Real World: St Thomas - Ratings

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[QUOTE=arilicious;309866]If I remember correctly, I heard [B]San Diego natives didn't like having the Real World filming there[/B], and that apparently the cast was being disruptive to the locals. (Yes, I'm talking about the 2011 SD season)[/QUOTE] I think that has been true for most seasons filmed in the US, at least in the last decade.
[QUOTE=V1man;309843]One might assume that the ability to predict ratings comes by way of some unique perspective on how viewers are reeled in to a TV show. Please share with us how the network is going to attract viewers. I've been around this business for decades and know from personal experience that if you have bad results in episode 1, then trying to recover from that bad rating in future episode is a nightmare of the nearly impossible. I don't have the history tables in front of me, but my memory is that network prime time shows on New Years Day nearly always take a major ratings hit. It's one of the reasons networks often avoid even showing repeats on major holidays. It's usually nothing but a sink hole for advertisers.[/QUOTE] Just a prediction. These numbers seem unusually bad for a premiere. If the quality of the show continues, viewers catch reruns, word of mouth spreads, I can see the ratings climbing. I don't have the experience or wealth of knowledge that comes along with working in the industry to support my claim; I'm just a fan throwing his two cents into the discussion.
[QUOTE=FishHooks;309876]I believe all the Vegas cast did something like that for April's Fools Day[/QUOTE] That makes alot of sense since Naomi was *****ing via twitter about how MTV said they weren't going to give them another season after they pretty much begged. Besides, if only one more season is on the contract and the 28th cast has already been picked I can't imagine them wasting time getting the LV cast back together in the midst of that plus a challenge.
[QUOTE=ThatsSoJordy;309882]That makes alot of sense since Naomi was *****ing via twitter about how MTV said they weren't going to give them another season after they pretty much begged. Besides, if only one more season is on the contract and the 28th cast has already been picked I can't imagine them wasting time getting the LV cast back together in the mist of that plus a challenge.[/QUOTE] Not to mention everything about the Vegas season is out in the open now and Adam seems to be cool with Leroy and all that. No season should get a second season.
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[QUOTE=Nightwolf;309883]Not to mention everything about the Vegas season is out in the open now and Adam seems to be cool with Leroy and all that. [B]No season should get a second season[/B].[/QUOTE] Well, IMO. none of the seasons as a whole should get a second season. It would be interesting if they took some of the less dramatic people/more upbeat funny people from a combo of seasons and put them together like a mini-season or sent them on a vacation together with clips of them talking about their experiences as a lead-in to new seasons of the show.
[QUOTE=ThatsSoJordy;309882]That makes alot of sense since Naomi was *****ing via twitter about how MTV said they weren't going to give them another season after they pretty much begged. Besides, if only one more season is on the contract and the 28th cast has already been picked I can't imagine them wasting time getting the LV cast back together in the midst of that plus a challenge.[/QUOTE] Public *****ing about or begging to Jackie French is never going to be effective. Cast members who have invested in developing a personal relationship have been much more successful in getting what they have wanted from MTV in the past. Ask Kenny...
I can see the real world reality show ending in the near future.. they should stick to the challenges which are more entertaining to watch.
Yeah but with no more Real World there won't be any more fresh faces for the challenges unless every season is Fresh Meat. And we all know how much we love them...Actually though, I don't mind them cause its like 10 extra people who havent been on RW so it's interesting to see what they will be able to bring without knowing ANYTHING about them. So if they want to continue the challenges they have to continue the Real World least for a little while longer.
[QUOTE=TwoStrikes;309913]Yeah but with no more Real World there won't be any more fresh faces for the challenges unless every season is Fresh Meat. And we all know how much we love them...Actually though, I don't mind them cause its like 10 extra people who havent been on RW so it's interesting to see what they will be able to bring without knowing ANYTHING about them. So if they want to continue the challenges they have to continue the Real World least for a little while longer.[/QUOTE] Actually if they keep the pairing concepts and Duel-like challenges with FM challenges every 3 or 4, they could do without RW for atleast 4-6 seasons.
Yeah, but only like 4 FMers actually stick with the challenges... FM2. Cara, Laurel & Mandi are the main ones in almost every challenge. other than them we dont see much FM 2ers
I don't know what I do if they canceled Real World. Even though the ratings were low, St Thomas got such positive feedback from all the fans so I think the ratings will increase. It doesn't help though that fourth of July is next week and this show is during the summer.
What exactly is wrong with it being in the summer though? Like I said earlier, most shows on during the year are in re-runs. The teen audience (which I'm sure most of this is) have off from school so they're more willing/able to stay up past 10 (usually during the school year I have to force myself, no matter how much I hate the season, to not fall asleep, I have sleeping problems). Then again, now that I think about it, since it is the summer, I suppose more teens are out with their friends, partying and ****, and I''m one of the loser kids who sits home on a Wednesday night watching the Real World. So is that what people meant then by it being hurtful that it's on in the summer?
[QUOTE=arilicious;309946]What exactly is wrong with it being in the summer though? Like I said earlier, most shows on during the year are in re-runs. The teen audience (which I'm sure most of this is) have off from school so they're more willing/able to stay up past 10 (usually during the school year I have to force myself, no matter how much I hate the season, to not fall asleep, I have sleeping problems). Then again, now that I think about it, since it is the summer, I suppose more teens are out with their friends, partying and ****, and I''m one of the loser kids who sits home on a Wednesday night watching the Real World. So is that what people meant then by it being hurtful that it's on in the summer?[/QUOTE] I dunno about you, but during the summer I was drinking, hanging out on boats and going to bonfires. And drinking.
[QUOTE=molds13;309947]I dunno about you, but during the summer I was drinking, hanging out on boats and going to bonfires. And drinking.[/QUOTE] My parents are strict about me drinking (and going out in general, although I am only 18, but still) and we don't have a boat, so yeah.
[QUOTE=arilicious;309946]What exactly is wrong with it being in the summer though? [/QUOTE] Simple. During the summer most people go on vaction, work summer jobs, or party endlessly so they don't focus a lot of time on TV usually. In the fall people are at school with not much to do but fiddle faddle aroud in the afternoons and watch TV. There is usually a lot of buzz going around about shows they people watch in the fall, too. Think about it; how many times during the school year have you heard someone say "did you catch such and such last night?" [QUOTE=arilicious;309949]My parents are strict about me drinking (and going out in general, although I am only 18, but still) and we don't have a boat, so yeah.[/QUOTE] -_____- even if you don't have a boat or drink, most people have too active of social lives during the summer to worry about TV.
[QUOTE=ThatsSoJordy;309950]Simple. During the summer most people go on vaction, work summer jobs, or party endlessly so they don't focus a lot of time on TV usually. In the fall people are at school with not much to do but fiddle faddle aroud in the afternoons and watch TV. There is usually a lot of buzz going around about shows they people watch in the fall, too. Think about it; how many times during the school year have you heard someone say "did you catch such and such last night?" -_____- even if you don't have a boat or drink, most people have social lives during the summer to worry about TV.[/QUOTE] Yeah, that's true, I guess this just really comes to show how much of a social life I seriously do not have. :( Great, now you're making me feel like Brandon, thanks a lot! Although when I was watching it this week, a friend of mine on twitter (yes, I know him in real life, he's not just an online friend) was tweeting all like "can't wait for real world: st. thomas tonight, looks awesome!". Sure, that's just one person, but still, I figured some people might be interested.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=arilicious;309949]My parents are strict about me drinking (and going out in general, although I am only 18, but still) and we don't have a boat, so yeah.[/QUOTE] Nothing wrong with that. A lot of people also have summer jobs to where they need to go to bed which is why I think it is a mistake if they don't show lots of reruns to catch people at their varying schedules.
[QUOTE=FishHooks;309891]Well, IMO. none of the seasons as a whole should get a second season. It would be interesting if they took some of the less dramatic people/more upbeat funny people from a combo of seasons and put them together like a mini-season or sent them on a vacation together with clips of them talking about their experiences as a lead-in to new seasons of the show.[/QUOTE] I kind of think it would be interesting to takes some Fresh Meat/Road Rules people mis them with others and make a season off of that. Give them a lot of crazy stuff to do and let them go at it.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Calinks;309988]I kind of think it would be interesting to takes some Fresh Meat/Road Rules people mis them with others and make a season off of that. Give them a lot of crazy stuff to do and let them go at it.[/QUOTE] Not a whole season, but if they let some of them and maybe some RW/RR alums come in and test drive the new RW pad and create like a special before the new season aired might would be interesting and a helpful cross-over of sorts.
From what I'm hearing from a lot of people is they actually are over seeing massive hook-ups every season because it kinda make's two people one. Which I absolutely agree with.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Npresh24;310040]From what I'm hearing from a lot of people is they actually are over seeing massive hook-ups every season because it kinda make's two people one. Which I absolutely agree with.[/QUOTE] Massive hook ups as in one night stands with locals, maybe. Inter-office romance--nope. History seems to show that ratings go up when there is cast showmance in the ads. Not every time, but far more times than not.
[QUOTE=FishHooks;310059]Massive hook ups as in one night stands with locals, maybe. Inter-office romance--nope. History seems to show that ratings go up when there is cast showmance in the ads. Not every time, but far more times than not.[/QUOTE] More if the latter because it does help ratings but the couple of people who I know caught the premiere were not feeling how quick everyone paired off. Usually there is a little time for individual drama and growth before in-house hook-ups occur - a big reason those same people didn't care for NOLA and Vegas 2.
[QUOTE=arilicious;309674]I know that, but coming from somebody who wishes to be on this show one day, this show CAN NOT END! [/QUOTE] So truee...MUST last until I'm 21...or at least lower it back to 18. I don't want to be a Priscilla but hell, it's better than not being on the show at all?
Ah it must be quite the maddening conundrum for people who work in TV-land... Kids/Teens are the best advertisees since they're most likely to succumb to impulse buying or be swayed to a product based on presentation. Yet, they are the least likely to see the advertisements or pay much attention to them because of their social lives and general inattentiveness.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Aereas;310110]Ah it must be quite the maddening conundrum for people who work in TV-land... Kids/Teens are the best advertisees since they're most likely to succumb to impulse buying or be swayed to a product based on presentation. Yet, they are the least likely to see the advertisements or pay much attention to them because of their social lives and general inattentiveness.[/QUOTE] You sell to them at Christmas time and that is about it IMO. It isn't as if 13 year olds are rolling in Benjamins.
[QUOTE=FishHooks;310059]Massive hook ups as in one night stands with locals, maybe. Inter-office romance--nope. History seems to show that ratings go up when there is cast showmance in the ads. Not every time, but far more times than not.[/QUOTE] The Zashley romance brought in tons of ratings, didn't it? ;)
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=arilicious;310120]The Zashley romance brought in tons of ratings, didn't it? ;)[/QUOTE] When the ads for the next episode were heavy on that, then the rating usually trended up a little from the previous week, but like I said, not always. It isn't a magic trick, just a trick.
[QUOTE=arilicious;310120]The Zashley romance brought in tons of ratings, didn't it? ;)[/QUOTE] Dustin and Heather; Adam and Nany; sure did.
Guys, the question is what can MTV do now to improve ratings. They can't go shoot new video and make up stuff that didn't happen to make it look like Vegas II (well, they can, but not to the extent of showing hookups that didn't happen). I've not seen any indication that the network is putting much effort into bringing in new viewers for the July 4 episode. If I were MTV, I'd put episode 2 on line on Wednesday to capture in their own audience count the people who would not see it on satellite or cable at the normal time that evening.
If I remember correctly, someone said that they cut filming short by like 2 weeks. There were 2 things said: 1. That's good they must have a lot of footage, etc. 2. That's bad, they must not have a lot of footage and want to stop production early to save money. I'm thinking the latter if the ratings stay low for the next 2-3 weeks.
