The Real World: Skeletons - Madison Walls

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i feel like maybe javi is moving on a little fast ?

i feel like maybe javi is moving on a little fast ?

no he isn't teen mom taped a long long time ago. I mean kail is prego already so.... 

He'll knock her up and leave her mid pregnancy leaving her with her 2nd child. 

You heard it here first. 

ummm   . .

ummm   . .

um you actually take wetpaint is a reliable source. 

yea probably not 

The are official. He is going to see her next month and they are making plans for summer. I don't get is like she needs to move to Delaware is that even allowed. I mean the ONLY watch tony would be able to see Harper is fly at least now he will go see Harper for the weekend since it is drivable

since the kid has been alive Tony has made that trip maybe three times so....

Is that a ******** Drake? :/

i feel like maybe javi is moving on a little fast ?


man he can't move on fast enough 

This feels like a pr stunt. She was with some greasy looking guy lAst week taking a bunch of pics talking how She loves him. Then poof a week later they're deleted and she's now with a guy 2000 miles away.  She ditch a real bf for a cyber relationship in a week ?


this smells like she getting her own show and they putting out pr 

Yeah this is an stunt lol She was dating some guy last week and he was trying out for ayto 6/Flirting with RW and ayto girls 

Yeah this is an stunt lol She was dating some guy last week and he was trying out for ayto 6/Flirting with RW and ayto girls 

yea but whats the angle/financial incentive for her? she getting a show or just want the press to hopefully get a career kickstart? i dont see her ever being on the challenge

After only 1 show,  Queen Madison is at almost 300k followers ❤

I know she was dating him and then they stopped following each other and then they did and now they aren't lol but when they were he started following all these real world people shady afff

pink are you ever gonna tell us the dirt you have on Madison and tony bereakup

She's way too pretty to be messing around with kailyns sloppy seconds 

After only 1 show,  Queen Madison is at almost 300k followers ❤

This all seems shady. She's a pretty girl but something about Madison always seemed off to me.

So Tony can move on and have a whole nother baby with his stalker baby mother but Madison can't live her lifeboat happily with Javi? smh

Madi is a star! Jenna is a big fan favorite, she's done 5 shows and Madi still has more followers than her!

I wonder if she's going to be on the next season of Teen mom or if she's getting her own spin off show. I don't know why MTV doesn't want her to do Challenges, but maybe they think she deserves more than that?

she was dating some dude that made like ***** pumps or something i feel like just 2 weeks ago lol

i think this is in a article

Madison direct messaged Javi on Instagram after many fans thought they had similar stories about exes and babies. What started off as a friendly conversation quickly turned into nonstop talking, which ultimately turned into a relationship.

met up in philly at a restaurant javi likes

but rhey dont seem to be on the same page

"I haven't introduced [Madison] to [my son] Lincoln yet. I learned from my past mistakes where I introduced him way too early on in a relationship, so now I know better," Javi explained. Madison added, "I'm really excited for him to come to Austin next month. I'm going to introduce him to my friends and family and [my daughter] Harper and yeah it should just be a really good time and then we are already making plans for this summer together.

ALLLLL       because of  faaannnnsss

hasnt madison DMed quite a few reality tv people from mtv Wink

yes she has  . . . .but i guess thats not good enough ?

Where is this coming from about MTV/BMP not wanting Madison to do Challenges? Weren't they begging her to do Invasion in the early stages of casting?

Yeah this is an stunt lol She was dating some guy last week and he was trying out for ayto 6/Flirting with RW and ayto girls 

some stunt. She's so out of his league that it's instantly questionable. Not just looks either, that guy is a controlling boyfriend/husband  nightmare.

I think people think she is out of his league based strictly on looks alone.  Javi has his shit together and IMO is a very good Dad and a stand up individual.  yeah, he  got a little messy when Kail cheated on him but that is most men. He loved her son like his own as well. Madi might want a guy like that to make a family with her and Harper.  I'd take a guy like that any day and I don't think he is BAD looking. 

I don't really watch Teen Mom so idk if he's cool or not but she can do wayyyyyyyy better than him based off pictures. 

All for publicity... like I said - he's going to knock her up and there will be a spin off for the both of them.  Two MTV favorites...obviously they are reporting it immediately as fans are invested in both of their lives.  It's pretty pathetic...and I am a big Madison fan.  .  

Thotimus Prime. Trust.

The that you all are judging based upon his looks....

Tony was/is fine as hell but he's a dog 
