The Real World: Skeletons - Madison Walls

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Guys, watch the language. Just because the filter is gone doesn't mean it's A-okay to call people the W word here.

Madison did a lot of people wrong in her past so I'm not suprised people are exposing her. That one girl came on here and posted stuff about her too. Yikes

Another person is exposing, it will be 3 with the girl that came on here:

Madison did a lot of people wrong in her past so I'm not suprised people are exposing her. That one girl came on here and posted stuff about her too. Yikes

Another person is exposing, it will be 3 with the girl that came on here:

Damn....I thought her and Tony were together. He is going to get hurt.

Madison did a lot of people wrong in her past so I'm not suprised people are exposing her. That one girl came on here and posted stuff about her too. Yikes

Another person is exposing, it will be 3 with the girl that came on here:

Damn....I thought her and Tony were together. He is going to get hurt.

Are they even together? I have seen her flirting with 3 guys from Are you the one 2 Anthony/Nate/Brandon..

Based on those comments and her flashing her ******** to the 3 guys when she first met them..I dont think she is dating material

Madison did a lot of people wrong in her past so I'm not suprised people are exposing her. That one girl came on here and posted stuff about her too. Yikes

Another person is exposing, it will be 3 with the girl that came on here:

Damn....I thought her and Tony were together. He is going to get hurt.

Are they even together? I have seen her flirting with 3 guys from Are you the one 2 Anthony/Nate/Brandon.. Based on those comments and her flashing her ******** to the 3 guys when she first met them..I dont think she is dating material

I don't know. I thought they were. But yeah she definitely isn't dating material. Based on things we've heard from people exposing her, I feel like she hasn't changed as much as she is portraying on the show. 


I officially decree her as Madison Has No Walls.

Ehh I'll wait until something more concrete comes out since this is the first person to mention anything she's doing anything like that now.

Madison did a lot of people wrong in her past so I'm not suprised people are exposing her. That one girl came on here and posted stuff about her too. Yikes

Another person is exposing, it will be 3 with the girl that came on here:

Damn....I thought her and Tony were together. He is going to get hurt.

Are they even together? I have seen her flirting with 3 guys from Are you the one 2 Anthony/Nate/Brandon.. Based on those comments and her flashing her ******** to the 3 guys when she first met them..I dont think she is dating material


To be fair, Snooki did the exact same thing at that age and by all credible accounts has completely turned her life around and is now happily married with 2 kids, is quite successful making millions, and doesn't party anymore.  So maybe right now Madison isn't dating material, but she is still very young and people do grow and change.

Madison did a lot of people wrong in her past so I'm not suprised people are exposing her. That one girl came on here and posted stuff about her too. Yikes

Another person is exposing, it will be 3 with the girl that came on here:

Damn....I thought her and Tony were together. He is going to get hurt.

Are they even together? I have seen her flirting with 3 guys from Are you the one 2 Anthony/Nate/Brandon.. Based on those comments and her flashing her ******** to the 3 guys when she first met them..I dont think she is dating material


To be fair, Snooki did the exact same thing at that age and by all credible accounts has completely turned her life around and is now happily married with 2 kids, is quite successful making millions, and doesn't party anymore.  So maybe right now Madison isn't dating material, but she is still very young and people do grow and change.

Snooki was a heroin addict at a young age? Jeez.

I officially decree her as Madison Has No Walls.

I just died laughing 

Madison makes it hard not to believe the other people after tonight's episode. She acted like she was just in love with Tony last week and now she's making out with someone random.

Madison makes it hard not to believe the other people after tonight's episode. She acted like she was just in love with Tony last week and now she's making out with someone random.

In her defense though Tony basically said to her before she did that " i don't wnat to date you, i have someone back home. But let's keep hooking up casually, cool?" So she was just moving on.. Nothing wrong with that to me..But i missed the start of the episode did she know before he said that to her that he had a girl back home?

Also those stories about her are probably true, at least some parts. Hopefuly some are at least exaggerated and she can break the addiction. I mean it's always hard to belive a bitter ex's version of things. But i see some truths in it as well.

[/quote] Are they even together? I have seen her flirting with 3 guys from Are you the one 2 Anthony/Nate/Brandon.. Based on those comments and her flashing her ******** to the 3 guys when she first met them..I dont think she is dating material[/quote]


To be fair, Snooki did the exact same thing at that age and by all credible accounts has completely turned her life around and is now happily married with 2 kids, is quite successful making millions, and doesn't party anymore.  So maybe right now Madison isn't dating material, but she is still very young and people do grow and change.


Snooki was a heroin addict at a young age? Jeez.



Haha!  Sorry I was only referring to the stuff mentioned above with the flirting and flashing while drunk/high.

Anyone else notice that Madison's been completely gone from twitter for weeks? I hope she's ok, I can't help but worry Sad

Anyone else notice that Madison's been completely gone from twitter for weeks? I hope she's ok, I can't help but worry Sad

She post on instagram all the time

Anyone else notice that Madison's been completely gone from twitter for weeks? I hope she's ok, I can't help but worry Sad

She post on instagram all the time

Yeah I thought that for a second before I found her instagram. Also in her insta bio it says she's figuring out her twitter situation. Must've lost her password or something. 

I like madison but she worries me at times

I like madison but she worries me at times

That's how I feel about her. I love her on the show and I think she's a very genuine person but if I was friends with her in real life I feel like I would just worry about her 99% of the time. 

I know,  If I was hanging out with her I would so keep a close eye on her

The way Madison seems to feel a need to fit in reminds me of Jessica. Except while Jessica came off as desperate and still stuck in middle school, we already know Madison has had legit problems that make her uncomfortable around people. That's probably why she let's Sylvia and Violetta lead her.

I really wish she'd just stand up for herself. But its probably easier said than done.

Madison's on twitter again

So happy for her! Tony should make an....Um interesting dad.

3/7 skeletons cast members are parents now. Interesting. Best cast in awhile and we'll probably only ever see like.. 2 of them on challenges

3/5 skeletons cast members are parents now. Interesting. Best cast in awhile and we'll probably only ever see like.. 2 of them on challenges

I see Tony doing more of them tbh. And Jason could be cast one day. 

3/5 skeletons cast members are parents now. Interesting. Best cast in awhile and we'll probably only ever see like.. 2 of them on challenges

Um... There were 7 people not 5

3/5 skeletons cast members are parents now. Interesting. Best cast in awhile and we'll probably only ever see like.. 2 of them on challenges

Um... There were 7 people not 5

i honestly don't know why I put 5 whoops

Huge congrats to Tony and Madison!

BTW, there are 6 cast members-Bruno doesn't count!!!!! Lol

Huge congrats to Tony and Madison!

BTW, there are 6 cast members-Bruno doesn't count!!!!! Lol

i liked Bruno better then Jason by far 

Congrats to Tony and Madison!
