The Challenge: Rivals - Ratings

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The Challenge: Rivals - Ratings
1.8 million viewers overall; 1.1, 18-49. [I]via press release:[/I] [QUOTE][B]MTV’S “THE CHALLENGES: RIVALS” IS WEDNESDAY’S #1 ORIGINAL CABLE SERIES WITH P12-34[/B] [B]New York, NY – June 23, 2011[/B] – “The Challenge: Rivals” was Wednesday’s #1 original cable series with P12-34 when the new season debuted last night on MTV. The series premiere averaged a 1.6 P12-34 rating and delivered 1.9 million total viewers. In next week’s episode, airing Wednesday, June 29 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT, it’s the first men’s elimination day and the competition is crushing, and everyone is surprised at who ends up fighting for their lives in the Jungle. Meanwhile, Jonna and Camilla have it out, but it’s Jasmine who takes the fight to the next level.[/QUOTE]
Is that good or not? I know nothing about ratings :p
"MTV’s Challenge Rivals led all original primetime programming with a 1.1 adults 18-49 rating." I like that.
I don't know anything about ratings but it beat out the Las Vegas premiere.
That was better than cutthroat premier right?
[QUOTE=Maestro;254785]I don't know anything about ratings but it beat out the Las Vegas premiere.[/QUOTE] Thats good! Hopefully it gets renewed, did las Vegas get higher ratings after the 1st few episodes or did it stay the same? I bet it dropped after Adam left.
[QUOTE=Blue123;254786]That was better than cutthroat premier right?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=SPK713;212413]Good start. Real World Road Rules Challenge: Cutthroat Ep. 1 - 1.741 million viewers - 1.1/2 HH - 0.9/3 A18-49 - 1.8/6 W18-34[/QUOTE] Rivals premiered just a tad higher.
[QUOTE=Blue123;254786]That was better than cutthroat premier right?[/QUOTE] About the same.
Anonymous's picture
Cutthroat premiere got 1.74 overall, 0.9 18-49. Also xxJulieCxx, Rivals got 1.9 overall, not 1.8, since I think it'd get rounded up.
[QUOTE=Blue123;254787]Thats good! Hopefully it gets renewed, did las Vegas get higher ratings after the 1st few episodes or did it stay the same? I bet it dropped after Adam left.[/QUOTE] You can find the Vegas Ratings Thread [url=]here[/url].
Not bad, hope it increases.
[QUOTE=g30068g;254791]Cutthroat premiere got 1.74 overall, 0.9 18-49. Also xxJulieCxx, Rivals got 1.9 overall, not 1.8, since I think it'd get rounded up.[/QUOTE] My bad didnt know your suppose to round it off and I would say its decent not too sure though you guys should ask V1Man. I think its him who has always said MTV cares about the 18-49 demo rating number which was a 1.1 which im guessing isnt too good? this might be the end :(. [QUOTE=SPK713;254795]Not bad, hope it increases.[/QUOTE] Yeah not bad but shouldn't it be a lilttle higher? for MTV to want to renew it.
Anonymous's picture
MTV will care about the Women18-34 and Overall 18-49.
[QUOTE=XxJulieCxX;254796]Yeah not bad but shouldn't it be a lilttle higher? for MTV to want to renew it.[/QUOTE] For a premiere is pretty good. A 1.9 might be enough for it to get renewed, I can see it increasing so a starting rating of 1.9 is good. Not sure about the 1.1
In my opinion (which means jack ****) I think it will be renewed.
I thought cutthroat had bad ratings, so they decreased as the show went on I guess. Then Rivals did good and hopefully the show gets better, the 1st episode was good but nothing too crazy happened but the overall concept was interesting enough. I think they should have cast twice the number of teams so they could have a girls and guys elimination every episode that would make things more interesting and more people will make the game more complicated because as Evan said this game is too easy with just 4 elimination rounds.
[QUOTE=RMD1;254803]In my opinion (which means jack ****) I think it will be renewed.[/QUOTE] Same.
The thing about Mtv is that a lot of people do get excited to watch the show but since it's Mtv, they know that it'll come on the next day about three times, haha. People don't get too worried about missing it. I also find it funny that most of the cast members miss the premiere too.
The week ending April 24, 2005, the reported viewer total for[B] Inferno II[/B] was 2,354,000, according to [I][B]Media Life Magazine[/B][/I], with 1.5M in the 18-34 demo. Thus, 1.9 is good, but not great, and certainly not record setting given the amount of hype for the show. No conclusions drawn, just a data point for reference...
You know what I find weird is how there are so many ****** shows on MTV which get renewed and the good shows are on the rocks. Like theres so much weird crap on mtv like the show with the red head, life as ryan and that show with the boyfriend or girlfriend where they go on dates with other people and then decide if they still want to be with their bf/gf, and that paris bff crap and a whole lot of other strange stuff. ( of course this is just my opinion). I dont know if all those are renewed though but it's weird when a show with a good concept is less popular than those other shows, I dont even see how JS is more interesting than the challenges. Only shows on MTV that I personally think are good are just the challenges, real world, teen mom and 16 and pregnant, disaster date and I sometimes watch JS
[QUOTE=Blue123;254810]You know what I find weird is how there are so many ****** shows on MTV which get renewed and the good shows are on the rocks. Like theres so much weird crap on mtv like the show with the red head, life as ryan and that show with the boyfriend or girlfriend where they go on dates with other people and then decide if they still want to be with their bf/gf, and that paris bff crap and a whole lot of other strange stuff. ( of course this is just my opinion). I dont know if all those are renewed though but it's weird when a show with a good concept is less popular than those other shows, I dont even see how JS is more interesting than the challenges. Only shows on MTV that I personally think are good are just the challenges, real world, teen mom and 16 and pregnant, disaster date and I sometimes watch JS[/QUOTE] Its simple. The Challenge is just too expensive of a concept compared to those other shows.
Decent ratings, but the lack of dailies gives me serious concerns that MTV is either done with the show or its the final shot across the bow for BMP in their negotiations. I'm guessing the first one though. Isn't the cost of a show like this pretty high compared to Real World due to the travel, logistics, prize money?
[QUOTE=cystic;254812]Its simple. The Challenge is just too expensive of a concept compared to those other shows.[/QUOTE] Yeah I guess so, but still they do pay the JS and the teen moms a lot too. How about they pay the cast less, 100k is too much for 1 month of "work" they should settle for just 30K. Like come on they're only for my entertainment purposes. They are not lawyers or celeberties so 30K for one month is good right?
[QUOTE=Blue123;254814]Yeah I guess so, but still they do pay the JS and the teen moms a lot too. How about they pay the cast less, 100k is too much for 1 month of "work" they should settle for just 30K. Like come on they're only for my entertainment purposes. They are not lawyers or celeberties so 30K for one month is good right?[/QUOTE] Isn't JS produced by a company owned by MTV? If so, there are less fingers in the pudding. The High School mom shows also don't seem to follow the cast 24/7, or provide them with anything other than a check so they might be cheaper to produce even if the pay is higher. Even if the Challenges are cancelled, MTV will find a way to bring some of these people back in a different format--maybe a network olympics or something.
[QUOTE=CrazyHorse;254826]Isn't JS produced by a company owned by MTV? If so, there are less fingers in the pudding. The High School mom shows also don't seem to follow the cast 24/7, or provide them with anything other than a check so they might be cheaper to produce even if the pay is higher. Even if the Challenges are cancelled, MTV will find a way to bring some of these people back in a different format--maybe a network olympics or something.[/QUOTE] 495 Productions produces Jersey Shore. It's an independent production company that has done shows for MTV, VH1, Style and HGTV.
The other thing to consider is that it's the summer, so you can't expect the ratings to be as good as it could be if it was in the fall or winter. Also, although they did a lot of advertising for this one, I feel like MTV likes having this one solid show that stays consistent without much money put into it. So I feel like it will be renewed, especially since the Real World was.
I was looking for this thread and didn't find it for some reason, LOL. I think this is very good... it's the highest watched episode the show has had in a while. It's a steady start, I think it will eventually break 2 million, and with the increase in viewers the demo rating will surely increase too.
[QUOTE=CrazyHorse;254826]Isn't JS produced by a company owned by MTV? If so, there are less fingers in the pudding. The High School mom shows also don't seem to follow the cast 24/7, or provide them with anything other than a check so they might be cheaper to produce even if the pay is higher. [B]Even if the Challenges are cancelled, MTV will find a way to bring some of these people back in a different format--maybe a network olympics or something.[/B] [/QUOTE] What concerns me about that is it would be another Kenny-Johnny-Evan show. I doubt a network olympics would include some of my favorites of Katie, Cara Maria, Brandon, etc., because they aren't big enough names on MTV.
[QUOTE=GivingTree;254855]What concerns me about that is it would be another Kenny-Johnny-Evan show. I doubt a network olympics would include some of my favorites of Katie, Cara Maria, Brandon, etc., because they aren't big enough names on MTV.[/QUOTE] It could be as much about bragging rights as anything else--once a year in the summer--RW v. Teen Mom v. Teen Wolf v. whoever. Could be filmed in a few days/ a week and maybe get 6 episodes with backstory clips and interviews. MTV field day type events could be cool. Could be fun and not so drama-filled. They could also do something along the lines of the Apprentice where these folks would compete in non-physical challenges that would maybe open up the field of possible contestants to include older personalities. I would hope they would at least consider reworking the Challenges or trying something new with the same people of these ratings aren't good enough. At around 1.8 million is okay but the Challenges never seem to hold ratings that high do they?
I'm going to go against the gloom and doom prognostication here and predict they build an audience over the next few weeks and tip the scales for a limited renewal.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;254862]I'm going to go against the gloom and doom prognostication here and predict they build an audience over the next few weeks and tip the scales for a limited renewal.[/QUOTE] Okay, but if you are wrong, you have to buy an iPad and a year's subscription to the Vevmo app for $19.95 per month.
