Nany is nowhere near the level of Veronica. Nany can't control the house; she's just a loyal follower to Bananas. And her rivalry with Theresa is more Theresa's doing. She's not as impactful as everyone may think.
Nany is nowhere near the level of Veronica. Nany can't control the house; she's just a loyal follower to Bananas. And her rivalry with Theresa is more Theresa's doing. She's not as impactful as everyone may think.
Exactly. That's why she's more Tonya than Veronica
Okay, so originally I was like “No way should Eric B rank this high” but then I was putting the list together and this is where he ended up. I’m not particularly a fan, but when I do like him I like him a lot. He started as a harmless, fun-loving guy who was surprisingly agile for his size. Plus, he was awarded bonus cool points for being BFF with Katie. But then Gauntlet 3 came around and Big Easy turned in his most memorable performance by…not performing. He basically almost died in the final mission in one of the most memorable challenge moments of all time. Big Easy was basically the reason CT, Brad, Paula, Evan, Robin, and Adam K didn’t have a challenge win for a long time (some still don’t). In some ways, Big Easy is the catalyst for entire seasons such as the Ruins. Now, when people look at that moment it seems that people remember it as being negative for Eric, but at the time if you didn’t feel bad for him then I don’t know what to say. The veterans treated him like absolute shit (especially Evelyn, CT, and Evan/Kenny if memory serves) and he couldn’t help it. Quite frankly, the veterans sealed their fate when they kept him around over Bananas (and others). The thing about Big Easy is you root for him and then you learn more about the story and start to feel less bad. Like, when Laurel eviscerated him on Cutthroat, you had to feel bad and then you find out he was talking shit to her the entire time before. Or when Camila was eviscerating him on BOTS, you felt sort of bad but at the same time he was being a quitter and an *******. Eric talked a big game and talked about how he was always losing weight, but he was always ******* things up for his team. But hey, he had that WTF relationship with Devyn!
25. Nany (Battle of the Seasons 2, Rivals 2, Free Agents, Battle of the Exes 2)
Alright guys, you can stop debating. Here she is. Here’s the thing about Nany: love her or hate her, she is unequivocally one of the major stars of the current era of the challenge. She is one of the most popular RW/Challenge people of all time and certainly in the last few years. For that alone, she deserves a high ranking. Nany killed it on her first challenge. She was incredibly likable but was still there to play the game and she stirred up some shit (her fights with Frank were epic, and man did they go for the jugular). I mean, EVERYONE was waiting to see Nany on a challenge, and she didn’t disappoint. She performed admirably on her next two challenges, especially Free Agents where she impressed in the final (for most of it). And of course, we can’t talk about Nany without talking about her hookups, especially with Cohutta and Johnny on FA. At some point around Exes 2, this board turned on Nany (myself included) and I think that’s natural for somebody who dominates screentime as much ***he does. Her rivalry with Theresa caused many people to take sides and Nany wasn’t always who people chose, plus she was partners with proven ******** Bananas which didn’t help her case. I personally am going through Nany-fatigue myself because I think she has gotten incredibly cocky. However, there’s no denying she’s a star on this show. When I like Nany, I love her. When I hate her, like on Exes 2, I want to slap that smug look off her face (specifically when Nia went IN on her…that was glorious.)
24. Eric N (Battle of the Sexes, Battle of the Sexes 2)
UGH. UGH UGH UGH UGH I hate Eric Nies. Sorry but I had to say it right off the bat. He ONLY ranks this high because he’s a Real World legend and he’s truly one of the most recognizable people from these shows. But man, what a manchild with his stupid ******* jumprope. He was never even ever that great of a competitor and he literally only won a challenge because Mark was like “well I already won so now it’s Eric’s turn!” THANKS MARK! Eric WAS awesome as the host of BOTSeasons with Mark though. And, who could forget that he “brought Veronica the juices” on BOTSexes?
Full disclosure: I despised Cara for a long time because I’m #teamkina but sometimes I look back at her fondly. Cara was actually pretty cool on her first challenge, she was dating resident nice-guy Dave and she was one of the few people who actually openly expressed her disgust at the team voting in Sarah over and over. I actually respected her, and THEN Cara completely flipped the switch ***oon as it was between her and Sarah. She was like “jk I think Sarah should still go in” So…good will kind of gone. But she surprised competitively, beating Elka and Theo and making it to the end and winning. Then, Cara did Playboy and completely came to the next challenge with a chip on her shoulder. She provided some good drama right off the bat, with her argument with Aneesa “You don’t love her! You don’t even know her!” and of course Aneesa’s epic takedown of her (more on that later in the list). It’s truly one of the best challenge moments ever. But then, Cara and her friend/occasional threesome partner Susie decided to strike up an alleged alliance that would basically consist of getting rid of all the guys on her team (aka the dumbest strategy ever) and it sparked the EPIC rivalry with Kina. It didn’t turn out too well for Cara (Kina embarr***ed her in one of the most hilarious catfight eliminations ever), but she was good for some good snarky comments. And man she HATED Kina. Cara then came back with BFF Susie on The Inferno 3, and her entire gameplay basically consisted of purposely being terrible so Susie could win lifesavers. Literally, that was all she did. Oh, and she made *****y comments about Tonya behind her back and accused Ace of ***ault. Honestly though, the Cara/Susie friendship is one of the most memorable from this show.
I’m not much a fan of Tyler, and his first two challenge appearances were mostly embarr***ing for him. He was voted off right away on both, and he made one of the biggest WTF decisions ever by choosing to go against his season-mate Johnny Bananas in the first Duel. And this was when Johnny was actually likable! But then he came back on Cutthroat and kind of killed it. Suddenly he was actually a really solid competitor, even holding his own against CT when CT was literally a monster (there’s a reason why it’s Johnny, not Tyler, we call Backpack) and then he went on to win 2 challenges in a row. One of the few people to do that. He also managed to win the Rivals final, one of the most difficult, after puking like the night before. Tyler can be kind of an *******, and he’s incredibly cocky, but he really turned himself into a great competitor. He also gets credit for making me like him at some point because I hated him more than any other cast member after his RW season. But, I don’t really like him anymore. Cutthroat Tyler was cool though.
23. Camila (Cutthroat, Rivals, Battle of the Exes, Battle of the Seasons 2, Rivals 2, Free Agents)
When it was announced that Camila was going to be on Cutthroat, I lost my shit. The idea that some person who wasn’t even Fresh Meat was going to take a spot from somebody who actually, you know, appeared on the show, was infuriating to me. And then I watched Cutthroat and begrudgingly decided that Camila was actually kind of awesome. She benefited from her edit, which basically consisted of the EVILLL red team voting her in at every chance. But, you couldn’t help but root for her and at the time, she was relatively sane(ish). Then, she kept doing challenges and her sanity was slowly but surely chipped away. Camila is mostly remembered for yelling inaudibly at Johnny or anybody in her path. Her most epic moments include her verbally ***aulting Big Easy as he’s being hoisted upside down and underwater and throwing a chair through a window and slowly zombie-ing herself into a swimming pool, seemingly to her drowning death. Camila has mellowed (I use this term relatively) in recent seasons, but she’s a crazy. But she’s also a solid competitor and quite frankly she kicked all kinds of *** on Exes, and has performed solidly on all challenges. And plus, now they pretty much let anybody on these shows, so I guess I cant be too mad at her.
22. David Burns (Challenge 2000, Inferno, Gauntlet 2)
You know, David maybe shouldn’t be ranked this high, but he’s one of the more interesting cast members IMO. He played a big role in why Challenge 2000 was enjoyable IMO. He was a good competitor, he was hilarious, and he was a really sore loser despite seeming like he wouldn’t take these things too seriously. Also, I still remember all the girls being obsessed with his *****. Like, somehow his ***** came up in every other episode. “This bungee is gonna be hard, my balls are real big”. He was kind of the opposite on the Inferno, where he was still hilarious (and naked) for much of his time, but was also incredibly lazy. Who could forget the mission where they had to sell products by the lake and he just lounged the whole time? Still, he had a cool, unexpected relationship with CT (Boston!) and thankfully lost to Katie (because come on, we needed Katie to win). He came back on Gauntlet 2 and didn’t provide much in the way of drama until the end when he refused to admit he should be sent into the Gauntlet over Timmy. But he did provide us with one of the best quotes: “This girl Jodi is about to steamroll the cast, because homegirl is HORNAYYYY”
22. Cara Maria (Fresh Meat 2, Cutthroat, Rivals, Battle of the Exes, Battle of the
Ah Cara Maria, perpetual victim Cara Maria. CM is somebody I think we are always supposed to root for, but man does she make it hard. But seriously, let’s count the ways she’s been the victim: against Laurel/Sarah/Ayiiia on Cutthroat, Wes/CT/Paula/Jenn on Rivals, Johnny on Rivals 2, Laurel/Theresa/Johnny on Free Agents. She’s always crying about something or someone. But sometimes, she really was the victim. Like when Wes poured Coke all over her for no apparent reason. But it was hard to root for Cara Maria because she would pride herself on being different and non-conformist, and then cry when people would treat her differently. Still, she has one of the more interesting challenge trajectories: she went from being one of the most promising FM2 girls to being eliminated first to being the target of ridicule for being terrible, to then dating one of the biggest alpha males, to suddenly becoming an actual competitor, to then kind of being terrible again, and then finally on Free Agents finally proving herself. Finally I was able to root for Cara Maria, because she was genuinely performing well and LITERALLY drawing the short straw. Her relationship with Laurel is one of the more interesting dynamics these days. I still can’t believe she did 7 challenges in a row though. Yeesh.
Puck is just one of the most memorable reality tv cast members of all time. This is a fact. He might be THE most memorable real worlder but since this is about the challenge, he ranks a bit lower. Puck appeared on exactly one challenge and the following happened: he loogied into David’s face on day 1, nearly got kicked off, the cast rallied around him, he verbally tortured Ellen on a regular basis for one of the best rivalries ever (“He told me he was gonna KICK MY ***!”), got married, then whipped out a machete and peaced out. Like, nuff said people. Also, I totally forgot to mention this in Ayanna’s post but one of the best quotes ever, after Puck leaves, from Ayanna: “He had a machete! A MA-CHE-TE!!”
21. Kina (Battle of the Sexes 2, Gauntlet 2, Duel)
Alright guys, I am unashamed to say that I’m Kina’s number 1 supporter. Should a few people on this list be ranked a little higher than her? Maybe, but I’m playing my bias card here, sorry!! Plus, she would rank around here anyways (she’d by #1 if I was truly biased), but Kina actually has an interesting challenge career. She started as this completely sweet, barely-there rookie on BOTS2 that everybody loved and then she dyed her hair dark and came back with a vengeance on the Gauntlet 2. Kina on the Gauntlet 2 is one of the single best challenge seasons ever. She brought everything: she was a killer competitor, she took the game SO seriously, had a serious boyfriend, and started an epic rivalry. As the captain, she demolished her enemies on her team (including Cara and Jillian) in the gauntlets in two of the most exciting female eliminations IMO. “Who wants to stay more?!” “I DO *****!!” She ripped off Cara’s bra strap and told her “You should’ve worn a sports bra!!” Like, it was epic and quite frankly, super hot for this 15 year old at the time. Kina won the challenge (the worst final challenge ever, but we won’t hold that against her. Rookies were stacked and would’ve won regardless). Kina also had great friendships with Brad, Derrick, Ibis, and others throughout her shows. And she gave us an epic meltdown in the bathroom where she had to choose between Jillian and Ibis. Thankfully she chose Jillian because Ibis won the final for them tbh and I loved watching her slam Jillian into the sand. She didn’t do as much, drama wise, on the Duel but she was in the Drama Mafia and suddenly hated Beth according to the edit, but apparently that wasn’t really the case. Still, she called her Beth-asaurus Rex (the second best nickname for Beth). Sadly, she was beat by Svetlana in a valiant fight but then she gave us another epic meltdown, complete with hugs from Brad (seriously the SD/X-Treme era is the best era of newcomers to this day IMO). But ugh Svetlana wasn’t even supposed to be there at that point. Whatever, Kina performed solidly that whole challenge but sadly has not been back. Also, she deserves to be ranked this high because she stole Eric N’s jumprope on BOTSexes 2 AND because she gave me a personal shoutout on her retirement post during Viewer’s Revenge for defending her so much on Speakreality. So, I rest my case.
Hints for next update:
- The final one-challenge wonders (there are 2)
- At least 3 people who have appeared on 5 challenges without winning
When was Eric a good host on Battle of the Seasons? I legit only saw Mark hosting while Eric stood in the back.
Agreed with everything you said about Nany.
I liked both Cara Z. and Kina. Of course I love Queen Cara Maria!
I should have clarified that I liked him better as a host, maybe because he just stood there hehe.
Also, just curious bluehatchet, which people do you think should be ranked higher? You seem to think everyone is ranked too high. I'm not saying I disagree, but for men specifically, who is ranked too low then? Quite frankly, I thought a lot of the men were ranked too high when I made the list and then I looked at who was ranked lower I was like "welp, yeah these people definitely beat those people". This show is about the women. Aside from some guys (all in the top 20), most of the guys are pretty much an afterthought. IMO, of course.
As for Ellen, yes you will see her somewhere in the top 20 and I stand by that. Personally, I think Battle of the Sexes is the gold standard for challenges and Ellen dominated that challenge in every aspect (drama, competition, crying, one-liners, etc.) And while this isn't from the challenge, she's one of the few people to go toe-to-toe with Coral (hell, and Puck). But I don't want to ruin the entry
For those keeping track, these are the 20 men and women left:
Men: Abram, Brad, Derrick, Evan, Kenny, Bananas, CT, Frank S, Zach N, Dan S, Darrell, Syrus, Leroy, Landon, Mark, Theo V, Miz, Wes, Alton, Timmy
Women: Sarah R, Sarah G, Veronica, Rachel R, Tina, Ruthie, Ellen, Coral, Katie, Beth, Julie, Evelyn, Diem, Laurel, Paula, Emily B, Aneesa, Tonya, Susie, Robin
When was Eric a good host on Battle of the Seasons? I legit only saw Mark hosting while Eric stood in the back.
Agreed with everything you said about Nany.
I liked both Cara Z. and Kina. Of course I love Queen Cara Maria!
I should have clarified that I liked him better as a host, maybe because he just stood there hehe.
Also, just curious bluehatchet, which people do you think should be ranked higher? You seem to think everyone is ranked too high. I'm not saying I disagree, but for men specifically, who is ranked too low then? Quite frankly, I thought a lot of the men were ranked too high when I made the list and then I looked at who was ranked lower I was like "welp, yeah these people definitely beat those people". This show is about the women. Aside from some guys (all in the top 20), most of the guys are pretty much an afterthought. IMO, of course.
As for Ellen, yes you will see her somewhere in the top 20 and I stand by that. Personally, I think Battle of the Sexes is the gold standard for challenges and Ellen dominated that challenge in every aspect (drama, competition, crying, one-liners, etc.) And while this isn't from the challenge, she's one of the few people to go toe-to-toe with Coral (hell, and Puck). But I don't want to ruin the entry
The guys I don't really pay attention too LOL I normally only pay attention to the girlson the show because most of the time girls>guys haha. I love seeing other people's opinions so your list is a lot of fun to read! I just don't see how Ellen is that memorable in my opinoin. She was okay for one season but even on that season she didn't really provide anything for me. Veronica, Tonya, Julie, Melissa, and Emily were a lot more memorable on Sexes than Ellen in my opinoin. Ellen was pretty wall paperish for me.
When was Eric a good host on Battle of the Seasons? I legit only saw Mark hosting while Eric stood in the back.
Agreed with everything you said about Nany.
I liked both Cara Z. and Kina. Of course I love Queen Cara Maria!
I should have clarified that I liked him better as a host, maybe because he just stood there hehe.
Also, just curious bluehatchet, which people do you think should be ranked higher? You seem to think everyone is ranked too high. I'm not saying I disagree, but for men specifically, who is ranked too low then? Quite frankly, I thought a lot of the men were ranked too high when I made the list and then I looked at who was ranked lower I was like "welp, yeah these people definitely beat those people". This show is about the women. Aside from some guys (all in the top 20), most of the guys are pretty much an afterthought. IMO, of course.
As for Ellen, yes you will see her somewhere in the top 20 and I stand by that. Personally, I think Battle of the Sexes is the gold standard for challenges and Ellen dominated that challenge in every aspect (drama, competition, crying, one-liners, etc.) And while this isn't from the challenge, she's one of the few people to go toe-to-toe with Coral (hell, and Puck). But I don't want to ruin the entry
The guys I don't really pay attention too LOL I normally only pay attention to the girlson the show because most of the time girls>guys haha. I love seeing other people's opinions so your list is a lot of fun to read! I just don't see how Ellen is that memorable in my opinoin. She was okay for one season but even on that season she didn't really provide anything for me. Veronica, Tonya, Julie, Melissa, and Emily were a lot more memorable on Sexes than Ellen in my opinoin. Ellen was pretty wall paperish for me.
I almost ranked Melissa higher, but dropped her down a few. The rest of them are with Ellen in the top 20, maybe higher maybe lower (Although I disagree that Tonya was more memorable than Ellen on BOTSexes. Tonya was very different and kinda boring then IMO)
Yaaaaaaassssss@ Cara and Camilla Being out. Eric I don't mind(and I think I'm like the only one that doesn't mind him too). For the next update Guesses. Ellen and Sarah(Campus Crawl) those are the only two that popped in my head. I'm thinking Robin/Aneesa/Tina. Those 3 are ones that did 5 shows without winning that come to my mind Last one I'm guessing Zach and Leroy.
When was Eric a good host on Battle of the Seasons? I legit only saw Mark hosting while Eric stood in the back.
Agreed with everything you said about Nany.
I liked both Cara Z. and Kina. Of course I love Queen Cara Maria!
I should have clarified that I liked him better as a host, maybe because he just stood there hehe.
Also, just curious bluehatchet, which people do you think should be ranked higher? You seem to think everyone is ranked too high. I'm not saying I disagree, but for men specifically, who is ranked too low then? Quite frankly, I thought a lot of the men were ranked too high when I made the list and then I looked at who was ranked lower I was like "welp, yeah these people definitely beat those people". This show is about the women. Aside from some guys (all in the top 20), most of the guys are pretty much an afterthought. IMO, of course.
As for Ellen, yes you will see her somewhere in the top 20 and I stand by that. Personally, I think Battle of the Sexes is the gold standard for challenges and Ellen dominated that challenge in every aspect (drama, competition, crying, one-liners, etc.) And while this isn't from the challenge, she's one of the few people to go toe-to-toe with Coral (hell, and Puck). But I don't want to ruin the entry
For those keeping track, these are the 20 men and women left:
Men: Abram, Brad, Derrick, Evan, Kenny, Bananas, CT, Frank S, Zach N, Dan S, Darrell, Syrus, Leroy, Landon, Mark, Theo V, Miz, Wes, Alton, Timmy
Women: Sarah R, Sarah G, Veronica, Rachel R, Tina, Ruthie, Ellen, Coral, Katie, Beth, Julie, Evelyn, Diem, Laurel, Paula, Emily B, Aneesa, Tonya, Susie, Robin
I totally agree with you on that. I just finished watching that season and it had everything.
Yaaaaaaassssss@ Cara and Camilla Being out. Eric I don't mind(and I think I'm like the only one that doesn't mind him too). For the next update. Ellen and Sarah(Campus Crawl) those are the only two that popped in my head. I'm thinking Robin/Aneesa/Beth those 3 are ones that did 5 shows without winning that come to my mind Last one I'm guessing Zach and Leroy.
I think all those names appear except maybe Beth. I also think we will see Dan S. because I don't think he is that memorable to be any higher than this.
Yaaaaaaassssss@ Cara and Camilla Being out. Eric I don't mind(and I think I'm like the only one that doesn't mind him too). For the next update. Ellen and Sarah(Campus Crawl) those are the only two that popped in my head. I'm thinking Robin/Aneesa/Beth those 3 are ones that did 5 shows without winning that come to my mind Last one I'm guessing Zach and Leroy.
I think all those names appear except maybe Beth. I also think we will see Dan S. because I don't think he is that memorable to be any higher than this.
Edit: Probably Syrus too.
I took out Beth and Put In Tina because I think Beth will probably place higher. And I agree that Dan(Northern Trail) will probably be in the next update given that out of everyone that's left to be ranked he's probably the most boring and him getting any further wouldn't be right.
Now that I think about it, Nany could be on the next list because of her relationship with Cohutta.
THIS! I would add in Julie too!
Nany is nowhere near the level of Veronica. Nany can't control the house; she's just a loyal follower to Bananas. And her rivalry with Theresa is more Theresa's doing. She's not as impactful as everyone may think.
Nany should only rank high on a list of biggest ******. Her trashy *** is not entertaining at all to me unless she's losing.
And nany is definitely no Veronica. More like kim kardashian - only well known because her ****.
Agree again lol.
Julie needs to be top 10 seriously.
somenoe's salty...
I just can't stand her. Sorry, not/sorry
I'm not a fan of her either but your comment was a bit too much lol
Exactly. That's why she's more Tonya than Veronica
AKA not all that impactful.
I feel like none of the girls in the new era are strategic players like Coral, Emily B, Rachel R, Susie and Veronica were in the golden era.
The closest thing we've had is Sarah, but still that doesn't compare to the ones you mentioned.
Thanks for all the feedback guys! It's good to see some real conversation here going now that we're down to the wire.
25. Eric B (Fresh Meat, Duel, Gauntlet 3, Duel 2, Cutthroat, Battle of the Seasons 2)
Okay, so originally I was like “No way should Eric B rank this high” but then I was putting the list together and this is where he ended up. I’m not particularly a fan, but when I do like him I like him a lot. He started as a harmless, fun-loving guy who was surprisingly agile for his size. Plus, he was awarded bonus cool points for being BFF with Katie. But then Gauntlet 3 came around and Big Easy turned in his most memorable performance by…not performing. He basically almost died in the final mission in one of the most memorable challenge moments of all time. Big Easy was basically the reason CT, Brad, Paula, Evan, Robin, and Adam K didn’t have a challenge win for a long time (some still don’t). In some ways, Big Easy is the catalyst for entire seasons such as the Ruins. Now, when people look at that moment it seems that people remember it as being negative for Eric, but at the time if you didn’t feel bad for him then I don’t know what to say. The veterans treated him like absolute shit (especially Evelyn, CT, and Evan/Kenny if memory serves) and he couldn’t help it. Quite frankly, the veterans sealed their fate when they kept him around over Bananas (and others). The thing about Big Easy is you root for him and then you learn more about the story and start to feel less bad. Like, when Laurel eviscerated him on Cutthroat, you had to feel bad and then you find out he was talking shit to her the entire time before. Or when Camila was eviscerating him on BOTS, you felt sort of bad but at the same time he was being a quitter and an *******. Eric talked a big game and talked about how he was always losing weight, but he was always ******* things up for his team. But hey, he had that WTF relationship with Devyn!
25. Nany (Battle of the Seasons 2, Rivals 2, Free Agents, Battle of the Exes 2)
Alright guys, you can stop debating. Here she is. Here’s the thing about Nany: love her or hate her, she is unequivocally one of the major stars of the current era of the challenge. She is one of the most popular RW/Challenge people of all time and certainly in the last few years. For that alone, she deserves a high ranking. Nany killed it on her first challenge. She was incredibly likable but was still there to play the game and she stirred up some shit (her fights with Frank were epic, and man did they go for the jugular). I mean, EVERYONE was waiting to see Nany on a challenge, and she didn’t disappoint. She performed admirably on her next two challenges, especially Free Agents where she impressed in the final (for most of it). And of course, we can’t talk about Nany without talking about her hookups, especially with Cohutta and Johnny on FA. At some point around Exes 2, this board turned on Nany (myself included) and I think that’s natural for somebody who dominates screentime as much ***he does. Her rivalry with Theresa caused many people to take sides and Nany wasn’t always who people chose, plus she was partners with proven ******** Bananas which didn’t help her case. I personally am going through Nany-fatigue myself because I think she has gotten incredibly cocky. However, there’s no denying she’s a star on this show. When I like Nany, I love her. When I hate her, like on Exes 2, I want to slap that smug look off her face (specifically when Nia went IN on her…that was glorious.)
24. Eric N (Battle of the Sexes, Battle of the Sexes 2)
UGH. UGH UGH UGH UGH I hate Eric Nies. Sorry but I had to say it right off the bat. He ONLY ranks this high because he’s a Real World legend and he’s truly one of the most recognizable people from these shows. But man, what a manchild with his stupid ******* jumprope. He was never even ever that great of a competitor and he literally only won a challenge because Mark was like “well I already won so now it’s Eric’s turn!” THANKS MARK! Eric WAS awesome as the host of BOTSeasons with Mark though. And, who could forget that he “brought Veronica the juices” on BOTSexes?
24. Cara (Gauntlet, Gauntlet 2, Inferno 3)
Full disclosure: I despised Cara for a long time because I’m #teamkina but sometimes I look back at her fondly. Cara was actually pretty cool on her first challenge, she was dating resident nice-guy Dave and she was one of the few people who actually openly expressed her disgust at the team voting in Sarah over and over. I actually respected her, and THEN Cara completely flipped the switch ***oon as it was between her and Sarah. She was like “jk I think Sarah should still go in” So…good will kind of gone. But she surprised competitively, beating Elka and Theo and making it to the end and winning. Then, Cara did Playboy and completely came to the next challenge with a chip on her shoulder. She provided some good drama right off the bat, with her argument with Aneesa “You don’t love her! You don’t even know her!” and of course Aneesa’s epic takedown of her (more on that later in the list). It’s truly one of the best challenge moments ever. But then, Cara and her friend/occasional threesome partner Susie decided to strike up an alleged alliance that would basically consist of getting rid of all the guys on her team (aka the dumbest strategy ever) and it sparked the EPIC rivalry with Kina. It didn’t turn out too well for Cara (Kina embarr***ed her in one of the most hilarious catfight eliminations ever), but she was good for some good snarky comments. And man she HATED Kina. Cara then came back with BFF Susie on The Inferno 3, and her entire gameplay basically consisted of purposely being terrible so Susie could win lifesavers. Literally, that was all she did. Oh, and she made *****y comments about Tonya behind her back and accused Ace of ***ault. Honestly though, the Cara/Susie friendship is one of the most memorable from this show.
23. Tyler (Duel, Gauntlet 3, Cutthroat, Rivals)
I’m not much a fan of Tyler, and his first two challenge appearances were mostly embarr***ing for him. He was voted off right away on both, and he made one of the biggest WTF decisions ever by choosing to go against his season-mate Johnny Bananas in the first Duel. And this was when Johnny was actually likable! But then he came back on Cutthroat and kind of killed it. Suddenly he was actually a really solid competitor, even holding his own against CT when CT was literally a monster (there’s a reason why it’s Johnny, not Tyler, we call Backpack) and then he went on to win 2 challenges in a row. One of the few people to do that. He also managed to win the Rivals final, one of the most difficult, after puking like the night before. Tyler can be kind of an *******, and he’s incredibly cocky, but he really turned himself into a great competitor. He also gets credit for making me like him at some point because I hated him more than any other cast member after his RW season. But, I don’t really like him anymore. Cutthroat Tyler was cool though.
23. Camila (Cutthroat, Rivals, Battle of the Exes, Battle of the Seasons 2, Rivals 2, Free Agents)
When it was announced that Camila was going to be on Cutthroat, I lost my shit. The idea that some person who wasn’t even Fresh Meat was going to take a spot from somebody who actually, you know, appeared on the show, was infuriating to me. And then I watched Cutthroat and begrudgingly decided that Camila was actually kind of awesome. She benefited from her edit, which basically consisted of the EVILLL red team voting her in at every chance. But, you couldn’t help but root for her and at the time, she was relatively sane(ish). Then, she kept doing challenges and her sanity was slowly but surely chipped away. Camila is mostly remembered for yelling inaudibly at Johnny or anybody in her path. Her most epic moments include her verbally ***aulting Big Easy as he’s being hoisted upside down and underwater and throwing a chair through a window and slowly zombie-ing herself into a swimming pool, seemingly to her drowning death. Camila has mellowed (I use this term relatively) in recent seasons, but she’s a crazy. But she’s also a solid competitor and quite frankly she kicked all kinds of *** on Exes, and has performed solidly on all challenges. And plus, now they pretty much let anybody on these shows, so I guess I cant be too mad at her.
22. David Burns (Challenge 2000, Inferno, Gauntlet 2)
You know, David maybe shouldn’t be ranked this high, but he’s one of the more interesting cast members IMO. He played a big role in why Challenge 2000 was enjoyable IMO. He was a good competitor, he was hilarious, and he was a really sore loser despite seeming like he wouldn’t take these things too seriously. Also, I still remember all the girls being obsessed with his *****. Like, somehow his ***** came up in every other episode. “This bungee is gonna be hard, my balls are real big”. He was kind of the opposite on the Inferno, where he was still hilarious (and naked) for much of his time, but was also incredibly lazy. Who could forget the mission where they had to sell products by the lake and he just lounged the whole time? Still, he had a cool, unexpected relationship with CT (Boston!) and thankfully lost to Katie (because come on, we needed Katie to win). He came back on Gauntlet 2 and didn’t provide much in the way of drama until the end when he refused to admit he should be sent into the Gauntlet over Timmy. But he did provide us with one of the best quotes: “This girl Jodi is about to steamroll the cast, because homegirl is HORNAYYYY”
22. Cara Maria (Fresh Meat 2, Cutthroat, Rivals, Battle of the Exes, Battle of the
Seasons 2, Rivals 2, Free Agents)
Ah Cara Maria, perpetual victim Cara Maria. CM is somebody I think we are always supposed to root for, but man does she make it hard. But seriously, let’s count the ways she’s been the victim: against Laurel/Sarah/Ayiiia on Cutthroat, Wes/CT/Paula/Jenn on Rivals, Johnny on Rivals 2, Laurel/Theresa/Johnny on Free Agents. She’s always crying about something or someone. But sometimes, she really was the victim. Like when Wes poured Coke all over her for no apparent reason. But it was hard to root for Cara Maria because she would pride herself on being different and non-conformist, and then cry when people would treat her differently. Still, she has one of the more interesting challenge trajectories: she went from being one of the most promising FM2 girls to being eliminated first to being the target of ridicule for being terrible, to then dating one of the biggest alpha males, to suddenly becoming an actual competitor, to then kind of being terrible again, and then finally on Free Agents finally proving herself. Finally I was able to root for Cara Maria, because she was genuinely performing well and LITERALLY drawing the short straw. Her relationship with Laurel is one of the more interesting dynamics these days. I still can’t believe she did 7 challenges in a row though. Yeesh.
21. Puck (Battle of the Sexes)
Puck is just one of the most memorable reality tv cast members of all time. This is a fact. He might be THE most memorable real worlder but since this is about the challenge, he ranks a bit lower. Puck appeared on exactly one challenge and the following happened: he loogied into David’s face on day 1, nearly got kicked off, the cast rallied around him, he verbally tortured Ellen on a regular basis for one of the best rivalries ever (“He told me he was gonna KICK MY ***!”), got married, then whipped out a machete and peaced out. Like, nuff said people. Also, I totally forgot to mention this in Ayanna’s post but one of the best quotes ever, after Puck leaves, from Ayanna: “He had a machete! A MA-CHE-TE!!”
21. Kina (Battle of the Sexes 2, Gauntlet 2, Duel)
Alright guys, I am unashamed to say that I’m Kina’s number 1 supporter. Should a few people on this list be ranked a little higher than her? Maybe, but I’m playing my bias card here, sorry!! Plus, she would rank around here anyways (she’d by #1 if I was truly biased), but Kina actually has an interesting challenge career. She started as this completely sweet, barely-there rookie on BOTS2 that everybody loved and then she dyed her hair dark and came back with a vengeance on the Gauntlet 2. Kina on the Gauntlet 2 is one of the single best challenge seasons ever. She brought everything: she was a killer competitor, she took the game SO seriously, had a serious boyfriend, and started an epic rivalry. As the captain, she demolished her enemies on her team (including Cara and Jillian) in the gauntlets in two of the most exciting female eliminations IMO. “Who wants to stay more?!” “I DO *****!!” She ripped off Cara’s bra strap and told her “You should’ve worn a sports bra!!” Like, it was epic and quite frankly, super hot for this 15 year old at the time. Kina won the challenge (the worst final challenge ever, but we won’t hold that against her. Rookies were stacked and would’ve won regardless). Kina also had great friendships with Brad, Derrick, Ibis, and others throughout her shows. And she gave us an epic meltdown in the bathroom where she had to choose between Jillian and Ibis. Thankfully she chose Jillian because Ibis won the final for them tbh and I loved watching her slam Jillian into the sand. She didn’t do as much, drama wise, on the Duel but she was in the Drama Mafia and suddenly hated Beth according to the edit, but apparently that wasn’t really the case. Still, she called her Beth-asaurus Rex (the second best nickname for Beth). Sadly, she was beat by Svetlana in a valiant fight but then she gave us another epic meltdown, complete with hugs from Brad (seriously the SD/X-Treme era is the best era of newcomers to this day IMO). But ugh Svetlana wasn’t even supposed to be there at that point. Whatever, Kina performed solidly that whole challenge but sadly has not been back. Also, she deserves to be ranked this high because she stole Eric N’s jumprope on BOTSexes 2 AND because she gave me a personal shoutout on her retirement post during Viewer’s Revenge for defending her so much on Speakreality. So, I rest my case.
Hints for next update:
- The final one-challenge wonders (there are 2)
- At least 3 people who have appeared on 5 challenges without winning
- Two of the biggest "stars" of the current era.
Even if I don't agree, I love this forum! Always looking forward to reading <3
David, Cara, and Kina are ridiculously high IMO
I think Big Easy and David should have been in the 100s lol
Idk Sarah.G, Aneesa, Brianna, Robin, Zach cant think of anyone else.
& ******* Easy legit did create the cast for Ruins omfg.
I have no problems with Kina there especially because you explained yourself in great detail lol.
I can see Zach Nichols coming next.
I think we see Ellen too.
If Ellen actually makes the list
When was Eric a good host on Battle of the Seasons? I legit only saw Mark hosting while Eric stood in the back.
Agreed with everything you said about Nany.
I liked both Cara Z. and Kina. Of course I love Queen Cara Maria!
I should have clarified that I liked him better as a host, maybe because he just stood there hehe.
Also, just curious bluehatchet, which people do you think should be ranked higher? You seem to think everyone is ranked too high. I'm not saying I disagree, but for men specifically, who is ranked too low then? Quite frankly, I thought a lot of the men were ranked too high when I made the list and then I looked at who was ranked lower I was like "welp, yeah these people definitely beat those people". This show is about the women. Aside from some guys (all in the top 20), most of the guys are pretty much an afterthought. IMO, of course.
As for Ellen, yes you will see her somewhere in the top 20 and I stand by that. Personally, I think Battle of the Sexes is the gold standard for challenges and Ellen dominated that challenge in every aspect (drama, competition, crying, one-liners, etc.) And while this isn't from the challenge, she's one of the few people to go toe-to-toe with Coral (hell, and Puck). But I don't want to ruin the entry![Wink](
For those keeping track, these are the 20 men and women left:
Men: Abram, Brad, Derrick, Evan, Kenny, Bananas, CT, Frank S, Zach N, Dan S, Darrell, Syrus, Leroy, Landon, Mark, Theo V, Miz, Wes, Alton, Timmy
Women: Sarah R, Sarah G, Veronica, Rachel R, Tina, Ruthie, Ellen, Coral, Katie, Beth, Julie, Evelyn, Diem, Laurel, Paula, Emily B, Aneesa, Tonya, Susie, Robin
The guys I don't really pay attention too LOL I normally only pay attention to the girlson the show because most of the time girls>guys haha. I love seeing other people's opinions so your list is a lot of fun to read! I just don't see how Ellen is that memorable in my opinoin. She was okay for one season but even on that season she didn't really provide anything for me. Veronica, Tonya, Julie, Melissa, and Emily were a lot more memorable on Sexes than Ellen in my opinoin. Ellen was pretty wall paperish for me.
I almost ranked Melissa higher, but dropped her down a few. The rest of them are with Ellen in the top 20, maybe higher maybe lower
(Although I disagree that Tonya was more memorable than Ellen on BOTSexes. Tonya was very different and kinda boring then IMO)
Yaaaaaaassssss@ Cara and Camilla Being out. Eric I don't mind(and I think I'm like the only one that doesn't mind him too). For the next update Guesses. Ellen and Sarah(Campus Crawl) those are the only two that popped in my head. I'm thinking Robin/Aneesa/Tina. Those 3 are ones that did 5 shows without winning that come to my mind Last one I'm guessing Zach and Leroy.
Edit: Probably Syrus too.
I think Sarah Greyson deserves to be in the top 10.
I took out Beth and Put In Tina because I think Beth will probably place higher. And I agree that Dan(Northern Trail) will probably be in the next update given that out of everyone that's left to be ranked he's probably the most boring and him getting any further wouldn't be right.