screwed either way.
Whoever comes back in tomorrow has a great chance of staying for a while.