Fresh Meat II: Episode 2

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[QUOTE=Adrian!!!!!!;168526]Maybe because Wes got the whole house to vote for her and Pete to go against Darrell and Cara Maria ? That's my guess.[/QUOTE] Oh yeah now I remember. silly me. I was expecting it to be deeper than that.
[QUOTE=Old Friend;168534]Oh yeah now I remember. silly me. I was expecting it to be deeper than that.[/QUOTE] Yeah I don't think it's a big thing. I think Jillian just wanted a little payback to happen to Wes.
I have a feeling that Ryan is going to end up siding with Kenny this will probably put him very in this season.
[QUOTE=k8mnstr;168464] See, this is what I [I]wish[/I] they would have shown. I overheard Sarah suggesting they throw Brandon and I in, and then when they found out Sarah was on the chopping block she approached me and suggested we don't vote for one another. I confronted with the fact I overheard her and she blatantly denied it. I love how it was edited to appear as though I'm a turncoat.[/QUOTE] [I]Very[/I] interesting!
[QUOTE=tjhallow;168289]At this point, I would say Ryan is better than Danny. Danny sucks at life. Oh and CJ is tolerable because none of the cretins from his season are with him.[/QUOTE] Why aren't there LIKE buttons on Vevmo? :) I never thought I'd see a day where Ryan was even tolerable much less sort of reasonable. ...and thank goodness Jonna didn't make it over.
[QUOTE=nellygrl;168511]But I still think it was a stupid decision. Everyone knew Kenny would be coming back. And I know that everyone says Kenny has no power this season (yet), but Kenny still has some major leeway in the game. So not only did they not get rid of Kenny, but they got rid of a team that wasn't even much of a threat other than the fact that they were two votes. And can you refresh me on what happened in G3 between Evan and Johnny? Was that when Johnny went to the watermelon challenge?[/QUOTE] You can't [I]know[/I] someone would be coming back. Except for Jill and Pete, no one knew what the Exiles were, and even this one was different. That's the thing about eliminations--they are unpredictable. What if Kenny and Laurel took forever to do the puzzles? Sarah and Vinny really weren't that far behind and had a decent chance. As for the leeway, he's losing it. Alliances are funny things; almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy. If he doesn't have the numbers, no matter who wins and who gets picked to go in, he STILL won't get his way in the voting. And Sarah is no slouch--yes, she's ******* me off, but she did prove she has something in her on the Ruins. She's no weakling. In G3, Evan picked Johnny to go against in the Gauntlet. They might not have been super close then, but they were good enough friends that Johnny felt screwed over and Evan felt guilty about it.
Anonymous's picture
Maybe its a good thing Ev is there, even though I dislike her. You know Jonna would have went with Kenny.
I don't know, personnally I thought that Cancun would have allied and she probably would have done what CJ did. I guess though it is all speculation, but it's good to see him on his own instead of being introduced with a bunch of his former castmates.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;168544]Maybe its a good thing Ev is there, even though I dislike her. You know Jonna would have went with Kenny.[/QUOTE] Maybe not. CJ is with Wes.
[QUOTE=Buck05;168338]Evelyn's made it to 3 finals and has won 2 challenges (and would have been 3 had it not been for Big Easy on Gauntlet 3). Evelyn > Sarah[/QUOTE] Ev vs Sarah would be a joke. Sarah isn't a tenth the competitor of Evelyn. Evelyn is the best all around female competitor in the history of these challenges. She is a tough out like CT, but she is more focused which equates to better concentration. Sarah imo opinion could not even beat an Aneesa, a Brittani, a Tori, Rachel, Coral, Susie, Tonya, Jillian, or Jodi in anything. Sarah benefitted from the Ruins because the Vets were trying to strengthen their team by getting rid of the weaker females. She had the luxury of barely beating Katie in the ring grab, and beating a non focused Johanna in the suspension thing. She is a decent competitor against the average competitor, which makes here like middle tier. Evelyn's statement was on point, and Sarah was indeed the weak leg last night which cost her team. It took her about 5 mins to get started. As for Paula making the statement that the FM kids have a mind of their own isn't special. Yeah, Paula, they have all learned from your past mistakes of trusting people only to get screwed time and time again. The fact that she still is working with Kenny is beyond me esp after The Island and G3.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=RMD1;168548]Maybe not. CJ is with Wes.[/QUOTE] That doesn't mean anything, CJ and Jonna aren't exactly bffs and just because they were on the same season doesn't mean they would choose the same sides. Look at Katelynn and Sarah.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;168553]That doesn't mean anything, CJ and Jonna aren't exactly bffs and just because they were on the same season doesn't mean they would choose the same sides. Look at Katelynn and Sarah.[/QUOTE] Yeah but Sarah was already up Kennys *** from the ruins. Jonna is brand new and all of the brand new people are going with Wes. I don't think she would go with Kenny over Wes. Just my opinion.
Though CJ and Jonna situt ion would have been different in that both of them would be doing there first challenge so they both would be looking for allies so that they wouldn`t be eliminated first and since the know each other it would be logical to band together. Such thecase of austin on Fresh Meat 1 and the Duel with Johnny,Paula,Svetlana.
Not the place for speculation.
[QUOTE=Darock1713;168552]Ev vs Sarah would be a joke. [/QUOTE] AGREED! [QUOTE]As for Paula making the statement that the FM kids have a mind of their own isn't special. Yeah, Paula, they have all learned from your past mistakes of trusting people only to get screwed time and time again. [/QUOTE] Honestly, I really think she was saying it to be funny, not serious. If anything, it's a smart move for the FM, because they're not burning bridges with people they barely know, on the off chance they would be back for more challenges with the same people. Random thoughts: I think it's awesome that Carley is such a fierce competitor. I love it when people turn expectations upside down in a good way. And I'm getting kind of disappointed at Luke...I really do wonder what would have happened if Ev had been able to choose her own partner and didn't get last pick.
[QUOTE=Moonpaw;168562] Random thoughts: I think it's awesome that Carley is such a fierce competitor. I love it when people turn expectations upside down in a good way. And I'm getting kind of disappointed at Luke...I really do wonder what would have happened if Ev had been able to choose her own partner and didn't get last pick.[/QUOTE] Eh, you never know. All we've seen Luke do is run around blindfolded like a chicken with his head cut off and hold his breath underwater. Holding your breath underwater is hard enough for most people to do, not to mention they were in freezing water. Running around blindfolded...well, it's harder than it looks. Especially when everyone is screaming at you. It doesn't help that he is smaller than anyone else, but it's not like these first two challenges have been a real test of how awesome someone is.
[QUOTE=Darock1713;168475] (2.) Landon is easily the strongest player there, and he is under the radar due to the Kenny vs Wes feud. My recipe for a skate to the Finals unless Kenny wins an occassional challenge or 2 - even with that, [B]I don't think anyone there could take Landon in an exile. [/B] [/QUOTE] I think we shouldn't forget that while his partner did good in this particular challenge we don't really know her skillset yet and while Landon may be good on his own she could be very capable of dragging him down. I would put more faith in a more well balanced team, which Kenny and Laurel seem to be.
[QUOTE=Old Friend;168522]Also why is there beef between Wes and Jillian. I'm at the part where she said its a fantastic idea.[/QUOTE] I don't think there was a beef as much as she just saw an opportunity for one of the big dogs to knock the other one out and she didn't have to get her hands dirty.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;168544]Maybe its a good thing Ev is there, even though I dislike her. You know Jonna would have went with Kenny.[/QUOTE] You say that like going with Kenny is a bad thing... I'd always choose him over Wesley.
[QUOTE=RRRWJunkie;168569]You say that like going with Kenny is a bad thing... I'd always choose him over Wesley.[/QUOTE] I would also hands down pick Kenny over Wes. I just can't really stand Wes, and Kenny makes me laugh sometimes :)
[QUOTE=molds13;168565] but it's not like these first two challenges have been a real test of how awesome someone is.[/QUOTE] That's why I said "kind of" and not "completely" disappointed. I know the combines aren't the greatest indicator of one's performance in missions, but I did have high hopes for him. I mean, Cara Maria was supposedly one of the best, and got eliminated first. And Carley was last pick, but still got to the final heat of Dirty Mouth, and won the second mission.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=RRRWJunkie;168569]You say that like going with Kenny is a bad thing... I'd always choose him over Wesley.[/QUOTE] So would I, but even I can admit that its always nice to switch things up a bit. I mean, do we really want another challenge of everyone following Kenny? I love Kenny but lets be real...
[QUOTE=Adrian!!!!!!;168537]Yeah I don't think it's a big thing. I think Jillian just wanted a little payback to happen to Wes.[/QUOTE] I pretty confident that Kenny and Jillian are good friends outside of the challenges, so it could be just that.
I agree! This is Kenny's chance to prove to all the haters that he can make it without Evan. I think he will win :)
[QUOTE=AMGerl;168575]I agree! This is Kenny's chance to prove to all the haters that he can make it without Evan. I think he will win :)[/QUOTE] It would be refreshing to see him prove himself given his past challenge history. FM1 - Beneficiary of being aligned with Tina, Diem and for 1/2 the season Coral. Duel 1 - an early exit in a bad loss to Nehemiah in the Duel I Inferno 3 - The beneficiary of being on a stacked team and having Evelyn single handedly save him from elimination Gauntlet 3 - A strong alliance with CT, Evelyn, Evan, Johnny, and meatballs like Robin and Diem The Island - smart game savy by aligning himself with Abram, and avoiding potential elimiation the rest of the way The Ruins - I defer to comment on the worst 1-sided challenge in challenge history FM2 - Finally a chance to see him tested in gameplay and physically without bodyguard Evan to save him.
I didn't really know where to put this, but I have a question. The team that wins the competition for the week, as well as picking one team for exile do they get immunity? And also do they participate in the voting for the second team to go in?
[QUOTE=sarasummer;168604]I didn't really know where to put this, but I have a question. The team that wins the competition for the week, as well as picking one team for exile do they get immunity? And also do they participate in the voting for the second team to go in?[/QUOTE] Yes, and no.
Does anyone know how much total weight the teams in Exile started with? All I heard is that Kenny had 90 pounds, and they got to take off 30 after the second puzzle.
I think the whole dealing with individual competition is one of the reasons why that Kenny didn't take part in the Duel 2 Challenge.
Thank you Molds13!
