The Challenge: Cast Member Rankings

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My girl Svetlana making it into the top 40 and only did one challenge.

smh lol Svetlana is cringe worthy to me

How so?

I love Ace. Should be Higher.

Jonna is great too although she is boring most of the time.

Heather B and Teck...I need to watch that challenge. Challenge 2000 and the one before it are the only ones I haven't seen.

My girl Svetlana making it into the top 40 and only did one challenge.

smh lol Svetlana is cringe worthy to me

How so?

She just irritates me. She wins an elimiatnion which was a fluke, wanted to quit throughout the whole season, and then in the end she says that she doesn't mind if Jodi wins over her LMAO I was like girl get a back bone and push through. I would've rather had Aneesa or DIem in that final spot! Svetlana was just... ugh. 


40. Sean (Battle of the Seasons)

Sean is old school, and ultimately he was just a nice, kinda dorky, guy. But he and Elka completely crushed it in the challenges, having the highest points on their RW team (even more than Coral/Miz, plus Timmy/Emily and Dan/Tara on the RR team). He was also very strategic and knew how to play the game. He helped orchestrate the whole plan to split up the RW team’s money between every team, and with the RR finalists (a plan that is now banned today because of this). Sean is also one of the most famous/successful members of the Challenge/RW family, what with being in congress or something.

40. Piggy (Challenge 2000, Battle of the Seasons)

Piggy was hilarious. She was kind of an inconsistent player, because usually she did pretty well, but every now and again she was afraid of the tasks they had to do. But really Piggy was just entertaining back in the day. She had absolutely no filter, from her screaming “Oh, my ******!” while bungee jumping, to explaining that Veronica doesn’t care about the game, just “about her cleavage”. Plus, her disdain for Chadwick and Holly’s relationship was legendary. Sadly, being saddled with one half of Hollywick ultimately got her screwed. Piggy was also hilariously caught smoking on camera when the cast wasn’t supposed to smoke, and her season long rivalry with Los was generally hilarious/frustrating to watch. Ultimately, she ended up apparently hitting Los off-camera. And she was almost on Inferno! But had to go home in what is still one of the most interesting cast changes of all time. If she stayed, the 3 RR girls from Challenge 2000 would have been reunited for a 3rd time.

39. Shane (Battle of the Sexes, Inferno, Battle of the Sexes 2, Fresh Meat)

Oh Shane, perpetually underrated Shane. Shane really wasn’t that bad of a competitor, and in fact usually did pretty well, specifically on Fresh Meat and the original Battle of the Sexes. Remember when he and James were tied for last place and the guys actually had to make a real decision? And poor Antoine had to decide who to give the ion too. Ultimately, he chose Shane because in general, everybody loved Shane. Now, Shane never really did anything crazy entertaining on these shows. He got slapped by Steven, and had one of the funnier challenge quotes, during the ice-melting Challenge of BOTSexes 2 “Every one of my fantasies fulfilled!!” Plus, there were those rumors that he and CT hooked up, which in my head are totally true. Sometimes I did not like how Shane treated Katie though, since he was very much team Veronica, which we know.

39. Theresa (Fresh Meat 2, Cutthroat, Rivals, Rivals 2, Free Agents, Battle of the Exes 2)

Alright, if Theresa stopped doing challenges after Rivals, she would be much further down this list. Yeah, she had moments and she competed pretty well and had a little flirty-flirt with Kenny and Wes, but still nothing too exciting. But no, she came back and man did she come back to play. Theresa came back ready to compete and quite frankly ready to entertain. She has been a major player these last 3 challenges. She’s been a beast competitively, and while her political game is laughable (remember when she got everybody to vote for Laurel and then…she didn’t) and she’s had some terrible luck. For whatever reason, Theresa has never really been much of a fan favorite but I think a big part is because she always ends up picking fights with fan favorites (Diem, Laurel, Nany) but everybody has to agree that Wes/Theresa should’ve been in that final mission on Exes 2. Their whole game came crashing down in one episode. I think Theresa really proved herself these last few challenges as an entertaining personality on these shows. But, there are still stronger ones.

38. Chadwick (Battle of the Seasons)

Chadwick was on one challenge, for 4 episodes and to me, is still to this day is one of the biggest villains on this show. I mean, he played the game “smart” but MAN was it evil. In many ways, Chadwick is the reason the game became so cutthroat in future seasons, by eliminating strong players on HIS OWN TEAM because they were a threat to him. And how could anybody forget his horrible relationship with his horrible wife Holly? And ultimately, his whole planned screwed him in the end because he couldn’t keep himself in the inner circle, and of course he and his wife cried about that. Plus, even after he left the show we had to deal with him through phone calls with Holly. He was basically evil incarnate. When I was younger I thought that if the devil took human form, it would look like Chadwick tbh.

38. Irulan (Gauntlet)

Another one challenge wonder, but man did Irulan come to play that game. That girl was full of energy and honestly, was kind of terrifying. She and Alton were very intense and apparently a handful for production. Irulan was never afraid to go into the Gauntlet for the majority of the game, but I think she also knew she wasn’t going to be sent in. Who could forget her epic argument with Veronica where she took the clapper and smacked in Veronica’s face? Classic. But of course, Irulan is best remembered for her epic “Dead Man’s Drop” gauntlet against Sarah which lasted 45 minutes and ended in one of the ugliest displays of sportsmanship from both teams of all time. It was really the first “GOAT” elimination.

37. Adam L (Battle of the Seasons, Gauntlet, Gauntlet 2)

Adam was a great competitor in the early challenges, and was honestly kind of an *******. He had absolutely no remorse sending Sarah into the gauntlet 5 times. He was like the anti-Theo in that way. They both wanted to win, but Adam wanted to play the game ruthlessly. He was sort of the first person to spearhead the “get rid of all the girls” that would plague many future challenges. Ultimately, he was shockingly eliminated first on the next Gauntlet and hasn’t been back since, but hey he got a blowie from Jodi in those 2 days so there’s that. AND there are those great rumors that he and Danny R hooked up during BOTSeasons.

37. Kendal (Inferno)

I know people will say that Kendal is ranked too high, but I don’t care. Kendal was one of the first challengers that I truly was in love with. I NEEDED her to make it to the end, and to this day the most nervous/excited I’ve been during an episode of the challenge was the 2 parter for her elimination against Leah, one of THE most epic eliminations of all time, with her argument against Mike being the center of it (and her corny jokes “Hey Mike, you remind me of a brick…because I wanna lay ya!”) She was one of the Miz’s many challenge conquests, but come on she was everybody’s favorite. Plus, she was on team Katie which makes her an angel on a team full of devils. When she won the lifesaver and her team guilted her into filling in for Timmy in the Inferno, you felt for her and were frustrated with her. Kendal’s awesome and nobody’s allowed to say otherwise.

36. Blair (Battle of the Sexes)

Okay, like Kendal you may think Blair is ranked too high, and quite frankly you may be right. But Blair was pretty memorable in the sense that he narrowly escaped elimination like 48 times. Because who doesn’t like Blair? He was dorky and funny and nice! And, Blair gets a special mention because he hosted the Aftershow from Inferno 2-Duel and it was during a time where we cared so much, we actually went online to watch it! Blair was an awesome host and he always got the dirt. Plus, he’s basically had sex with like every RW/RR female cast member, which is shocking and awesome.

36. Svetlana (Duel)

Full disclosure: I’m not a huge Svetlana fan. But I cannot deny that she had a very impressive debut challenge. She was a solid competitor, she was funny, she was a crybaby, and she was dramatic. Plus, she was strategic and knew who to align herself with. With that said, everybody knows that Beth should have won the duel against Svetlana, and Svetlana only “won” because the producers wanted her to be a major challenge player in the future. Well, that didn’t pan out…but really Svetlana was incredibly memorable during her brief challenge tenure.

Hints for next update: 

- 6 of the next 10 are challenge winners.

Shane and Blair <3

Love Theresa and Kendall!

Am I the only one that was disturbed when Sean would call himself "daddy"??

Also for anybody keeping track, here's a list of who is still to come from each season:

There are 35 guys and 35 girls left to be ranked, and they are:


New York: Eric N and Norm

Los Angeles: Beth

San Francisco: Puck

London: N/A

Miami: Dan R

Boston: Syrus

Seattle: David Burns

Hawaii: Ruthie and Colin

New Orleans: Melissa, Danny R, Jamie M, Julie

B2NY: Coral and Mike M

Chicago: Aneesa and Tonya

Las Vegas: Alton, Trishelle, and Frank R

Paris: CT and Adam K

San Diego: Robin and Brad

Philadelphia: Landon

Austin: Wes and Johanna

Key West: Paula, Johnny Bananas, and Tyler

Denver: Jenn

Sydney: N/A

Hollywood: N/A

Brooklyn: Sarah R

Cancun: N/A

DC: Emily S

New Orleans 2: N/A

Las Vegas 2: Nany and Leroy

San Diego 2: Frank S and Zach N

St. Thomas: N/A

Portland: Jordan

Ex-Plosion: N/A

USA1: Mark

USA2: Timmy and Emily B

Europe: Antoine

Islands: N/A

Northern Trail: Dan S

Down Under: Susie

Latin America: Holly S

Semester at Sea: Veronica and Ayanna

MVT: James, Theo V, and Holly P

Quest: Katie and Ellen

Campus Crawl: Darrell, Rachel R, and Sarah G

South Pacific: Cara Z, Abram, Tina

X-Treme: Derrick, Jodi, Kina

Viewer's Revenge: Tori

Fresh Meat: Kenny, Evan. Evelyn, Diem, Eric B

Fresh Meat 2: Laurel and Cara Maria

Spring Break: Camila


Any guesses on where some of these people will place? Also sorry Debut for all the FM people hehe, but I had to be unbiased!

Everyone's probably already aware of this but Sean Duffy and Rachel Campos-Duffy have 7 children!!  I saw them on TV a month or so ago and they both look great... hard to believe that Rachel's given birth 7 times and looks better than she did on RW San Francisco.


Low Key I used to think Blair was hot back in the day.

Svetlana is Overrated.

Like Kendall,

Not a fan of Theresa but I felt like she would be higher.

Adam was okay.


Theresa should be way higher and Irulan shoud be way lower as well as Kendal and Blair. Pretty suprised Emily B, Holly, and Ellen still haven't come up yet. 

Pretty suprised Johanna is ahead of KA.

I remember reading an article where Sean was actually struggling at one point.

I don't get why people want Theresa higher. She had major drama in her last 3 shows, but was wallpaper before then and just seen as someone who got a rough deal. That's definitely a fair ranking imo.


36. Svetlana (Duel)

Full disclosure: I’m not a huge Svetlana fan. But I cannot deny that she had a very impressive debut challenge. She was a solid competitor, she was funny, she was a crybaby, and she was dramatic. Plus, she was strategic and knew who to align herself with. With that said, everybody knows that Beth should have won the duel against Svetlana, and Svetlana only “won” because the producers wanted her to be a major challenge player in the future. Well, that didn’t pan out…but really Svetlana was incredibly memorable during her brief challenge tenure.

That's why it's stupid to look for certain people to be "stars" and to carry the show on their backs. Said people/person may end up not wanting to come back(or get banned from the show) and production is left with the egg on their faces looking dumb. They tried to set up Svetlana as one of the next big things for this show and she ended up being the second coming of Irene(Seattle). And they didn't learn their lesson from that either as they tried to do that with others and were left up the creek without a paddle.

I don't get why people want Theresa higher. She had major drama in her last 3 shows, but was wallpaper before then and just seen as someone who got a rough deal. That's definitely a fair ranking imo.

Finally someone who agrees with me about that. The girl was useless on her first three show. She didn't start to justify her existence on this show until Rivals 2.

As I said before I thought she'd place higher but I'm fine with where she ended up on the ranking.

I don't get why people want Theresa higher. She had major drama in her last 3 shows, but was wallpaper before then and just seen as someone who got a rough deal. That's definitely a fair ranking imo.

Yeah but there are people missing who are way more irrelevant and weaker than Theresa, like Nany.

I don't get why people want Theresa higher. She had major drama in her last 3 shows, but was wallpaper before then and just seen as someone who got a rough deal. That's definitely a fair ranking imo.
Yeah but there are people missing who are way more irrelevant and weaker than Theresa, like Nany.

I would say Nany deserves to be higher than Theresa because Nany has brought a lot to the challenges ever since her first season. Nany always has been an important character in the show while Theresa has just started being relevant in her last few seasons. 

I don't get why people want Theresa higher. She had major drama in her last 3 shows, but was wallpaper before then and just seen as someone who got a rough deal. That's definitely a fair ranking imo.
Yeah but there are people missing who are way more irrelevant and weaker than Theresa, like Nany.

I would say Nany deserves to be higher than Theresa because Nany has brought a lot to the challenges ever since her first season. Nany always has been an important character in the show while Theresa has just started being relevant in her last few seasons. 

Did you know Nany was on Rivals 2. Yeah, me neither

is this top on how good they are or....?

I don't get why people want Theresa higher. She had major drama in her last 3 shows, but was wallpaper before then and just seen as someone who got a rough deal. That's definitely a fair ranking imo.
Yeah but there are people missing who are way more irrelevant and weaker than Theresa, like Nany.

I would say Nany deserves to be higher than Theresa because Nany has brought a lot to the challenges ever since her first season. Nany always has been an important character in the show while Theresa has just started being relevant in her last few seasons. 

Did you know Nany was on Rivals 2. Yeah, me neither is this top on how good they are or....?

Nany was chill on Rivals II but she had significant storylines on Seasons 2, Free Agents and Exes II that got her a lot of air time. Most fans have recognized Nany from the start of her challenge career, while it took a lot of people four seasons to finally know who Theresa is lol no shade though cause I love Theresa now. 

I think this top ranking is based on how much these people brought something to the show, which is why I can understand Theresa's ranking. 

Well if this top in based on that, I do not understand why Landon have not been here already.
Landon is my fave but lets be honest now, he was not some drama queen.

I think Nany deserves to be higher than Theresa, but people like Johanna being higher than her is a crime. 

I think Nany deserves to be higher than Theresa, but people like Johanna being higher than her is a crime. 

Nia being lower than these scrubs is real crime.

I think Nany deserves to be higher than Theresa, but people like Johanna being higher than her is a crime. 

I think Nany deserves to be higher than Theresa, but people like Johanna being higher than her is a crime. 

Nia being lower than these scrubs is real crime.

Loving this list and the remaining people are the ones I would put in the top 35.  The one I really disagree with thats remaining is Danny from NOLA...he was miserable on botseasons..   Kelley was the bigger stand out between the two!

I think Nany deserves to be higher than Theresa, but people like Johanna being higher than her is a crime. 

Nia being lower than these scrubs is real crime.

It's understandable though since Nia brought something to only one challenge she did so far.

And Nany should be higher than Theresa given that Nany has brought more to the show than Theresa did.

I think Nany deserves to be higher than Theresa, but people like Johanna being higher than her is a crime. 

Nia being lower than these scrubs is real crime.

She was a flop on her first challenge, but boy did she delivered on Exes 2. 

Johanna case is tragic.

All of The Fresh Meat/AYTO/Camilla should have been at the very bottom of this though.

I think Nany deserves to be higher than Theresa, but people like Johanna being higher than her is a crime. 

Nia being lower than these scrubs is real crime.

She was a flop on her first challenge, but boy did she delivered on Exes 2. 

Excatly. She bring more in one season than someone in three or more.

I think Nany deserves to be higher than Theresa, but people like Johanna being higher than her is a crime. 

Nia being lower than these scrubs is real crime.

She was a flop on her first challenge, but boy did she delivered on Exes 2. 

Excatly. She bring more in one season than someone in three or more.

I still think Theresa and Nany deserve to be higher than her, but she deserves to be a lot higher than she was. 

As long as Camila is above Johanna and Nany I'll be content.
