The Challenge: Battle of The Exes 2 - Johnny Reilly and Averey Tressler

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lol obviously youre not a monster to ME but i can totally see you as a hen pecking monster to your bf who has to put up with your constant insecurity, paranoia, and nagging just to******** occasionally by a dried up, bitter pig. you admitted it would find your boyfriend talking to another girl as affection and cheating. youre like those psycho girlfriends that dont let their boyfriends talk to any one thats a girl for fear of being cheated on. you admitted it yourself girl, not me!

your comment about going outside and having expeirence is absolutely hilarious considering your complete obliviousness to social dynamics, avereys situation and why its possible that she did not cheat. i mean youre flabbergasted at the idea of averey being in a relationship so soon right after she broke up with johnny and you assumie this is because she cheated on him. again, you dont understand the concept of a LINE of men waiting for you to be single beacuse youve never been in that position youreslf. it only happens to attractive people that have their pick of the litter and you clearly dont. you dont even need to be attractive to see this, you just need to step outside and open your eyes.

and thats funny how you "need" karisa the mod. sounds to me like you need a white flag or somebody to come clean up for you beacuse you cant handle it. you must be feeling the pressure.

btw i love how everything in your recent posts is literally a defense of yourself or an attack on me. no content actually addressing the issue of averey because A)you got a booboo from my comments or B)becaue you have no actual retort to how avereys current relationship could have manifested without adultery? pick one? i say pick both

you do realize you wrote an even longer essay but this time all about me lol. I feel flattered that you took the time to try to figure out how my life is but you got it all wrong. I called karisa because had this been kvm, he can actually point out something intelligent or a reasonable point. But you here are just so fed up with your own life you have to lash out and this isnt the place. Go write in your diary and keep the embarrassment to yourself. All your assumptions about me are so wrong. But you're an idiot and really disgusting, I feel bad for you.

i said how her talking to this guy was the reason johnny had broken up with her. But during free agents she was already dating the same guy. I said this and a couple of people as well. I don't understand why I need to repeat it to you. But then I remember your reading comprehension and then I understand.

But this tells me a lot about you, you're immaturity speaks at a high volume. Have you ever been in a relationship? Have you ever been on a date, to know how to treat someone. Do you have friends to tell you that you're a miserable person? You're jealously towards me is astounding because you never seen me and i don't even know you. But you had the time to sit and think hard about what you want to say about my life, but sorry to disappoint. You're wrong though, I've never brought u personal stuff. I told you I can't be bothered to read about avery and johnny and I stated before that it's my opinion so move the **** on. But you started to rage and move towards the topic onto me after I point out the flaws in your argurments. The more flaws the more anger you got.

So many people love throwing that extra h on your name Hanna. I see that happen soooo much on here haha

I know right lol. my username spells it out for you.

So many people love throwing that extra h on your name Hanna. I see that happen soooo much on here haha

and it really only takes half a second to see it doesn't have one XD 

lmaoo, exactly.

but you are so far out because name the dumbest ******* who said the reply wasn't for you so you didn't have to reply.

this comment has really gotten inside your head hasnt it? ill break it down for you before your brain pops from over exertion.

my comment wasnt just for you but for others as well that are interested in this discourse in general so you dont have to be the only one to reply as if it was a direct aggression isolated towards you. this makes sense beacuse it means others are free to reply(duh) and additionally lot of the content in my post was stated in a generic way directed towards the public to convey my observations about averey/johnny and others that run into similar problems in the dating world. it wasnt a direct interrogation purposefully aimed at luring a response from you and it wasnt meant to generate any unpleasantness from you.

hopefully youre not still stewing over this at night. you cant be losing ANY beauty sleep over need all the beauty sleep you can get...

you still replied to my comment and the statements I made. So you can keep making up excuses or just admit to it. But that would be expecting too much outta of you.

Hunny I can pull a all nighter stranded in a ditch and I'm sure I'll look better than your beauty sleep that you put so much effort in. Your phone must be dry, do you not have anyone to hit your line up? Give it a rest and stop being miserable.

Anonymous's picture

Hanna is gorgeous.

Just saying.


Hanna is gorgeous. Just saying. Kbye:)

Jamie... Kiss 3

Anonymous's picture

Hanna is gorgeous. Just saying. Kbye:)

Jamie... Kiss 3

edit; I'm a flop.

Kiss 3

I gotchu!

Hanna is gorgeous. Just saying. Kbye:)

Jamie... Kiss 3

edit; I'm a flop.

Kiss 3 I gotchu!

LOL I finally fixed it. Thanks boo Smile

You guys, I'm still recovering from that crap that happened on the mafia IV game thread. Cut me a break here and just let it go! LOL

Lol I hear that AIM Chat talks a lot shit about me : )

These forums shouldn't be taken that seriously...

Ummm who are you referring too? And who told you this? 

lmao, why do you sound so suspicious/concerned?

On the aftershow Johnny said it was her friends who told him and She didn't deny that so now I kinda believe him. 

Didn't right after he said that, she said it was a bunch of crap or b.s. and that it was his friends. ANyway, it's their relationship, I just don't like how some of the guys in the house are using that as a reason to hate her. Mind your business. 

Johnny bananas kind of annoyed me because he's on twitter saying he calls them like he sees them to someone's comment about Averey being shady. Okay Johnny what about you cheating on your girlfriend with Camila and threatening Jonna on Rivals that you would make her life hell if she revealed. Very shady. But all these guys are misogynist and they don't treat women the same as guys. 

And even the editing isn't fair. Johnny Reilly did the same thing Averey did with Adam in that clip. he told Nany that if he didn't have a girlfriend back home he would tear it up. But A female does the same thing and it's let's burn her at stake.

we need more Laurels to shut these sexist jerks on the challenges up. 


Johnny bananas kind of annoyed me because he's on twitter saying he calls them like he sees them to someone's comment about Averey being shady. Okay Johnny what about you cheating on your girlfriend with Camila and threatening Jonna on Rivals that you would make her life hell if she revealed. Very shady. But all these guys are misogynist and they don't treat women the same as guys. 


I've seen a bunch of people make this argument, so I apologize if it comes across like I'm coming at you, but in general I really hate this argument. It's such a thing in society to say that one doesn't have a right to comment on bad thing X because they did bad thing Y. I remember it happening a lot during Portland that whenever Nia did something inappropriate the response would be "well at least she isn't having sex in the bathroom at her job". No. That's not how life works. You don't lose the ability to recognize somebody else's poor behavior because you've engaged in poor behavior yourself...nor does the fact that someone else did something morally suspect mean that it's also ok that you did something morally suspect.

It would be one thing, and I would probably agree with you, if they (Bananas/Leroy) were actively going after Averey for allegedly cheating on Reilly. They aren't. They're being asked questions, or in the case of that one tweet being prompted by fans, and responding. They aren't unprompted attacks on Averey and it seems like that for the most part (aside from Jordan) that most of the Johnny Reilly friend group tried to avoid her. Just because Leroy and Johnny themselves, or anyone really, have done bad things in the past doesn't mean they can't be aware of when other people do them and have an opinion when asked. I've punched someone in the face before...does this mean I can't think that in general fighting is wrong and say that I don't think someone was in the right when they engaged in it if they ask me? No. 

This is the pettiest shit I have read. Since when did this site turn into Bad Girls Club? Where is Karisa to clean this shit up.

you can pm karisa if you'd  like. then she handles buisness.

I feel flattered that you took the time to try to figure out how my life is

i said how her talking to this guy was the reason johnny had broken up with her. But during free agents she was already dating the same guy. I said this and a couple of people as well. I don't understand why I need to repeat it to you. But then I remember your reading comprehension and then I understand.

But this tells me a lot about you, you're immaturity speaks at a high volume. Have you ever been in a relationship? Have you ever been on a date, to know how to treat someone. Do you have friends to tell you that you're a miserable person? You're jealously towards me is astounding because you never seen me and i don't even know you. But you had the time to sit and think hard about what you want to say about my life, but sorry to disappoint. You're wrong though, I've never brought u personal stuff. I told you I can't be bothered to read about avery and johnny and I stated before that it's my opinion so move the **** on. But you started to rage and move towards the topic onto me after I point out the flaws in your argurments. The more flaws the more anger you got.

ill always try to stick to the topic which = averey/johnny. look at the percentage of my posts and what they relate look at yours. most of your post is me me me or you you you ,very little third party discussion. i have more of that with averey/johnny or related dating scenario content but i will respond to some of the jabs you fruitlessly try to throw which brings me to the next point...

you admit to being "flattered" by the attention im giving assured, if you were receiving enough attention in life you wouldnt be feeling "flattered" by what im giving you. lol

talking to a person isnt cheating unless youre an insecure, paranoid tyrant in the relationship. secure, attractive people are OKAY with competition from other women/men because they know they have enough going for them to sustain their relationships or because they UNDERSTAND and have other women/men who try to talk to them on a daily basis as well. 

you needed to repeat it beacuse your argument makes no ******* sense. how does dating the guy during free agents mean she cheated when they SHE AND JOHNNY WERE ALREADY BROKEN UP. she was FRIENDS with the alleged cheater guy while she was dating johnny but this FRIEND wanted to something more so probably waited for the second that avery was SINGLE to swoop her up.

yeah i think everything youve typed here applies to you basically based on how ignorant you are in terms of knowledge regarding the dating world. this is apparent by your low standards of showing affection or cheating---talking to someone.

Maybe if you can read I said I feel flattered that you took the time to try to know my life. You seem a bit obessed to try and figure me out, over a opinion. That's whats flattering. People in the real world don't get this upset over opinions, and you get so fed up that you can't even read straight. But Averey was already feeding into that guy. If that guy wanted more and waited for her to be single, since you're saying this so it has to be exclusive sources or once again talking outta the *** (I believe the second one). Then she shouldn't be giving people the signs. It looked bad multiple times not just once. That's reasons enough to feel a bit betrayed and that's totally fine. That doesn't mean everyone feels the same but that's reasons enough for johnny.

The percentage of my aren't related to Averey and Johnny? Because ive already pointed them out. You on the other hand are bringing up "if" and "maybe" statements. No actual proof, but you want to continue so bad cause you know you brought no valid point. It's my opinion get the **** over it and continue your Obession with Averey rather than me. It's getting creepy now.

You guys, I'm still recovering from that crap that happened on the mafia IV game thread. Cut me a break here and just let it go! LOL

Lol I hear that AIM Chat talks a lot shit about me : )

These forums shouldn't be taken that seriously...

Ummm who are you referring too? And who told you this? 

lmao, why do you sound so suspicious/concerned?

Hanna is gorgeous. Just saying. Kbye:)

jamie you are waaaaay too sweet. lets be honest here, youd call the elephant man gorgeous if he asked becaues youre just THAT perfect and nice.

Maybe if you can read I said I feel flattered that you took the time to try to know my life. You seem a bit obessed to try and figure me out, over a opinion. That's whats flattering. People in the real world don't get this upset over opinions, and you get so fed up that you can't even read straight. But Averey was already feeding into that guy. If that guy wanted more and waited for her to be single, since you're saying this so it has to be exclusive sources or once again talking outta the *** (I believe the second one). Then she shouldn't be giving people the signs. It looked bad multiple times not just once. That's reasons enough to feel a bit betrayed and that's totally fine. That doesn't mean everyone feels the same but that's reasons enough for johnny.

im not fed up. im just examining a person like an animal in a cage, making observations and judgements. most of my stuff is stated in a neutral matter of fact way...unlike you i dont get "angry" or defensive. i dont get hormonal. political correctness and emotional irrationalization are not my thing, sorry.

what you consider "feeding into" something sexual isnt read the same way as averey which goes back to what i was saying all along. extrovereted popular people(tend to fall on the scale of attractive more often than not) dont "read into" attention because they get it so often and it just becomes trivial and common place or harmless. what johnny considers cheating or sexual is considered asexual by avereys standards because she gets it all the time from her customers, manager, everywhere, 50K instagram likes. you can tell johnny was not a "popular" person based off of his social awkwardness. something about him is just "off" and hes not that confidence about himself because part of confidence is based off of feedback from others. he never got that. the challenge is probably the highest moment of his life and he doesnt have much going for him. your average girl will not be showing him attention.

if youve seen real world st thomas with laura and brandon or rivals with jenn and adam. laura especially didnt even realize that brandon was reading into her friendliness as flirtation or a chance to get with her. shes friendly with everyone like taht. when she found out that brandon was reading into her "signs" you could tell she was completely clueless and did not think ANYTHING of what she was doing. you can tell the mopey guys like adam/brandon really obsessed over every touch, conversation they had with these girls like it was the first time theyve ever got it. unattractive people in general will tend to extract more bang out of the buck of attention because of sparely it comes to them.

you might find reilly attractive but most people probably dont. hes not a CT type in terms of appearance and this has affected his experiences and personality growing up.


Maybe if you can read I said I feel flattered that you took the time to try to know my life. You seem a bit obessed to try and figure me out, over a opinion. That's whats flattering. People in the real world don't get this upset over opinions, and you get so fed up that you can't even read straight. But Averey was already feeding into that guy. If that guy wanted more and waited for her to be single, since you're saying this so it has to be exclusive sources or once again talking outta the *** (I believe the second one). Then she shouldn't be giving people the signs. It looked bad multiple times not just once. That's reasons enough to feel a bit betrayed and that's totally fine. That doesn't mean everyone feels the same but that's reasons enough for johnny.

im not fed up. im just examining a person like an animal in a cage, making observations and judgements. most of my stuff is stated in a neutral matter of fact way...unlike you i dont get "angry" or defensive. i dont get hormonal. political correctness and emotional irrationalization are not my thing, sorry.

what you consider "feeding into" something sexual isnt read the same way as averey which goes back to what i was saying all along. extrovereted popular people(tend to fall on the scale of attractive more often than not) dont "read into" attention because they get it so often and it just becomes trivial and common place or harmless. what johnny considers cheating or sexual is considered asexual by avereys standards because she gets it all the time from her customers, manager, everywhere, 50K instagram likes. you can tell johnny was not a "popular" person based off of his social awkwardness. something about him is just "off" and hes not that confidence about himself because part of confidence is based off of feedback from others. he never got that. the challenge is probably the highest moment of his life and he doesnt have much going for him. your average girl will not be showing him attention.

if youve seen real world st thomas with laura and brandon or rivals with jenn and adam. laura especially didnt even realize that brandon was reading into her friendliness as flirtation or a chance to get with her. shes friendly with everyone like taht. when she found out that brandon was reading into her "signs" you could tell she was completely clueless and did not think ANYTHING of what she was doing. you can tell the mopey guys like adam/brandon really obsessed over every touch, conversation they had with these girls like it was the first time theyve ever got it. unattractive people in general will tend to extract more bang out of the buck of attention because of sparely it comes to them.

you might find reilly attractive but most people probably dont. hes not a CT type in terms of appearance and this has affected his experiences and personality growing up.


Can you take this to PM - you two are the only ones engaging in this conversation and honestly nobody really cares to read it (I don't think Hanna does either). 

Can you take this to PM - you two are the only ones engaging in this conversation and honestly nobody really cares to read it (I don't think Hanna does either). 

the entire need to discuss something as trivial as reality is a waste in itself + there are a lot of worthless posts on this forum. youll be fine with a few extra ones. if anything youll be be able to improve your "scanning" abilities that you can apply to your productive studies that you should be engaging in instead of

Maybe if you can read I said I feel flattered that you took the time to try to know my life. You seem a bit obessed to try and figure me out, over a opinion. That's whats flattering. People in the real world don't get this upset over opinions, and you get so fed up that you can't even read straight. But Averey was already feeding into that guy. If that guy wanted more and waited for her to be single, since you're saying this so it has to be exclusive sources or once again talking outta the *** (I believe the second one). Then she shouldn't be giving people the signs. It looked bad multiple times not just once. That's reasons enough to feel a bit betrayed and that's totally fine. That doesn't mean everyone feels the same but that's reasons enough for johnny.

im not fed up. im just examining a person like an animal in a cage, making observations and judgements. most of my stuff is stated in a neutral matter of fact way...unlike you i dont get "angry" or defensive. i dont get hormonal. political correctness and emotional irrationalization are not my thing, sorry.

what you consider "feeding into" something sexual isnt read the same way as averey which goes back to what i was saying all along. extrovereted popular people(tend to fall on the scale of attractive more often than not) dont "read into" attention because they get it so often and it just becomes trivial and common place or harmless. what johnny considers cheating or sexual is considered asexual by avereys standards because she gets it all the time from her customers, manager, everywhere, 50K instagram likes. you can tell johnny was not a "popular" person based off of his social awkwardness. something about him is just "off" and hes not that confidence about himself because part of confidence is based off of feedback from others. he never got that. the challenge is probably the highest moment of his life and he doesnt have much going for him. your average girl will not be showing him attention.

if youve seen real world st thomas with laura and brandon or rivals with jenn and adam. laura especially didnt even realize that brandon was reading into her friendliness as flirtation or a chance to get with her. shes friendly with everyone like taht. when she found out that brandon was reading into her "signs" you could tell she was completely clueless and did not think ANYTHING of what she was doing. you can tell the mopey guys like adam/brandon really obsessed over every touch, conversation they had with these girls like it was the first time theyve ever got it. unattractive people in general will tend to extract more bang out of the buck of attention because of sparely it comes to them.

you might find reilly attractive but most people probably dont. hes not a CT type in terms of appearance and this has affected his experiences and personality growing up.


emotional irrationalization yet you're so bothered by me. Wait, are you Averey? No, but you try to act like you know so much back story. LOOL what, you don't have to be popular to get attention or be attractive( more often, like you said). Wow you must be in middle school. Get to high school and you'll realize attractive isn't  a scaled of how popular or how much attention you get. i must be drop dead gorgeous in your childish scale now. I actually don't find johnny at all attractive. But you are so quick to judge everyones just from reading this statement alone and of course your obsession with knowing my life. It tells a lot about your insecurities. I don't rememeber St. Thomas. you bring up Jen and Adam but did you see johnny getting mopey after Nany and him hooked up And she ran back to Cohutta. 

You say that Averey gets it so often that she doesn't read to it. But she knew what she was doing, she admit to it looking bad. "He doesn't have much going for him" "your average girl". These quotes and your middle school view on things give me enough reason that you're going no where. This ain't even about my opinion if I thought Avery cheated or not. This is about your personal life issues, I'm sorry you feel that way. This conversation has no point.

I love Johnny even more after that interview. I thought it was interesting he said Jonna got on everyones nerves and that is why no one really stood up for her.

I love Johnny even more after that interview. I thought it was interesting he said Jonna got on everyones nerves and that is why no one really stood up for her.

Well Johnny is close friends with Zach so that may not be true.

I love Johnny even more after that interview. I thought it was interesting he said Jonna got on everyones nerves and that is why no one really stood up for her.

No surprised that he have Zach's back...They are good friends

Can you take this to PM - you two are the only ones engaging in this conversation and honestly nobody really cares to read it (I don't think Hanna does either). 

the entire need to discuss something as trivial as reality is a waste in itself + there are a lot of worthless posts on this forum. youll be fine with a few extra ones. if anything youll be be able to improve your "scanning" abilities that you can apply to your productive studies that you should be engaging in instead of

Coming from the person who types out novels on a forum attempting to "tell someone off"..oh ok. 

Maybe if you can read I said I feel flattered that you took the time to try to know my life. You seem a bit obessed to try and figure me out, over a opinion. That's whats flattering. People in the real world don't get this upset over opinions, and you get so fed up that you can't even read straight. But Averey was already feeding into that guy. If that guy wanted more and waited for her to be single, since you're saying this so it has to be exclusive sources or once again talking outta the *** (I believe the second one). Then she shouldn't be giving people the signs. It looked bad multiple times not just once. That's reasons enough to feel a bit betrayed and that's totally fine. That doesn't mean everyone feels the same but that's reasons enough for johnny.

im not fed up. im just examining a person like an animal in a cage, making observations and judgements. most of my stuff is stated in a neutral matter of fact way...unlike you i dont get "angry" or defensive. i dont get hormonal. political correctness and emotional irrationalization are not my thing, sorry.

what you consider "feeding into" something sexual isnt read the same way as averey which goes back to what i was saying all along. extrovereted popular people(tend to fall on the scale of attractive more often than not) dont "read into" attention because they get it so often and it just becomes trivial and common place or harmless. what johnny considers cheating or sexual is considered asexual by avereys standards because she gets it all the time from her customers, manager, everywhere, 50K instagram likes. you can tell johnny was not a "popular" person based off of his social awkwardness. something about him is just "off" and hes not that confidence about himself because part of confidence is based off of feedback from others. he never got that. the challenge is probably the highest moment of his life and he doesnt have much going for him. your average girl will not be showing him attention.

if youve seen real world st thomas with laura and brandon or rivals with jenn and adam. laura especially didnt even realize that brandon was reading into her friendliness as flirtation or a chance to get with her. shes friendly with everyone like taht. when she found out that brandon was reading into her "signs" you could tell she was completely clueless and did not think ANYTHING of what she was doing. you can tell the mopey guys like adam/brandon really obsessed over every touch, conversation they had with these girls like it was the first time theyve ever got it. unattractive people in general will tend to extract more bang out of the buck of attention because of sparely it comes to them.

you might find reilly attractive but most people probably dont. hes not a CT type in terms of appearance and this has affected his experiences and personality growing up.


Can you take this to PM - you two are the only ones engaging in this conversation and honestly nobody really cares to read it (I don't think Hanna does either). 

I do care. People are quick to judge Averey, I've seen in on this site, and v123's posts help see the dituation from a different angle. I also enjoy reading v123's posts, as they are able to express complex arguments in an eloquent manner using proper grammar, spelling and punctuation. It feels like I'm engaging in a conversation with a fellow adult. It's refreshing in today's day and age, when most reactions are limited to "OMG," or "I can't even," and few people are capable of writing a full paragraph.

Anonymous's picture

Nany is a serial sleeper and Averey is not.

Okay done.

Let's stop this!!!!

again you mistaken being bothered. im observing your behavior and what youve divulged about your own life. its like being in a lab and looking at test subjects and making my observations. but if it makes you feel good that im studying you then thats fine by me, im all for non profit charity work.

LOOL what, you don't have to be popular to get attention or be attractive( more often, like you said). Wow you must be in middle school. Get to high school and you'll realize attractive isn't  a scaled of how popular or how much attention you get.

youre delusional. its a fact that attractive people will command more attention on average than an ugly person. what do you think ATTRACTIVE means? it means you ATTRACT. what do you think you attract? gravity? nobody said you HAVE to be attractive to get attention but more often than not unless the person ruins it for themelves completely by acting like ZACH NICHOLS, pretty people have the edge and they will have to work less hard to get attention beacuse the eyes are usually already on them. all zach or CT have to do is take off their shirts and theyll have all eyes on them. mike from vegas, big easy, are going to have to do a lot more to get an equal amount of attention.

johnny doesnt get mopey over nany because he already knows what she have fun for the sake of having fun. hes not stupid enough to get attached to her and think he and her are going to run away and get married. i wouldnt be surprised if he wanted more sex from her though. his  "i want to tear that up" comment to her at the bar.

you should probably take a basic course in statistics and learn what averages are. exceptional incidents dont disprove the truth. 100 people can shoot themselves in the head and 3 people might survive. lol do you think that means shooting yourself in the head means youre not going to die? if zach and mikey(vegas) acted the exact same way and but retained their original appearances, zach would get more attention. that would be an "average" scenario for example

averey probably used what youre probably unaware of...retrospection and empathy skills to see it from johnnys "average guy" perspective and thats where it "looked bad." obviously she doesnt think it was that bad at the time being because she committed to engaging in that behavior and didnt think she did anything wrongly. her own words have been "looking back at it"," looks wrong, you know its not wrong but it looks wrong". its the same way laura, jenn didnt think they were doing aynthing wrong at the time. they were just LIVING LIFE and HAVING FUN and boozing it up and were not aware that the other party members were getting so attached or reading their signals as anything more than in the moment drunk fun. most people just ACT on what think is approriate at the time...its only afterwards where you really really think about your previous actions is when you can get a different spin on it or see it from another persons point of view. thats exactly what averey did with the whole johnny thing, as evidenced by her own words.

sorry but you seem to lack perspective, introversion and logic and are totally out of touch. your way of debating is more on par with clinging to know...emotion...

v123 how old are you? Just wondering 

Can you take this to PM - you two are the only ones engaging in this conversation and honestly nobody really cares to read it (I don't think Hanna does either). 

the entire need to discuss something as trivial as reality is a waste in itself + there are a lot of worthless posts on this forum. youll be fine with a few extra ones. if anything youll be be able to improve your "scanning" abilities that you can apply to your productive studies that you should be engaging in instead of

Coming from the person who types out novels on a forum attempting to "tell someone off"..oh ok. 

youre the one who said this conversation was trivial. the fact is most of the crap on here is petty, the premise of reality television is petty.

you dont feel like its worth reading but you feel like its worth watching averey and johnny talk about their dysfunctional relationship, jenna talk about her lawyer degree, nia drink sweat or you think its worth making fantasy cast lists that are never going to exist?

if people needed their posts to be of "worthy" before being published then this forum in its entirety would probably have about 7 posts published every 10 years

anyways, back to averey lol
