The Challenge: Rivals II - Cast (Spoilers)

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The Challenge: Rivals II - Cast (Spoilers)
As promised, here is The Challenge: Rivals II, filming in [B]Thailand [/B](again). TJ Lavin hosts. It will premiere July 10th @ 10 PM. [COLOR="#FF0000"][B]Do not post elimination spoilers in this thread. [/B][/COLOR] Enjoy the theme. [ATTACH]1705[/ATTACH] [B][COLOR=#0000FF]MEN[/COLOR][/B] [B]Chris "CT" Tamburello[/B], Real World: Paris [ATTACH]1706[/ATTACH] [B]Derek Chavez[/B], Real World: Cancun [ATTACH]1708[/ATTACH] [B]Dunbar Merrill[/B], Real World: Sydney [ATTACH]1722[/ATTACH] [B]Frank Sweeney[/B], Real World: San Diego (2012) [ATTACH]1710[/ATTACH] [B]Johnny Devenanzio[/B], Real World: Key West [ATTACH]1711[/ATTACH] [B]Jordan Wiseley[/B], Real World: Portland [ATTACH]1712[/ATTACH] [B]Ryan Knight[/B], Real World: New Orleans (2010) [ATTACH]1713[/ATTACH] [B]Leroy Garrett[/B], Real World: Las Vegas (2011) [ATTACH]1714[/ATTACH] [B]Marlon Williams[/B], Real World: Portland [ATTACH]1715[/ATTACH] [B]Preston Roberson-Charles[/B], Real World: New Orleans (2010) [ATTACH]1716[/ATTACH] [B]Robb Schreiber[/B], Real World: St. Thomas [ATTACH]1717[/ATTACH] [B]Trey Weatherholtz[/B], Real World: St Thomas [ATTACH]1718[/ATTACH] [B]Ty Ruff[/b], Real World: DC [ATTACH]1818[/ATTACH] [B]Tyrie Ballard[/B], Real World: Denver [ATTACH]1719[/ATTACH] [B]Wes Bergmann[/B], Real World: Austin [ATTACH]1720[/ATTACH] [B]Zach Nichols[/B], Real World: San Diego (2012) [ATTACH]1721[/ATTACH] [B][COLOR=#FF0000]WOMEN[/COLOR][/B] [B]Anastasia Miller[/B], Real World: Portland [ATTACH]1723[/ATTACH] [b]Aneesa Ferreira[/b], Real World: Chicago [ATTACH]1932[/ATTACH] [B]Camila Nakagawa[/B], Spring Break Challenge [ATTACH]1724[/ATTACH] [B]Cara Maria Sorbello[/b], Fresh Meat II [ATTACH]1817[/ATTACH] [B]Heather Cooke[/B], Real World: Las Vegas (2011) [ATTACH]1725[/ATTACH] [B]Diem Brown[/B], Fresh Meat [ATTACH]1726[/ATTACH] [B]Emily Schromm[/B], Real World: DC [ATTACH]1727[/ATTACH] [B]Jasmine Reynaud[/B], Real World: Cancun [ATTACH]1728[/ATTACH] [B]Jemmye Carroll[/B], Real World: New Orleans (2010) [ATTACH]1729[/ATTACH] [B]Jessica McCain[/B], Real World: Portland [ATTACH]1730[/ATTACH] [B]Jonna Mannion[/B], Real World: Cancun [ATTACH]1731[/ATTACH] [B]Nany Gonzalez[/B], Real World: Las Vegas (2011) [ATTACH]1732[/ATTACH] [B]Naomi Defensor[/B], Real World: Las Vegas (2011) [ATTACH]1733[/ATTACH] [B]Paula Meronek[/B], Real World: Key West [ATTACH]1734[/ATTACH] [B]Sarah Rice[/B], Real World: Brooklyn [ATTACH]1736[/ATTACH] [B]Theresa Gonzalez[/B], Fresh Meat II [ATTACH]1737[/ATTACH] [B]Trishelle Cannatella[/B], Real World: Las Vegas [ATTACH]1738[/ATTACH]
It's back up. And they are all zombies lol.
Except for Paula. She apparently didn't need any help looking crazy.
Basic *** cast smh , I hope Vets (C.T,Emily,Paula,Sarah and Wes) win.
Again, it reminds me of Cutthroat. Why Sam, Preston and Danny though? Ugh.
Paula -- ROFL Now we know why it took so long to post the cast: Molds13 was busy with Photoshop. Should we think of these images as a harbinger of doom for RW and the challenges? :rolleyes:
wow, thanks. Lol @ Paula's pic. xD Well, I see 8 male rookies, while there are only 7 female rookies.
Isn't it weird that there's like... two from each season almost?
***** what the ****! so thats why it took so long, haha love it! Theyre hideous! nice work
There are nine female Veterans and only seven female Rookies.
Maybe they "mistakenly cast" either Emily or Theresa as a rookie? Or .. maybe this is an Inferno instead? Shudder at Sam coming back. They should have brought in Laura. Preferably on a different team than Jessica.
So we have all people who were on Exes or Seasons + Theresa and the Portland kids. Great.
[QUOTE=JL81790;339011]So we have all people who were on Exes or Seasons + Theresa and the Portland kids. Great.[/QUOTE] + Cooke
Make a lot of sense: Rookies Girls Anastasia Jonna Jessica Cooke Jemmye Nany Naomi Sam Rookies Guys Frank Jordan Knight Marlon Preston Robb Trey Zach Veteran Girls Sarah Paula Diem Camila Emily Trishelle Theresa Jasmine Veteran Guys CT Jonnhy Wes Danny Dunbar Tyrie Leroy Derek
It's weird that Sam is active in twitter and Devyn is not, to me at least.
Only 4 of the castmembers weren't on Exes or Battle of the Seasons (Anastasia, Heather, Jessica, and Theresa) and two of those are on Portland. BMP really chose a creative cast this season!
[QUOTE=Flaviw;339013]Make a lot of sense: Rookies Girls Anastasia [B]Jonna[/B] Jessica Cooke Jemmye Nany Naomi Sam [/QUOTE] Jonna is a vet.
[QUOTE=Flaviw;339013]Make a lot of sense: Rookies Girls Anastasia Jonna Jessica Cooke Jemmye Nany Naomi Sam Rookies Guys Frank Jordan Knight Marlon Preston Robb Trey Zach Veteran Girls Sarah Paula Diem Camila Emily Trishelle Theresa Jasmine Veteran Guys CT Jonnhy Wes Danny Dunbar Tyrie Leroy Derek[/QUOTE] Except that Emily has done as many challenges as Jonna
I'm sure they intentionally are mistaking Emily as a rookie to even out the ladies.
I wouldn't be the first time that BMP has elected to redefine the rookie/veteran mix for a challenge. They did it with Jamie, as I recall, much to Cara and Susie's delight according to some.
But Emily debut on a challenge was prior to the Jonna!!! They can put in anyway they want, just they did with Camila as a Fresh Meat!!! Sorry about my english but i'm a brazillian!!
omg.... I laughed so hard scrolling down and seeing Paula.
[QUOTE=Flaviw;339013]Make a lot of sense: Rookies Girls Anastasia Jonna Jessica Cooke Jemmye Nany Naomi Sam Rookies Guys Frank Jordan Knight Marlon Preston Robb Trey Zach Veteran Girls Sarah Paula Diem Camila Emily Trishelle Theresa Jasmine Veteran Guys CT Jonnhy Wes Danny Dunbar Tyrie Leroy Derek[/QUOTE] Jonna would be on the veterans team, since this is her 3rd challenge (like Leroy and Derek). Like someone else mentioned before, there seem to be 9 vet girls and 7 rookie girls, so it'll be interesting to see how they make the teams. I could MAYBE see an Inferno format (good guys vs. bad *****), but that would be very subjective. This is the list that I came up with for a possible Inferno (again, just one possibility given the subjectivity of the format): Good Guys: Danny Tyrie Dunbar Wes Marlon Preston Trey Zach Anastasia Cooke Diem Emily Nany Paula Sam Sarah Bad *****: CT Frank Johnny Leroy Knight Robb Jordan Derek Camila Jasmine Jemmye Jessica Theresa Trishelle Jonna Naomi
We should assume it's most likely a new concept. When Cutthroat was being filmed, a lot of people here were assuming it was a Gauntlet 4, when it ended up being an entirely new concept. We should really start entertaining the idea that it could possibly be a new concept.
LOL @ if that was the Good Guys team. Good Luck.
[QUOTE=Nikki Lea;339000]Except for Paula. She apparently didn't need any help looking crazy.[/QUOTE] Banana's really didn't need to be photo-shopped either....But nice job!
I wouldn't mind Cutthroat 2
[QUOTE=aka757;339024]Jonna would be on the veterans team, since this is her 3rd challenge (like Leroy and Derek). Like someone else mentioned before, there seem to be 9 vet girls and 7 rookie girls, so it'll be interesting to see how they make the teams. I could MAYBE see an Inferno format (good guys vs. bad *****), but that would be very subjective. This is the list that I came up with for a possible Inferno (again, just one possibility given the subjectivity of the format):[U][/U] Good Guys: [U]Danny[/U] Tyrie [U]Dunbar Wes[/U] Marlon Preston [U]Trey Zach[/U] Anastasia Cooke Diem Emily [U]Nany Paula[/U] Sam [U]Sarah[/U] Bad *****: CT Frank Johnny [U]Leroy[/U] Knight Robb Jordan [U]Derek[/U] Camila Jasmine Jemmye Jessica [U]Theresa Trishelle[/U] Jonna Naomi[/QUOTE] I've underlined where I disagree with you. Since there would be so many different viewer opinions on this, I can't see MTV thinking this idea would save the series.
I know what you're all thinking, Could the 7th time be the charm for Danny Jamieson?
[QUOTE=ColiesMom;339028]Banana's really didn't need to be photo-shopped either....But nice job![/QUOTE] I could think of some additional ways to Photoshop him that would be entirely appropriate to my opinion of him. I'd begin with putting diapers on him. [QUOTE=Meelz;339032]I know what you're all thinking, Could the 7th time be the charm for Danny Jamieson?[/QUOTE] LOL -- I was actually wondering if Wes would sacrifice Danny first to save himself from early elimination. After all, isn't that what friends are for?
[QUOTE=Meelz;339032]I know what you're all thinking, Could the 7th time be the charm for Danny Jamieson?[/QUOTE] Or 7th time in a row for Sarah..


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