Major League Baseball: 2012

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[QUOTE=Treetrunk;310327]Based on performance thus far, I would definitely say my Sox fleeced your Sox in the trade.[/QUOTE] It was nothing to do with ability. It was a salary dump. Performance thus far means nothing as the players the Red Sox got are not going to make waves until a time unknown (i.e. the future.) Sad as it may be, it will take Youk probably this season and the next to equal Middlebrooks current HR total from his limited play this year. No matter how it is framed, Youk is still only batting .242 for the season with a $13 million dollar option. I can almost guarantee the other sox don't pick that up. So The Red Sox got two players and the White Sox got Youk for half a season. That was the deal. You better hope he stays healthy. He has gone down two seasons in a row to injury. If you pay the $13 million option, you are insane.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;310330]It was nothing to do with ability. It was a salary dump. Performance thus far means nothing as the players the Red Sox got are not going to make waves until a time unknown (i.e. the future.) Sad as it may be, it will take Youk probably this season and the next to equal Middlebrooks current HR total from his limited play this year. No matter how it is framed, Youk is still only batting .242 for the season with a $13 million dollar option. I can almost guarantee the other sox don't pick that up. So The Red Sox got two players and the White Sox got Youk for half a season. That was the deal. You better hope he stays healthy. He has gone down two seasons in a row to injury. If you pay the $13 million option, you are insane.[/QUOTE] FYI: Stewart and Lillibridge won't be making any waves........ever. You have a career pinch runner and a pitcher who has failed to progress. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Youk is a one year rental and holding the spot until Morel returns. The Red Sox got nothing and the White Sox slightly improved their chances of making the playoffs in a mediocre AL Central.
[QUOTE=Treetrunk;310332]FYI: Stewart and Lillibridge won't be making any waves........ever. You have a career pinch runner and a pitcher who has failed to progress. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Youk is a one year rental and holding the spot until Morel returns. The Red Sox got nothing and the White Sox slightly improved their chances of making the playoffs in a mediocre AL Central.[/QUOTE] I swear I said this was a salary dump. Maybe I didn't. Let me reiterate: This was a salary dump. As far as the trade itself, the Sox got a perennial top 50 prospect in Stewart whom they plan to revitalize and the other Sox got an aging warrior who will probably get hurt in the next week and has a $13 million option for next year. Why did the Sox trade Youk? So they didn't look like the bad guys when they ignored his option. Now it is the other Sox option.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;310336]I swear I said this was a salary dump. Maybe I didn't. Let me reiterate: This was a salary dump. As far as the trade itself, the Sox got a perennial top 50 prospect in Stewart whom they plan to revitalize and the other Sox got an aging warrior who will probably get hurt in the next week and has a $13 million option for next year. Why did the Sox trade Youk? So they didn't look like the bad guys when they ignored his option. Now it is the other Sox option.[/QUOTE] I swear I never said this wasn't a salary dump. Maybe I did. Let me reiterate: I never said this wasn't a salary dump for the Red Sox. I am thinking that there may have been a reason two teams were so eager to give up on Stewart for little in return in such a short amount of time. I originally declared this to be a win-win for both teams, but the White Sox are clearly reaping the benefits faster. Hopefully, Stewart can revitalize his career.
[QUOTE=Treetrunk;310349] the White Sox are clearly reaping the benefits faster. [/QUOTE] Technically the second the White Sox took possession of Youk, the Red Sox benefited being they didn't have to pay a percentage of his salary (and this was a salary dump.) In the end, this trade basically came down to trying to get [I]anything[/I] for Youk as no one was going to pick up his entire salary if he was waived. Youkilis had no place to play in Boston. He was only skilled at the corners, with one corner having a gold glove 1st baseman already in place and the other a top prospect hitting the cover off the ball (who makes less than Youk got in riders.) So the Sox had a choice, let him ride pine and whine or get him out of dodge and try to get a few dollars back to be used in late July should they be buyers. The two players involved were just tossed in to make it look like a trade rather than a pure financial transaction, although there is a chance that Stewart can at least come back to MLB as middle relief.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;310351]Technically the second the White Sox took possession of Youk, the Red Sox benefited being they didn't have to pay a percentage of his salary (and this was a salary dump.) In the end, this trade basically came down to trying to get [I]anything[/I] for Youk as no one was going to pick up his entire salary if he was waived. Youkilis had no place to play in Boston. He was only skilled at the corners, with one corner having a gold glove 1st baseman already in place and the other a top prospect hitting the cover off the ball (who makes less than Youk got in riders.) So the Sox had a choice, let him ride pine and whine or get him out of dodge and try to get a few dollars back to be used in late July should they be buyers. The two players involved were just tossed in to make it look like a trade rather than a pure financial transaction, although there is a chance that Stewart can at least come back to MLB as middle relief.[/QUOTE] The trade was mutually beneficial for both teams. The White Sox took on two million of the 7.8 left and the Red Sox ridded themselves of a potential problem. I do feel like the White Sox needed Youk more than the Red Sox needed to get rid of him though. Escobar and Hudson were both hitting below the Mendoza Line and struggling in the field. Ever since Crede left, we have seen clowns such as Josh Fields, Wilson Betemit, and Jayson Nix attempt to man third. Our manager himself may have been a better option than some of these guys. This may be why I was a little excited over the trade. Youk is at least serviceable and has been pretty clutch thus far as exemplified through his game winning hit yesterday. I do hope is health holds up, and he has been getting rest with occasional off days. The Sox are known for taking chances on vets past their prime midseason. In some cases it has worked out (Griffey Jr.), and it has definitely not in other cases (Manny-disgusting). I do agree that Stewart has the potential to be a middle reliever that eats up innings in blowout ball games. Lillibridge is a good clubhouse guy with speed that is a true utility player, but he will never be an every day starter. The AL East race should be interesting with CC and Andy out of the mix.
Ok, give Verlander the hook...
Yikes. As an AL fan, it is time to watch something else.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;310865]Yikes. As an AL fan, it is time to watch something else.[/QUOTE] Verlander was terrible and Bautista had no clue how to play the wall in right field.
On a positive note, in the All-Star game the Red Sox as a team batted .500, gave up no runs and committed no errors. While there is plenty of blame to go around the American league today, none of it rests on the Sox. ;)
There are few things worse (as a sports fan) than tuning into a baseball game and realizing it is at Tropicana "Gym." Nothing like worn plastic grass, obtrusive steel girders and copious empty seats to evoke the essence of the sport...
[QUOTE=Bacchus;311394]There are few things worse (as a sports fan) than tuning into a baseball game and realizing it is at Tropicana "Gym." Nothing like worn plastic grass, obtrusive steel girders and copious empty seats to evoke the essence of the sport...[/QUOTE] I attended a Rays/Cards interleague game there in 2005. Worst baseball atmosphere ever. I really didn't even feel like I was at a baseball game. From what I remember, there were more Cards fans there than Rays fans, they had special $3 ticket nights for select non-premium games, Lou Pinella had his own parking spot near the stadium walkway, Subway was the only bar/restaurant open near the stadium, and the cost was $8 for a beer at the game. In essence, I felt like I was attending a memorial service for a pseudo-celebrity in a dimly lit auditorium in which few people show up to pay their respects. Of course, I may still hold a grudge toward the stadium as it was orginally built in an attempt to lure the White Sox out of Chicago during my early elementary years.
[QUOTE=Treetrunk;311414]I attended a Rays/Cards interleague game there in 2005. Worst baseball atmosphere ever. I really didn't even feel like I was at a baseball game. From what I remember, there were more Cards fans there than Rays fans, they had special $3 ticket nights for select non-premium games, Lou Pinella had his own parking spot near the stadium walkway, Subway was the only bar/restaurant open near the stadium, [B]and the cost was $8 for a beer at the game. [/B][/QUOTE] What a steal! Beer is $8.50 at Comerica.
I think you guys are using fuzzy math as everyone knows [url=]Fenway Park has highest beer prices.[/url] :(
[QUOTE=Bacchus;311423]I think you guys are using fuzzy math as everyone knows [url=]Fenway Park has highest beer prices.[/url] :([/QUOTE] 2 beers, $17. I know. I have bought many. 7.25 is a super ******* steal. EDIT: I'm not buying 12 oz though. I think they are 16 oz.
[QUOTE=molds13;311425] EDIT: I'm not buying 12 oz though. I think they are 16 oz.[/QUOTE] That's the kicker. Actually, it looks like the smallest beer at Comerica is a 20oz.
Here we go: [url=][img][/img][/url]
Thankfully there is a solution to these ridiculous beer prices. :D
Bacchus, help me out here. In what strange universe are my Yanks 8 games up at after the break? Only two players above 300, and not by much, 70% of its predicted pitching out for a long time or for the season, and what should have been its toughest three weeks of competition just before the All Star game. I'm at a loss to explain it, because the other teams in the East have generally looked pretty good. Heck, even your guys have looked decent recently.
[QUOTE=V1man;311434]Bacchus, help me out here. In what strange universe are my Yanks 8 games up at after the break? Only two players above 300, and not by much, 70% of its predicted pitching out for a long time or for the season, and what should have been its toughest three weeks of competition just before the All Star game. I'm at a loss to explain it, because the other teams in the East have generally looked pretty good. Heck, even your guys have looked decent recently.[/QUOTE] I think the biggest factor is that the Yankees have capitalized out of division much better than any other team in the east. The Yankees are +20 over .500 at this point in the season. They are +2 in the East, +4 in the West and +6 in the Central (along with being +8 against that inferior other league; Crazy side stat: Only 3 AL teams were under .500 against the NL.) They have also played the least amount of games vs. the east so with all things being equal their lead statistically, given constants, should shrink a few games once they get through their next few east series. The rest of the teams in the east are basically treading water with injuries. If you think the batting averages are bad on the Yankees, have you seen the Rays? [url=][img][/img][/url] Their DH is a 3 spot over the Mendoza line. They are also still reeling from the loss of Evan Longoria in the first half. The Red Sox are just broken. They have been decimated by injuries. Yes, the Yankees have had a few, but it is not even close to what the Sox are dealing with (e.g. 3 of their starting 5 pitchers on the DL; Loss of closer for the season; AL MVP (well he should have been!) out almost the entire first half. Carl Crawford out for the entire first half. Youk/Middlebrooks injured. AGonz injured. Pedroia injured, etc.) The AL east is still the best division in baseball, but besides the Yankees separating themselves, the rest have been slugging it out and no one is capitalizing. Normally you would see the rest the teams in the division beating on a real cellar dweller to gain games in the standings. This year, every team wins as many as they lose (there is only one east team below .500 and that is only by a game.) I think you will see the Red Sox pulling away from the middle in the second half. Jacoby was back last night and Crawford will be in town on Monday. Beckett will be back soon along with AGonz and Pedroia. Middlebrooks has a nagging injury that he can hopefully learn to play with... Having that second wild card spot this season means anything can happen.
Indeed the 2nd wild card slot means we're likely in but I don't like the idea of the season hinging on a single game. Look at where that got us last year. If you trust the numbers [URL=""]here.[/URL] They suggest the Yankees have been slightly lucky, winning a couple games they shouldn' t have while the Sox have been fairly unlucky (who gives up an 11 run lead to their biggest division rival? We do!!). Though we're still not as misfortunate as the Phillies.
The Sox are getting back Jacoby Ellsbury, Carl Crawford and Dustin Pedroia all in the same week. Those guys are 1-3 batters on just about any team in the majors (although Crawford did have a terrible 2011.) It is a [I]very[/I] big deal. Ortiz has been hitting the cover off the ball, lots of times with empty bases. Picking up an extra RBI or two for each monster swat is going to equate to wins. So, having our envisioned lineup back in place by Thursday would be a major turning point in the season. Also, Gonzo looked great last night. If he starts hitting with power, the Red Sox could be making a real run at the division by the end of August.
If Ryan Raburn were eligible, he'd rank last in Major League Baseball in on-base percentage by 28 points. So of course, it's only logical that he bats second over someone with an OBP of .374, right? WHAT THE **** LEYLAND
Thank you Mr. Cody Ross. Thank you.
Yeah the guy's looking good out there. Just over halfway through and he's already on pace to have a record season, though he's shown enough power in the past to be a 25 HR hitter.
I would also send thanks to Robin Ventura for once again mismanaging his pitching staff.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;311819]The Sox are getting back Jacoby Ellsbury, Carl Crawford and Dustin Pedroia all in the same week. Those guys are 1-3 batters on just about any team in the majors (although Crawford did have a terrible 2011.) It is a [I]very[/I] big deal. Ortiz has been hitting the cover off the ball, lots of times with empty bases. Picking up an extra RBI or two for each monster swat is going to equate to wins. So, having our envisioned lineup back in place by Thursday would be a major turning point in the season. Also, Gonzo looked great last night. If he starts hitting with power, the Red Sox could be making a real run at the division by the end of August.[/QUOTE] Yeah...uh...too bad the pitching SUCKS!!! There's no way this is happening.
[QUOTE=Help Desk;312571]There's no way this is happening.[/QUOTE] You have the pink hatter 2012 battle cry down pat! [url=][img][/img][/url] You are entitled to an opinion, but I believe very strongly that the Red Sox will be in the playoffs. It's July! There is plenty of baseball to be played and [URL=""]anything can happen.[/URL]
[QUOTE=Help Desk;312571]Yeah...uh...too bad the pitching SUCKS!!! There's no way this is happening.[/QUOTE] There are nine teams within 4 games of each other for the wild card spots. With the addition of an extra wild card slot, anything can happen. With it only being July, it's too early to count anyone out at this point.
It is my contention that MLB dugouts should be padded like a drunk tank or a psychiatric ward... [url=]Punch something: Ryan Sweeney, Angel Pagan injure hands in separate rage incidents[/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] As for the trade deadline, it will be interesting to see if someone eats Cliff Lee's contract.
