i heard that the cast members mostley from the old school era and old old school era will not do the challenges anymore because of diem passing and in memory of her they want to move on from the challenges which means more pure new school era cast members from real world las vegas to skeletons and i guess other shows like are you the one
Soemthing has really been bothering me and I felt the need to get it off my chest...Why have all these idiotic magazines reported that DIem passed from Colon cancer???? I know most magazines are full of speculation and nothing more. I know they rarelly get actual facts, but how is it they can not get this right? All you had to do prior to Diem's death was type in her name and it was plain as day that she had Ovarian cancer. It is sad that we can do better research than the people who actually get paid for it. I dont know what it is but for some reason this is ******* me off. I just wish someone would correct them and tell them she didnt have Colon cancer she had metastatic Ovarian cancer. Or I wish they would type it into google so google could tell them. They want to report on every other aspect of her life but they cant even get that straight. Morons....(end rant)
Soemthing has really been bothering me and I felt the need to get it off my chest...Why have all these idiotic magazines reported that DIem passed from Colon cancer???? I know most magazines are full of speculation and nothing more. I know they rarelly get actual facts, but how is it they can not get this right? All you had to do prior to Diem's death was type in her name and it was plain as day that she had Ovarian cancer. It is sad that we can do better research than the people who actually get paid for it. I dont know what it is but for some reason this is ******* me off. I just wish someone would correct them and tell them she didnt have Colon cancer she had metastatic Ovarian cancer. Or I wish they would type it into google so google could tell them. They want to report on every other aspect of her life but they cant even get that straight. Morons....(end rant)
I thought Diem got pulled from BOTE2 because her colon was completely blocked ... and when they operated they found the cancer there, not her ovaries ...
Soemthing has really been bothering me and I felt the need to get it off my chest...Why have all these idiotic magazines reported that DIem passed from Colon cancer???? I know most magazines are full of speculation and nothing more. I know they rarelly get actual facts, but how is it they can not get this right? All you had to do prior to Diem's death was type in her name and it was plain as day that she had Ovarian cancer. It is sad that we can do better research than the people who actually get paid for it. I dont know what it is but for some reason this is ******* me off. I just wish someone would correct them and tell them she didnt have Colon cancer she had metastatic Ovarian cancer. Or I wish they would type it into google so google could tell them. They want to report on every other aspect of her life but they cant even get that straight. Morons....(end rant)
I thought Diem got pulled from BOTE2 because her colon was completely blocked ... and when they operated they found the cancer there, not her ovaries ...
Yes you are correct. But the thing about cancer is that the cells spread. When Diem was first diagnosed when she was 23 or 24, it was Ovarian cancer. Since she only had one ovary removed with that diagnosis, the cancer returned in her other ovary in 2012. Therefore they removed that ovary, her fallopian tubes, and lymph nodes but they left her uterus. Because the female reproductive system and stomach are so close, it is common for cancer cells to spread to the stomach and colon. This is what happened to Diem. The cells from her original site of Ovarian cancer spread into her stomach and colon causing the blockage of her colon and tumors in her stomach. Cells ususlly spread through tissue, blood, or lymph nodes. That is why doctors found the tumors in those places. The Ovarian cancer cells spread there and then metastasized there.
Sometimes ovarian cancer can grow so that it completely blocks the bowel. This is called bowel obstruction. The waste from food you have digested, and the fluids normally produced inside the gut, cannot get past the blockage. This causes symptoms such as
Metastatic cancer is cancer that has spread from the place where it first started to another place in the body. A tumor formed by metastatic cancer cells is called a metastatic tumor or a metastasis. The process by which cancer cells spread to other parts of the body is also called metastasis.(National Cancer Institute)
Soemthing has really been bothering me and I felt the need to get it off my chest...Why have all these idiotic magazines reported that DIem passed from Colon cancer???? I know most magazines are full of speculation and nothing more. I know they rarelly get actual facts, but how is it they can not get this right? All you had to do prior to Diem's death was type in her name and it was plain as day that she had Ovarian cancer. It is sad that we can do better research than the people who actually get paid for it. I dont know what it is but for some reason this is ******* me off. I just wish someone would correct them and tell them she didnt have Colon cancer she had metastatic Ovarian cancer. Or I wish they would type it into google so google could tell them. They want to report on every other aspect of her life but they cant even get that straight. Morons....(end rant)
Since she had no ovaries or anything and it spread to her colon it was then considered colon cancer even though it was a result of her ovarian cancer. With colon cancer it is really deadly since it basically shrinks till nothing can pass through.
Soemthing has really been bothering me and I felt the need to get it off my chest...Why have all these idiotic magazines reported that DIem passed from Colon cancer???? I know most magazines are full of speculation and nothing more. I know they rarelly get actual facts, but how is it they can not get this right? All you had to do prior to Diem's death was type in her name and it was plain as day that she had Ovarian cancer. It is sad that we can do better research than the people who actually get paid for it. I dont know what it is but for some reason this is ******* me off. I just wish someone would correct them and tell them she didnt have Colon cancer she had metastatic Ovarian cancer. Or I wish they would type it into google so google could tell them. They want to report on every other aspect of her life but they cant even get that straight. Morons....(end rant)
Since she had no ovaries or anything and it spread to her colon it was then considered colon cancer even though it was a result of her ovarian cancer. With colon cancer it is really deadly since it basically shrinks till nothing can pass through.
It doesnt matter if she had ovaries or not. The recurrence was caused by ovarian cancer cells leaving their original site and growing else where. Cancer cells can remain in your body whether they remove the affected tissue or not. These cells travel through your blood, tissue, lymphnodes, etc. and this is what happened to DIem. That is why is was still Ovarian cancer. Where the cells from a different site travel to another site and then form tumors. The cancer was also found in her stomach and stomach lining but she did not have Stomach Cancer. Metastasis of Ovarian cancer is common in the stomach, stomach lining, and colon. But it is very rare to have Ovarian cancer and then develop colon or stomach cancer on top of that. She had Metastatic Ovarian Cancer that spread.
So I don't know if anyone still cares...but Diem definitely got back together with her ex boyfriend right after she got back from filming Rivals 2. They went to Mexico together and you can see the pix on his facebook.
So I don't know if anyone still cares...but Diem definitely got back together with her ex boyfriend right after she got back from filming Rivals 2. They went to Mexico together and you can see the pix on his facebook.
I've seen those. Yes, she probably decided to try and make it work afteer all the crap she went through on rivals 2, but it didn't last.
That's probably around the time CT had his Bad Girls Club fling too.
Some of the parts of @diembrown that allowed us to hang onto our sanity til the end... Even thru the fake sleeping, she never let a single thing slide, no argument was ever truly lost on her end (despite factual proof in writing), no opportunity to call someone out slipped by... and she would find a way to pull off some ridiculous one liners right when we desperately needed something to break the tension during the toughest days. Even in the last night of her life she found a way to zing @jrodscott (for saying they used to take horrible pics of each other and threaten to post them - she waited half of the night to build up the strength to whisper to him, "I NEVER looked bad") and Taylor Swift got the ax from the hospital room playlist ("NO more"). @cupeachez@clarkejryan@alicialquarles@ethanzohn@faithbrown7#diemstrong#CycleForSurvival#medgift#Fcancer#dancefordiem#diembrown#cancersucks#warrior#missyou#loveyou
The Instagram link has a little video of Megan reading her thoughts on Diem, about how brave she was in her last days. Gosh, really really got me. I wish the cancer had been caught earlier. I really do. I feel Diem should still be here.
It makes me so happy to see Diem's sister and friends continuing to participate in patient advocacy.
Personally, I would love to see CT participating in all of this stuff and raising awareness once he is ready. It's such a shame he was raked over the coals every time he raised awareness for Diem before she went to heaven. The poor guy can't catch a break.
With the challenge finishing up I cant help but think of Diem and how she would have won. This had her name all over it. The game would not have turned out the way it has had she and CT still been there...
With the challenge finishing up I cant help but think of Diem and how she would have won. This had her name all over it. The game would not have turned out the way it has had she and CT still been there...
With the challenge finishing up I cant help but think of Diem and how she would have won. This had her name all over it. The game would not have turned out the way it has had she and CT still been there...
Agree, agree, agree!!!!! She climbed a glacier faster than anyone else. xo
With the challenge finishing up I cant help but think of Diem and how she would have won. This had her name all over it. The game would not have turned out the way it has had she and CT still been there...
With the challenge finishing up I cant help but think of Diem and how she would have won. This had her name all over it. The game would not have turned out the way it has had she and CT still been there...
They definitely had the potential to win the whole thing. They would've probably been in the final 4, likely in place of Jay/Jenna (before the EX-ile twist). However, I just have a feeling they'd be on Wes' side. At Final 4, Jordan gets desperate. Bananas/Nany come back and they align with them. Leroy flips back, and it's Wes/Theresa and CT/Diem vs. Jordan/Sarah, Leroy/Nia and Bananas/Nany. Leroy/Nia come in last in the second-to-last mission, CT/Diem probably win, and they throw in either Bananas/Nany or Jordan/Sarah. Let's say it's Jordan/Sarah. Leroy/Nia beat them, Jordan/Sarah go home. Then, as some have speculated, it's a 4-team final. Wes/Theresa end up winning. No doubt CT is a much better athlete than Wes, but I think it would've come down to who the best girl was, and I think Theresa would've KILLED the final. Plus, we saw how they murdered everyone in the mission that was a mini final.
1st Place: Wes/Theresa
2nd Place: Bananas/Nany
3rd Place: CT/Diem
4th Place: Leroy/Nia
It would've been a lot of fun to watch those top 3 teams slug it out in the final. Would've been close and anyone's game.
With the challenge finishing up I cant help but think of Diem and how she would have won. This had her name all over it. The game would not have turned out the way it has had she and CT still been there...
They definitely had the potential to win the whole thing. They would've probably been in the final 4, likely in place of Jay/Jenna (before the EX-ile twist). However, I just have a feeling they'd be on Wes' side. At Final 4, Jordan gets desperate. Bananas/Nany come back and they align with them. Leroy flips back, and it's Wes/Theresa and CT/Diem vs. Jordan/Sarah, Leroy/Nia and Bananas/Nany. Leroy/Nia come in last in the second-to-last mission, CT/Diem probably win, and they throw in either Bananas/Nany or Jordan/Sarah. Let's say it's Jordan/Sarah. Leroy/Nia beat them, Jordan/Sarah go home. Then, as some have speculated, it's a 4-team final. Wes/Theresa end up winning. No doubt CT is a much better athlete than Wes, but I think it would've come down to who the best girl was, and I think Theresa would've KILLED the final. Plus, we saw how they murdered everyone in the mission that was a mini final.
1st Place: Wes/Theresa
2nd Place: Bananas/Nany
3rd Place: CT/Diem
4th Place: Leroy/Nia
It would've been a lot of fun to watch those top 3 teams slug it out in the final. Would've been close and anyone's game.
When it comes to finals the only other female I see beating Diem is evelyn, other than that Diems endurance was amazing. If CT and Diem made the final, they would have most likely won.
i heard that the cast members mostley from the old school era and old old school era will not do the challenges anymore because of diem passing and in memory of her they want to move on from the challenges which means more pure new school era cast members from real world las vegas to skeletons and i guess other shows like are you the one
Soemthing has really been bothering me and I felt the need to get it off my chest...Why have all these idiotic magazines reported that DIem passed from Colon cancer???? I know most magazines are full of speculation and nothing more. I know they rarelly get actual facts, but how is it they can not get this right? All you had to do prior to Diem's death was type in her name and it was plain as day that she had Ovarian cancer. It is sad that we can do better research than the people who actually get paid for it. I dont know what it is but for some reason this is ******* me off. I just wish someone would correct them and tell them she didnt have Colon cancer she had metastatic Ovarian cancer. Or I wish they would type it into google so google could tell them. They want to report on every other aspect of her life but they cant even get that straight. Morons....(end rant)
I thought Diem got pulled from BOTE2 because her colon was completely blocked ... and when they operated they found the cancer there, not her ovaries ...
Since she had no ovaries or anything and it spread to her colon it was then considered colon cancer even though it was a result of her ovarian cancer. With colon cancer it is really deadly since it basically shrinks till nothing can pass through.
It doesnt matter if she had ovaries or not. The recurrence was caused by ovarian cancer cells leaving their original site and growing else where. Cancer cells can remain in your body whether they remove the affected tissue or not. These cells travel through your blood, tissue, lymphnodes, etc. and this is what happened to DIem. That is why is was still Ovarian cancer. Where the cells from a different site travel to another site and then form tumors. The cancer was also found in her stomach and stomach lining but she did not have Stomach Cancer. Metastasis of Ovarian cancer is common in the stomach, stomach lining, and colon. But it is very rare to have Ovarian cancer and then develop colon or stomach cancer on top of that. She had Metastatic Ovarian Cancer that spread.
So I don't know if anyone still cares...but Diem definitely got back together with her ex boyfriend right after she got back from filming Rivals 2. They went to Mexico together and you can see the pix on his facebook.
I've seen those. Yes, she probably decided to try and make it work afteer all the crap she went through on rivals 2, but it didn't last.
That's probably around the time CT had his Bad Girls Club fling too.
Some of the parts of @diembrown that allowed us to hang onto our sanity til the end... Even thru the fake sleeping, she never let a single thing slide, no argument was ever truly lost on her end (despite factual proof in writing), no opportunity to call someone out slipped by... and she would find a way to pull off some ridiculous one liners right when we desperately needed something to break the tension during the toughest days. Even in the last night of her life she found a way to zing @jrodscott (for saying they used to take horrible pics of each other and threaten to post them - she waited half of the night to build up the strength to whisper to him, "I NEVER looked bad") and Taylor Swift got the ax from the hospital room playlist ("NO more"). @cupeachez@clarkejryan @alicialquarles @ethanzohn@faithbrown7 #diemstrong #CycleForSurvival#medgift #Fcancer #dancefordiem #diembrown#cancersucks #warrior #missyou #loveyou
The Instagram link has a little video of Megan reading her thoughts on Diem, about how brave she was in her last days. Gosh, really really got me. I wish the cancer had been caught earlier. I really do. I feel Diem should still be here.
Article about the event.
It makes me so happy to see Diem's sister and friends continuing to participate in patient advocacy.
Personally, I would love to see CT participating in all of this stuff and raising awareness once he is ready. It's such a shame he was raked over the coals every time he raised awareness for Diem before she went to heaven. The poor guy can't catch a break.
With the challenge finishing up I cant help but think of Diem and how she would have won. This had her name all over it. The game would not have turned out the way it has had she and CT still been there...
Battle of the Exes 2 was definitely CT/Diem's challenge to win. I miss you Diem.
Thie is a cute fan made video of an animated Diem and Nia dancing...
Awwww!! Hahaha! I love it! I wonder if Nia has seen it yet.
Thanks for posting the link.
Nia tweeted that her grandmother passed away, so I'm sure she could use a little cheering up, a video like that might help.
I just love this! Have been thinking of her a lot lately and I agree that she and CT would have owned this Challenge, even with that last one.
I just love this! Have been thinking of her a lot lately and I agree that she and CT would have owned this Challenge, even with that last one.
Agree, agree, agree!!!!! She climbed a glacier faster than anyone else. xo
They definitely had the potential to win the whole thing. They would've probably been in the final 4, likely in place of Jay/Jenna (before the EX-ile twist). However, I just have a feeling they'd be on Wes' side. At Final 4, Jordan gets desperate. Bananas/Nany come back and they align with them. Leroy flips back, and it's Wes/Theresa and CT/Diem vs. Jordan/Sarah, Leroy/Nia and Bananas/Nany. Leroy/Nia come in last in the second-to-last mission, CT/Diem probably win, and they throw in either Bananas/Nany or Jordan/Sarah. Let's say it's Jordan/Sarah. Leroy/Nia beat them, Jordan/Sarah go home. Then, as some have speculated, it's a 4-team final. Wes/Theresa end up winning. No doubt CT is a much better athlete than Wes, but I think it would've come down to who the best girl was, and I think Theresa would've KILLED the final. Plus, we saw how they murdered everyone in the mission that was a mini final.
1st Place: Wes/Theresa
2nd Place: Bananas/Nany
3rd Place: CT/Diem
4th Place: Leroy/Nia
It would've been a lot of fun to watch those top 3 teams slug it out in the final. Would've been close and anyone's game.
Oh my God. How am I just now finding out she passed away
I know.
Have you seen BOTE2? While she and CT were on at the end of the episode they would show this season is dedicated to her and Knight who died also.
No I didn't watch the next week on Exes 2 until like episode 6, if that's when it was shown.