The Challenge: Free Agents - Not So Trivial Pursuits

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Okay, were some of these people serious? Did Cara really not know that the answer was North America? Isn't she supposed to be one of the smart ones? Some of these questions only required an elementary school education. Instead of trivia, they should have labelled this the Are you Smarter than a Fifth Grader challenge.
[QUOTE=Camille;412453]If she was always targeting Theresa, then why did Laurel I'm power vote in Jonna? Of course Theresa was one of the stronger girls, but the objective of that move was to get the heat off her, and it only made Laurel want to target her more. And in the end, the only thing it accomplished was jasmine getting eliminated and no one trusting her. I don't see how anyone could possibly think it was a good move. The only way it would have been a good move is if Laurel decided she wanted to go after only the people who voted for her.[/QUOTE] Because that early in the game she sent in Jonna because it was less likely that Jonna comes back than it was Theresa--that's logic 101 The vote altered nothing with Laurel. Nothing. I think the overwhelming dislike of Theresa is making people overreact to a very minor event
[QUOTE=Camille;412453]If she was always targeting Theresa, then why did Laurel when in power vote in Jonna? Of course Theresa was one of the stronger girls, and they would have eventually been against each other, but the objective of that move was to get the heat off her, and it only made Laurel want to target her more. And in the end, the only thing it accomplished was jasmine getting eliminated and no one trusting her. I don't see how anyone could possibly think it was a good move. The only way it would have been a good move is if Laurel decided she wanted to go after only the people who voted for her.[/QUOTE] Theresa wasn't an option. She was in the bottom people who were already in the draw.
[QUOTE=JL81790;412455]Now that Laurel's seen all of the elimination rounds she probably isn't worried about Jonna. If Jonna makes it to the final she MAY be able to give Laurel a run but Laurel's likely aware than Jonna will be easily snapped off in almost any of these elimination rounds against any of these girls. Her only out is Jessica and maybe Devyn on the wall. Laurel, Theresa, Cara, Aneesa and Nany would smash her at all of them.[/QUOTE] Jonna and Nany are pretty even but she can beat Devyn or Jessica as you stated. Sending in Jonna early was playing the odds
Could be how it was edited, but it seems odd how Camila wouldn't go insane and give it everything she had in the elimination round if she was trying to win it. I don't think she threw it, but it didn't seem like she tried as hard as she normally does in elimination rounds.
Also, I'm sorry but these people are ******* stupid. Some of those answers were truly pathetic. I usually give them the benefit of the doubt but yikes. I get that there's the added pressure of being suspended up above water, but it's like these people have never had any education.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;412462]Could be how it was edited, but it seems odd how Camila wouldn't go insane and give it everything she had in the elimination round if she was trying to win it. I don't think she threw it, but it didn't seem like she tried as hard as she normally does in elimination rounds.[/QUOTE] She was beat and knew she was beat. She didn't have the same fight but Theresa had her dead in the sand--literally as they like to say
[QUOTE=kvm1977;412461]Jonna and Nany are pretty even but she can beat Devyn or Jessica as you stated. Sending in Jonna early was playing the odds[/QUOTE] I think she'd only beat Devyn in Wrecking Wall. No chance on the others. I think that Jonna may have a wider skill set than Nany with puzzles and endurance and such but (especially since Looper is not as tough endurance-wise) Nany has a lot more physical tenacity. I'd bet on her against Jonna in all four games.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;412457]Because that early in the game she sent in Jonna because it was less likely that Jonna comes back than it was Theresa--that's logic 101 The vote altered nothing with Laurel. Nothing. I think the overwhelming dislike of Theresa is making people overreact to a very minor event[/QUOTE] Theresa is one of my favorites, and I disagree with you. I think that her move COULD have been a good one, if Jasmine hadn't pulled the kill card. It just made people suspicious of Theresa (i.e. Devyn being so easily convinced to throw her in), and it definitely made Laurel want to target her more, especially after Theresa just beat Camila.
The fact that she has to go out of her way to say she threw it makes me question whether it's true, if she did really throw it, why air it out? Why not just keep a low key like all the other people who throw eliminations. I think she may be trying to cover up the fact she got beat legitimately which it really looked like she did, Theresa looked like a beast in that elimination. Won't lie though, I did tear up a little inside seeing her leave like that.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;412168]We had svelte on before[/QUOTE] Mark Long Duel 2!
[QUOTE=JL81790;412466]I think she'd only beat Devyn in Wrecking Wall. No chance on the others. I think that Jonna may have a wider skill set than Nany with puzzles and endurance and such but (especially since Looper is not as tough) Nany has a lot more physical tenacity. I'd bet on her against Jonna in all four games.[/QUOTE] She could beat Devyn in Balls In (in just isn't about size) and Oppenheimer I disagree about Nany having more tenacity. Nany's yet to show that.
[url=]Show Clip - Sneak Peak | Ep. 7 | Sneak Peek | MTV[/url]
[QUOTE=kvm1977;412457]Because that early in the game she sent in Jonna because it was less likely that Jonna comes back than it was Theresa--that's logic 101 The vote altered nothing with Laurel. Nothing. I think the overwhelming dislike of Theresa is making people overreact to a very minor event[/QUOTE] No people are seeing a bad move for what it was. What did Theresa's move accomplish? Again, Jasmine getting sent home and people knowing for certain that they can't trust her. Where is the good side? She only gave people more reason to vote her in. You never want to do that.
[QUOTE=Youssarian;412467]Theresa is one of my favorites, and I disagree with you. I think that her move COULD have been a good one, if Jasmine hadn't pulled the kill card. It just made people suspicious of Theresa (i.e. Devyn being so easily convinced to throw her in), and it definitely made Laurel want to target her more, especially after Theresa just beat Camila.[/QUOTE] Well, yeah, Jasmine pulling the kill card made the move useless but it was worth the risk. You don't judge a move after--you judge it based on the information at the time. Risk/reward. Theresa's only afraid of one person IMO
[QUOTE=Camille;412473]No people are seeing a bad move for what it was. What did Theresa's move accomplish? Again, Jasmine getting sent home and people knowing for certain that they can't trust her. Where is the good side? She only gave people more reason to vote her in. You never want to do that.[/QUOTE] This is called hindsight. I'm tired of explaining simple things like math on this board.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;412474]Well, yeah, Jasmine pulling the kill card made the move useless but it was worth the risk. You don't judge a move after--you judge it based on the information at the time. Risk/reward. Theresa's only afraid of one person IMO[/QUOTE] Why wouldn't you judge a move after? Even if it seemed like a good one at the time, hindsight is 20/20.
[url=]The Challenge: Free Agents | Ep. 6 | Free-For-All | MTV[/url]
Someone please watch the Free For All thing with Zach Jordan and Devyn and let me know if it's worth watching Jordan and Zach pretend to like each other.
[QUOTE=Youssarian;412467]Theresa is one of my favorites, and I disagree with you. I think that her move COULD have been a good one, if Jasmine hadn't pulled the kill card. It just made people suspicious of Theresa (i.e. Devyn being so easily convinced to throw her in), and it definitely made Laurel want to target her more, especially after Theresa just beat Camila.[/QUOTE]Yeah, I actually like Theresa and LOVED her rallying the other girls to vote out Laurel, and had she said Laurel's name I would agree it was still a smart move. But she said a different name, and it completely changed it from smart to dumb IMO. Now she's got Laurel AND the other girls being suspicious of her/wanting her out. And she's already facing the repercussions. According to Devyn's twitter, there was some edited out drama during the vote this week. Originally, Zach refused to agree with Devyn and vote in Theresa, and at one point TJ threatened to put Devyn in the arena. Interesting. (Forgive the format, idk why but Vevmo doesn't seem to want to work on my laptop anymore.)
[QUOTE=Youssarian;412476]Why wouldn't you judge a move after? Even if it seemed like a good one at the time, hindsight is 20/20.[/QUOTE] Because you judge moves and decisions based on the information they had at the time You don't second guess and come to a conclusion after you know something they didn't know at the time It is nonsensical.
[QUOTE=PinkRose;412477][url=]The Challenge: Free Agents | Ep. 6 | Free-For-All | MTV[/url][/QUOTE] You should warn people Jordan is on this so people don't waste their time :)
[QUOTE=kvm1977;412474]Well, yeah, Jasmine pulling the kill card made the move useless but it was worth the risk. You don't judge a move after--you judge it based on the information at the time. Risk/reward. Theresa's only afraid of one person IMO[/QUOTE] I think you're confusing a risky move for a good move. It didn't work. And even if Jasmine didn't pull the kill card, it was a stupid move because Laurel could beat any of those girls in the draw. All it accomplished was making Theresa look bad.
I mean Devyn should have put Laurel in there... but I get why she didn't.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;412480]Because you judge moves and decision based on the information they had at the time You don't second guess and come to a conclusion after you know something they didn't know at the time It is nonsensical.[/QUOTE] It was a good move at the time. In hindsight, it was a bad one. That's what I'm arguing.
[QUOTE=Camille;412482]I think you're confusing a risky move for a good move. It didn't work. And even if Jasmine didn't pull the kill card, it was a stupid move because Laurel could beat any of those girls in the draw. All it accomplished was making Theresa look bad.[/QUOTE] No, I'm not. At all. They didn't know what the elimination round was. It amazes me how people don't comprehend simple concepts. I feel like we're headed down a path where I have to start explaining that 1+1=2
[QUOTE=kvm1977;412475]This is called hindsight. I'm tired of explaining simple things like math on this board.[/QUOTE] Nothing can be simpler than seeing this bad move for what it is. It was a bad move to start with because obviously it was going to get back to Laurel what she did anyway.
[QUOTE=Youssarian;412484]It was a good move at the time. In hindsight, it was a bad one. That's what I'm arguing.[/QUOTE] My head hurts. You can't judge a decision based on information unavailable to the person at the time they made the decision. I don't understand this argument. This is irrational and simply unfair. Again, my head hurts. With the benefit of hindsight nearly every decision can be criticized because you know what they didn't
[QUOTE=Camille;412486]Nothing can be simpler than seeing this bad move for what it is. It was a bad move to start with because obviously it was going to get back to Laurel what she did anyway.[/QUOTE] It wasn't from the start. Getting back to Laurel wasn't a problem. What is wrong with people?!?!?!
I don't see how hindsight matters. Sure, maybe Theresa realized in hindsight it was a bad move, but that doesn't mean it was a good move when she made the call. No matter what happened, she was going to have people not trusting her. Laurel already wanted her out so not saying her name was just dumb IMO, especially after rallying everyone else to do it. And I'm rooting for Theresa.
