Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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Are Blue and America up?

It sounds like the veto was somewhat fair game and not overly physical (distorted images)

I think the issue is Jag being allowed to win HOH. If he and Matt went up, and he still won this veto, Bowie would've gone up and Matt would still be evicted.

Well blue is gonna be in for a rude awakening. And she kinda deserves it. I like her but yeah can't play stupid for 80 something days and not suffer consequences 

Jag won 5 comps in a row..... jeez

Felicia threw cirie utb and now she's being considered as a target 

Felicia is getting on my nerves

Ugh Felicia I needed you to wait 3 days for this. Let's just get rid of awful Blue and Jag in the double and then we can get messy.

Big brother fans are insane every where lol

In Big Brother Chile they charge the audience to vote ppl out every week and every week the fans of this girl Cony (she is a trainwreck like young Nany) raised hundred even thousands of dollars to take out her "enemies" which is like 80% of the house . It's crazy that they charge and even crazier that people are actually paying thousands of dollars to do so especially since that money over there is way more than its here:

I will stop watching a show the moment I have to even pay a cent to vote on it Lmao 


Big brother fans are insane every where lol

In Big Brother Chile they charge the audience to vote ppl out every week and every week the fans of this girl Cony (she is a trainwreck like young Nany) raised hundred even thousands of dollars to take out her "enemies" which is like 80% of the house . It's crazy that they charge and even crazier that people are actually paying thousands of dollars to do so especially since that money over there is way more than its here:

Damn. Lowkey iconic lol

Oh nah that is crazy but shows like this in LATAM get super instense fan bases lol 

Matt says he would take Cirie over Jag to final 2 


Matt says he would take Cirie over Jag to final 2 


as much as I'd like to see Cirie win this season I think she'd get demolished against Matt and would look very embarrassing on her record. I'd rather her go home in the double than see that happen. She has to step it up


Matt says he would take Cirie over Jag to final 2 


as much as I'd like to see Cirie win this season I think she'd get demolished against Matt and would look very embarrassing on her record. I'd rather her go home in the double than see that happen. She has to step it up

Matt has been looked at as Jag's ***** for the past few weeks.

Plus, Matt mishandled the America situation so I do think Cirie has the ability to narrowly beat him in a vote now.

How a Matt Vs cirie f2 could go imo:

jag- matt

blue- cirie

america- cirie 

cory- Matt. he said if either Matt or jag get to the end he votes for them 

Cameron- Matt

Felicia- Cirie (maybe votes matt tho, she Lowkey always had something against cirie tbh) 

Bowie- Matt

yeah I think Matt would take it but very close

Matt has done nothing to deserve a W in my opinion 

Cam said he doesn't respect Matt and liked Cirie on his way out, but he'll never not vote a man.

I think Bowie is over her drama with Cirie and she does trust her now. I think it boils down to if she respects Cirie more than Matt, but she does vote Cirie over Jag.

I do find it funny how Cory speaks on optics so much and played closely with Cirie and will still vote Matt over her. His decision to blow up his game with her was really based on Matt/Jag being stronger at comps. And, I would like to think he'd objectively see Cirie maneuvered without any but idk.

Felicia is Cirie's biggest opp lmao

Isn't Cirie lowkey rude about Felicia and can't actually stand her though?

Cirie seems so disinterested in this show and like she regrets doing it. I don't think she realized how cringe, creepy, and weird it was. It says a lot though that living in that house is worse than sleeping outside with little food for a month. The miserable energy in the house doesn't equal good tv either.

Isn't Cirie lowkey rude about Felicia and can't actually stand her though?

I don't blame her. She ***** on her ciries bed, cuts her toenails on her bed, and Lowkey has something weird against cirie since the beginning. Felicia is not an easy person to live with 

Felicia is a BB legend. I don't care what anyone says. 

cirie winning 750k after clearly despising this awful show would be iconic... even though queen felicia deserves the money out of all them boring losers!

Felicia is a BB legend. I don't care what anyone says. 

She is. But definitely annoying to live with 

cirie winning 750k after clearly despising this awful show would be iconic... even though queen felicia deserves the money out of all them boring losers!

Would a Cirie and Felicia final 2 be the new Jun and Alison?

Cirie/America for F2

Cirie/America for F2

Cirie/Bowie for F2
