The Challenge: Free Agents - Not So Trivial Pursuits

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[QUOTE=mph922;412479]According to Devyn's twitter, there was some edited out drama during the vote this week. Originally, Zach refused to agree with Devyn and vote in Theresa, and at one point TJ threatened to put Devyn in the arena. Interesting. (Forgive the format, idk why but Vevmo doesn't seem to want to work on my laptop anymore.)[/QUOTE] That's interesting. I wonder why they decided not to show that drama. I could tell that Zach wasn't too happy to go with Theresa, but they never showed he and Devyn discussing the picks. If they're not going to show the drama that occurs when they disagree on the selections, why not just have one single vote - - the guy winner selects the guy, the girl winner selects the girl.
[QUOTE=Leafie;412652] If they're not going to show the drama that occurs when they disagree on the selections, why not just have one single vote - - the guy winner selects the guy, the girl winner selects the girl.[/QUOTE] Yeah that is really weird. It made more sense in Laurel and Cohutta's win because they won it as a team, but Zach and Devyn won separately, why not let them decide their own competition as it were.
[QUOTE=Youssarian;412137]No one deserves a derogatory comment about their birth defect...[/QUOTE] 100% agree! It doesn't matter how much of an arrogant ***** he may be, it's wrong. Making derogatory comments tells me more about the person you are. There are plenty of things you can call Jordan out for, you don't have to bring up something he has no control over. I really wanted to cheer for Jordan - - I like to cheer for an underdog and to see people persevere - - but dude needs to shut his mouth. Let your actions prove your worth, not your words. It doesn't take a psychologist to understand why Jordan is the way he is, and from what I understand his dad was really hard on him growing up, as well, but he needs to learn to dial it back.
Before the episode started, I assumed that the guys winner would just pick the guy and the girls winner would just pick the girl. I guess the only difference is they are they compete individually.
Watching again Jonna looked great last night...especially in the interview room...and this is coming from someone who is typically indifferent to Jonna.
[QUOTE=EstimatedRoa;412614] -Glad to see Theresa realized her mistake and should have just said Laurel to not make as many waves as she did. [/QUOTE] I was happy to see that Theresa recognized and owned up to the mistake, as well. [QUOTE=EstimatedRoa;412614] Sure some of these questions are simple, but not everyone has general geography, spelling, or pop culture knowledge as you. The only really stupid answer was the North America one. There really could have been some slight rigging on this one. Some of the questions were very easy, some were average, and some where pretty damn hard. Camilla got pretty jypt. She had to go first. I have no idea what the longest bone in my body is (my **** ahahhaha), and the capital of California is pretty hard for someone to answer who's not from America. TJ was really good. [/QUOTE] I agree. They weren't all super easy questions. Lots of people outside the Challenge would not know the capital cities of foreign countries or that Canada has the longest coastline or that the thigh bone is the femur bone, not to mention not everyone knows sports or pop culture trivia. Personally, I would have been screwed on the football and UFC questions, and I didn't know who the president was on the $5 bill or the capital of Nevada, but I'm not American. Having said all that, most of the wrong answers could have been correctly answered by a 10-year-old. I was laughing pretty hard at some of the answers, especially Johnny's and Cara Maria's. It looked good on Johnny, but at least he can poke fun at himself about it, so I'll give him that. I assume they draw for the order on trivia challenges, but it sucks that those who go first are at such a disadvantage (but going first is a disadvantage in physical competitions, as well). When they get to the final two, both players should be asked a question. If they both answer incorrectly, they go another round until only one of them answers correctly.
[QUOTE=PinkRose;412632]Next challenge looks great: [ATTACH]4700[/ATTACH][/QUOTE] This looks amazing! I love these types of competition - - challenging and hilarious!!
They should have had the guy choose the guy and the girl choose the girl because what would happen if like Jordan won & Camila did. Jordan would want Bananas but Camila would never say his name. Like that isn't really fair to either one of them.
[QUOTE=Leafie;412654]100% agree! It doesn't matter how much of an arrogant ***** he may be, it's wrong. Making derogatory comments tells me more about the person you are. There are plenty of things you can call Jordan out for, you don't have to bring up something he has no control over. I really wanted to cheer for Jordan - - I like to cheer for an underdog and to see people persevere - - but dude needs to shut his mouth. Let your actions prove your worth, not your words. It doesn't take a psychologist to understand why Jordan is the way he is, and from what I understand his dad was really hard on him growing up, as well, but he needs to learn to dial it back.[/QUOTE] Heres the thing though, you're on a reality TV show watched by hundreds of thousands of people and you're going to try to embarrass the person with the biggest mouth in the house (Bananas) and a guy who manhandled you and your partner on the last challenge while intoxicated (CT) and make hypocritical statements throughout your entire time on this challenge? Then of course you should expect people to insult you in any way possible. Snooki is a short Oompa Loompa but did anyone complain when they made fun of something she can't change (height and skin color)? I respected Jordan on Rivals 2 for coming onto the show being humble and showing us he can do a lot of things while missing a hand. But now he's just going too overboard with his attitude and I hope a vet embarrasses him and sends his *** packing so he can reevaluate this false-bravado persona he has. He tugged the tale of a rattle snake and now he's facing the consequences like he should.
[QUOTE=wwwwhat;412621]Ok, you need to stop with your "predictions" in the episode threads. From past challenges, I know you regularly post in the spoiler thread. And I witnessed you then take your "predictions" to the episode discussions. Weird how you're always right, huh? I decided to go spoiler free this reason. Because of that, I try to skip all your posts, but I still catch some on accident so I have a good idea of some things to come...[/QUOTE] I agree. I don't know why people who spend all their time in the spoiler thread try to come here and act like they don't know what will happen and make "predictions" that are actually spoilers. I've gone into the spoiler thread a couple times and immediately scroll down whenever I see that the beginning of a post might give away a spoiler. They are relentless in there though lol I remember once asking if a certain mission was going to be individual and not only did they answer my question but told me the winners and who's going into the elimination like bruh.....
People being so descriptive was because the majority of the people who ask questions there want almost all information on a given mission, elimination, etc.
Haha, I don't even touch the spoiler thread, sometimes I accidentally click in the thread if I'm not paying attention and hope I can realize it and back out before I read too much. I'm pretty interested to read through it though when the season is done. I wouldn't even go in it to ask anything or to skim through.
God damn, Brad has aged horribly. There's something weird about his face now...I can't quite put my finger on it...and I don't think I would want to.
Looks like Devyn's seen Theresa's true colors <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><a href="" rel="nofollow">@laurelstucky</a> maybe you were right about her all along. — Devyn Simone (@DevynSimone) <a href="" rel="nofollow">May 16, 2014</a></blockquote> She just showed a complete lack of integrity this season to me. I have no respect left for her, she's too shady.
[QUOTE=toenails;412679]God damn, Brad has aged horribly. There's something weird about his face now...I can't quite put my finger on it...and I don't think I would want to.[/QUOTE] He is to skinny
Maybe this has already been said but why didn't Zach go after Bananas instead of Swift? Swift was not a threat whatsoever, while Bananas would have had to go against Jordan, CT, Johnny, or Leroy, all competitors that would have a shot at taking him out. Even if Bananas won, one good competitor would be gone. Either way, while I was happy to see Swift gone, from a strategy stand point, I didn't see any point in throwing him in.
[QUOTE=deeper;412683]Maybe this has already been said but why didn't Zach go after Bananas instead of Swift? Swift was not a threat whatsoever, while Bananas would have had to go against Jordan, CT, Johnny, or Leroy, all competitors that would have a shot at taking him out. Even if Bananas won, one good competitor would be gone. Either way, while I was happy to see Swift gone, from a strategy stand point, I didn't see any point in throwing him in.[/QUOTE] Because Zach have a jock mentality, he doesn't like weak people sticking around. That's why he didn't want either Isaac or swift to be around. Plus at this point in the game he is cool with Bananas
[QUOTE=PinkRose;412686]Because Zach have a jock mentality, he doesn't like weak people sticking around. That's why he didn't want either Isaac or swift to be around. Plus at this point in the game he is cool with Bananas[/QUOTE] I guess that makes sense. Honestly I agree with his choice in taking out people who don't deserve it (always frustrating to see Preston stick around as long as he does, all the editing in the world won't make me believe he's a decent competitor lol). Just saying, if he wanted the perfect opportunity to take out Bananas, someone known to give others hell in final challenges, that would have been the time to try.
[QUOTE=proceed;412681]Looks like Devyn's seen Theresa's true colors <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><a rel="nofollow" href="">@laurelstucky</a> maybe you were right about her all along. ��— Devyn Simone (@DevynSimone) <a rel="nofollow" href="">May 16, 2014</a></blockquote> She just showed a complete lack of integrity this season to me. I have no respect left for her, she's too shady.[/QUOTE] What are they talking about?
[QUOTE=JEKFAN;412661]They should have had the guy choose the guy and the girl choose the girl because what would happen if like Jordan won &amp; Camila did. Jordan would want Bananas but Camila would never say his name. Like that isn't really fair to either one of them.[/QUOTE] That's one thing I don't get. Why not have the guys vote guys and girls vote girls? That would make more sense.
[QUOTE=proceed;412681]Looks like Devyn's seen Theresa's true colors <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><a rel="nofollow" href="">@laurelstucky</a> maybe you were right about her all along. ��— Devyn Simone (@DevynSimone) <a rel="nofollow" href="">May 16, 2014</a></blockquote> She just showed a complete lack of integrity this season to me. I have no respect left for her, she's too shady.[/QUOTE] I feel like most girls from these shows don't like Theresa.
Idk guys this season hasn't been really catching my attention. The whole premise of this season was to have good competitions and we haven't even had that so far. And we also have what feels like forced drama.
[QUOTE=JEKFAN;412708]I feel like most girls from these shows don't like Theresa.[/QUOTE] She has really shown her true colors these past 2 seasons. But to think about she was even shady on Fresh Meat II smh
[QUOTE=WesIsTheBest;412710]Idk guys this season hasn't been really catching my attention. The whole premise of this season was to have good competitions and we haven't even had that so far. And we also have what feels like forced drama.[/QUOTE] I don't really care for this challenge either. The missions are okay and some of the eliminations have been good but everything else is really whatever. In past seasons I would always watch the episode again after it aired and this season I don't find myself doing that. Once is enough and until next week lol
[QUOTE=WesIsTheBest;412710]Idk guys this season hasn't been really catching my attention. The whole premise of this season was to have good competitions and we haven't even had that so far. And we also have what feels like forced drama.[/QUOTE] I have actually really been enjoying this season. Eliminations that are not one on one are super boring to me, so I like that aspect a lot. Some of the missions have been pretty boring though. I agree that there has been forced drama, but I actually don't think there's been that much of it. The Nany/Camilla fight. And then this upcoming stuff with Nany/Cohutta/Johnny R which looks unbearable honestly. I hope they don't dedicate a whole episode to that.
I know I am in the extreme minority, but I still actually like Jordan. I suffer from a physical deformity myself (pectus excavatum) so I can relate to Jordan's need to overcompensate. I really appreciate the drive that he has, in spite of his circumstances.
[QUOTE=toenails;412730]I know I am in the extreme minority, but I still actually like Jordan. I suffer from a physical deformity myself (pectus excavatum) so I can relate to Jordan's need to overcompensate. I really appreciate the drive that he has, in spite of his circumstances.[/QUOTE] Dont take this disrespectfully because it's not intended to be. No one cares about someone else's deformity(unless your a ****** person). Your a regular person just like all of us, so is Jordan, and I used to think it was cool he was confident and put out 100%. Now he's just way over his head with the cockiness and he's so unbearable to watch or listen to. I mean, if he can bananas bearable and like able, there's def something wrong here.
It has nothing to do with the fact that Jordan has one hand, it is his personality.
[QUOTE=JEKFAN;412708]I feel like most girls from these shows don't like Theresa.[/QUOTE] It seems that she starts off really good friends with a lot of girls, but eventually these relationships go sour. Was great friends Laurel - now on bad terms Was great friends with Jenn - bad after Rivals Was great friends with Camila - now average-ish, not great not horrible Was great friends with Diem - now not so great after Rivals II Was great friends with Mandi - not so great after Rivals
Anyone else wish Camila went with her first choice and Jessica went home?
