Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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Y'all just said **** the double eviction huh?

im watching for the demise of everyone who voted to evict Jared, Felicia needs to go. I like Cirie & Matt, they need to be the final 2...

I can't stand Bowie Jane and Felicia ...I wanna see them leave. Jag is such a nuisance as well.

the only interesting moment we might have is matt cutting jag for cirie at final 3


I was surprised Cirie and Matt didn't make a move on Felicia tonight. So what happens now? Based on diary room Felicia is still planning final 2 with Cirie she just wanted another option with the dude since he wins everything. So if Cirie is up I'm assuming Jag is the only one who'd desperately want her out and that's not good for a final 4/3 situation. Bowie had a deal with Cirie but idk if that still stands this next round. I'm impressed Cirie survived this round. Idk what she did as non live feeder I fully expected her and Felicia on the block. 

Typical BB when the worst possible outcome happens. Bowing out from keeping up with the feeds since it's a Matt/Jag win at this point. Bowie will be thrilled with her third place. 

is there any chance Bowie Jane wins? If she falls assbackwards into a final 2 with Felicia? She was my preseason winner pick and just know I completely predicted the Allstars boot order up to 90% accuracy I even got the alliances and fights predicted before the cast even walked into the house. I wrote it all on my banned twitter and would retweet every time my prediction came true. I didn't watch the following 2 seasons so this was my first prediction since then and my gut feeling is usually right on these shows. 

Theres always that one ******* female who lets the two bro's drag her just to cut her at the end

Typical BB when the worst possible outcome happens. Bowing out from keeping up with the feeds since it's a Matt/Jag win at this point. Bowie will be thrilled with her third place. 

and in true form Cirie will be CIRIED I just don't know how but somehow someway she will be screwed. Either she gets Bb9 Sharoned or Felicia wins final veto and tries to make a funny speech and accidentally evicts Cirie and Julie says it's official when Felicia tries to take it back or something messy. 

Lol of course we get that outcome, so BB lol! But FELICIA IS FINAL 5! SURVIVED THE BLOCK 6 TIMES! SHE. IS. LEGEND. Yall think we are gonna get the filling up the bowl challenge tonight and a 3 straight week of Jag HoH?

Theres always that one ******* female who always lets the two bro's drag her just to cut her at the end

Bowie had that written all over her face from the second I saw her cast photo. FLOP.

It's weird seeing Cirie so miserable.

I'm glad Felicia/Cirie happened. Even though we are past the topic of black winners I'm glad future players can see you can use black players to your advantage and drag them to the end since they all suck at comps it's in their dna. Black players are never able to play the goat because despite their lack of comp skills they usually aren't complete sheep and still play their own game/can't be controlled and because of that they're sent home prejury and the dumb female recruit is used as the goat instead. The only other black goat was Jameka and that's only because she was punished and had to sit out of like every comp until the final 4 and completely worthless

It's weird seeing Cirie so miserable.

did you see her dragging Felicia for ******* on her bed and around the house? It's on TikTok it's hilarious. I'm sad their friendship will not exist after the show. 

I was surprised Cirie and Matt didn't make a move on Felicia tonight. So what happens now? Based on diary room Felicia is still planning final 2 with Cirie she just wanted another option with the dude since he wins everything. So if Cirie is up I'm assuming Jag is the only one who'd desperately want her out and that's not good for a final 4/3 situation. Bowie had a deal with Cirie but idk if that still stands this next round. I'm impressed Cirie survived this round. Idk what she did as non live feeder I fully expected her and Felicia on the block. 

Matt/Cirie are tight so that has helped her stay afloat. Felicia is 100% out next if she doesn't win they all want her out. Then I see Matt convincing Jag to bring Cirie to 3 over Bowie. Idt she'll win in 2 and yay one of the guys win. 

Blue had one of the most cringe exit interviews of all-time. Zero awareness lol.


I was surprised Cirie and Matt didn't make a move on Felicia tonight. So what happens now? Based on diary room Felicia is still planning final 2 with Cirie she just wanted another option with the dude since he wins everything. So if Cirie is up I'm assuming Jag is the only one who'd desperately want her out and that's not good for a final 4/3 situation. Bowie had a deal with Cirie but idk if that still stands this next round. I'm impressed Cirie survived this round. Idk what she did as non live feeder I fully expected her and Felicia on the block. 

Matt/Cirie are tight so that has helped her stay afloat. Felicia is 100% out next if she doesn't win they all want her out. Then I see Matt convincing Jag to bring Cirie to 3 over Bowie. Idt she'll win in 2 and yay one of the guys win. 

wow I think you're right. Sounds lame. Cirie is good at the unprepared mental comps but I'm not sure if she's studied well enough for round 2 trivia which also may have a physical aspect. She never runs..

Felicia is going to win the slip and slide veto tonight. I just know it!

hopefully matt takes cirie. I despise jag he doesnt even deserve the 75k runner up prize.

I'm still confused about production's decision to allow Jag to play twice in a row and be able to win.

Had they not one of Jatt or Bowie leaves it's likely still America out during the DE. But, at least a shot would've been taken. And, we get a more interesting game.

And, atp Jag deserves it more than Matt.

10 votes to evict or not his *** was on the block the next week, and they shut Meme down when she wanted him out over Red.

All that did was isolate Bowie Jane and now Cirie and Felicia are stuck between a rock and a hard place. It's to the point where I don't think Cirie is winning this jury vote.

Especially, not if  Matt cuts Jag which is truly the only thing he's done. The social game is good but he's been hiding behind Jag with no critical thought for three weeks so atp I feel like Jag's earned it. I would actually be more annoyed if Matt wins it over him.

Please don't discuss any other option other than Felicia winning.

Matt needs to win something  or it will look like jag dragged him lol.  

edit: oh he won a veto tonight? Didn't see it lol 

Please don't discuss any other option other than Felicia winning.

shes winning 4th place at best. 

Please don't discuss any other option other than Felicia winning.

Be lucky if she gets past f5, because she's severed her only connection in that house last week.

My girl has defied the odds and survived 6 times. She's going to keep at it and will be pulling the confetti out of her own robe when she wins!

These two will be making their way to the challenge or the challenge usa  next 

I'd want Jag to win over Matt. Matt hasn't lead a single thought in that house and just follows what anyone else says. His strategy has been following what Riley said working with Cirie and hiding behind Jag.

Cirie would be an underwhelming winner tbh.

Cirie would be an underwhelming winner tbh.

Blue on The Challenge might cause me to quit watching. She is awful in every way. Which means Skye was waiting backstage to personally invite her to season 40.

Everyone left would be underwhelming except Cirie. I don't agree with all her mistakes but if she could kill off her own alliance and still build a path to the end based off part likeability and part looking/being weak... I'd be willing to look at that for what it is.

Felicia tanked her own social game and I would give her credit for being a pawn star if she had anything to do with flipping the votes on Izzy or Meme.

Matt has proven to have very little critical thought in his head and Jag's gameplay is also messy but I do think he put in a lot of work these past few weeks that aren't just comp wins.

I would say Bowie Jane deserves it for making it to f5 without being nominated but she's not even particularly that close or well-liked by the jury. And, on any other season she would've been a pawn. Plus, she's just going to hand it to Jag/Matt so I don't have much faith in her.
