The Challenge: Cast Member Rankings

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Swift kind of fell through the cracks when I made this list. He would be lower otherwise.


Hey guys, I realized that I forgot one of the girls (who actually ranks somewhat high, whoops!) so everyone is actually one rank lower. I fixed it with this update.

86. Jenna (Battle of the Exes 2)

Jenna made it to the end of her first challenge, but really only did so because people wanted to keep her weak team around. She spent most of the challenge being mostly passive, but she was good every once in awhile for an unintentionally hilarious confessional. She hooked up with Zach, which also helped keep her in the game. In the end, her team quit the final. Although, surprisingly it was her partner who quit, not her.

85. Derek C (Cutthroat, Battle of the Seasons 2, Rivals 2)

Derek was eliminated early on two of his three challenges, but on BOTSeasons he did better than expected. He's pretty lowkey, but he did hook up with Marlon on Rivals 2 and get into a screaming match with Robb on BOTSeasons, which led to Marie mauling him in a pretty classic (for new era) moment. Overall, he's actually pretty boring and honestly he only ranks this high because there are a lot of boring guys on this show.

85. Sharon (Battle of the Seasons)

Sharon is the shit. Truly. She was just awesome, and British, and awesome. She didn't do anything entirely too memorable but I think she's memorable simply for being so fun and sweet. Plus, she was hilarious at the toga party and nobody wanted to vote her off. If I recall correctly, she was a big advocate for Real World splitting the money too.

84. Mike L (Challenge 2000, Battle of the Seasons)

Full disclosure guys: there were a few people who ranked a little higher simply because of some falling through the cracks, etc. Mike is one of those. He really didn't do all that much exciting on his seasons, but he has the distinction of being on two of the all time classic challenges. Plus, while unrelated to the Challenge, he's involved in what's probably the first threesome on TV. That didn't affect his ranking but hey!

84. Latoya (Free Agents)

Latoya made her brief time on her challenge count. She was hilarious and while not the greatest competitor, she impressed when she defeated Jemmye in the elimination. Plus, her epic takedown of Jordan at deliberation was amazing.

83. Karamo (Inferno 2)

Karamo was pretty useless, but I'll never forget when he wouldn't play dodgeball because he hates water and his whole team was yelling at him "KA-RA-MO!" If I'm being honest, he ranked this high simply because that's a memory that is ingrained in my brain forever.

83. Christena (Inferno)

Christena was a solid competitor, but wasn't the most interesting castmate. She kind of played both sides when it came to the Katie situation. I feel like she was lowkey kind of *****y because she was on board with the "vote off Katie" brigade. Sure, she wasn't the most active member of that, but she certainly didn't speak up against it. Remember when Trishelle threatened to punch her?

82. Trey (Battle of the Seasons 2, Rivals 2)

Trey was such a ***** on his first challenge. He refused to conform, which is all fine and dandy but it was terrible gameplay. He didn't have to be friends with anybody, but he could have at least faked something. Plus, he was obsessed with Wes. He was a solid competitor though, especially on his second challenge. He and Zach dominated the first half of that challenge and would've been major contenders for the final if Zach didn't mess it up in their elimination.

82. Tara (Battle of the Seasons)

Tara was pretty cool. She was sort of low-key, but she was a solid competitor and made it to the end with her partner, Dan. She was also the first of the Miz's many challenge hookups! I still remember when they snuck away for a kiss or when the Miz came out and she had to deal with it.

81. Luke (Fresh Meat 2, Cutthroat)

Luke was actually a better competitor than I think he was given credit for. He was never all that entertaining, but he provided a few stupid hookups on his first challenge. He's most remembered for being absolutely eviscerated verbally by Evelyn in what might be the most uncomfortable moment in challenge history.

81. Melinda (Fresh Meat, Gauntlet 3, Cutthroat, Battle of the Seasons 2)

Melinda was on four challenges but quite frankly, she didn't add too much. She was never that great competitively and her social game wasn't anything special. She usually got by simply by having friends. On Gauntlet 3 she was practically on a team with her entire RW cast. She also threatened to stab her entire team in the back (including her 3 former castmates) if they vote her into the Gauntlet, and then they did because of course they did. There was also a rumor that she and Ayiiia hooked up on Cutthroat, but no footage. Still, it's a shame she and Danny were never on BOTExes, although they weren't all that interesting together on BOTSeasons.

Okay stay tuned for the next update tomorrow!

84. Latoya (Free Agents)

Latoya made her brief time on her challenge count. She was hilarious and while not the greatest competitor, she impressed when she defeated Jemmye in the elimination. Plus, her epic takedown of Jordan at deliberation was amazing.

Damn right!

challenge super fan
Anonymous's picture

84. Latoya (Free Agents)

Latoya made her brief time on her challenge count. She was hilarious and while not the greatest competitor, she impressed when she defeated Jemmye in the elimination. Plus, her epic takedown of Jordan at deliberation was amazing.

Damn right!

"Don't share a bag of chips with me and act like we all cool... No *****" ~Latoya


80. Davis (Inferno 3, Duel 2, Rivals)

Davis actually had a great rookie season. I think he shocked people with how well he did. He was competing with Johnny Bananas, Timmy, and Alton on his team and he certainly held his own. He also came very close to making it to the end, almost beating Derrick in one of the final eliminations. He was also punched by CT in the very episode, so that happened. I still remember Bananas comforting him (back when Bananas would do something like that). His following seasons were pretty blah, though.

80. Brittini (Duel 2)

Brittini is another person with an excellent rookie (and only season), making it to the end of an individual season (well, let's be real it was basically pairs.) She killed it in the missions and won a duel in the process, coming in second overall. That's damn impressive. But, it's hard to remember much else about her so she ranks here.

79. Adam R (Rivals)

Adam R appeared in exactly one episode of the challenge, but he made the most of it. He was able to put his differences with Leroy aside and they completely killed the first challenge (as rookies!), and then he got drunk and punched/slapped Ty in the face, because it's just what he does. He might be ranked too high, but the fact is for better or worse, you remember Adam despite not coming back. Oh, also he hasn't come back because he can't pass a psych test, because again....of course he can't.

79. Linette (Fresh Meat)

Of all the people who have not come back after their initial FM season, Linette is probably the one I'd have liked to see again. She may not be as memorable as some of her castmates, but she was actually a really solid competitor, winning some challenges with Shane. She also had a showmance with Theo and passive-aggressively fought both Diem and Casey.

78. Robb (Battle of the Seasons 2, Rivals 2)

Robb seems like a pretty cool, chill guy. But then I remember his fight with Derek, where he gets all big and puffy and rips off his shirt. It was an absurd moment but hilarious all the same. I'm shocked he hasn't come back because the guy is massive now.

78. Becky (Battle of the Seasons)

Becky was awesome, and she had an awesome friendship with Kelley and Lindsay where they giggled in the shower together. Rock on, Becky.

77. CJ (Fresh Meat 2, Battle of the Seasons 2)

CJ is waaaay too nice. Like, so nice that it has to be an act right? I know from his RW season he can be kind of a ******, but you wouldn't get that from his challenge seasons. He got completely screwed by Wes on FM2 (just like everyone else Wes worked with) and then returned the favor to Wes on BOTSeasons 2. Other than that, he didn't stand up too much except when he absolutely beasted Zach in Hall Brawl. I know Zach technically "won", but CJ put it one of the most impressive eliminations in history there iMO.

77. Janelle (Inferno 3, Gauntlet 3)

Janelle was kind of like this funny, always stank-facing people and being all sassy and *****y in her confessionals. She was also a diva who seemed like she wouldn't want to get dirty, but then she totally killed it come mission time. She was a solid competitor who got too big for her britches. She overestimated herself, and lost to tiny lil Jillian.

76. Christian (Extreme Challenge)

I remember thinking Christian was pretty cool, and he had the strangest eyes. I think he was from Norway? Either way, he totally won a spot to be in the movie Rollerball (LL Cool J! Chris Klein! Rollerblading!) and Ayanna apparently beat the shit out of him off camera.

76. Jessica (Rivals 2, Free Agents, Battle of the Exes 2)

Jessica might be genuinely be the most annoying person ever on the Challenge, simply her voice is enough to drive you up the wall. With that said, she was kind of a major player on Free Agents, between her friendship/frenemy thing with Cara Maria, her constant fighting with Jordan, her stupid romance with Dustin, and she actually impressed in her elimination against CM. But she also had a habit of completely talking herself up as much better than she really was. I actually liked Jessica on Exes 2 though, so that was a nice change of pace.

Another update tomorrow! Anybody you're shocked hasn't been ranked so far?

I'm shocked that I haven't seen Belou from RW/RR BOTS 

These rankings suck..sorry

These rankings suck..sorry

I'll wait for your rankings.

In no way should Brittini be below Jessica. That's wrong.

not trying to be rude but Davis was no where CLOSE to beating Derrick in his elimination.

In no way should Brittini be below Jessica. That's wrong.

its his/her overall ranking of personality/competitiveness and what they've added to the challenge. 

Brittini added literally nothing apart from being a lesbian for like 2 minutes. Jessica has brought way more even if that is still little.

Brittini was funny, entertaining and hot. Jessica is just annoying - that's literally all she adds to the show. 

In no way should Brittini be below Jessica. That's wrong.

its his/her overall ranking of personality/competitiveness and what they've added to the challenge. 

Brittini added literally nothing apart from being a lesbian for like 2 minutes. Jessica has brought way more even if that is still little.


Brittini made finals her first season. Meanwhile, your girl Jessica was first boot. Enough said.


75. Marlon (Rivals 2)

Marlon has so far only appeared on one challenge, but he made it to the end in one of the more impressive rookie beginnings. Plus, he didn't just perform well, he actually contributed to the show. He fought with Knight over Knight's crass comments about him (aka "Knight being Knight") and even hooked up with a guy AND a girl, or at least there was flirtation. Is this the only time that a guy has done that, at least legitimately? (Gay guys kissing girls for fun doesn't count). Also, Marlon looks like a cartoon in this picture and it's freaking me out.

75. Arissa (Battle of the Sexes 2)

Arissa kind of sucked. Like, she really was not good at the missions and if anyone in the history of the show went to a final unwarranted, it was her. With that said, she played a hell of a social game: latch onto the HBIC (Coral) and ride those ******* coattails. Granted, it wasn't just her social game that got her to the end. She literally made it to the end because she sucked so much the other team wanted her in the final.

74. MJ (Gauntlet 2, Gauntlet 3, Duel 2)

Oh, MJ. Perpetual replacement MJ. Always a bridesmaid, never a bride. MJ was never all that entertaining and quite frankly, I thought he'd be a better competitor given his size, but he was solid enough. Plus, he was good for a random laugh and you can't say the guy wasn't serious about the game. Remember when he said he has a "six month-year old" at home? Oh MJ, never change.

74. Averey (Battle of the Exes 2)

Averey made her first appearance on the most recent challenge, and she certainly made it count. She was a solid competitor who I think would be even better if she wasn't saddled with her ex as a partner. She and Johnny may have been the couple with the most baggage on both sets of Exes seasons. She also had a bit of rivalry with Nany (par for the course for BOTE2). I think Averey will come back and climb her way higher up this list, though.

73. Tyrie (Inferno 3, Gauntlet 3, Island, Rivals, Battle of the Exes)

Oh Tyrie. He seems like he's a pretty nice, fun guy to be around, but man he's been pretty useless on these shows. He could never quite perform as well as he seemed to think he would. He hooked up with Jasmine, which got him back for another season, but overall he really didn't provide much. He has the distinction of being the lowest ranked competitor with 5+ seasons under his belt.

73. Anne (Challenge 98, Battle of the Sexes)

Anne was kind of a sneaky one. She was very anti-Veronica on BOTSexes but sort of let Emily do all the talking with that one. I think Anne did mostly *****ing. I mean, she literally got hardcore PMS and cramps. It was like an episode storyline. She also started the campaign to veto the "Battle of the Opposite Sexes" challenge, but overall she actually performed pretty solidly. She was NOT a fan of laser tag, though.

72. Preston (Battle of the Seasons 2, Rivals 2, Free Agents)

Look, Preston took a lot of shit, from fans and cast members, during his seasons. But he was never as horrendous as people made him out to be. Was he a good competitor? No. Was he completely useless? No. There were a few times when he messed up but let's also consider that his partner Knight wasn't so great himself. And on Free Agents, he actually impressed in multiple challenges. People just kind of ignore any positives about him competition wise.

72. Christina P (Battle of the Sexes)

Christina was awesome, and hilarious. It is very appropriate that she became a stand up comedian. I still remember her comment about Melissa: "Melissa weighs about as much as my right leg." Okay, it doesn't sound as funny written out, but Christina was awesome, let it be known.

71. David E (Battle of the Sexes)

Ah, David. Again, he only appeared on one episode of the challenge but it just might be the most memorable opening episode of all time. His fight with Puck is the stuff of Challenge legend. "Uh excuse me, Puck spit in my face. Disqualification." Seriously, classic. But man was he a whiny little shit. And let's not forget that he retaliated against Puck when they filmed the opening sequence. Bye David!

71. Rachel B (The Gauntlet)

Oh Rachel, one half of the most heartbreaking eliminations of all time. When Rachel and her challenge BFF Sarah had to go head-to-head in the Gauntlet, you felt for them. And if you didn't, you're a ******* robot.

Rachel B is one of the people I wish did more..

"Oh, MJ. Perpetual replacement MJ. Always a bridesmaid, never a bride."
******** omg so true!

Rachel B is one of the people I wish did more..

Same!! She was great.


Rachel B is one of the people I wish did more..

Same!! She was great.

Rachel's the kind of person the show needs.  I understand people love drama but you need people like Rachel for balance.

Rachel B is one of the people I wish did more..

I feel bad for Tyrie. He's had pretty bad partners.

I loved Rachel B too. I really wish her and Sarah would've came back. 

I feel bad for Tyrie. He's had pretty bad partners.

Davis and Dunbar weren't necessarily bad, just below average. On the other hand, Jasmie & Tyrie LOL. what a hot mess!


Sorry for the late update, was having some picture issues. I'm going to do another update in like 20 mins too.

70. Pete (Fresh Meat 2)

Pete was pretty cool, but I mostly remember him for his tumultuous relationship with his partner, Jillian. I actually remember feeling Pete’s frustration because even though Jillian’s a good competitor, she didn’t seem completely herself on FM2 and sort of acted like his mom for much of the challenge. He also hooked up with Jenn and made it to the end of his first challenge. He’s an FM cast member I’m shocked we never saw again.

70. Jo (Gauntlet 2)

Jo basically only appeared in one episode of the challenge, and she entertained more than most people on the bottom half of this list combined. The most epic challenge meltdown of all time? Maybe. “I AM BEING MANHANDLED ON THE ISLE OF TOBAGO!!” Nuff said.

69. Noor (Fresh Meat 2)

Noor was the man. He was just a cool dude that everybody got along with because of course they did. He was a small guy but a sick competitor, and he played an awesome social game by allowing his alumni partner do all the work for him and basically keeping his mouth shut. Noor should have come back.

69. Angela (Battle of the Sexes 2)

Oh Angela. BOTSexes 2 was the official start of “Rookies must die!!” that became the norm for the challenge. And Angela was basically the first face for the rookies. She wasn’t about to let somebody like Rachel or Coral push her around. She did most of her *****ing by being p***ive-aggressive and it eventually got her eliminated, but still on some level I admired her balls. With that said, she was generally a not great competitor. Also, she had a little flirtation with Frank before exiting.

68. Dan W (Island, Cutthroat)

Not since Tonya had somebody done a complete 180 on these shows until Dan came around. Except Dan’s was for the positive. He was seriously a mess on the Island, essentially being the male counterpoint for Robin. I guess it’s appropriate that they hooked up (or did they?!?!) and it gave us the most hilarious and sad argument of all time about whether or not Dan had a*********.  And then he comes back on Cutthroat and completely cleaned up his act. Dan was never an elite competitor, but he was cool and he showed that you don’t need to be hammered to enjoy yourself on a challenge.

68. Kameelah (Extreme Challenge)

Kameelah is awesome. Some of the young’ns might not be familiar with her, but she’s cool people. She was really the voice of reason on this season and she kept her calm, only blowing up once or twice. Plus, she kicked *** in that tightrope mission even though she ended up not making it all the way across. One of my most vivid memories is her on that tightrope freaking out because she couldn't reach her safety cord. I remember first watching that and being afraid she was gonna die. Also, I still remember her educating Christian on race relations.

67. Ryan K (Fresh Meat, Gauntlet 3, Island, Duel 2, Fresh Meat 2)

Ryan was a Challenge late-bloomer. Most of the people who returned after FM were in the next challenge, but Ryan took a 2 challenge break before returning. And honestly, while he was never the most amazing competitor, I think he was generally pretty underrated. He seemed like he got along with most people, but was also a bit of a gossip. Plus, he played a pretty solid social game on FM2 by playing both sides of the Kenny/Wes rivalry. Of course, in the end it didn’t work out for him though.

67. Sophia (Battle of the Sexes 2)

Okay, Sophia isn’t all that entertaining, this is true. But, she made it to the end of her first challenge, mostly by being a solid competitor but also a zen presence on her team. Her team was like lesbian central! Good stuff. Plus, her goodbye to Ruthie was very sad!

66. Los (Challenge 2000)

It may seem surprising to put Los this high up on the list, because he’s from an era of challengers that is so forgotten (or unknown) by this era of fans, But he really was the first real “outcast” of the challenge. He did it all to himself though. He was so strange and he would not give his team the time of day. He also had this whole argument with Piggy about who is blacker, and anybody remember when he refused to participate in a mission until Veronica apologized to him simply because she told him to move out of the way? And then it ended up being a fake mission set up by the RW (This reminds me, Kat should totally be higher on my list. She was awesome now that I think more about it.)

66. Mandi (Fresh Meat 2, Cutthroat, Rivals, Battle of the Exes)

Remember when Mandi was a major presence on the challenges? What a weird time in the history of the show. But Mandi wasn’t so bad. I actually think she was underrated as a competitor. I think she looked a lot worse than she actually was. She also looked a lot *****ier than she actually was. But I mostly remember Mandi for her fight with Jenn on FM2, and then her sort of stalker relationship with CT (he totally played her). And remember when she and Wes were legit shown having sex on the bunk bed? And then that was the picture they chose for them for BOTExes? LOL.


65. Yes (Challenge 2000, Battle of the Seasons, Battle of the Sexes)

Yes was the first male to appear on more than two challenges. Unfortunately, he was eliminated very quickly on his 2nd and 3rd challenges so we didn’t get to see him much. But in general, Yes might be the most chill cast member ever. He was very competitive, but in a very blasé way. And, remember when he kissed Dan? Plus, he had earrings.

65. Lori (Battle of the Sexes)

Lori wasn’t the most entertaining cast member on this season, but she did make it to the end. Granted, she made it to the end on a fluke but she gave us a quote that we were all thinking regarding Emily: “Oh wahh I would stay but my boyfriend’s leaving so I’m gonna go too!” Plus, she was just really cool on this challenge. And she had an awesome blog that gave us lots of behind the scenes info, so she gets points for that too. You could probably compare Lori to someone like Brittini or Ashley K, but quite frankly she ranks higher simply because she competed during the Golden Era of the Challenge, IMO. Also, she was almost on BOTSeasons! But thankfully she wasn’t, because Coral owned that season.

64. Isaac (Duel 2, Free Agents)

Isaac is one of the strangest, funniest people to compete on these shows. I’d like to see him do more, but I’m not sure we will. I appreciate that he doesn’t take it too seriously but unfortunately for him he’s competing in the era of the challenges where everyone takes it way too seriously. He would have fit in a lot better back in the day. Remember his gross toenail? That shit was nasty. Also, Isaac is one of the few people to ever have a vendetta against nice guy Landon.

64. Lindsay (Battle of the Seasons)

Lindsay! Lindsay was seriously a little ball of sunshine and she was just a sweetheart. She had the best friendship with Kelley and she was the bomb. She would’ve made it further but she ended up paired with Stephen, who everybody hated. That was one of the hardest eliminations for the RW team, simply because everybody loved Lindsay. But she came back and hosted the reunion because she was the shit.

63. Jay (Battle of the Exes 2)

So I totally expected Jay to be a kiss*** to Johnny Bananas this entire challenge, and imagine my surprise when he wasn’t. Instead, he was a kiss*** to Wes! Jay made it to the end simply by being one of the weaker teams, and then he quit in the end. But still, Jay wasn’t afraid to play the game when he needed to, and I enjoyed when they changed locations and he didn’t bite his tongue when it came to Johnny. I actually kind of liked Jay a little teeny bit on this challenge, and ugh I hate that. He also had the strange hookup with Jonna simply because their exes were hooking up.

63. Jisela (Battle of the Seasons, Battle of the Sexes, Gauntlet 2)

Jisela never ended up being as dramatic as we came to expect from her, and let’s be honest we all expected her to be on like 40 challenges. But still, she was entertaining on BOTSeasons. She wasn’t wrong either when she called out the inner circle, because while it’s a game, those guys on her team decided right off the bat to play cutthroat. But on some level, she was still a little cray. I still love when they had to build Lincoln logs and she couldn’t get Johnny Mosely’s attention. “JOHNNY WHERE ARE YOU?! WHERE THE **** ARE YOU JOHNNY?!?!”

62. Matt (Gauntlet)

Matt, Matt, Matt. He really had that “I’m Christian so I can say what I want” thing down pat, eh? Like when he judged Tonya for her breast implants. I really enjoyed Coral and Elka’s disdain for him.  He was like old school Chet, except without any charm or sense of humor and a lot more offensive.

62. Roni (Challenge 1998, Gauntlet)

Roni, the most zen of all the challengers. Just quiet, inoffensive, Roni. But then it turned out she kicked *** and who could forget when she beat Mike in the “Rolling on a River” challenge? And she won every challenge she competed on.

61. Teck (Challenge 2000)

Teck $$$! It’s amazing Teck only did one challenge, because his name is so synonymous with the RW brand, but it’s true. Teck was actually drama free and just all about having a good time, and sometimes you need a guy like that.

61. Amaya (Challenge 2000, Battle of the Sexes)

If you only know Amaya from BOTSexes, you’re probably wondering why she’s this high on the list, but the fact is she was the star of Challenge 2000 in a lot of ways. She was constantly either the weak link on her team or would conveniently “get sick” right before a challenge. I still remember her team joking about how by the end of the trip she’ll probably have lymphoma. Plus, she gave us two of the funniest moments: refusing to bob for pig’s feet because she’s Jewish and then being called out by production for eating a Sausage McMuffin earlier that day and then clotheslining the shit out of Veronica after their season-long rivalry. (But they became friends!!)


Yeah Davis didn't score a damn point against Derrick....

Teck, Los, Lindsay, Matt, Jisela, and Noor and way too high IMO

That Picture of Matt is creepy as hell..

But Great update.


80. Davis (Inferno 3, Duel 2, Rivals)

Davis actually had a great rookie season. I think he shocked people with how well he did. He was competing with Johnny Bananas, Timmy, and Alton on his team and he certainly held his own. He also came very close to making it to the end, almost beating Derrick in one of the final eliminations. He was also punched by CT in the very episode, so that happened. I still remember Bananas comforting him (back when Bananas would do something like that). His following seasons were pretty blah, though.

Almost beat Derrick? He got shut out 3-0...

Whoops about Davis! Some of this is based purely on memory. Oh well, he ranked 80th anyways so whatever.

60. Randy (Battle of the Sexes 2, Gauntlet 2)

Who doesn't love Big Rand? He was sort of middle of the road as far as the competitions but he was just so chill and cool you couldn’t help but root for him. He and Brad are still one of the all-time friendships on these shows and I still laugh thinking about Brad talking to Randy’s cardboard cutout after getting eliminated in BOTSexes 2. Aside from that bromance, Randy is probably best remembered as being Kina’s boyfriend on Gauntlet 2, and being supportive of her through and through. He managed to win that challenge as well (in what is the worst final challenge of all time, sadly because the rookies team was stacked and that final could have been awesome)

60. Montana (Challenge 98, Gauntlet, Gauntlet 2)

Montana is best remembered for her epic rivalry with Beth that spanned like 10 years from their first challenge to the Gauntlet 2. Beth has had a lot of rivals, but I think Montana’s takes the cake. I mean, Beth’s gauntlet win against her and this quote from Montana pretty much takes it to a whole nother level: “Beth has all the credibility of a late-night infomercial.” See also: the quote in the picture. Cat fight!!

59. Steven (Battle of the Sexes 2)

Steven slapped Shane in the face. Literally, he’s only ranking this high for that very reason. He wasn’t very memorable aside from that, but that was probably the most memorable part of BOTSexes 2 and the moment that stands the test of time (well, we’ll talk about Ayanna later too, spoilers)

59. Marie (Battle of the Seasons 2)

The fact that Marie has only been on one challenge is actually absurd. She was loud, argumentative, emotional, funny, competitive, and strategic. How has she not been brought back? Marie knew how to play the game socially even though she belonged to the one team without a true alliance. Plus, who can forget her epic Derek push and fight with Sam about being thrown into a tree?

58. Ty (Cutthroat, Rivals, Battle of the Exes, Rivals 2)

Ty had a pretty explosive first season. He was never as good of a competitor as he could have been (LT 2.0 tbh), and he let Big Easy take a lot of heat even though he wasn’t doing much better, and his constant arguing with Katie and Emily made it looked like he only liked to pick on women. And he truly embarr***ed himself in one of the strangest eliminations ever when he tapped out. He was later slapped by Adam R and hooked up with Paula in a kinda WTF relationship. And then there was that whole blackface incident when his partner and ex Emily decided that would be a funny thing to do. Honestly, ever since then, like on Rivals 2, Ty has done literally nothing though. He’s either incredibly or dramatic or incredibly boring. Make up your mind!!

58. Belou (Battle of the Seasons)

So Belou has only appeared on like 3 episodes, but I don’t care. She brought her freaking BABY to the challenge. That’s enough to rank this high, but then she had one of the best arguments ever against Chadwick and Holly. “YOU THINK I’M NOT A GOOD MUDDER?!?!” “I HOPE YOU NEVER HAVE KIDS, MAN!” And come on, even if you thought it was ridiculous and dangerous to bring a baby to the challenge (it was), you still rooted for Belou because Chadwick and Holly are evil human beings. These are just the facts, people.

57. Dave G (Gauntlet)

Dave G! Hey, he dated Cara, performed solidly, and won the challenge without stepping foot into the Gauntlet. He sort of had the ideal challenge experience. Oh, and he’s actually famous now (well, he’s on Grimm.) Good on you, Dave G!

57. Leah (Inferno)

Leah was never going to be the star competitor, and she wasn’t, but she entertained in other ways. She hooked up with Darrell and got upset when Darrell wouldn’t defend her against CT. Which reminds me, she and CT finally seemed to be in a good place and then that just went to shit when CT plotted to get her ousted. And she was a major player in the most epic elimination of all time against Kendal. “CT, YOU’RE AN *******!!” Also, she totally hyperventilated before the bungee mission. As a 14 year old, I legit thought she was dying, with her weird limp hands and spasms.

56. Jake (Battle of the Sexes)

Jake was hilarious. “I don’t like you. You took my makeup. Who ate my cheese?!” And he crushed the “Battle of the Opposite Sexes” challenge. Plus, he knew when it was his time to go. Jake was like old school Isaac basically.

56. Cooke (Rivals 2)

Cooke kicked *** in her first challenge, but she made an enemy out of Diem, which is like the fastest way to get half the challenge audience to hate you. She also lucked out because her original partner was Naomi, who is terrible at these challenges, and she ended up paired with Cara Maria, a major upgrade. Cara Maria actually had a pretty terrible showing for much of this challenge, so Cooke had to carry this team. There was a lot of shady behind the scenes rumors about Cooke though. Like, did she hook up with CT? Was she really a terrible human secretly? Or what? But you can’t deny that she entertained both on and off the playing field.

Will post another update later tonight. Almost the top 50!

Hints for next update:

- 2 people who made it to the end of their first and only challenge (one of them won it even)

- 2 people who have been kicked off at least one show (whether it be RW, RR, or the Challenge)

- 1 member of the 5 challenge club (this time a female)

Jake above Marie and Ty? I watched Sexes 2 and I don't even recall him lmaoo
