Top Chef: Discussion - Bravo

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[QUOTE=SeanDaniel;231758]W I think I will have to go with Blue Bloods and try to catch the other ones on repeats.[/QUOTE] Blue Bloods is a different demo so it is not in competition with The Real World (i.e lots of viewers, horrible 18-49 numbers per volume.) It is the one of the oldest skewing shows on television right now (not counting Fox News programming and the Hallmark Channel.)
[QUOTE=Bacchus;231760]Blue Bloods is a different demo so it is not in competition with The Real World (i.e lots of viewers, horrible 18-49 numbers per volume.) It is the one of the oldest skewing shows on television right now (not counting Fox News programming and the Hallmark Channel.)[/QUOTE] Yeah I know but I am one of the 18-49 year olds who likes it a lot. Since RW/Challenges are losing their pull on me, I know which way I will be going in the head to head. Not sure if watching RW on reruns really helps the shows ratings much, but that is where I will be when it starts up again.
The only show on the air these days that I look forward to is about to begin! January is so slow...
I had actually never attempted to watch Top Chef until this season. So I didn't know any of the people on this season, but I'm really enjoying watching it. :D
Restaurant Wars is automatically 10x better if Fabio is a part of it. That man knows how to work a room. Just from the menus I thought it was pretty apparent who was going to win. I wanted to try everything on Bodega's and maybe half on Etched(?). Btw, when did they decide on Etch or Etched or whatever and how is it referencing their Mediterranean theme? Odd choice. I was quite pleased with Marcel going home. He used the freaking foam one too many times ages ago. He needs to get over the foam.
[QUOTE]I was quite pleased with Marcel going home. He used the freaking foam one too many times ages ago. He needs to get over the foam.[/QUOTE] Agreed. He seems like a smart guy, but unlikable and too hung up on foam. I always love restaurant wars and this season was fun, although predictable as Team Dale was clearly better diversified for the task (especially having Fabio for front of the house.) At this point in the game, my thoughts are the final three should be Dale, Angelo and Richard. Although we are seeing good performances across the board with the remaining Chefs, it seems (at least to me) that those three generally operate on a different level. p.s. I know Carla has been a frequent top finisher in different tasks but I don't think she adapts well to higher end food and I suspect that will be her downfall.
I thought their pop-up was called "Edge", but it was an obvious winner and an obvious who was going home from the get go.
I really hate Googling "Top Chef All-Stars" to see if the episode is up anywhere and finding out who went home. I'm not disappointed, because Marcel annoys me. But I would be really disappointed if Richard was in the finals. There is something about him that really bothers me and I can't put my finger on it. I would say who my favorites are, but I am scared that wwwwhat will start cheering for them and they will go home.
Richard is an okay chef by my measure. He seems to fluctuate from high-end redneck cooking to slightly more refined. None of his dishes have ever made me say, "Now that is something I'd pay $100 to try." I don't like his attitude. He seems to act as if he should have already been a season winner and he is destined to be this season's winner. While some might agree with him on that, I just think it is poor form to act that way. I like Dale's dishes but he is a bit of a hot-head. I loved he threw Marcel in though. I guess he is the one I am rooting for at this point. Angelo just creeps me out--not sure why but he does--and I am not sure I would eat anything he cooked even if it was a killer dish. As bizarre as it sounds, he appears almost sick or unhealthy to me in some way though I cannot point to a single thing as evidence that would support my impression. Carla--I love her but she is more of a Paula Dean-type than a New York Foodie-type chef IMO.
[QUOTE=SeanDaniel;232822]Richard is an okay chef by my measure. He seems to fluctuate from high-end redneck cooking to slightly more refined. None of his dishes have ever made me say, "Now that is something I'd pay $100 to try." I don't like his attitude. He seems to act as if he should have already been a season winner and he is destined to be this season's winner. While some might agree with him on that, I just think it is poor form to act that way. I like Dale's dishes but he is a bit of a hot-head. I loved he threw Marcel in though. I guess he is the one I am rooting for at this point. Angelo just creeps me out--not sure why but he does--and I am not sure I would eat anything he cooked even if it was a killer dish. As bizarre as it sounds, he appears almost sick or unhealthy to me in some way though I cannot point to a single thing as evidence that would support my impression. Carla--I love her but she is more of a Paula Dean-type than a New York Foodie-type chef IMO.[/QUOTE] I agree completely. Get out of my head. However, I think that Carla would have fairly decent success in any restaurant in the South. But she is not a NYC chef and she kind of sticks out like a sore thumb. But when she was cooking in New Orleans in her original season finale, she looked like she was in her element. With that being said, I watched Wednesday's episode this morning and I think it's hilarious that Antonia is nicknamed "The Black Hammer". I remember her original season and I remember saying to myself "I wouldn't want to be on her team, I'd probably go home!" and it's funny to see it working its way through this time as well. Marcel's team was doomed from the beginning. You don't necessarily need to have the best chefs, but they do have to have the chemistry. That was clearly lacking on Etch's side.
[QUOTE=molds13;232782]I really hate Googling "Top Chef All-Stars" to see if the episode is up anywhere and finding out who went home. I'm not disappointed, because Marcel annoys me. But I would be really disappointed if Richard was in the finals. There is something about him that really bothers me and I can't put my finger on it. [B]I would say who my favorites are, but I am scared that wwwwhat will start cheering for them and they will go home[/B].[/QUOTE] Haha you don't have to worry about that. Everyone I would root for is already gone, now I'm just rooting against certain people.
[QUOTE=wwwwhat;232828]Haha you don't have to worry about that. Everyone I would root for is already gone, now I'm just rooting against certain people.[/QUOTE] Well now you have to tell me who you're rooting against. Because if they end up in the finals, you will be banned from mentioning favorites/least favorites!! Unless they're people I like, of course ;)
[QUOTE=molds13;232824]I agree completely. Get out of my head. However, I think that Carla would have fairly decent success in any restaurant in the South. But she is not a NYC chef and she kind of sticks out like a sore thumb. But when she was cooking in New Orleans in her original season finale, she looked like she was in her element....[/QUOTE] Sorry you will need to put your aluminum foil hat back on to block the transmissions... I would definitely eat Carla's cooking on a regular basis if we lived in the same town. I bet she could run a really fun restaurant to be at as well.
[QUOTE=SeanDaniel;232832]Sorry you will need to put your aluminum foil hat back on to block the transmissions... I would definitely eat Carla's cooking on a regular basis if we lived in the same town. I bet she could run a really fun restaurant to be at as well.[/QUOTE] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] I imagine Carla's cooking to be very homey, and Southern, and earthy, and hearty. I bet she makes a bomb macaroni and cheese. She said she cooks with love, and the only other thing made for me that was said to be made "with love" was a really good alcoholic beverage (and the "love" was just extra booze). To be honest, if any of the chefs on this season ran a restaurant (with a few exceptions), I'd probably stop by and try it. At least you can say you went to "_____'s know, they were on Top Chef!"
I couldn't eat at Marcel's. Sorry but foam reminds me of spit. I don't even like it on a beverage.
[QUOTE=SeanDaniel;232839]I couldn't eat at Marcel's. Sorry but foam reminds me of spit. I don't even like it on a beverage.[/QUOTE] I'd probably just do the ultimate no-no and ask for it to not be on the plate ;)
No Top Chef tonight? ugh Why do they keep doing that, isn't this the second time they do that? It's annoying.
[QUOTE=ViewRam90;233352]No Top Chef tonight? ugh Why do they keep doing that, isn't this the second time they do that? It's annoying.[/QUOTE] I know! I look forward to this show, especially being we are in the January doldrums of winter.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;233355]I know! I look forward to this show, especially being we are in the January doldrums of winter.[/QUOTE] Ugh that is a bummer. I was looking forward to taking a break from paper writing, but now I guess not :(
Boo! And it is the Italian challenge! Which would mean tons of Fabio-isms and I love me some Fabio-isms!
That's actually good for me because my game isn't until 10pm tonight and I hate having to wait for it to go online :D
I just really dislike it when producers decide to do that, especially great shows like Top Chef, Real Housewives of Atlanta and Bad Girls Club. Well especially Top Chef which is my favorite show of the season.
They are focusing on Isabella waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much. Makes me nervous.
Maybe he will be the surprise winner because I think most people would expect Fabio, Antonia or even Carla to win this challenge no problem.
[QUOTE=tatertots;234287]Maybe he will be the surprise winner because I think most people would expect Fabio, Antonia or even Carla to win this challenge no problem.[/QUOTE] He wouldn't be much of a surprise winner. He is Italian, after all.
Nicky Vest is my new hero.
Padma - I believe the correct term is undonete.
Oh no, not looking good for Mike. If he goes I'll miss his faces.
tatertots I agree with you even though I want Tre to go instead of Mike.
Wow, surprising that Tre went. I thought for sure it was going to be Isabella.
