Just a quick helpful refresher post for anyone who happens to be new to this thread, because it confused me at first too.
Sam from B2SD was originally posted as being on the cast but it was a mistake and Devyn is actually in the girl spot she was thought to have.
Just wanted to clear that up again, and have it fresh on the thread, to help anyone who might be confused.
San Diego? I really can't handle another round of those two. I'm gonna lose interest fast if their fat heads are getting a lot of air time.
Very glad to see CT, that dude deserves a win. Where's Laurel..?
At least half of both the guys and girls on this challenge were on the last one, if that says anything.
Cara Maria was an alternate from what we have been able to guess.
I posted Laurel's Twitter response to my question about her doing more Challenges on the Speculation thread. She's pretty much done with them at this point. Although she doesn't mind seeing other countries if someone else is paying for the vacation.
[QUOTE=mjacksonbad;339541]TJ deleted that instagram post of the bicycle race. Anyone have an idea why he might do that?[/QUOTE]
BECAUSE like i said when i SCREEN Capped it. From a post earlier we cant ignore that pic.. There is something to it!... i think it had to be an image taken of one of the challenges.. the guys on those bikes were all wearing safety gear and 2 of the guys in the image were wwearing RED one had on ORANGE it looked like.. And I just made a logical assumption because if he is in Thailand. Those guys were Huge on those bikes and you can so tell that maybe those were there names on there chest so it has to be some new format to bring the color orange into play.. Sorry im rambling ive just been looking at this pic since i reposted after mjacksonbad did.. and i just know it has to be from the challenge lol all the the guys on those bikes were ripped and why would he blur a image so much.. with smart phones today which im sure he has a new one there is no way you can get an image that blurry without doing it on purpose... and it looked like those were new gear suits .. idk okay.. that's my ramble for the day.. i may just be reading into the photo alot but tj deleting the image makes me think i maybe right forsure!
Also in regards to the Rachel(Austin) and Cook comparison i was just saying that i think it's to soon for everyone to be saying shes gonna be great based off her competitive sport(singular) background because you never know she reminds me of RACHEL because i remember when she came to town and alot of people thought she was gonna be strong at challenges and she was just really average if anything.. so i was just saying maybe we are giving alot to Cooke for no reason.. I do like cooke for the most part im sure she will be fine on these but i think.. idk she was boring regardless in my eyes so we may not even see to much of her on this show anyways even if she stays the whole time.. lol idk just my opinion..
Also we came up with the general cast ourselves do we not remember that whole 3 nights of twitter. Reading.. we all did it not just Rileyman.. :/..
helped forsure but not with the whole cast we did that together.. as a Team..
[QUOTE=ellethevegan;339556]BECAUSE like i said when i SCREEN Capped it. From a post earlier we cant ignore that pic.. There is something to it!... i think it had to be an image taken of one of the challenges.. the guys on those bikes were all wearing safety gear and 2 of the guys in the image were wwearing RED one had on ORANGE it looked like.. And I just made a logical assumption because if he is in Thailand. Those guys were Huge on those bikes and you can so tell that maybe those were there names on there chest so it has to be some new format to bring the color orange into play.. Sorry im rambling ive just been looking at this pic since i reposted after mjacksonbad did.. and i just know it has to be from the challenge lol all the the guys on those bikes were ripped and why would he blur a image so much.. with smart phones today which im sure he has a new one there is no way you can get an image that blurry without doing it on purpose... and it looked like those were new gear suits .. idk okay.. that's my ramble for the day.. i may just be reading into the photo alot but tj deleting the image makes me think i maybe right forsure![/QUOTE]
After doing a quick google Thailand apparently does numerous bike tours, one of which took place last week. Now either it was a bike tour pic or because of biking they did a bike challenge. The blur can be explained by the speed of cycling on a tour, even if you try to take a pic of a kid on a bike going slow it's blurry, so trained tour people might go way too quick for a pic
Hell yeah CT, Wes and Leroy possibly being on the same team? Goodnight San Diego.
I'm a little disappointed that we probably will never see Laurel again. In my opinion she was the most attractive female and most athletic female in challenge history.
I'm glad to see Cooke stepping up to do her first challenge. We also have Heather back so I can't wait for her and Frank to argue. I can't wait for the Johnny and Frank drama. But in all honesty I cannot wait tos ee CT destroy either Frank, Zach, or BOTH.
This is going to be an awesome challenge. Rooks VS Vets? This might be better than Duel 1.
People thought Rachel (Austin) was going to be strong.....I must have slept through that. I don't know if any of you play soccer but to be good you have to have ALOT of endurance. If Cooke is anywhere close to being professional she has to be constantly working out.
[QUOTE=JayTee;339560]Hell yeah CT, Wes and Leroy possibly being on the same team? Goodnight San Diego.
I'm a little disappointed that we probably will never see Laurel again. In my opinion she was the most attractive female and most athletic female in challenge history.
[B]I'm glad to see Cooke stepping up to do her first challenge. We also have Heather back so I can't wait for her and Frank to argue. [/B]I can't wait for the Johnny and Frank drama. But in all honesty I cannot wait tos ee CT destroy either Frank, Zach, or BOTH.
This is going to be an awesome challenge. Rooks VS Vets? This might be better than Duel 1.[/QUOTE]
The only Heather on this challenge is Heather Cooke. And I don't think she has any reason to argue with Frank
I hadn't posted here in years but still visit the board every now and then. Hello to everyone! Anyhow, I just wanted to add my two cents. I remember that during Cutthroat, the lineup that was announced by Molds added up for a perfect vets vs rookies format. At some point though Molds confirmed that it was a new format. I know that speculating is fun and I have read every single post in this thread and won't deny I had a blast reading how creative you guys are. Simple awesome.
I actually think that this might be a new theme. I know it's hard to think that they would put together an almost perfect vets vs. rookies cast without that coming into play, but it wouldn't be the first time this happens. It happened already for Cutthroat.
Keep in mind that the good guys vs bad ***** (lol to this word being censored) and vets vs rookies formats were created to deal with the fact that the Roadulers were always beating the Realworlders in the original Road Rules vs Real World format. Now that we have a cast made up of almost all Realworlders I don't think that these formats are necessary. I think that this allows the production to try formats that wouldn't have worked under the Real World vs Road Rules formula.
[QUOTE=JayTee;339560]I'm a little disappointed that we probably will never see Laurel again. In my opinion she was the most attractive female and most athletic female in challenge history.
I'm glad to see Cooke stepping up to do her first challenge. We also have Heather back so I can't wait for her and Frank to argue. I can't wait for the Johnny and Frank drama. But in all honesty I cannot wait tos ee CT destroy either Frank, Zach, or BOTH.[/QUOTE]
Is Laurel the only girl you've ever seen on a challenge? Laurel is a cool chick, but hottest challenger ever...our eyes obviously work very differently.
Heather Marter (I think that's her name) isn't on this challenge just Cooke. Frank will kiss Johnny's butt and suck up to him. He's a coward, so don't look forward to that drama. I hope CT does destroy Frank early on in an elimination. Actually I'd prefer Trey too, that would be a favorite challenge moment for me and I can't stand Trey. But to see him beat Frank would be great.
[QUOTE=Kajun;339561]People thought Rachel (Austin) was going to be strong.....I must have slept through that. I don't know if any of you play soccer but to be good you have to have ALOT of endurance. If Cooke is anywhere close to being professional she has to be constantly working out.[/QUOTE]
Yes you must have forsure missed that one..
Also endurance is a big factor of this shhow yes.. but what about the[B] missions envolving swimming, heights, puzzles, eating, and pure strategy..[/B]
Im not taking away from her training at all i know what soccer conditioning is like but I also think ive watched this show for a while and ive seen how difficult and weird these challenges can be so i just think its a bit quick to be ******* her as a girl to beat without seeing any proof of that she can truly do .. ill have no problems addmiting she is kick *** when i see it.. forsure but until then she's just regular to me.
Maybe they wanted to get the cast as close to Rookies vs Vets to try to trick the cast? They always try to figure out the format before hand so I'm sure all of them thought that it would be rooks vs vets and then when they got there they were surprised. I'd like to see a new individual concept.
[QUOTE=eagles28;339569]They always try to figure out the format before hand...[/QUOTE]
There have been a number of challenges where some of the cast knew of the format in advance. With Exes, I believe they all knew. While I have no personal knowledge of the way they learned of the format, I've heard that someone in casting or a member of the crew had informed a cast member. Where a pre-show alliance might be important to production, informing a certain few cast members would be useful in creating a good alliance for TV. If any cast member knew the format this time, it appears to have been kept very quiet.
[QUOTE=molds13;339217]Sorry, I don't care that it annoys you.[/QUOTE]
I guess...
[QUOTE=Lola88;339219]Pair challenges aren't that bad aNd it is easier to keep track of the invisible people[/QUOTE]
Oh please. Pairs stink.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;339575]Good, I just never really liked Laurel. She was somewhat cool on Rivals though. And why did they even bother with FM2 when they aren't even utilizing half the cast?[/QUOTE]
I don't think we should ovder think this it's 16 vs 16 vets vs rookies
[QUOTE=molds13;339217]Sorry, I don't care that it annoys you.[/QUOTE]
On behalf of all former mods... Genius! (I would have excluded the word "sorry.")
you would think its bots because portland has marlon,bird,jordan and jessica but then you just have trey and robb from st thomas and vegas has 3 girls and 1 guy(leroy) so I dont know what to think, I believe its a new format
For the most part I am happy with the cast. I love me some CT, and Danny. Love having CT and Diem together on a challenge. I am also happy about Wes and Johnny. I would have liked to see Melinda though. I love her as well. I watched her on spreecast and she said she was asked to do BOTE and couldn't because of school. I was bumped after hearing that. I would have loved to see them on BOTE together. I would have preferred Marie from St. Thomas over Naomi from Las vegas. She bores the crap out of me. And I seriously hope that the vets destroy Zach and Frank.
[QUOTE=spinica;339596]OMG I hope that's a joke! I do not want to have CT and Johnny leave that early. But I thought they are not allowed to post while filming?[/QUOTE]
Maybe they aren't there anymore? Would be definitely a surprise, if they leave early. But I wouldn't be shocked if BMP/MTV paid them more to lose early to hype the "Rookie revolution"
[QUOTE=GDInstall;339598]But I wouldn't be shocked if BMP/MTV paid them more to lose early to hype the "Rookie revolution"[/QUOTE]
To be honest, that wouldn't even be right much less fair.
No Cara Maria, Laurel, and Mandi for a Challenge. Im happy with that. Im happy to have Emily and Theresa back on my screen as well. Cast has potential imo. An improvement over last season.
[QUOTE=JayTee;339560][B]Hell yeah CT, Wes and Leroy possibly being on the same team?[/B] Goodnight San Diego.
I'm a little disappointed that we probably will never see Laurel again. In my opinion she was the most attractive female and most athletic female in challenge history.
I'm glad to see Cooke stepping up to do her first challenge. We also have Heather back so I can't wait for her and Frank to argue. I can't wait for the Johnny and Frank drama. But in all honesty I cannot wait tos ee CT destroy either Frank, Zach, or BOTH.
This is going to be an awesome challenge. Rooks VS Vets? This might be better than Duel 1.[/QUOTE]
Where did you get this from?
[QUOTE=GDInstall;339598]Maybe they aren't there anymore? Would be definitely a surprise, if they leave early. But I wouldn't be shocked if BMP/MTV paid them more to lose early to hype the "Rookie revolution"[/QUOTE]
Today is April fools day...