The Real World: Skeletons - Ratings

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V1, your big words and lengthy resonses really aren't that impressive. I know you like to use it as a distraction from the fact that your obsessed with a reality show that you claim to not care about, but spend so much time sharing your cynical opinions that you feel are so qualified. Ironic you sit here and relish in the shows failure but please tell what your production success are? A calendar that piggybacked off reality shows isn't really all that impressive compared to a production company that's had a show running for 22 years. 

I am interested though in the castmembers you "represented" with their contracts that BMP didn't treat well. Because lots of the castmembers on the show keep returning for more. So if they are treated poorly why do they keep returning? Prob cause they get paid thousands of dollars to travel and have no real intelligence or skill set. How are they mistreated? Ive heard you whine how Beth was edited and come up with an excuse for every poor moment she had on the show but from what I hear she was as edited pretty properly.

And yes on twitter you spend a lot of time attempting to interact with former castmembers of multiple shows, and defend them through tweets that you weren't even mentioned in and I think that is weird and obsessive.

He's not cyncial, he's honest.  The Real World is on life support and the obsessed fans on this board don't want to admit it.  MTV promoted it just fine yet no one's watching.  It's because the show's old news now and no one cares about this special twist that probably won't even be all that interesting.  The show needs to die so people can move on with their lives already.

V1, your big words and lengthy resonses really aren't that impressive. I know you like to use it as a distraction from the fact that your obsessed with a reality show that you claim to not care about, but spend so much time sharing your cynical opinions that you feel are so qualified. Ironic you sit here and relish in the shows failure but please tell what your production success are? A calendar that piggybacked off reality shows isn't really all that impressive compared to a production company that's had a show running for 22 years. 

I am interested though in the castmembers you "represented" with their contracts that BMP didn't treat well. Because lots of the castmembers on the show keep returning for more. So if they are treated poorly why do they keep returning? Prob cause they get paid thousands of dollars to travel and have no real intelligence or skill set. How are they mistreated? Ive heard you whine how Beth was edited and come up with an excuse for every poor moment she had on the show but from what I hear she was as edited pretty properly.

And yes on twitter you spend a lot of time attempting to interact with former castmembers of multiple shows, and defend them through tweets that you weren't even mentioned in and I think that is weird and obsessive.

Well, that was about what we expected from you.  Have a nice 2015. 

V1, your big words and lengthy resonses really aren't that impressive. I know you like to use it as a distraction from the fact that your obsessed with a reality show that you claim to not care about, but spend so much time sharing your cynical opinions that you feel are so qualified. Ironic you sit here and relish in the shows failure but please tell what your production success are? A calendar that piggybacked off reality shows isn't really all that impressive compared to a production company that's had a show running for 22 years. 

I am interested though in the castmembers you "represented" with their contracts that BMP didn't treat well. Because lots of the castmembers on the show keep returning for more. So if they are treated poorly why do they keep returning? Prob cause they get paid thousands of dollars to travel and have no real intelligence or skill set. How are they mistreated? Ive heard you whine how Beth was edited and come up with an excuse for every poor moment she had on the show but from what I hear she was as edited pretty properly.

And yes on twitter you spend a lot of time attempting to interact with former castmembers of multiple shows, and defend them through tweets that you weren't even mentioned in and I think that is weird and obsessive.


V1 is a legend and well repected on Vevmo.  You do not need to a fan of his but he should be treated with respect as should all members on this forum

-Vevmo Moderator


V1, your big words and lengthy resonses really aren't that impressive. I know you like to use it as a distraction from the fact that your obsessed with a reality show that you claim to not care about, but spend so much time sharing your cynical opinions that you feel are so qualified. Ironic you sit here and relish in the shows failure but please tell what your production success are? A calendar that piggybacked off reality shows isn't really all that impressive compared to a production company that's had a show running for 22 years. 

I am interested though in the castmembers you "represented" with their contracts that BMP didn't treat well. Because lots of the castmembers on the show keep returning for more. So if they are treated poorly why do they keep returning? Prob cause they get paid thousands of dollars to travel and have no real intelligence or skill set. How are they mistreated? Ive heard you whine how Beth was edited and come up with an excuse for every poor moment she had on the show but from what I hear she was as edited pretty properly.

And yes on twitter you spend a lot of time attempting to interact with former castmembers of multiple shows, and defend them through tweets that you weren't even mentioned in and I think that is weird and obsessive.


V1 is a legend and well repected on Vevmo.  You do not need to a fan of his but he should be treated with respect as should all members on this forum

-Vevmo Moderator


I dont see how he was treated with disrespect. The original comment was mature and displayed real facts except for saying the real world was promoted correctly.

V1, your big words and lengthy resonses really aren't that impressive. I know you like to use it as a distraction from the fact that your obsessed with a reality show that you claim to not care about, but spend so much time sharing your cynical opinions that you feel are so qualified. Ironic you sit here and relish in the shows failure but please tell what your production success are? A calendar that piggybacked off reality shows isn't really all that impressive compared to a production company that's had a show running for 22 years. 

I am interested though in the castmembers you "represented" with their contracts that BMP didn't treat well. Because lots of the castmembers on the show keep returning for more. So if they are treated poorly why do they keep returning? Prob cause they get paid thousands of dollars to travel and have no real intelligence or skill set. How are they mistreated? Ive heard you whine how Beth was edited and come up with an excuse for every poor moment she had on the show but from what I hear she was as edited pretty properly.

And yes on twitter you spend a lot of time attempting to interact with former castmembers of multiple shows, and defend them through tweets that you weren't even mentioned in and I think that is weird and obsessive.


V1 is a legend and well repected on Vevmo.  You do not need to a fan of his but he should be treated with respect as should all members on this forum

-Vevmo Moderator


I dont see how he was treated with disrespect. The original comment was mature and displayed real facts except for saying the real world was promoted correctly.

There were slight or should I say obvious digs in the response V1 received from Kajun. The discussion turned from being about ratings to V1 and his relationships with the cast members and everything else.

I guess we have different ideas of what a legend is. And I mean no disrespect towards V1 I just don't understand why anyone who just wants a show to die spends soo much on a messageboard dedicated towards it. And it's fine for V1 to be pompous but I can't question him on it? 

V1 is a legend and well repected on Vevmo.  You do not need to a fan of his but he should be treated with respect as should all members on this forum

-Vevmo Moderator



Thank you Karisa! I was hoping you would jump in!!!

I never watch MTV and really only saw promotion because I'm a member here. I honestly can't say whether or not it was promoted well.

V1 is a legend and well repected on Vevmo.  You do not need to a fan of his but he should be treated with respect as should all members on this forum

-Vevmo Moderator


Thank you Karisa! I was hoping you would jump in!!!



Jump in? This isnt a fight nor is there need to take it way way to seriously. And Kajun does have a point. If I hated a show or music or what have you I wouldn't be on nonstop. Not that I'm trying to offend anybody either.

After this you believe that the Real World will now have a twist every seasons? 


I've heard very little of Susanne Daniels ideas, but from what I've heard I'm not fond of them. Apparently she hates Real World and that's the only show I watch on MTV anymore at this point.

If you scroll up, you will find that Daniels does not hate RW.  She once said she thought the show was stale.  She was pleased with last season, however. 

Nice rebound for RW.  One might presume that a decent percentage of the new viewers yesterday were attracted not by the "skeletons" theme, but rather by the Challenge premier.   Collectively, the two shows brought in @1.5M, a number we used to complain about for RW or the Challenges about a decade ago (yes, I know many viewed both shows.) 

I didn't know that! In that case I'm allright with Susanne Daniels

At least it's not the worst scripted show MTV came up with (remember the show about the guy with the********? like that was literally the entire premise?)

That show was amazing, I watch the two seasons in less than a day. The premise was stupid but the show was actually hilarious. 

Maybe I'll give it another chance! I got time to kill 

I don't plan to watch Eye Candy, MTV's venture into scripted television needs to go

Honestly give it a try! The first 20 minutes were awesome and it's a testament to the type of channel Susanne Daniels wants MTV to be. She has an awesome vision with a lot of great things in the work.

I watched the 20 minute sneak definitely seems interesting. Not for me, but interesting. I wish it the best of luck.

Boy, looking at the cable ratings overall, the top shows are just a shadow of what I saw 5 years ago. Goodness, has viewership fallen off that much or is he nielsian system just that antiquated? 1.1 is the biggest number on the night? Man. Maybe my memory is failing me but that seems like a paltry number compared to back in the day.

Goodness, has viewership fallen off that much or is he nielsian system just that antiquated?


Did you say the rw had the best mtv ratings lol

Well might as well have their "big gun" before the eye candy premiere so they can try to boost up the ratings

Yeah that's why I used big gun in quotes lol, its the best they got 

Eye candy better do well with all the money they're pumping into it, and even a decent name attached to it. I honestly feel if eye candy does well I can expect less reality on MTV and more scripted 

And I did not know eye candy is based on a RL Stine book lol

I don't see Eye Candy doing all that well honestly. I don't know why but I feel like it's gonna flop for some reason.

I can't take Eye Candy seriously with Victoria Justice starring in it.

I can't take Eye Candy seriously with Victoria Justice starring in it.

Dead to me.

I think it qwill flob, I looked at the cast and the majority of them are soap opera actors, usually the kiss of death

I think it qwill flob, I looked at the cast and the majority of them are soap opera actors, usually the kiss of death

Victoria Justice isn't a soap actress. Plus she has a HUGE fanbase. People that grew up watching her on Nickelodeon will likely tune in. Even a small portion of that crowd will be a dream come true for MTV right now.

Um, did you miss the word majority in my post. Almost all the guys are soap stars, except for the big dude lol

I honestly think of Victoria justice is eh, its like there are always two starlets competing for major fame, and let's be real, Ariana Grande blew Victoria out of the damn water. I'm just waiting for victorias career to flounder. I do think she's smart to stay in acting though, she wouldn't have made it as a singer especially with constant comparison to her Nickelodeon counterpart


This my friends, this is how you promote a show when your network is on its last breath:

MTV has been doing all sorts of external promotion like this for Eye Candy. I can't even imagine what they have in store for Shannara...

Want the Challenge & Real World to stick around a little while longer? Then watch MTV's scripted shows, their success is a part of the equation.

Episode 5:

Monday Ratings according to the guy from showbuzzdaily:

Tuesday Rerun according to showbuzzdaily:

The episode leading to the premiere of Eye Candy and the re-run of it on tuesday did better than eye candy...Like I say it did more harm than good, Tuesday ratings would have been higher for sure.


This is hilarious!!!

Obviously they are not raving views but good for mtv standards and the fact that both the challenge and the RW did much better than Eye Candy and their whole rational was to change the slot thinking Eye Candy would get like 5 million views and help save RW. 

I was one of the people who forgot it aired Monday and watched it Tuesday.

Would you say RW has a good chance of getting renewed for a 31st season, given these ratings?

I really hope that the show's final season, whenever that might be, is billed as the final season from the beginning instead of a "surprise, we're cancelled" type deal 

I feel like like they should move the times ahead 1 hr, still don't get why the challenge is on at 11

Would you say RW has a good chance of getting renewed for a 31st season, given these ratings?

I really hope that the show's final season, whenever that might be, is billed as the final season from the beginning instead of a "surprise, we're cancelled" type deal 

Seriously. When shows have been on for that long I feel like they should always be given their respective bows and not treated like a one hit wonder 

This is hilarious!!!

 good for mtv standards

Of course, advertisers don't care about the ratings being good for MTV compared to its other offerings.  Advertisers put their money toward "best value," and the sentimental "it's the Real World" means  nothing to them.  Yes, it's the cold, cruel world of capitalism.  Maybe with a greatly reduced budget, RW could continue as a Netflix or Amazon offering. 
