Fresh Meat II: Episode 2

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I agree. I'm loving this challenge way way more than the original FM. I've yet to see the rest of episode 2 but from what Im reading here, its been very good and original.`
We have to understand something about Landon. He had to learn his lesson since the duel. He was not in an alliance with the guys and got screwed out of going to the finals. He knows that he is in the top tier of competitors and has to allign with the person he feels that he can trust. If I am not mistaken Landon seems to get more along with Wes. Though wes can be a jerk, he still has personality traits that make him enjoyable, compared to Kenny who doesn't seem like the person I want to have beer with at a sports bar.
If anything, it just seems like even without Landon, the Wes Alliance is bigger than the Kenny Crew. Not sure why Jillian is so keen on voting Wes in, since Kenny was in on sending her in the first time too. Before the vote, Sarah approached Katelynn and proposed that neither vote the other in, but they never show if Katelynn agreed to it. Did she?
[QUOTE=townie;168385]These guys had trouble even getting it on their back and getting going at the very beginning of the exile. It's like they've never had a barbell across their shoulders before. I think about 95% of the people that do these challenges don't even do freeweight barbell squats [B]when they train for them[/B]. Because if they had, there is no way you are struggling that bad with just 90 pounds if you are a 200 pound guy.[/QUOTE] We're supposed to [I][U]train[/U][/I] for these challenges? Why didn't somebody tell me?! In all seriousness, the only "athletic" training I've ever done was Martial Arts (and maybe Yoga), because the "workout" you get while doing MA is extremely subtle - you focus so much on your technique and accuracy you don't even realize you're working out a wide array of muscle groups. And, with that being said, the last serious MA training I've done was back in 2008... before my surgery and RW season. I know some of the career Challenge personalities train for these, but I'm not the gym-rat kinda gal. Perhaps if I know I'll be cast on another one I might go to greater lengths to prepare for it. And all of this is an extremely verbose way of saying that you shouldn't assume everyone does crazy training for the challenges, when it's only about 50/50. [QUOTE=Moonpaw;168463]Before the vote, Sarah approached Katelynn and proposed that neither vote the other in, but they never show if Katelynn agreed to it. Did she?[/QUOTE] See, this is what I [I]wish[/I] they would have shown. I overheard Sarah suggesting they throw Brandon and I in, and then when they found out Sarah was on the chopping block she approached me and suggested we don't vote for one another. I confronted with the fact I overheard her and she blatantly denied it. I love how it was edited to appear as though I'm a turncoat.
[QUOTE=k8mnstr;168464]See, this is what I [I]wish[/I] they would have shown. I overheard Sarah suggesting they throw Brandon and I in, and then when they found out Sarah was on the chopping block she approached me and suggested we don't vote for one another. I confronted with the fact I overheard her and she blatantly denied it. I love how it was edited to appear as though I'm a turncoat.[/QUOTE] Actually, I thought it was kind of suspicious how they never showed you agreeing to it, and then she threw it back in your face as if you did. It's also annoying how they didn't show the fight between you all, because that would have shed a different light on it, too.
[QUOTE=Moonpaw;168466]Actually, I thought it was kind of suspicious how they never showed you agreeing to it, and then she threw it back in your face as if you did. It's also annoying how they didn't show the fight between you all, because that would have shed a different light on it, too.[/QUOTE] How great is it that we have K8lynn here to spread some light on what really happened? It is nice to hear about what we do not get to see. I think it helps understand that everyone is givin a role by the editing crew, and they do what they see fit to portray situations in the favor of ratings.
[QUOTE=k8mnstr;168464]We're supposed to [I][U]train[/U][/I] for these challenges? Why didn't somebody tell me?! In all seriousness, the only "athletic" training I've ever done was Martial Arts (and maybe Yoga), because the "workout" you get while doing MA is extremely subtle - you focus so much on your technique and accuracy you don't even realize you're working out a wide array of muscle groups. And, with that being said, the last serious MA training I've done was back in 2008... before my surgery and RW season. I know some of the career Challenge personalities train for these, but I'm not the gym-rat kinda gal. Perhaps if I know I'll be cast on another one I might go to greater lengths to prepare for it. And all of this is an extremely verbose way of saying that you shouldn't assume everyone does crazy training for the challenges, when it's only about 50/50. See, this is what I [I]wish[/I] they would have shown. I overheard Sarah suggesting they throw Brandon and I in, and then when they found out Sarah was on the chopping block she approached me and suggested we don't vote for one another. I confronted with the fact I overheard her and she blatantly denied it. I love how it was edited to appear as though I'm a turncoat.[/QUOTE] I don't know if or how much the chicks train for them, but I know a lot of the guys do and most of them are under the impression that doing bench presses, dumbbell curls, and crunches are what makes an athlete. A lot of them are all upper body & have toothpicks for legs.
[QUOTE=townie;168470]I don't know if or how much the chicks train for them, but I know a lot of the guys do and most of them are under the impression that doing bench presses, dumbbell curls, and crunches are what makes an athlete. A lot of them are all upper body & have toothpicks for legs.[/QUOTE] To clear the air, when I was in high school, I had to go for mile runs with 100lb punching bags over my shoulders for my weight training class. When I did a couple years of wrestling (which I absolutely hate) I had to do the same thing. I'm sure the added aspect of going uphill makes it a bit harder, running with a lot of weight isn't as uncommon as some seem to think. I noticed that a lot of these people are all chest/back/arms and no legs. I'm not going to list off who is like that or who isn't, but I thought some of these guys would have realized that by now.
[QUOTE=TDMEL52;168183]Landon please don't go to dark side.[/QUOTE] Landon made the absolute perfect play by aligning himself with Wes over Kenny for 2 reasons. (1.) Wes has more numbers than Kenny and with Sarah gone, he has even more of a stronghold. If Wes or Landon wins challenges, which is highly probable, then Kenny will see Exile ALOT. (2.) Landon is easily the strongest player there, and he is under the radar due to the Kenny vs Wes feud. My recipe for a skate to the Finals unless Kenny wins an occassional challenge or 2 - even with that, I don't think anyone there could take Landon in an exile. Keep in mind that this is new territory for Kenny, no Evan, no johnny, and the one person that was with him (Darrell), he stabbed in the back. 2 more votes lost. However, he could have least cut the lion at the head early if he could have drawn Wes in. As much as I have loathed Kenny in seasons past for his inability to prove himself as a strong competitor, get by solely on alliances, his move to get rid of Darrell was very strategic, and it was one I would have made also since he won FM1. However, he could have beat Wes to the punch and aligned himself with Lando since they have seemed to be on top in the challenges thus far. Surprisingly, Kenny didn't show panic when he knew he was going in, he actually welcomed it and won. As for Wes, after FM1, he made the perfect play, especially given the history of past challenges. Got rid of Darrell and then discarded ol Kenny like a dishrag. All that said, this rivalry I hope is the sign to come of future challenges. I think this is the one element that has been missing since Duel 1 when you had the young lions working together against big bad CT.
[QUOTE=townie;168470]I don't know if or how much the chicks train for them, but I know a lot of the guys do and most of them are under the impression that doing bench presses, dumbbell curls, and crunches are what makes an athlete. A lot of them are all upper body & have toothpicks for legs.[/QUOTE] Yeah. Having nice looking abs and big beefy arms is great, but if you can't run a mile under 9 minutes, something is wrong.
[QUOTE=Darock1713;168475] the one person that was with him (Darrell), he stabbed in the back his move to get rid of Darrell was very strategic[/QUOTE] How's that not a contradiction?
[QUOTE=LilysMom;168467]How great is it that we have K8lynn here to spread some light on what really happened? It is nice to hear about what we do not get to see. I think it helps understand that everyone is givin a role by the editing crew, and they do what they see fit to portray situations in the favor of ratings.[/QUOTE] Amen! Katelynn has some of the best feedback, and it's always entertaining to read. Thanks so much to her for taking the time to give us some commentary...I love it!
It is good to have a voice that actually was there in the thick of it and can give us a different perspective on things. As for Kenny Vs. Wes I feel it will go on quite a bit and that Wes won't brush him aside as easy as he thinks. Either way I am enjoying it.
[QUOTE=elkportillo;168258]On this season of The Challenge im rooting for the following groups Kenny and Laurel , Jillean and Pete. Wes is out of control. This game is about politics who you know, who your friends with. On The Ruins Kenny had Johnny,Derek, and Evan on The Freshmeat 2 he basically has no one but Jillean,Paula and maybe Jenn. Wes on teh last challeneg had no one but Kelly Anne and Evelyn and Danny. Now he has control somewhat of everyone on Freshmeat 2, even Landon who im not rooting for anymore.[/QUOTE] Honestly, I don't think Wes has "control"over a lot of people--they just seem him as a convenient ally to help eliminate another strong team (Kenny and Laurel). Once that objective was accomplished, they would probably break up into different alliances after. Furthermore, if Kenny hadn't been part of the Alliance that harassed Ev on The Island, and then screwed her over on The Ruins, she probably wouldn't be so set against him this time around. I mean, they seemed to get along pretty well up until The Island. So in that respect, Kenny dug his own grave.
I definitely think Wes is in the wrong in this episode and he's definitely going to be shown up in the end, as always. I understand why people are sick of Evan, Kenny and Johnny running the games (though I don't feel the same way). I do. But what do they do? Instead of trying to run the game themselves, they run to Wes? Wes? Really? He doesn't know how to run a game. At least Evan, Kenny and Johnny knew what they were doing (and actually had each other's backs). I don't know... this episode just went to show that Wes has no clue what he's doing. He could have used Kenny to his advantage for a few weeks before he stabbed him in the back, yet he threw him in on the dot. Stupid decision. Because now Kenny's back and now that he knows he made a mistake in trusting Wes, he's going to do all it takes to get him and his alliance out... which we all know will happen. And I don't consider Landon part of the alliance. He's kind of Switzerland.
What did Paula say that was so funny? I must have missed it
I'm glad Theresa is getting a lot of screentime by the way. I like her.
[QUOTE=Old Friend;168499]I'm glad Theresa is getting a lot of screentime by the way. I like her.[/QUOTE] I don't. She's so goofy. "Being the hot girl is kind of awkward..." Who said she was the hot girl? She's pretty, but I wouldn't say she's THE hot girl. And being ***** seems to be her only topic of conversation.
[QUOTE=yankeegurl93;168498]What did Paula say that was so funny? I must have missed it[/QUOTE] Something along the lines of "These Fresh Meat kids have their own opinions? That's SO inappropriate." I got a kick out of it. I thought this was a really good episode. The Wes vs. Kenny thing is becoming much more interesting than I thought it was going to be. Also, people like Paula and Ryan haven't been annoying me nearly as much as usual. Though for Ryan it's probably only because he hasn't been shown very much. CJ continues to be pretty much invisible right now. I was happy to see Sarah leave, I just would have liked to be able to see more of Vinny. Sarah was talking a really big game for someone who has only been on one challenge and although Evelyn isn't one of my favorite people I was very happy to see her sort of put Sarah in her place. Pete throwing Jillian in the water was uncalled for. But I think he was only doing it because he thought that maybe if she went in the water she would compete. I didn't think there was any reason for Jillian not to attempt the challenge because if she and Pete happened to win then they would have been safe and she wouldn't need to "save her strength for the exile". I think that Kenny proved that he is a little more useful than people give him credit for and that he can handle himself in an elimination round. I like the fact that Kenny said that he liked a challenge having none of his friends there with him. I'm very excited to see the Jenn and Mandi arguement. When I watched the sneak preview and Jenn was clapping while she was talking all I could think of was Robin on The Island.
I think what might happen is the two power alliances are going to focus on each other so much they forget about Landon. I know he technically sided with Wes but I don't think he is so far into the alliance.
[QUOTE=cjslife;168501]Something along the lines of "These Fresh Meat kids have their own opinions? That's SO inappropriate." I got a kick out of it... ...I think that Kenny proved that he is a little more useful than people give him credit for and that he can handle himself in an elimination round. I like the fact that Kenny said that he liked a challenge having none of his friends there with him.[/QUOTE] I loved that from Paula! But she was right. And as for Kenny, I agree. I've always thought Kenny was a strong competitor, but have always wanted him to prove himself alone because he often gets overshadowed by Evan and Johnny. This challenge is definitely showing that he can hold his own. Even more so now that he's out numbered. If he can bring himself out of this, it's clear that he's one of the top competitors.
[QUOTE=faceless;168504]I think what might happen is the two power alliances are going to focus on each other so much they forget about Landon. I know he technically sided with Wes but I don't think he is so far into the alliance.[/QUOTE] Yeah... I think his thing with Wes will definitely be a one time thing.
[QUOTE=nellygrl;168497]I definitely think Wes is in the wrong in this episode and he's definitely going to be shown up in the end, as always. I understand why people are sick of Evan, Kenny and Johnny running the games (though I don't feel the same way). I do. But what do they do? Instead of trying to run the game themselves, they run to Wes? Wes? Really? He doesn't know how to run a game. At least Evan, Kenny and Johnny knew what they were doing (and actually had each other's backs). I don't know... this episode just went to show that Wes has no clue what he's doing. And I don't consider Landon part of the alliance. He's kind of Switzerland.[/QUOTE] Do you think Wes is in the wrong, as in morally, or strategically? Because strategically, it was a good move. If you think Kenny was going to keep Wes around any longer than he had to, then you have a lot more faith in Kenny's "good side" than most other people. Wes was trying to a) protect himself, in case Kenny won the next one--it would be pretty likely that Kenny would throw him in, since he had no more need for Wes, and b) try to get rid of a really strong team before the final. Plus, the numbers are STILL on Wes' side. Even IF Kenny came back, won the next mission, and threw Wes in, Wes' alliance would still have enough numbers to give him the match-up they want, which would probably be Paula (another girl in the Kenny Crew). I said it before, and I'll say it again: yes, it was a risky move, but the payoff would have been enormous, and either way, they cut down Kenny's numbers. And please tell me how JEK are any more trustworthy than Wes. Wes' plan wasn't to backstab ALL of his allies; but he understands that not everyone who votes with him now can make it to finals. He has people he won't betray, unlike JEK (remember Evan vs. Johnny in G3?) It's about time that Kenny finally get a dose of his own medicine and PROVE himself for once!
[QUOTE=Moonpaw;168508]Do you think Wes is in the wrong, as in morally, or strategically? Because strategically, it was a good move. If you think Kenny was going to keep Wes around any longer than he had to, then you have a lot more faith in Kenny's "good side" than most other people. Wes was trying to a) protect himself, in case Kenny won the next one--it would be pretty likely that Kenny would throw him in, since he had no more need for Wes, and b) try to get rid of a really strong team before the final. Plus, the numbers are STILL on Wes' side. Even IF Kenny came back, won the next mission, and threw Wes in, Wes' alliance would still have enough numbers to give him the match-up they want, which would probably be Paula (another girl in the Kenny Crew). I said it before, and I'll say it again: yes, it was a risky move, but the payoff would have been enormous, and either way, they cut down Kenny's numbers. And please tell me how JEK are any more trustworthy than Wes. Wes' plan wasn't to backstab ALL of his allies; but he understands that not everyone who votes with him now can make it to finals. He has people he won't betray, unlike JEK (remember Evan vs. Johnny in G3?) It's about time that Kenny finally get a dose of his own medicine and PROVE himself for once![/QUOTE] Strategically. I don't think you can ever be in the moral right on these shows, lol. But I still think it was a stupid decision. Everyone knew Kenny would be coming back. I'm not saying Wes should strategically be Kenny's best friend, but seeing as it was almost certain Kenny would come back with a vengeance, it would have been smarter to send a different strong team in that doesn't have as much power. And I know that everyone says Kenny has no power this season (yet), but Kenny still has some major leeway in the game. For example, Jillian or Landon. Both very strong teams, but they don't have much political power. So not only did they not get rid of Kenny, but they got rid of a team that wasn't even much of a threat other than the fact that they were two votes. And can you refresh me on what happened in G3 between Evan and Johnny? Was that when Johnny went to the watermelon challenge?
Also why is there beef between Wes and Jillian. I'm at the part where she said its a fantastic idea.
[QUOTE=Old Friend;168522]Also why is there beef between Wes and Jillian. I'm at the part where she said its a fantastic idea.[/QUOTE] Maybe because Wes got the whole house to vote for her and Pete to go against Darrell and Cara Maria ? That's my guess.
I laugh at the Fresh Meat who think they know the game already. Sure they know more then me, though it's to be expected, but they play it like they know more then their alumni partners. Really people?
[QUOTE=Moonpaw;168508] And please tell me how JEK are any more trustworthy than Wes. Wes' plan wasn't to backstab ALL of his allies; but he understands that not everyone who votes with him now can make it to finals. He has people he won't betray, unlike JEK (remember Evan vs. Johnny in G3?) It's about time that Kenny finally get a dose of his own medicine and PROVE himself for once![/QUOTE] To be fair I dont think Johnny and Evan were all that close of friends when the did least not as good of friends as they were by the time they did ruins.
[QUOTE=morris614;168529]To be fair I dont think Johnny and Evan were all that close of friends when the did G3..[B]at least not as good of friends as they were by the time they did ruins[/B].[/QUOTE] Where he tried to vote him in again?
[QUOTE=Xeri99;168478]How's that not a contradiction?[/QUOTE] [B]It is a contradiction, congratulations, just like the mindsets of most of the players[/B]. Make a promise, then break one ala Wes. I just happen to agree with Kenny's initial move (Hell has frozen over!!!), but in the scheme of things he had no idea Wes would pull a turncoat so early. A calculated risk that blew up on him. Honestly, I would have made the same mistake for the purpose of getting rid of what I feel was my biggest threat. It chess, it isn't checkers. Had Kenny stayed aligned with Darrell, then the opportunity may have passed to get rid of him, perhaps at the benefit of getting rid of Wes with the extra votes, had he beat Wes in an exile which is also 50/50. As for Wes making his move, his motives should be for strategic positioning, and not personal. Thus far despite the opinion of most on here, Wes manipulation of Kenny was an excellent move to seize control of the house. Kenny with Darrell would have been too much for him to overcome, so turn 1 against the other, get rid of that alliance, and then at first chance sell the other one up the river. It's funny how Wes is viewed as a villian by some for his move, but when JEK has done the same thing in the past, their efforts are applauded as good gamesmenship.
