The Challenge : Ride or Dies - Spoilers Discussion

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Didn't Morgan said Bananas didn't want her to do anymore seasons if they were together? Wouldn't it be the same case for Moriah or are they just a fling thing?

It's largely dead in here because of the constantly crying and personal attacks on who you all dislike. It's tiresome. This season, on paper, is better than at least the last 2. Kids are just pouting the 2 people they said could win did and the rest of us are tired of the crying. 

Well then logout and move on? Like...?

Bananas is too damn old to still be acting like a frat boy

yess Moriah, secure that spot on next season girl !!!

it didn't work for morgan * giggles* and apparently mooriah was neck and neck with kaycee on being the most boring on this season YIKES


yess Moriah, secure that spot on next season girl !!!

it didn't work for morgan * giggles* and apparently mooriah was neck and neck with kaycee on being the most boring on this season YIKES

Mooriah? That made me laugh for no reason. loool



yess Moriah, secure that spot on next season girl !!!

it didn't work for morgan * giggles* and apparently mooriah was neck and neck with kaycee on being the most boring on this season YIKES

Mooriah? That made me laugh for no reason. loool

Not us having a whole *** farm on the Challenge with Naneigh and Mooriah LMAOOOO




yess Moriah, secure that spot on next season girl !!!

it didn't work for morgan * giggles* and apparently mooriah was neck and neck with kaycee on being the most boring on this season YIKES

Mooriah? That made me laugh for no reason. loool

Not us having a whole *** farm on the Challenge with Naneigh and Mooriah LMAOOOO

Lmao I'm deceased 




yess Moriah, secure that spot on next season girl !!!

it didn't work for morgan * giggles* and apparently mooriah was neck and neck with kaycee on being the most boring on this season YIKES

Mooriah? That made me laugh for no reason. loool

Not us having a whole *** farm on the Challenge with Naneigh and Mooriah LMAOOOO

So what about....Aneesa?





Olivia is currently posting her vacation in Hawaii on her IG story. Her face looks normal and I don't think its a throwback because shes with her friends and sister who are posting themselves in Hawaii too.. Hmmm.....

Told y'all they just be making shit up

You guys think the spoiler team makes things up...? You guys must be new to this, if it's such an issue I'm sure Reddit will take you guys.  

There's always a slim chance some of the info the spoiler team is incorrect but they most certainly do not make shit up for no reason. Tf is you all on.

Can you imagine PR/Gamer coming up with a whole lie that someone was hit in the head by a golf ball and needed surgery? LMAOOOOO that would be so funny

Right? Lol Like why I would I come up with such a thing. All I know is that she got hit with a golf ball and that production is covering her plastic surgery + new nose. 

Idk if she got her surgery yet or the ifflamation/bruises have come down (+filters/make up) since the the day after the final was done.

Fessy *** always does the same thing every season hookups with multiple girls. Then after the season is done he takes 1-2 of those girls to Disney and then vacation somewhere lmao

Fessy *** always does the same thing every season hookups with multiple girls. Then after the season is done he takes 1-2 of those girls to Disney and then vacation somewhere lmao

He got a successful system going on

Fessy *** always does the same thing every season hookups with multiple girls. Then after the season is done he takes 1-2 of those girls to Disney and then vacation somewhere lmao

this funny becAuse i saw his ig story and ion my head was like one thing fessy is going to do is take one of these girls on vacation lol


Fessy *** always does the same thing every season hookups with multiple girls. Then after the season is done he takes 1-2 of those girls to Disney and then vacation somewhere lmao

this funny becAuse i saw his ig story and ion my head was like one thing fessy is going to do is take one of these girls on vacation lol

First Harry Potter land then somewhere tropical lmao

queen Bettina was robbed from a trip lol

Queen Colleen got to see the states thanks to fessy! 






Olivia is currently posting her vacation in Hawaii on her IG story. Her face looks normal and I don't think its a throwback because shes with her friends and sister who are posting themselves in Hawaii too.. Hmmm.....

Told y'all they just be making shit up

You guys think the spoiler team makes things up...? You guys must be new to this, if it's such an issue I'm sure Reddit will take you guys.  

There's always a slim chance some of the info the spoiler team is incorrect but they most certainly do not make shit up for no reason. Tf is you all on.

Can you imagine PR/Gamer coming up with a whole lie that someone was hit in the head by a golf ball and needed surgery? LMAOOOOO that would be so funny

Right? Lol Like why I would I come up with such a thing. All I know is that she got hit with a golf ball and that production is covering her plastic surgery + new nose. Idk if she got her surgery yet or the ifflamation/bruises have come down (+filters/make up) since the the day after the final was done.

did she get injured before final ? She looks so different in everyypic even before nose thing. Im being serious i still dont know what she looks like

Queen Colleen got to see the states thanks to fessy! 

Actually thats true cause based on her pics she loves to travel she def probably wouldn't go to the Dominican from Germany i think its 20 hrs away but only 2 from Florida

I'm not a fan of John at all but his hookup list is impressive and even in his 40s he's getting girls that are way too good looking for him

I'm not a fan of John at all but his hookup list is impressive and even in his 40s he's getting girls that are way too good looking for him

nah i cant give him credit the show presents him as a king that has lots of power. These girls want to get on show very badly


I'm not a fan of John at all but his hookup list is impressive and even in his 40s he's getting girls that are way too good looking for him

nah i cant give him credit the show presents him as a king that has lots of power. These girls want to get on show very badly

Facts. JD is just trifle

I'm not a fan of John at all but his hookup list is impressive and even in his 40s he's getting girls that are way too good looking for him

nah i cant give him credit the show presents him as a king that has lots of power. These girls want to get on show very badly

But even back in the day he was.  I don't get it but kudos to him regardless of the reason


I'm not a fan of John at all but his hookup list is impressive and even in his 40s he's getting girls that are way too good looking for him

nah i cant give him credit the show presents him as a king that has lots of power. These girls want to get on show very badly

But even back in the day he was.  I don't get it but kudos to him regardless of the reason

If it was impressive he would've been married by now had kids and actually had a career post television 


Wonder how much Tory has spent at the Golden Coral so far since her win. She definitely has been there every night so far.

Hopefully she has the decency to buy her own cat and give Jordan back what's his.

She is spending money at golden coral while winning finals, lowkey queen. Meanwhile your favorite is out there getting pregnant by a misogynist asshole that just see her as a swamp donkey.

Lmao PR clocked!


Wonder how much Tory has spent at the Golden Coral so far since her win. She definitely has been there every night so far.

Hopefully she has the decency to buy her own cat and give Jordan back what's his.

She is spending money at golden coral while winning finals, lowkey queen. Meanwhile your favorite is out there getting pregnant by a misogynist asshole that just see her as a swamp donkey.

At least you agree she is at the Golden Coral. That works for me. Kiss 2



Wonder how much Tory has spent at the Golden Coral so far since her win. She definitely has been there every night so far.

Hopefully she has the decency to buy her own cat and give Jordan back what's his.

She is spending money at golden coral while winning finals, lowkey queen. Meanwhile your favorite is out there getting pregnant by a misogynist asshole that just see her as a swamp donkey.

Drag that flop queen! And also can you lock his obsessed *** out from commenting on tori's thread *giggles*

Girl, you're just mad that the Amber thread has less posts than hers. Lol that's all you care about.

It's Golden Corral, not Coral




Wonder how much Tory has spent at the Golden Coral so far since her win. She definitely has been there every night so far.

Hopefully she has the decency to buy her own cat and give Jordan back what's his.

She is spending money at golden coral while winning finals, lowkey queen. Meanwhile your favorite is out there getting pregnant by a misogynist asshole that just see her as a swamp donkey.

Drag that flop queen! And also can you lock his obsessed *** out from commenting on tori's thread *giggles*

Girl, you're just mad that the Amber thread has less posts than hers. Lol that's all you care about.

it started out that way *giggles* but honestly I became a legit tori Stan once I saw all the weird hate and spamming y'all do everyday on the queen Smile





Wonder how much Tory has spent at the Golden Coral so far since her win. She definitely has been there every night so far.

Hopefully she has the decency to buy her own cat and give Jordan back what's his.

She is spending money at golden coral while winning finals, lowkey queen. Meanwhile your favorite is out there getting pregnant by a misogynist asshole that just see her as a swamp donkey.

Drag that flop queen! And also can you lock his obsessed *** out from commenting on tori's thread *giggles*

Girl, you're just mad that the Amber thread has less posts than hers. Lol that's all you care about.

it started out that way *giggles* but honestly I became a legit tori Stan once I saw all the weird hate and spamming y'all do everyday on the queen

Not you calling the Golden Corral mascot the queen too? Oh no.
