Top Chef: Discussion - Bravo

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Dale is a nice guy and a good chef, but I like Fabio and Tiffany more than him.
I just watched it as well. I'm getting frustrated with this season, because it seems like every week my favorites don't do well, and my least favorites are never even close to the bottom. Jenn and Dale were 2 of the four I've been rooting for haha. Casey hasn't disappointed yet though :)
[QUOTE=wwwwhat;227603]I just watched it as well. I'm getting frustrated with this season, because it seems like every week my favorites don't do well, and my least favorites are never even close to the bottom. Jenn and Dale were 2 of the four I've been rooting for haha. Casey hasn't disappointed yet though :)[/QUOTE] Stop now! You'll jinx her!! When you posted last week and said your favorite went home I immediately thought you meant Casey and was going to be sad. I like Jenn as well, but Casey is one of my favorites.
[QUOTE=molds13;227604]Stop now! You'll jinx her!! When you posted last week and said your favorite went home I immediately thought you meant Casey and was going to be sad. I like Jenn as well, but Casey is one of my favorites.[/QUOTE] Hahaha, yeah every week I expect the worst from her so I won't be disappointed. She's my all-time favorite and the only person I'm actually rooting for. The other people I like are just my back-ups lol. I was surprised to see Jenn and Dale go, but as long as it's not Casey I ultimately don't care too much who it is.
I liked the looks of Winner Dale's dish. Simple but technical. I was glad to see Stephen go home. I like loser Dale but have only ever been impressed by one of his dishes during his season or since.
[QUOTE=SeanDaniel;227608]I liked the looks of Winner Dale's dish. Simple but technical. I was glad to see Stephen go home. I like loser Dale but have only ever been impressed by one of his dishes during his season or since.[/QUOTE] At least now we don't have to discern between the two Dales, right?
[QUOTE=SeanDaniel;227608]I liked the looks of Winner Dale's dish. Simple but technical. I was glad to see Stephen go home. I like loser Dale but have only ever been impressed by one of his dishes during his season or since.[/QUOTE] I loved the look of (winner) Dale's dish. It is something I'd want to try. The dish stood out and I was happy when he won. I pegged him for the favorite on his season and I think he has top 5 in his future (although at that point he can't win.) Honestly, out of all the dishes I visually was drawn to Dale's dish (because there was a great description offered by the judges) and Casey's dish (which is funny in that I hardly ever like her presentation.) As for the departing Dale, I never thought he was a top half chef. I was amazed that he made it as far as he did on his season and I have no issue with his departure. (Best line of the show was when Padma said, "Ladies" and then after a realization..."Gentleman.") We all do know, of course, that Fabio's dish was probably worst - but they need to keep him around for the sound bites...
[QUOTE=Bacchus;227672]I loved the look of (winner) Dale's dish. It is something I'd want to try. The dish stood out and I was happy when he won. I pegged him for the favorite on his season and I think he has top 5 in his future (although at that point he can't win.) ..... We all do know, of course, that Fabio's dish was probably worst - but they need to keep him around for the sound bites...[/QUOTE] I had a feeling Dale was going to win right when he decided to do eggs--Wiley probably praised that to the high heavens even more than we saw on TV. I also loved when Bourdain asked, "So, did you know that Wiley Dufresne is an egg ****?" I died. I read the judge's blogs, and Bourdain said he actually liked the way Fabio's dish tasted, he just didn't meet the challenge because he essentially gave up the second he found out he had to do South Asian food. Here's the actual quote: [quote]Sitting at Ma Peche, looking at the cuisine he was expected to riff on, he looked like a man who'd just seen his dog run over by an ice cream truck. His lamb chops were clunky,muddled in concept -- and he inexplicably didn't wrap the exposed bones before grilling. The result was by no stretch of the imagination a Changesque dish. But it didn't taste bad at all. Hell, I'd eat it again. Whatever it was.[/quote]
To me Spike is going to be the wild card in the season. His dishes sometimes seem out of left-field but in an approachable way, if that makes any sense. I am not sure he can do much on the high-end foodie refinement scale, but I like him. I would love to see Richard go down in flames.
Don't forget, new episode tonight!
[QUOTE=molds13;230343]Don't forget, new episode tonight![/QUOTE] [I]Finally[/I]. Plus, TOM COOKS! It's a miracle!
I'll be watching. I've been enjoying this season thus far. Right now, I'm at the point that I'll probably be spending the entire episode rooting for Jaimie to go home. She has done absolutely nothing thus far and her attitude totally irks me... p.s. I loved how in the last episode Carla sucked it up after cutting herself.
Perfect timing. The Celtic game ended 30 seconds ago... Time for Top Chef!
Tom is a cooking machine? I wonder how many times he practiced that dish before he went live. :D
It's not looking good for Casey or Antonia. Still hoping that Jamie goes home though.
I blame wwwwhat. Please, start cheering for Jamie, you chef-killer!!
[QUOTE=molds13;230425]It's not looking good for Casey or Antonia. Still hoping that Jamie goes home though.[/QUOTE] I knew they would keep Antonia around because they at least liked one of her dishes and Jaime was actually the one who ruined the bean dish by overcooking it (they said nothing of the prep or concept being bad, only that it was overcooked and greasy.) That out of the way, there was no question Casey had to go. It wasn't her time, but she made a series of bad decisions, starting with electing to do something she only had a passing familiarity with and then deciding to let other people execute that dish (which would have probably been just as inedible had she taken the reigns.) Jaime is hanging on by a thread at this point. A little tiny thread.
Ahhhhhh!!! I blame myself too...I most certainly will be cheering for Jaime now.
[strike]Please please please please tell me that someone has or has found a pic, gif or short clip of Fabio walking his turtle last night. I need that in my life and the sooner the better.[/strike] Never mind. Made it myself. So happy right now! :D [url=][img][/img][/url] and found this one [url=][img][/img][/url]
Nice screen caps tots, haha. I am ready to tune in right now (running behind tonight.)
I hate fish. They could have all gone home. I find myself indifferent toward Tiff this season which says a lot cause I HATED her during her season.
I quit watching after Jennifer Carroll left. Came back to watch one episode after learning about Casey's departure. I have the judges and producers to that for giving me back an hour of my life on Wednesdays. Jen and Casey were my only two reasons for watching. I find the rest of the cast, including the judges, to be annoying and just really bad TV. I've had the pleasure of dining at "10 Arts Bistro & Lounge by Eric Ripert" in Philly where Jennifer is the head chef, and I'm am looking forward to repeating the experience before the end of January. Jen really is an amazing chef and the restaurant located within the Ritz-Carlton hotel is in my top five food experiences on the east coast. Oh, just other thought... F you Tom Colicchio. Your restaurants aren't that special and the service really, really sucks at Craftbar Los Angeles. No stars...
Tom has never impressed me, and while I have never dined at any of the Craft restaurants, they appear to me to be run not that much differently than an indoor roach coach. I think being able to see any of the kitchen to be unappetizing.
[QUOTE=V1man;231732] I have the judges and producers to that for giving me back an hour of my life on Wednesdays. [/QUOTE] And for me that hour is working out well so we will have to agree to disagree on this one, as we do on many issues. ;) I am absolutely loving this season as there is so much talent. This week, the right two people went home (although Fabio is always the default next...) and honestly concerning Jen and Casey, those were the two easiest eliminations of the season. Casey cooked chicken feet that even the hungriest of people in a restaurant with limited food, would not delve into that rubbery "feast." That says something. It wasn't like they were eating it and said it tasted horrible, they wouldn't even eat it. That is how bad a decision Casey made when she picked her dish and sheds light on a horrible execution of said bad decision. As for Jen, while I liked her previously, her outburst at the end summed it up (along with a bad dish.) She was not in the right place mentally to be cooking on a reality show of this format.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;231746]And for me that hour is working out well so we will have to agree to disagree on this one, as we do on many issues. ;) I am absolutely loving this season as there is so much talent. This week, the right two people went home (although Fabio is always the default next...) and honestly concerning Jen and Casey, those were the two easiest eliminations of the season. Casey cooked chicken feet that even the hungriest of people in a restaurant with limited food, would not delve into that rubbery "feast." That says something. It wasn't like they were eating it and said it tasted horrible, they wouldn't even eat it. That is how bad a decision Casey made when she picked her dish and sheds light on a horrible execution of said bad decision. As for Jen, while I liked her previously, her outburst at the end summed it up (along with a bad dish.) She was not in the right place mentally to be cooking on a reality show of this format.[/QUOTE] You need to join me in Philly for dinner at "10 Arts." I'll even pay.
[QUOTE=V1man;231747]You need to join me in Philly for dinner at "10 Arts." I'll even pay.[/QUOTE] I was thinking a tasting menu at Clio or Cragie on Main in Boston, and I surely can't turn your wise and fair offer to pay, down. :D (Eric Ripert is a master, but I just don't get down to Philly. South of NYC are the cruise terminals in Miami, right?)
I just watched this episode and it's about damn time Jamie went home. In my opinion she is a mediocre chef that doesn't seem to have a very good palate. I like Tiffani's attitude, but you can't leave the bloodline in fish... Excited for next week. I always love Restaurant Wars.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;231748]I was thinking a tasting menu at Clio or Cragie on Main in Boston, and I surely can't turn your wise and fair offer to pay, down. :D (Eric Ripert is a master, but I just don't get down to Philly. South of NYC are the cruise terminals in Miami, right?)[/QUOTE] It's easy, bro. You just get on Amtrak in Bean Town and sleep through the stop at Penn Station in NY. Wake up in Philly. And, if you're so inclined, the beer is usually cold in the snack car. Tony Maws is impressive, though. That is nearly enough reason to visit... and maybe steal some chocolate from Kate D.
[QUOTE=V1man;231754]It's easy, bro. You just get on Amtrak in Bean Town and sleep through the stop at Penn Station in NY. Wake up in Philly. And, if you're so inclined, the beer is usually cold in the snack car.[/quote] I'll be honest and say I've made that trip (a leg on the way to Greensboro.) Really fun. There is something about trains that can't easily be replicated in other parts of life. While modern with fixings, there is still a throwback feeling to earlier and simpler times. Especially while eating in the dining car as the scenery rolls past. [quote]Tony Maws is impressive, though. That is nearly enough reason to visit.[/quote] I got my brother a good sized gift certificate to go there for Christmas as I want him to try the food. Tony Maws is a genius. [quote].. and maybe steal some chocolate from Kate D.[/QUOTE] Ah-ha! Always a good reason. :)
Wednesdays at 10 is becoming a hard time slot for me--Top Chef & Real World & starting next week Blue Bloods. I think I will have to go with Blue Bloods and try to catch the other ones on repeats.
