She absolutely was! She never quit, not in Challenges and not in fighting cancer. She'd be the first one to tell you she wasn't perfect but the way she lived her life empowered so many others, it's hard not to recognize how special she was. Her candor about her battles with depression, her self-doubt, her love of life and her desire to help others makes her a perpetual MVP in my book.
I wish Diem would have won a challenge. She was MVP in Ex1 but I still wish she would have won a challenge.
She killed the Exes final which was tough as shit so she definitely proved herself. Everyone knew she was a champion.
She WAS a champion. Both in the challenge and in life!
I like all of this. I wish we had the like button back. She was so special. How many people are brave enough to be that vulnerable and to put themselves out there like that and she did it to show others that it's okay. No one braver than Diem Brown.
Just stating the obvious, in this photo Diems brother is wearing the same jacket as in the memorial tribute video in which CT is filming.......I guess that settles that discussion point.......great photo
I liked that Alicia Quarles bet on the horse Carpe Diem at the Kentucky Derby yesterday! I did too, actually, but unfortunately it didn't win!
I thought an interesting question to ask you guys was if there are any songs that remind you of Diem? I saw someone mention on tumblr ages ago that there was a song that reminded them of Diem/CT (which, of course, now I don't remember the song or who said it!).
I'll share 2 of mine, although they probably don't necessarily make sense to anyone else, but in my mind it kinda does, haha.
Heroes - Alesso ft. Tove Lo: This one is a bit of a stretch, but during the last few weeks before her death I would usually check her Twitter page or happen to catch one of her tweets, probably soon before I left the house for my dance class and this was one of the songs we were using as a warm-up around that time, so I guess part of me was still thinking about whatever I read before leaving the house. And one of the lines says "Everyday people do everyday things, but I can't be one of them" and that made me think of her since she was in the hospital and so weak and couldn't do all the things she wanted. So now when I hear it I guess I remember the first few times I'd ever heard the song, and what I was thinking about at that point.
Shut Up and Dance - Walk the Moon: There's a part that goes "I said you're holding back. She said shut up and dance with me!" and for some reason I could just picture that being a CT/Diem conversation, haha.
Definitely Shut Up and Dance with Me. I also really love I Lived. Barefoot & Bruised by Jamestown Story was playing when we last saw Diem and Ct together on the Challenge so that one breaks my heart but I love it anyway. Actually I love the three Jamestown Story songs which played during act and Diem moments on the Challenge.
And of course the songs from the Memorial Video Carrie Ainsworth did are amazing. Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran, Atlas Hands by Benjamin Francis Leftwich, and Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.
As as for tumblr, you probably came across skimthrough 's Tumblr. She has various playlists dedicated to them. All are fantastic. Maddie's tumblr and Maddie herself are awesome.
So I was on twitter looking to see if anyone from the challenge tweeted about LA/NY and came across Diem's sisters twitter so I was looking or creeping and it almost proved that Diem and Wes had a really strong relationship I feel because the only challenge competitors she follows are Cara, CT, & Wes. So for her to follow Wes must mean that she has met him an ok amount of times are Diem talked about how strong there friendship was otherwise it would be really random. I mean we all knew Bananas and Diem were close but Faith doesn't even follow him on social media.
Good point and Yea i see Wes seems to be forgotten a lot when it comes to how close he and diem were. Johnny was close with diem the last few years, but Wes has been since their first show together. Diem referred to him as her brother numerous times on interviews and instagram posts and social media. They always had each other's backs on the shows and were legit close off as well. No suprise to me people in Diem's family rt's Wes a lot and follows him.. Kind of funny that the 3 guys on the shows that diem was closest with all feuded with each other in every season in some combination. But they all had love for diem in common. It isn't a competition, but if diem had to vote in one of them, wes or johnny, i bet she woudl have voted in johnny. just my opinion of course. Wes and CT became cool with each other due to a big assist of diem and making her happy. He even supported their relationship this last time around.
Good point and Yea i see Wes seems to be forgotten a lot when it comes to how close he and diem were. Johnny was close with diem the last few years, but Wes has been since their first show together. Diem referred to him as her brother numerous times on interviews and instagram posts and social media. They always had each other's backs on the shows and were legit close off as well. No suprise to me people in Diem's family rt's Wes a lot and follows him.. Kind of funny that the 3 guys on the shows that diem was closest with all feuded with each other in every season in some combination. But they all had love for diem in common. It isn't a competition, but if diem had to vote in one of them, wes or johnny, i bet she woudl have voted in johnny. just my opinion of course. Wes and CT became cool with each other due to a big assist of diem and making her happy. He even supported their relationship this last time around.
I think she would have voted in Wes IMO just because Diem/Johnny hung out all the time outside the show, she has even met Hannah. But you are right Diem/Wes were always close since FM. Diem always saw the good in him even when a lot of people couldn't stand Wes on FM/Duel. It says a lot about her.
Also I agree that it is interesting that all three guys fought but all had a love for Diem in common. Really sweet<3
Man I miss her too. I really really do. The other day I was looking at pictures of her on Instagram and burst into tears. I had stopped being sad about it all as much so didn't expect to do that. She was just so so very very special. I know God needed her back but I wish we could have had her longer. I have noticed on social media the talk about Diem has started to slow down now, which on the one hand I think is the healthiest thing....we can't dwell on the sadness and loss forever....but then on the other hand I find myself wanting to continue to talk about her because it seems strange now to have the talk slow down. I guess it just shows you, life still has to go on, the world does continue to turn even when we lose someone as special as Diem. Even though there will always be a void without her, I know she would want all of her loved ones and all of her supporters to continue on with life in a positive way, with the intention of making a difference in the world as she did.
Yes she was!
I like all of this. I wish we had the like button back.
She was so special. How many people are brave enough to be that vulnerable and to put themselves out there like that and she did it to show others that it's okay. No one braver than Diem Brown.
I cant see whatever it is you posted...
Oh wow, I've never seen that picture before! Thanks for posting!
Great photo.........
I love this picture. Diem looks so happy.
GREAT pic!! Love seeing her smiling face!
Stumbled upon this random photo from december 2013 ,where diem looks vibrant. On a side note, the guy in the center with
the green jacket looks a little familiar?
Great picture and a really important moment!
Thanks for posting.
Great photo......
Hmmm...I wonder if she had to carry him up this mountain?
Good One
They had quit the history.........
Just stating the obvious, in this photo Diems brother is wearing the same jacket as in the memorial tribute video in which CT is filming.......I guess that settles that discussion point.......great photo
I liked that Alicia Quarles bet on the horse Carpe Diem at the Kentucky Derby yesterday! I did too, actually, but unfortunately it didn't win!
I thought an interesting question to ask you guys was if there are any songs that remind you of Diem? I saw someone mention on tumblr ages ago that there was a song that reminded them of Diem/CT (which, of course, now I don't remember the song or who said it!).
I'll share 2 of mine, although they probably don't necessarily make sense to anyone else, but in my mind it kinda does, haha.
Heroes - Alesso ft. Tove Lo: This one is a bit of a stretch, but during the last few weeks before her death I would usually check her Twitter page or happen to catch one of her tweets, probably soon before I left the house for my dance class and this was one of the songs we were using as a warm-up around that time, so I guess part of me was still thinking about whatever I read before leaving the house. And one of the lines says "Everyday people do everyday things, but I can't be one of them" and that made me think of her since she was in the hospital and so weak and couldn't do all the things she wanted. So now when I hear it I guess I remember the first few times I'd ever heard the song, and what I was thinking about at that point.
Shut Up and Dance - Walk the Moon: There's a part that goes "I said you're holding back. She said shut up and dance with me!" and for some reason I could just picture that being a CT/Diem conversation, haha.
I know its been months but......I still cant believe it.
Definitely Shut Up and Dance with Me. I also really love I Lived. Barefoot & Bruised by Jamestown Story was playing when we last saw Diem and Ct together on the Challenge so that one breaks my heart but I love it anyway. Actually I love the three Jamestown Story songs which played during act and Diem moments on the Challenge.
And of course the songs from the Memorial Video Carrie Ainsworth did are amazing. Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran, Atlas Hands by Benjamin Francis Leftwich, and Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.
As as for tumblr, you probably came across skimthrough 's Tumblr. She has various playlists dedicated to them. All are fantastic. Maddie's tumblr and Maddie herself are awesome.
Heaven by Beyonce "Heaven couldn't wait for you, so go on, go home"
and "On The Floor" by JLo... I can always see Diem in the PM happening to this one.
So I was on twitter looking to see if anyone from the challenge tweeted about LA/NY and came across Diem's sisters twitter so I was looking or creeping and it almost proved that Diem and Wes had a really strong relationship I feel because the only challenge competitors she follows are Cara, CT, & Wes. So for her to follow Wes must mean that she has met him an ok amount of times are Diem talked about how strong there friendship was otherwise it would be really random. I mean we all knew Bananas and Diem were close but Faith doesn't even follow him on social media.
Good point and Yea i see Wes seems to be forgotten a lot when it comes to how close he and diem were. Johnny was close with diem the last few years, but Wes has been since their first show together. Diem referred to him as her brother numerous times on interviews and instagram posts and social media. They always had each other's backs on the shows and were legit close off as well. No suprise to me people in Diem's family rt's Wes a lot and follows him.. Kind of funny that the 3 guys on the shows that diem was closest with all feuded with each other in every season in some combination. But they all had love for diem in common. It isn't a competition, but if diem had to vote in one of them, wes or johnny, i bet she woudl have voted in johnny. just my opinion of course. Wes and CT became cool with each other due to a big assist of diem and making her happy. He even supported their relationship this last time around.
I think she would have voted in Wes IMO just because Diem/Johnny hung out all the time outside the show, she has even met Hannah. But you are right Diem/Wes were always close since FM. Diem always saw the good in him even when a lot of people couldn't stand Wes on FM/Duel. It says a lot about her.
Also I agree that it is interesting that all three guys fought but all had a love for Diem in common. Really sweet<3
I miss her<3
Man I miss her too. I really really do. The other day I was looking at pictures of her on Instagram and burst into tears. I had stopped being sad about it all as much so didn't expect to do that. She was just so so very very special. I know God needed her back but I wish we could have had her longer. I have noticed on social media the talk about Diem has started to slow down now, which on the one hand I think is the healthiest thing....we can't dwell on the sadness and loss forever....but then on the other hand I find myself wanting to continue to talk about her because it seems strange now to have the talk slow down. I guess it just shows you, life still has to go on, the world does continue to turn even when we lose someone as special as Diem. Even though there will always be a void without her, I know she would want all of her loved ones and all of her supporters to continue on with life in a positive way, with the intention of making a difference in the world as she did.
Also people forget about how close Ashley Kelsey/Diem were. Her instagram posts about her are always really sweet but make me sad.
That's my song! Let me actually listen to that now lol