The Real World: Skeletons - Ratings

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Not even surprised. Survivior is doing really well and turning out quality seasons consistently nowadays. Amazing Race and Big Brother too(Although that last one has turned to crap IMO.)

It extends beyond just their reality shows if I'm correct. CBS scripted programming is also bringing in high ratings.


Oddly, I'd not even thought of CBS's reality programming.   It's there scripted shows that kill everyone in the ratings, even when they show reruns.      

Not even surprised. Survivior is doing really well and turning out quality seasons consistently nowadays. Amazing Race and Big Brother too(Although that last one has turned to crap IMO.)

It extends beyond just their reality shows if I'm correct. CBS scripted programming is also bringing in high ratings.

Oh yeah. They have some good scripted shows too(Criminal Minds, and all three NCIS series come to mind).

Has Real World ever had a cast member with an incarcerated parent? I think that would be a great story to tell. Going to see them visit their parent could be big. Just wondering.

This is why I've been ranting a bit about MTV ratings lately.

Reality Blurred has been a good friend to vevmo over the years, bringing a lot of attention to the site.   Frankly, I wish Andy's track record on predictions was not so good.



This is why I've been ranting a bit about MTV ratings lately.

Reality Blurred has been a good friend to vevmo over the years, bringing a lot of attention to the site.   Frankly, I wish Andy's track record on predictions was not so good.

Don't you think that if both The Challenge and AYTO who had lower numbers got renewed that TRW will get renewed if MTV is doing that based on numbers?

I'm getting real worried for the Real World, I have a feeling it's getting the axe. To be honest I wouldn't care that much if it got cancelled, but that mean that The Challenge would probably cancelled in a few seasons, and I don't want that happening. 

Real World episode 12 rating:

This is why I've been ranting a bit about MTV ratings lately.

Reality Blurred has been a good friend to vevmo over the years, bringing a lot of attention to the site.   Frankly, I wish Andy's track record on predictions was not so good.



noooo it can't be cancelled as SOON as i'm old enough to try out Sad 

i don't get why they would cancel Real World before the Challenge as the former is getting more viewers

This is why I've been ranting a bit about MTV ratings lately.

Reality Blurred has been a good friend to vevmo over the years, bringing a lot of attention to the site.   Frankly, I wish Andy's track record on predictions was not so good.

Don't you think that if both The Challenge and AYTO who had lower numbers got renewed that TRW will get renewed if MTV is doing that based on numbers?

I have the same question, are you the one seasson 2 highest episode was the finale with less than a million...It has been doing better than the challenge too.

This is why I've been ranting a bit about MTV ratings lately.

Reality Blurred has been a good friend to vevmo over the years, bringing a lot of attention to the site.   Frankly, I wish Andy's track record on predictions was not so good.



noooo it can't be cancelled as SOON as i'm old enough to try out Sad 

i don't get why they would cancel Real World before the Challenge as the former is getting more viewers

and the challenge gets new blood from RW

I'm sorry but they would be idiots to cancel The Real World before AYTO, The Challenge, and those flop scripted shows they've been trying to make happen.

I hope The Real World doesn't get canceled. It and The Challenge are litterally one of the few shows that people watch on MTV and it's been doing better than both AYTO and The Challenge ratings wise. It just doesn't make sense to do away with it.

This year is my best shot at making the show so they better not cancel it. But like the article said, last year RW was renewed a little later, so that could be the case again. Hope so anyway! They would be crazy dumb to cancel it, the ratings have been comparatively good and consistent as well. I say wait until the ratings are so horrible that it's CLEAR the show needs to end.

I say wait until the ratings are so horrible that it's CLEAR the show needs to end.

Uhhh. No. Cut your losses now. Not later.

I say wait until the ratings are so horrible that it's CLEAR the show needs to end.

Uhhh. No. Cut your losses now. Not later.

Or at least attempt to make it something other than a loss... It's like they keep renewing and yet they treat it with a defeatist attitude in terms of promotion. Maybe with a renew and actual focus and work put into RW, something could change. But that's just me, I don't know much at all about TV biz lol.

I say wait until the ratings are so horrible that it's CLEAR the show needs to end.

Uhhh. No. Cut your losses now. Not later.

The problem is that they renew 2 of their "losses" already (AYTO/Challenge). I dont get why they will cut the real world if overall this season have done better than both shows.

Last night they loss 200k viewers from Real world to the challenge.

I say wait until the ratings are so horrible that it's CLEAR the show needs to end.

Uhhh. No. Cut your losses now. Not later.
The problem is that they renew 2 of their losses already (AYTO/Challenge). I dont get why they will cut the real world if overall this season have done better than both shows this season. Last night they loss 200k viewers from Real world to the challenge.

Exactly. This season isn't even bad it's actually MTV's fault. The show is doing okay with a little promo but would have likely done better if it got the promo that Eye Candy got which flopped so fast and if they waited to start it after the holiday season.

Or at least attempt to make it something other than a loss... It's like they keep renewing and yet they treat it with a defeatist attitude in terms of promotion. Maybe with a renew and actual focus and work put into RW, something could change. But that's just me, I don't know much at all about TV biz lol.

I personally think they should put it on hiatus. Focus on reviving The Challenge (which is kind of what they are doing right now). Once that's stable, focus on RW again. If they can't stabilize The Challenge, then both need to be canned simultaneously, they're way too expensive to settle for subpar.

Some people will use the defense "MTV's ratings are low as a whole..." While true, it's not an excuse. Catfish is going stronger than "MTV as a whole," and Teen Mom OG will likely do even better.

I say wait until the ratings are so horrible that it's CLEAR the show needs to end.

Uhhh. No. Cut your losses now. Not later.

The problem is that they renew 2 of their "losses" already (AYTO/Challenge). I dont get why they will cut the real world if overall this season have done better than both shows.

Last night they loss 200k viewers from Real world to the challenge.

It comes down to multiple factors.

1. Is MTV's profit higher from The Challenge or Real World? Higher ratings do not always equate to higher revenue. Advertisers, investors, sponsors, etc are also to be considered.

2. Which series has more longevity?

3. What does Daniels have up her sleeve for season 27 that makes it worth renewing? She is the reason there's even a season 27 in the works.

Those are not the only questions to take into consideration, but one thing is evidently clear: MTV has more faith in The Challenge's future at this moment in time.

I say wait until the ratings are so horrible that it's CLEAR the show needs to end.

Uhhh. No. Cut your losses now. Not later.
The problem is that they renew 2 of their "losses" already (AYTO/Challenge). I dont get why they will cut the real world if overall this season have done better than both shows. Last night they loss 200k viewers from Real world to the challenge.

Precisely, it's strange that we're even having this conversation of cutting your losses after how consistent TRW has been.

I say wait until the ratings are so horrible that it's CLEAR the show needs to end.

Uhhh. No. Cut your losses now. Not later.
The problem is that they renew 2 of their "losses" already (AYTO/Challenge). I dont get why they will cut the real world if overall this season have done better than both shows. Last night they loss 200k viewers from Real world to the challenge.

Precisely, it's strange that we're even having this conversation of cutting your losses after how consistent TRW has been.

You guys are not thinking outside of the box. Business vs consumer mindset.

I say wait until the ratings are so horrible that it's CLEAR the show needs to end.

Uhhh. No. Cut your losses now. Not later.
The problem is that they renew 2 of their "losses" already (AYTO/Challenge). I dont get why they will cut the real world if overall this season have done better than both shows. Last night they loss 200k viewers from Real world to the challenge.

Precisely, it's strange that we're even having this conversation of cutting your losses after how consistent TRW has been.

Part of me is thinking I wish they'd keep Real World for totally selfish reasons, but at the same time, more people watch it so ads PROBABLY cost more for it, thus generating MTV more revenue. And more importantly, more people will be upset if RW is cancelled than if AYTO or one of the unnecessary scripted shows that they came out with was

MTV is irrelevant. The network as a whole IMO is dead. There shows suck. 

Yes, Catfish did well... but look at the type of show Catfish is. It's rathering interesting, personable, it changes each time and that season premiere was EVERYTHING!!!! Possibly the best episode ever. Catfish could be on any network and succedd because the show is current for now. It'll eventually run its course. 

Teen Mom OG will probably do the same as The Real World/The Challenge. Honestly, they should have let that go and to me it seems like a last ditch effort for that series as a whole. 

While next season of The Challenge is hyped up to be this big thing I just don't see it happening. I sadly feel like The Challenge has run its course. 

It really needs like a Survivor revamp. I feel as if each season should be cast members and fresh meat (fans) people. That keeps it new where recurring people keeps it seeming the same. Same stories. Same winners. Same everything. 

The way I see it maybe the show should be cancelled if they are expecting certain results without putting in the work for it. Skeletons premiered without the best promotion and has become consistent in numbers yet they are expecting ratings like the ones from 2003 or something. Another thing is that Explosion and Skeletons numbers were both low before the twist came into play so how about going with a different format or quit airing commercials that basically gives people the impression that the show won't be interesting until the twist happens. Everytime I asked people have they seen Explosion they would basically say they were waiting for the Exes to move in. 


I say wait until the ratings are so horrible that it's CLEAR the show needs to end.

Uhhh. No. Cut your losses now. Not later.
The problem is that they renew 2 of their "losses" already (AYTO/Challenge). I dont get why they will cut the real world if overall this season have done better than both shows. Last night they loss 200k viewers from Real world to the challenge.

Precisely, it's strange that we're even having this conversation of cutting your losses after how consistent TRW has been.

You guys are not thinking outside of the box. Business vs consumer mindset.

the solution isn't "welp, let's just cut our losses guys!".

How can you have a challenge without The Real World? They can barely pull together a cast now, unless they are making a return to Road Rules then the challenge won't survive long either.

Real World has NOT been canceled. Yet. If season 27 of The Challenge fails, then I imagine both will die at the same time. RW is in limbo at the moment, until the network returns to somewhat satisfying ratings, it should stay there. It's not a surface level situation, nor should it be treated as such.

Let's say you are MTV and a Viacom executive gives you one final chance to save the franchise. Which show are you putting more faith in to do so? If you answered Real World... let's just hope you didn't. RW is stale, it cannot grow any further without compromising its original premise. The Challenge can continue to grow and evolve indefinitely. Survival of the fittest.

Real World has NOT been canceled. Yet. If season 27 of The Challenge fails, then I imagine both will die at the same time. RW is in limbo at the moment, until the network returns to somewhat satisfying ratings, it should stay there. It's not a surface level situation, nor should it be treated as such. Let's say you are MTV and a Viacom executive gives you one final chance to save the franchise. Which show are you putting more faith in to do so? If you answered Real World... let's just hope you didn't. RW is stale, it cannot grow any further without compromising its original premise. The Challenge can continue to grow and evolve indefinitely. Survival of the fittest.

But why would you not save the one that 1) consistently gets more viewers (!!!) and 2) is the flagship program of the network, and one that The Challenge relies on to get its cast members in the first place?

I can almost guarantee that more people will miss Real World than The Challenge. And I'm pretty sure everyone who watches The Challenge also watches The Real World, but not everyone who watches RW also watches The Challenge

But it's unrealistic because the Challenge is going to need newbies somewhere down the line if this happens. I see plenty of life in TRW especially with this last season where we had a great cast, drama, and some real problems. Both RW and Challenge were great this time around and if anything, they're showing they have a LOT of life left.

Real World has NOT been canceled. Yet. If season 27 of The Challenge fails, then I imagine both will die at the same time. RW is in limbo at the moment, until the network returns to somewhat satisfying ratings, it should stay there. It's not a surface level situation, nor should it be treated as such. Let's say you are MTV and a Viacom executive gives you one final chance to save the franchise. Which show are you putting more faith in to do so? If you answered Real World... let's just hope you didn't. RW is stale, it cannot grow any further without compromising its original premise. The Challenge can continue to grow and evolve indefinitely. Survival of the fittest.

I don't know about that Lurker because that also describes The Challenge. They tried to evolve The Challenge with Free Agents and that didn't turn out too well nor did bringing AYTO on Exes 2. I look forward to seeing this magical idea they have for Season 27 that got it renewed because the show has been lackluster for the last few seasons.
