The Challenge: Battle of The Exes 2 - Johnny Reilly and Averey Tressler

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i hope we see more of averey.  shes a fighter, and gorgeous

They both did well.

Does enyone else it's suspicious that AVerey started dating the guys Johnny R accussed her of cheating with as soon as he went to free agents? mhm

I am over her unecessary bitterness, he was single it's time for her to get over it...It's not a good look.

Its hard to get over something when half the damn house already thinks you're a cheater and judges you before you say a word to them. Johnny ran his mouth to all his friends who hate her now without getting to know her

But do they hate her because she cheated or because she appears to not be taking responsibility for it? She hasn't admitted to cheating on him and she's essentially making herself out to be the victim in their break up with this whole "Nany is a **** for sleeping with my ex" shit she started. She's certainly not making it easy for people to want to consider the situation from her point of view. 

Why the hell would that make any sense? Why would she admit to cheating what would that accomplish besides making her look bad. She is the victim because she's being unfairly judged by the people Johnny talked to first.

What about that doesn't make sense? If she admitted it then at least she could be respected for taking responsibility for her actions. Her current behavior with her acting all victimized because of Nany thing isn't doing herself any favors. Like I said earlier, nobody is going to want to consider your point of view if you are attempting to blame a third party for something that was not their fault. 

Lol you think these people who insult her for cheating before even meeting her or saying a word to her would respect her for saying " oh I cheated" no that would change nothing.

You mean like the same thing Averey is doing to Nany? She hates Nany despite barely knowing the girl. 

Thats no where near the same thing,she didn't come into the house talking shit about Nany.

Oh of course. If Averey is the one doing it then it's not the same thing. 

right. Averey wants everyone to give her a chance when she's doing the same thing to Nany. Seeing this after clip, she was so quickly to shut down and had no cards left to play when Leroy brought up that the guy Johnny accused her of cheating on with is her current boyfriend. Plus that clip of her expressing has badly she could screw adam forsureeee helps her case.

Does enyone else it's suspicious that AVerey started dating the guys Johnny R accussed her of cheating with as soon as he went to free agents? mhm

I am over her unecessary bitterness, he was single it's time for her to get over it...It's not a good look.

Its hard to get over something when half the damn house already thinks you're a cheater and judges you before you say a word to them. Johnny ran his mouth to all his friends who hate her now without getting to know her

But do they hate her because she cheated or because she appears to not be taking responsibility for it? She hasn't admitted to cheating on him and she's essentially making herself out to be the victim in their break up with this whole "Nany is a **** for sleeping with my ex" shit she started. She's certainly not making it easy for people to want to consider the situation from her point of view. 

Why the hell would that make any sense? Why would she admit to cheating what would that accomplish besides making her look bad. She is the victim because she's being unfairly judged by the people Johnny talked to first.

What about that doesn't make sense? If she admitted it then at least she could be respected for taking responsibility for her actions. Her current behavior with her acting all victimized because of Nany thing isn't doing herself any favors. Like I said earlier, nobody is going to want to consider your point of view if you are attempting to blame a third party for something that was not their fault. 

Lol you think these people who insult her for cheating before even meeting her or saying a word to her would respect her for saying " oh I cheated" no that would change nothing.

You mean like the same thing Averey is doing to Nany? She hates Nany despite barely knowing the girl. 

Thats no where near the same thing,she didn't come into the house talking shit about Nany.

Oh of course. If Averey is the one doing it then it's not the same thing. 

right. Averey wants everyone to give her a chance when she's doing the same thing to Nany. Seeing this after clip, she was so quickly to shut down and had no cards left to play when Leroy brought up that the guy Johnny accused her of cheating on with is her current boyfriend. Plus that clip of her expressing has badly she could screw adam forsureeee helps her case.

it doesnt really prove much. her current boyfirend was probably friends with averey while she was dating johnny and was either waiting for her to be available or actively encouraging her to cheat. if averey did do anything physically with him while she was still with johnny then thats cheating but its very possible that she did not, therefore that isnt cheating. you cant control how sexually attractive you might be to your platonic friend and you also cant control your sexual urges, you can however refuse to act on them. unfortunately there are many everyday scenarios like these which explains why so many people in relatioships are literally friendless to people that are of the opposite gender because their spouses dont approve due to their massive paranoia and insecurity.

Johnny said himself he THINKS she cheated. Key word thinks that means he doesn't know" Johnny never said.he knew she did.

Does enyone else it's suspicious that AVerey started dating the guys Johnny R accussed her of cheating with as soon as he went to free agents? mhm

I am over her unecessary bitterness, he was single it's time for her to get over it...It's not a good look.

Its hard to get over something when half the damn house already thinks you're a cheater and judges you before you say a word to them. Johnny ran his mouth to all his friends who hate her now without getting to know her

But do they hate her because she cheated or because she appears to not be taking responsibility for it? She hasn't admitted to cheating on him and she's essentially making herself out to be the victim in their break up with this whole "Nany is a **** for sleeping with my ex" shit she started. She's certainly not making it easy for people to want to consider the situation from her point of view. 

Why the hell would that make any sense? Why would she admit to cheating what would that accomplish besides making her look bad. She is the victim because she's being unfairly judged by the people Johnny talked to first.

What about that doesn't make sense? If she admitted it then at least she could be respected for taking responsibility for her actions. Her current behavior with her acting all victimized because of Nany thing isn't doing herself any favors. Like I said earlier, nobody is going to want to consider your point of view if you are attempting to blame a third party for something that was not their fault. 

Lol you think these people who insult her for cheating before even meeting her or saying a word to her would respect her for saying " oh I cheated" no that would change nothing.

You mean like the same thing Averey is doing to Nany? She hates Nany despite barely knowing the girl. 

Thats no where near the same thing,she didn't come into the house talking shit about Nany.

Oh of course. If Averey is the one doing it then it's not the same thing. 

right. Averey wants everyone to give her a chance when she's doing the same thing to Nany. Seeing this after clip, she was so quickly to shut down and had no cards left to play when Leroy brought up that the guy Johnny accused her of cheating on with is her current boyfriend. Plus that clip of her expressing has badly she could screw adam forsureeee helps her case.

it doesnt really prove much. her current boyfirend was probably friends with averey while she was dating johnny and was either waiting for her to be available or actively encouraging her to cheat. if averey did do anything physically with him while she was still with johnny then thats cheating but its very possible that she did not, therefore that isnt cheating. you cant control how sexually attractive you might be to your platonic friend and you also cant control your sexual urges, you can however refuse to act on them. unfortunately there are many everyday scenarios like these which explains why so many people in relatioships are literally friendless to people that are of the opposite gender because their spouses dont approve due to their massive paranoia and insecurity.

Literally right when Johnny left for FA, Averey started ******* her current bf.... Everything she has done/said makes it look like she cheated. She looked horrible on the Aftershow last night especially when Leroy called her out saying her story was so long and shit. She looks guilty. 

I like Leroy but he's a damn hypocrite , don't throw stones at Averey when you hook up with Jemmye on the damn bus.

Does enyone else it's suspicious that AVerey started dating the guys Johnny R accussed her of cheating with as soon as he went to free agents? mhm

I am over her unecessary bitterness, he was single it's time for her to get over it...It's not a good look.

Its hard to get over something when half the damn house already thinks you're a cheater and judges you before you say a word to them. Johnny ran his mouth to all his friends who hate her now without getting to know her

But do they hate her because she cheated or because she appears to not be taking responsibility for it? She hasn't admitted to cheating on him and she's essentially making herself out to be the victim in their break up with this whole "Nany is a **** for sleeping with my ex" shit she started. She's certainly not making it easy for people to want to consider the situation from her point of view. 

Why the hell would that make any sense? Why would she admit to cheating what would that accomplish besides making her look bad. She is the victim because she's being unfairly judged by the people Johnny talked to first.

What about that doesn't make sense? If she admitted it then at least she could be respected for taking responsibility for her actions. Her current behavior with her acting all victimized because of Nany thing isn't doing herself any favors. Like I said earlier, nobody is going to want to consider your point of view if you are attempting to blame a third party for something that was not their fault. 

Lol you think these people who insult her for cheating before even meeting her or saying a word to her would respect her for saying " oh I cheated" no that would change nothing.

You mean like the same thing Averey is doing to Nany? She hates Nany despite barely knowing the girl. 

Thats no where near the same thing,she didn't come into the house talking shit about Nany.

Oh of course. If Averey is the one doing it then it's not the same thing. 

right. Averey wants everyone to give her a chance when she's doing the same thing to Nany. Seeing this after clip, she was so quickly to shut down and had no cards left to play when Leroy brought up that the guy Johnny accused her of cheating on with is her current boyfriend. Plus that clip of her expressing has badly she could screw adam forsureeee helps her case.

it doesnt really prove much. her current boyfirend was probably friends with averey while she was dating johnny and was either waiting for her to be available or actively encouraging her to cheat. if averey did do anything physically with him while she was still with johnny then thats cheating but its very possible that she did not, therefore that isnt cheating. you cant control how sexually attractive you might be to your platonic friend and you also cant control your sexual urges, you can however refuse to act on them. unfortunately there are many everyday scenarios like these which explains why so many people in relatioships are literally friendless to people that are of the opposite gender because their spouses dont approve due to their massive paranoia and insecurity.

she said it herself that it looked bad many times. Not once by multiple, so I doubt it was just friends. Even if it was him pushing it, like you said, that's reason enough not to trust her. If my boyfriend was talking to girls, and it looked bad "multiple times". I would consider that cheating and I could see why johnny broke up with her before going to FA because all the time she had to be alone.

I like Leroy but he's a damn hypocrite , don't throw stones at Averey when you hook up with Jemmye on the damn bus.

HYpocritical yes but he still didn't lie about Averey.

So right when Johnny broke up with her and left, she got with her bf? Is she supposed to stay single for a certain amount of time and/or not allowed to be with a friend that Johnny was insecure about? The situation looks bad, but Johnny himself isn't even sure about it.

Does enyone else it's suspicious that AVerey started dating the guys Johnny R accussed her of cheating with as soon as he went to free agents? mhm

I am over her unecessary bitterness, he was single it's time for her to get over it...It's not a good look.

Its hard to get over something when half the damn house already thinks you're a cheater and judges you before you say a word to them. Johnny ran his mouth to all his friends who hate her now without getting to know her

But do they hate her because she cheated or because she appears to not be taking responsibility for it? She hasn't admitted to cheating on him and she's essentially making herself out to be the victim in their break up with this whole "Nany is a **** for sleeping with my ex" shit she started. She's certainly not making it easy for people to want to consider the situation from her point of view. 

Why the hell would that make any sense? Why would she admit to cheating what would that accomplish besides making her look bad. She is the victim because she's being unfairly judged by the people Johnny talked to first.

What about that doesn't make sense? If she admitted it then at least she could be respected for taking responsibility for her actions. Her current behavior with her acting all victimized because of Nany thing isn't doing herself any favors. Like I said earlier, nobody is going to want to consider your point of view if you are attempting to blame a third party for something that was not their fault. 

Lol you think these people who insult her for cheating before even meeting her or saying a word to her would respect her for saying " oh I cheated" no that would change nothing.

You mean like the same thing Averey is doing to Nany? She hates Nany despite barely knowing the girl. 

Thats no where near the same thing,she didn't come into the house talking shit about Nany.

Oh of course. If Averey is the one doing it then it's not the same thing. 

right. Averey wants everyone to give her a chance when she's doing the same thing to Nany. Seeing this after clip, she was so quickly to shut down and had no cards left to play when Leroy brought up that the guy Johnny accused her of cheating on with is her current boyfriend. Plus that clip of her expressing has badly she could screw adam forsureeee helps her case.

it doesnt really prove much. her current boyfirend was probably friends with averey while she was dating johnny and was either waiting for her to be available or actively encouraging her to cheat. if averey did do anything physically with him while she was still with johnny then thats cheating but its very possible that she did not, therefore that isnt cheating. you cant control how sexually attractive you might be to your platonic friend and you also cant control your sexual urges, you can however refuse to act on them. unfortunately there are many everyday scenarios like these which explains why so many people in relatioships are literally friendless to people that are of the opposite gender because their spouses dont approve due to their massive paranoia and insecurity.

Literally right when Johnny left for FA, Averey started ******* her current bf.... Everything she has done/said makes it look like she cheated. She looked horrible on the Aftershow last night especially when Leroy called her out saying her story was so long and shit. She looks guilty. 

i wasnt really commenting on anything except the whole "well the proof is youre dating the guy you were suspected of cheating with" argument. its a poor argument for the reason i described above. if she started ******* her current bf when johnny left for free agents then once again that means nothing because they were already broken up so that relates back to what i was saying.

So right when Johnny broke up with her and left, she got with her bf? Is she supposed to stay single for a certain amount of time and/or not allowed to be with a friend that Johnny was insecure about? The situation looks bad, but Johnny himself isn't even sure about it.

Exactly, Johnny himself doesn't know so we should just drop it.

After watching the aftershow, I'm sorry to say I lost a little bit of respect for Leroy. I can't believe how quick he is to judge Averey  when all he has is her word against Reilly's and it really shouldn't be his business. Doesn't he remember that he is the one that actually cheated on his girlfriend on this very season? I understand he's taking his friend's side, but this is really misplaced. Jenna is even worse. She was so quick to say that she was on Reilly's side because she had been cheated on. What does Jay cheating on her have to do with Averey's situation? Besides, can she please stop playing the victim? Why is NOBODY calling her out on the fact that she had a boyfriend while going into this challenge and it didn't stop her from doing what she did? If anything, she should either be more understanding and acknowledge that some situations are more complex than what they seem or just shut up. Both Leroy and Jenna are hypocrites and should take multiple seats.

Regarding Adam, I really don't think Avarey did anything wrong. It's abvious to me that she was just joking around and enjoying getting some attention from the one guy in the house who didn't hate her. She never crossed the line, all she did was acknowldge that she found Adam attractive but that nothing was going to happen between them. That's how I talk to my friends if we feel comfortable around each other and my boyfriend would never have a problem with it. Probably because, unlike Reilly, he doesn't have low esteem and doesn't feel thretened by the fact that I'm close friends with people of the opposite sex.

Johnnys like me, as soon as you break up with someone, you want to forget they even exist. Maybe Nany helped johnny do that. I sure wished she would of helped me as well lol

Does enyone else it's suspicious that AVerey started dating the guys Johnny R accussed her of cheating with as soon as he went to free agents? mhm

I am over her unecessary bitterness, he was single it's time for her to get over it...It's not a good look.

Its hard to get over something when half the damn house already thinks you're a cheater and judges you before you say a word to them. Johnny ran his mouth to all his friends who hate her now without getting to know her

But do they hate her because she cheated or because she appears to not be taking responsibility for it? She hasn't admitted to cheating on him and she's essentially making herself out to be the victim in their break up with this whole "Nany is a **** for sleeping with my ex" shit she started. She's certainly not making it easy for people to want to consider the situation from her point of view. 

Why the hell would that make any sense? Why would she admit to cheating what would that accomplish besides making her look bad. She is the victim because she's being unfairly judged by the people Johnny talked to first.

What about that doesn't make sense? If she admitted it then at least she could be respected for taking responsibility for her actions. Her current behavior with her acting all victimized because of Nany thing isn't doing herself any favors. Like I said earlier, nobody is going to want to consider your point of view if you are attempting to blame a third party for something that was not their fault. 

Lol you think these people who insult her for cheating before even meeting her or saying a word to her would respect her for saying " oh I cheated" no that would change nothing.

You mean like the same thing Averey is doing to Nany? She hates Nany despite barely knowing the girl. 

Thats no where near the same thing,she didn't come into the house talking shit about Nany.

Oh of course. If Averey is the one doing it then it's not the same thing. 

right. Averey wants everyone to give her a chance when she's doing the same thing to Nany. Seeing this after clip, she was so quickly to shut down and had no cards left to play when Leroy brought up that the guy Johnny accused her of cheating on with is her current boyfriend. Plus that clip of her expressing has badly she could screw adam forsureeee helps her case.

it doesnt really prove much. her current boyfirend was probably friends with averey while she was dating johnny and was either waiting for her to be available or actively encouraging her to cheat. if averey did do anything physically with him while she was still with johnny then thats cheating but its very possible that she did not, therefore that isnt cheating. you cant control how sexually attractive you might be to your platonic friend and you also cant control your sexual urges, you can however refuse to act on them. unfortunately there are many everyday scenarios like these which explains why so many people in relatioships are literally friendless to people that are of the opposite gender because their spouses dont approve due to their massive paranoia and insecurity.

she said it herself that it looked bad many times. Not once by multiple, so I doubt it was just friends. Even if it was him pushing it, like you said, that's reason enough not to trust her. If my boyfriend was talking to girls, and it looked bad "multiple times". I would consider that cheating and I could see why johnny broke up with her before going to FA because all the time she had to be alone.

what does "looked bad" mean though?that is an extremely vague description. whatever that scenario was, can be interpreted in many ways by different people. does she mean it "looked bad" by her standards, johnnys, or an amish persons? if anyone of them could identify what was actually done then that would make this easier. adding onto this complete lack of clarity nobody even has a universally agreed upon opinion on cheating. some people dont label anything as cheating unless you have actual sexual intercourse with another person. others consider hugging a friend, looking at another womans chest, having a study group with your ex, or handshaking as "cheating" . averey is bartender and extremely direct and outgoing...she makes her money by socializing and being friendly with others. this could easily be interpreted subjectively as flirting especially if a customer repeatedly comes in and chit chats with her and leaves her huge tips. 

if avereys platonic friend is pushing for more then a friendship then johnny should have the problem with averys friend not averey herself. if he is distrusting of averey then he would tell her to stop being friends with him but some people woudl view that as extremely controlling and insecure. if hes a regular customer then there isnt exactly much she can do about it since thats her work.

obviously the entire thing is a total *********** and nobody really knows what went on or even if they ever sat down together and agreed on a universal standard of "cheating". Johnny and averey are COMPLETELY different people. averey has probably had an immense amount of attention from men while johnny has probably been largely ignored all his life. averey probably sees overly friendly hugs, kisses on the cheek, and comments about how hot she is as absolutely nothing special because she gets them all the time and doesnt even do anything with it while johnny would probably interpret a facebook friend request as a future marriage proposal. to him, what he sees as signs of affection, thus cheating, if directed in the direction of his spouse, is not even in the same world...galaxy of what averey sees.

After watching the aftershow, I'm sorry to say I lost a little bit of respect for Leroy. I can't believe how quick he is to judge Averey  when all he has is her word against Reilly's and it really shouldn't be his business. Doesn't he remember that he is the one that actually cheated on his girlfriend on this very season? I understand he's taking his friend's side, but this is really misplaced. Jenna is even worse. She was so quick to say that she was on Reilly's side because she had been cheated on. What does Jay cheating on her have to do with Averey's situation? Besides, can she please stop playing the victim? Why is NOBODY calling her out on the fact that she had a boyfriend while going into this challenge and it didn't stop her from doing what she did? If anything, she should either be more understanding and acknowledge that some situations are more complex than what they seem or just shut up. Both Leroy and Jenna are hypocrites and should take multiple seats.

Regarding Adam, I really don't think Avarey did anything wrong. It's abvious to me that she was just joking around and enjoying getting some attention from the one guy in the house who didn't hate her. She never crossed the line, all she did was acknowldge that she found Adam attractive but that nothing was going to happen between them. That's how I talk to my friends if we feel comfortable around each other and my boyfriend would never have a problem with it. Probably because, unlike Reilly, he doesn't have low esteem and doesn't feel thretened by the fact that I'm close friends with people of the opposite sex.

johnny and averey probably have critical personality differences and experiences that shaped their personlaities growing up and because of that...what they consider as inappropriate, appropriate, serious, not serious are in different languages.

averey being an attractive bartender probably has so many guys that make suggestive comments to her about how attarctive she is all day long. because of the sheer number of comments she gets they probably hold as much meaning to her as a "hello" or "good morning" and she doesnt even think about spring boarding them into anything serious. it would literally be impossible for her to have sex with every single guy that calls her pretty or shows her interest.

reilly on the other hand probably never received any attention when he was younger so he reads into every little bit of communication he has with each woman that he comes in contact with. for him a woman breathing within a mile radius of him, or a cashier handing him money at the supermarket or a female robber punching him in the face are all potential signs of a woman wanting to be hook up with him. averey telling adam that hes sexually attractive obviously isnt serious as you said, because unlike johnny, shes probably not insecure and desperate for the first piece of good looking meat that comes her way. for averey, an attrctiv guy like adam wanting to hook up with her isnt a once in a life time opportunity" so she doesnt really care and would rather preserve her wholesome relationship at home.

And this is why relationships where someone is trying to date up significantly like in the case of johnny and averey always turns into disaster. let this be a lesson for all of us lol

So right when Johnny broke up with her and left, she got with her bf? Is she supposed to stay single for a certain amount of time and/or not allowed to be with a friend that Johnny was insecure about? The situation looks bad, but Johnny himself isn't even sure about it.

And it makes him look stupid. Because for all the crap he's given her he really doesn't know and can't even prove that she cheated? You don't break up with someone because you THINK they cheated, you really have to KNOW they did. And he based this on what other people said and situations that may have looked bad but doesn't mean anything. I think that he was just insecure and looked for a way out of the relationship.

So right when Johnny broke up with her and left, she got with her bf? Is she supposed to stay single for a certain amount of time and/or not allowed to be with a friend that Johnny was insecure about? The situation looks bad, but Johnny himself isn't even sure about it.

And it makes him look stupid. Because for all the crap he's given her he really doesn't know and can't even prove that she cheated? You don't break up with someone because you THINK they cheated, you really have to KNOW they did. And he based this on what other people said and situations that may have looked bad but doesn't mean anything. I think that he was just insecure and looked for a way out of the relationship.

i wish we could define cheating in this context because we still dont even know what that includes and everyone seems to have their own definition of it. lol

jordan said on the portland season that averey was gorgeous and recently said on twitter that they would have gorgeous babies. does that count as cheating? the hypothtical visualization of having intercourse resulting in their spawns?

Anonymous's picture

I'm probably in the minority but I love Averey and thought she did really well for her first challenge. She was very scrappy in the elimination against Nia and gave me KellyAnne vibes. A 90 minute battle, damn! She has a lot of heart. I would love to see her come back! 

yeah she definitely did her thing. she said if she comes back shes actually going to work and train for it. i dont even think she was supposed to be on this challenge because it was such a spur of the moment thing. if she comes back prepped next time she should be good to go

I DEFINITELY hope she comes back, I love me some small, fiesty, competitive girls. Really hoping the next seaso is old school/new school with a Ruins format or Cutthroat.

Yes Leroy has cheated but he didn't lie about it. She did. He owns his actions and always has. Averey doesn't. We can all agree to disagree but I think she cheated.

Yes Leroy has cheated but he didn't lie about it. She did. He owns his actions and always has. Averey doesn't. We can all agree to disagree but I think she cheated.

But him owing his actions doesn't make it better and it doesn't mean he can speak on Avery's situation though.

Yes Leroy has cheated but he didn't lie about it. She did. He owns his actions and always has. Averey doesn't. We can all agree to disagree but I think she cheated.

But him owing his actions doesn't make it better and it doesn't mean he can speak on Avery's situation though.

It doesn't but it is better than lying about it and yeah he can give his input if the interviewer is asking. Leroy and everyone else knows a lot more about it than we do so I don't see what is wrong with him defending his friend especially when Averey's story doesn't add up.

I like Leroy but he's a damn hypocrite , don't throw stones at Averey when you hook up with Jemmye on the damn bus.

Indeed,  that was a little out of character for him.  

but if you dont know for a fact that she cheated then how can you say shes lying? for all you know her denying or lying about not cheating could be the truth

but if you dont know for a fact that she cheated then how can you say shes lying? for all you know her denying or lying about not cheating could be the truth

IMO she's lying. I 100% think she cheated so we can go back and forth all day and never agree. I'm over arguing about this because it doesn't go anywhere. It is pointless

Yes Leroy has cheated but he didn't lie about it. She did. He owns his actions and always has. Averey doesn't. We can all agree to disagree but I think she cheated.

Of course he doesn't lie, how could he? It was ON TV! Everybody knows. With Averey, nobody really knows what happened except her and her new boyfriend. Nobody should be throwing stones, especially not Leroy and Jenna.

Also, I'm pretty sure this aftershow was filmed before Leroy admitted to having cheated. I wonder if he would be just as judgemental were it filmed today.

Yes Leroy has cheated but he didn't lie about it. She did. He owns his actions and always has. Averey doesn't. We can all agree to disagree but I think she cheated.

But him owing his actions doesn't make it better and it doesn't mean he can speak on Avery's situation though.

It doesn't but it is better than lying about it and yeah he can give his input if the interviewer is asking. Leroy and everyone else knows a lot more about it than we do so I don't see what is wrong with him defending his friend especially when Averey's story doesn't add up.

No they don't. They don't know if Avery cheated or not and that's really what all of this comes down to. Everything else is irrelevant. And yeah Leroy can give his input if the interviewer is calling for it but he could've worded it another way. He threw stones at her when he doesn't know the truth and HE HIMSELF cheated on his girl too so who is he really to talk?

Does enyone else it's suspicious that AVerey started dating the guys Johnny R accussed her of cheating with as soon as he went to free agents? mhm

I am over her unecessary bitterness, he was single it's time for her to get over it...It's not a good look.

Its hard to get over something when half the damn house already thinks you're a cheater and judges you before you say a word to them. Johnny ran his mouth to all his friends who hate her now without getting to know her

But do they hate her because she cheated or because she appears to not be taking responsibility for it? She hasn't admitted to cheating on him and she's essentially making herself out to be the victim in their break up with this whole "Nany is a **** for sleeping with my ex" shit she started. She's certainly not making it easy for people to want to consider the situation from her point of view. 

Why the hell would that make any sense? Why would she admit to cheating what would that accomplish besides making her look bad. She is the victim because she's being unfairly judged by the people Johnny talked to first.

What about that doesn't make sense? If she admitted it then at least she could be respected for taking responsibility for her actions. Her current behavior with her acting all victimized because of Nany thing isn't doing herself any favors. Like I said earlier, nobody is going to want to consider your point of view if you are attempting to blame a third party for something that was not their fault. 

Lol you think these people who insult her for cheating before even meeting her or saying a word to her would respect her for saying " oh I cheated" no that would change nothing.

You mean like the same thing Averey is doing to Nany? She hates Nany despite barely knowing the girl. 

Thats no where near the same thing,she didn't come into the house talking shit about Nany.

Oh of course. If Averey is the one doing it then it's not the same thing. 

right. Averey wants everyone to give her a chance when she's doing the same thing to Nany. Seeing this after clip, she was so quickly to shut down and had no cards left to play when Leroy brought up that the guy Johnny accused her of cheating on with is her current boyfriend. Plus that clip of her expressing has badly she could screw adam forsureeee helps her case.

it doesnt really prove much. her current boyfirend was probably friends with averey while she was dating johnny and was either waiting for her to be available or actively encouraging her to cheat. if averey did do anything physically with him while she was still with johnny then thats cheating but its very possible that she did not, therefore that isnt cheating. you cant control how sexually attractive you might be to your platonic friend and you also cant control your sexual urges, you can however refuse to act on them. unfortunately there are many everyday scenarios like these which explains why so many people in relatioships are literally friendless to people that are of the opposite gender because their spouses dont approve due to their massive paranoia and insecurity.

she said it herself that it looked bad many times. Not once by multiple, so I doubt it was just friends. Even if it was him pushing it, like you said, that's reason enough not to trust her. If my boyfriend was talking to girls, and it looked bad "multiple times". I would consider that cheating and I could see why johnny broke up with her before going to FA because all the time she had to be alone.

what does "looked bad" mean though?that is an extremely vague description. whatever that scenario was, can be interpreted in many ways by different people. does she mean it "looked bad" by her standards, johnnys, or an amish persons? if anyone of them could identify what was actually done then that would make this easier. adding onto this complete lack of clarity nobody even has a universally agreed upon opinion on cheating. some people dont label anything as cheating unless you have actual sexual intercourse with another person. others consider hugging a friend, looking at another womans chest, having a study group with your ex, or handshaking as "cheating" . averey is bartender and extremely direct and outgoing...she makes her money by socializing and being friendly with others. this could easily be interpreted subjectively as flirting especially if a customer repeatedly comes in and chit chats with her and leaves her huge tips. 

if avereys platonic friend is pushing for more then a friendship then johnny should have the problem with averys friend not averey herself. if he is distrusting of averey then he would tell her to stop being friends with him but some people woudl view that as extremely controlling and insecure. if hes a regular customer then there isnt exactly much she can do about it since thats her work.

obviously the entire thing is a total *********** and nobody really knows what went on or even if they ever sat down together and agreed on a universal standard of "cheating". Johnny and averey are COMPLETELY different people. averey has probably had an immense amount of attention from men while johnny has probably been largely ignored all his life. averey probably sees overly friendly hugs, kisses on the cheek, and comments about how hot she is as absolutely nothing special because she gets them all the time and doesnt even do anything with it while johnny would probably interpret a facebook friend request as a future marriage proposal. to him, what he sees as signs of affection, thus cheating, if directed in the direction of his spouse, is not even in the same world...galaxy of what averey sees.

yeah that three paragraphs though... To answer your first line, that was avereys words not mine before you jump ship. 

Just skimming through I see you saying "probably ignored all his life" lMAO. You probably assumed your whole way through this essay. Even if I'm wrong, I just can't be bothered.
