Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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CAM? PEOPLE LIKE CAM? HOW? Everything about him is unlikable!!!! HOW IS FELICIA NOT THE FAVORITE?

To them him winning a bunch of comps = best and favorite player. Even Spoilerfraud talking about voting for him (and Felicia).


Cam is a terrible player and has one of the most dull personalities of all-time. I refuse to believe anyone is rooting for that thing.

Finally watched an episode thinking we'd get some drama but Zzz...However, I usually hate Cory's archetype but he was enjoyable. He seems like just a normal and cool person. Lots of self-awareness and not creepy and weird. I wish he would have played on a season with worthy players/personalities.

Jag won hoh again

Claire had to throw HOH when she was the Invisible HOH so I'm not understanding why the hell he was allowed to win two weeks in a row.

Especially since the whole house knew he was HOH.

I'm tired

Well blue is gonna finally learn where she stands with him

Cirie and America were close apparently to winning.

i wish we had feeds of the jury house when cam blue and cory are all fighting for a week 

This show takes 1 step forward and 10 back. Why would they not make him throw it like Claire? They literally changed their own rules to give us the most boring result? The stupidity is wild from production.


If a girl wins next HoH, so anyone but Matt or that weird Australian, then I think Jag is a goner.

Im expecting bb to allow jag to play next hoh cause of the failed invisibility twist

told y'all...

So he ruins their twist by revealing himself and he's rewarded with being able to play again.

Let me guess Felicia and America will be the noms. Zzz

why was he not told that he had to lose the competition

i ain't caught up yet but this season so brazy

Blue is very beautiful but such a dumb player,it will be cringe to watch Miss Josh clown her strategically on CUSA3.

Blue is very beautiful but such a dumb player,it will be cringe to watch Miss Josh clown her strategically on CUSA3.

what's sad is we know they're gonna call her *** 

Blue is a terrible player, she has the most forced and annoying personality, and she's not that cute. She can stay far away. Kristen, Riley, and Felicia are the only 3 who should be called for The Challenge.

So I'm not the only one who prefer most of the prejurors than the jurors to come on?

Blue is a terrible player, she has the most forced and annoying personality, and she's not that cute. She can stay far away. Kristen, Riley, and Felicia are the only 3 who should be called for The Challenge.

it's going to be america, Cory, Jared & blue. Felicia wouldn't pass any physicals 

You guys are ridiculous thinking Felicia would event get a call for this, so you guys know she won't. That fact that it's even being entertained makes me think either y'all trolling or y'all that god damn stupid.

Omg...Hauserman has really turned on me. LavenderVeto and Jenns4Eva don't come around anymore. I'm really out here on an island alone. I'm gonna have to start paying for KVM's subscription to Tory's OnlyFans or join QANON just to have an ally around here. I thought it was clear that I was obviously joking about Felicia beinyg cast...even though I'd love it and she'd perform better than Shauvon, Brooke, or Josh.

If Tiffany did the Challenge TWICE, Felicia can easily be cast and I'm not even joking. 

If Tiffany did the Challenge TWICE, Felicia can easily be cast and I'm not even joking. 

Let's be serious there is a 23 year difference here and a big weight difference. I think Dom and Enzo would be better comparisons. 


If Tiffany did the Challenge TWICE, Felicia can easily be cast and I'm not even joking. 

Let's be serious there is a 23 year difference here and a big weight difference. I think Dom and Enzo would be better comparisons. 

I am absolutely serious, 23 years or not Felicia is in just as good of shape as Tiffany

You don't really believe that lol.

you just made that up 

Jag won the veto. Idk what Cirie was thinking targeting her allies like that

 At least he goes home in the double! Jk cause veto is always physical and the old black women wont win it

Hopefully the target stays on Blue and she goes out looking like a clown.
